Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 609 Conflict? (Down)

Vulcan pointed. Powerful eighth-level fire single-target attack magic.

Among all eighth-level fire magic, Vulcan Finger is also among the best. Not only do you need sufficient spiritual support, but you also need strong control to use this magic perfectly. Because this magic itself requires extremely high control, after the spell is completed, the fire element must be extremely compressed. If the control is not good, it will backfire on itself, and you may have to bear its power yourself.

Lin Xin dares to use such a difficult eighth-level magic with his seventh-level cultivation, which shows his confidence. If Chen Ying'er was still awake at this time, she would understand that it was reasonable for Lin Xin to feel aggrieved when she lost to her that day. How could he use such a powerful attack magic against his companions.

The blue light shines across the sky in an instant.

There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of the four chimeras at the same time. The dragon head with fiery red eyes suddenly lowered its head and spit out a hot breath.

The solid breath spiraled in the air, looking like a rapidly rotating flame spear. A finger-to-eye collision with Vulcan.

Lin Xin used the Vulcan Finger with Xin Yan Flame, and naturally brought the power of this magic to its extreme, even approaching the level of ninth-level fire magic. However, those four-headed Chimeras are out-and-out ninth-level powerhouses.

Can he succeed this time?

The moment the blue flame came into contact with the red flame, an extremely strange scene appeared. The red flame was actually penetrated like that. It can be seen clearly that from the red flame, a shadow quickly penetrated and went straight towards the four-headed Qimei. Pull the body away.

Lin Xin's strength certainly cannot be compared with the four-headed Chimera. However, although the four-headed Chimera is a level 10 monster, its power is dispersed among its four heads after all. Its most powerful feature is the joint application of the four elements. Moreover, it is a powerful magical beast that combines magic and martial arts, and its purely magical power is not as powerful as that of a ninth-level magician. Faced with Lin Xin's knowing blow that had been prepared for so long, he was about to suffer a big loss.

The magic collided so fast that it was too late for the other three heads of the four-headed Chimera to rescue them. Of course, Lin Xin's attack was still greatly weakened by its breath, and the damage caused would definitely not be too serious.

However, as a summoner, the summoned beast is almost their other life. How could Chen Hongyu watch his partner get injured?

With a finger of his right hand, another spiritual elixir mirror image flew out and directly penetrated into the flames of Chimera, blocking the power of Vulcan's finger. The blue flame, which was much smaller than before, immediately flew out diagonally along the guidance of the elixir mirror image, and flew towards Chen Hongyu. The crisis in Chimera was resolved.

Chen Hongyu didn't care about the blue light at all. There was always a layer of twisted fluctuations around his body. The blue light laser hit the twisted light screen and quickly dissipated.

Summoners are even more fragile than magicians because they can use less defensive magic. How could Chen Hongyu not pay attention to his own safety? He has never forgotten the missing assassin. So we have been doing all-round defense.

The defensive magic he is currently performing is called Soul Protection, which is a powerful defensive magic that combines spiritual and spiritual power. The defense power is extremely amazing. Although it is not as high as the ninth level, it is still close. More importantly, this magic consumes less spiritual power and can be supported for a long time.

Just when Chen Hongyu thought that the power of the Vulcan's finger had ended, suddenly, the blue light dissipated, and a blue-black light flashed away. He just drilled a hole the size of a needle tip in the barrier of the soul's body, and stabbed Chen Hongyu straight into it.

not good. Chen Hongyu was shocked. He couldn't care less about the situation at this critical moment. The body suddenly lay back.

A blazing heat filled with a dark aura almost flew past his scalp, scorching a piece of hair. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he might have been injured this time. The blue-black light was like a flame needle, hiding in the Vulcan Finger extremely insidiously. It wasn't until all the power of the Vulcan Finger was exhausted that the flame needle came out. Not only is it highly penetrating, it is also silent. If it weren't for the soul guardian who resisted and bought Chen Hongyu time, he would have suffered a big loss now. Although with his spiritual power, he wouldn't be killed by this blow, but having such a flame needle full of darkness entering his body would definitely not taste good.

Lin Xin stamped his feet in the distance and said unwillingly: What a pity.

Long Haochen and the others were also shocked that Chen Hongyu was forced into such an embarrassing situation, and they couldn't help but look at Lin Xin with admiration. What he did just now was not a magic, it was clearly two magics mixed together. They also didn't know where the blue-black flame needle came from.

The Fire God's Finger itself is a magic that can be cast beyond the level. He can actually hide another magic in this magic. This shows how far Lin Xin has controlled the fire magic. It’s really just a little bit off!

Of course, the person Lin Xin originally wanted to plot against was not Chen Hongyu, but Chen Yinger's grandfather, and he was targeting the four-headed Chimera. By chance, he was lured over by Chen Hongyu and almost suffered a big loss.

Brother Youyao, what kind of magic is this? Sima Xian asked in surprise.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: The Vulcan's finger plus the Hell Flame Needle, is it strong or not?

Fierce. Sima Xian spoke without hesitation and gave him a thumbs up.

Conjoined to increase the spirit. Long Haochen shouted. Just as Lin Xin's Vulcan Finger produced a stunning effect, Long Haochen also summoned Haoyue. With his loud shout, everyone Realizing immediately, except for Cai'er who was still hiding in the dark, everyone else jumped on Haoyue's back.

Where did Lin Xin's hell flame needle come from? Long Haochen also thought about it for a while before he remembered that when they were in Dream Paradise, they had killed the successor of a demon god and obtained a crown of inheritance shining with blue-black flames. It was given to Lin Xin at that time. He is a fire magician, so he might be able to fuse. After that, everyone had long forgotten the existence of this crown of inheritance.

Now it seems that Lin Xin has not integrated it into his own spiritual power. After all, the crown of inheritance has a strong dark aura. If you blend into his heart flame, I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect.

In fact, Lin Xin tempered the crown of inheritance into a special magic and hid it in his body. The special flame of the Crown of Inheritance can restore itself, it is an extremely pure corrosive fire. The maximum endurance of Lin Xin's body is to bear three hell flame needles. Through his constant efforts to temper and improve with the flame of his heart. The power of this hell flame needle is no less than the eighth level magic. This is his trump card, and he used it for the first time just now. Therefore, the magic he completed before was still only the Vulcan Finger, but he incorporated a hell flame needle into it at the last moment.

Don't underestimate this integration. It can hide the Hell Flame Needle from the influence of the Vulcan's finger, and even hide it from Chen Hongyu, the master of the Magic Temple. This spiritual power control is considered a master level. Lin Xin controls it when using magic beyond levels!

Behind Long Haochen was Wang Yuanyuan, then Lin Xin, Sima Xian, and Han Yu. The five of them, five in one, swallowed the conjoined spirit enhancement pill at the same time. Long Haochen himself stood at the thick neck where Haoyue's six heads were connected, and the other four people lined up behind him. Powerful spiritual power fluctuations were transmitted through his arms, and Long Haochen's entire aura suddenly increased exponentially.

The conjoined spirit enhancement increases spiritual power, and the adamantine base armor also increases spiritual power. What is the difference between the two? The difference is that the conjoined spirit enhancement increases Long Haochen's spiritual power output in one attack, while whether it is the Adamantine Base Armor or the Star King, the increase for Long Haochen is more reflected in the total spiritual power. superior.

The conjoined spirit enhancement lasts for a short time, but it can completely increase Long Haochen's attack power by a whole level within this period of time. It is also the ultimate strategy for their team to face powerful enemies.

After evolving into six heads, this was the first time Haoyue appeared on the battlefield. The six big heads were raised high, and the wings behind them were flapping. While flying high, the six big heads looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

The amethyst-like scales only need a weak light to produce a purple halo like water waves. The six big heads are raised at the same time. Although it is far inferior to the four-headed Chimera in terms of cultivation and size, when the bright moon shines, The moment he appeared on the stage, he completely overwhelmed Chen Hongyu's summoned beast in terms of momentum.

Along with this roar, a thick layer of purple spirit burst out from Haoyue's body and spread in the Colosseum. At this time, the four-headed Chimera on the opposite side was originally dealing with various magical beasts summoned by the Gate of Creatures. However, the moment the purple intention spread, all the monsters, including the four chimeras, raised their heads and looked in the direction of Haoyue. The fear was even greater than when he was bathing in the Beast King's domain before. Even the four-headed chimera is no exception.

In appearance, Haoyue and the Four-Headed Chimera are quite similar. They both have multiple heads, double wings, and almost dragon-like bodies. The difference is that the four-headed Chimera Star Swirl's head is more like a dragon, or it looks like a dragon at all, and its scales are thicker. But from the color point of view, it is obvious that Haoyue, whose whole body is shining with amethyst light, is more dazzling.

The moment Xingxuan's eyes focused on Haoyue, the eyes of this powerful level ten monster suddenly froze. He no longer even attacks the monsters below. The huge wings that originally controlled the body to float in the air began to tremble so uncontrollably that they could no longer maintain the suspended state of the huge body. With a bang, they fell directly to the ground, crushing a group of low-level monsters.


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