Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 606 Challenging the Psychic (Part 2)

Long Haochen was also able to reach the level of a ninth-level powerhouse in a short period of time through some enhancements, but he did not have a magic pill. This was the gap between him and a true ninth-level powerhouse. When he killed Crosell, the Demon God of Insight, it seemed like he had some luck. Crossel itself has no domain, and the Demon God only has magic crystals, not elixirs. Moreover, Crosell's combat effectiveness is far less powerful than his insight ability. It would be difficult for Long Haochen to defeat a demon god who focuses on fighting alone.

In the current battle, Chen Hongyu showed off the power of his elixir from the very beginning. It was obvious that he did not underestimate Long Haochen and the others, and he used all his strength from the very beginning.

The soft white light set off Chen Hongyu's body as if he were in a light door. Lin Xin's exploding fireball had arrived in front of Chen Hongyu. Chen Hongyu pointed with his right hand, and a soft white light floated out. One of the six elixir images around his body emitted a soft halo, and a strange looking rabbit-like monster suddenly appeared out of thin air. Appeared and bit the exploding fireball in one bite.

Strangely enough, with the high temperature of the Heart Flame and its larger size than the rabbit, it did not detonate when it hit the rabbit-shaped monster, but instead disappeared at an alarming speed. The belly of the rabbit-shaped monster suddenly grew bigger. As it floated to the ground, it sprayed a mouthful of flames towards Long Haochen and the others.

What kind of monster is this? Not to mention that Long Haochen didn't recognize him, even Chen Ying'er was in a daze. She doesn’t know this kind of rabbit either!

The battle has begun, and both sides have launched an all-round attack. Chen Hongyu's spell chanting sounded immediately. What is even more strange is that the six spiritual elixir images around his body produced strange echoes during his chanting. , it sounded like seven people chanting a spell in the same rhythm.

Long Haochen held the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield in his left hand in front of him to block the flames of the heart that the rabbit was spitting back. In his right hand, the goddess of light's aria condensed slightly, making a lifting motion that was close to the ground. Suddenly, a red and golden streak appeared. The light blade shot towards Chen Hongyu in the distance with extremely sharp sword intent.

You know, there is nearly a hundred meters between him and Chen Hongyu. It seems impossible to attack Chen Hongyu's body by launching the light sword from such a distance.

However, Chen Hongyu's feeling was different. When Long Haochen slashed out with his sword, he felt that his body was locked. Although the light sword was extremely far away, the sharp sword intent brought about The sharpness directly stimulated his singing speed, which was slightly affected.

What a strong sword spirit. Chen Hongyu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had to admit that these young people really brought him a lot of surprises.

At the same time as Long Haochen launched his attack, he also led his team to rush toward Chen Hongyu. Whenever you face a mage in close combat, the most effective way to fight is to close the distance between the two parties.

But not everyone rushed towards Chen Hongyu, Han Yu, Lin Xin and Chen Yinger stayed behind.

Chen Ying'er had already started singing while sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding the crystal ball in both hands, with a look of concentration and persistence in her eyes.

Lin Xin was also chanting a spell. Unlike Chen Ying'er's calmness, Lin Xin's feet kept moving during the chanting process. Every time he stepped on the ground, he would leave a footprint with blue flames. , these remaining flames began to experience violent spiritual power fluctuations, increasing his own spiritual power output.

Han Yu stood in front of them, with the Red Blood Crazy Pointing diagonally at the ground, his shield across his chest, and low-level light amplification magic spread out from him one after another.

As a guardian knight, Han Yu's light has always been eclipsed by Long Haochen, but this does not mean that he is not strong enough. On the contrary, if he changes to another team, with his current strength, he is definitely qualified to become a king-level team. The leader of the demon hunting group.

His halo skills are released extremely quickly, and they are not released in a range, but at fixed points. Each halo only falls on one person. The amplification effect produced is at least twice that of the range aura. Moreover, this increase will not be weakened as the person being increased is further away from him.

Long Haochen's sprint speed was the fastest. The moment he started, he had already used the speed of light flash. The four huge spiritual wings behind him spread out. With a strong strike, he covered a hundred meters distance in an instant, and he had already arrived. In front of Chen Hongyu. Unexpectedly, she caught up with the light sword that she had sent out before. The goddess of light's aria swayed on the light blade of the light sword, and reattached the light blade to the divine sword, and then slashed towards Chen Hongyu with a seemingly slow sword.

Chen Hongyu never paused in chanting the spell. The moment Long Haochen arrived in front of him, the six elixir images around his body all shone brightly and shattered at the same time, turning into six haloes and falling in front of him. on the ground.

With an almost crazy roar, six huge figures completely covered Chen Hongyu's body behind him like six mountains. It turned out to be six monsters that looked like gorillas.

Each gorilla is more than three meters tall, with blood-red eyes filled with tyrannical murderous intent. First, a gorilla pounced directly towards Long Haochen, roaring, and strong yellow light was released from the six gorillas at the same time.

Long Haochen only felt his body sink. During the rapid charge, he was pulled and fell directly to the ground. Gravity.

He is very familiar with this earth magic, and Saint Guard No. 9 is good at this magic. The six gorillas in front of them turned out to be all earth-type monsters, and they cast gravity spells instantly at the same time. Moreover, the gravity spells of the six of them actually produced a superimposed effect.

There was no time to judge how strong these magical beasts were, so Long Haochen's Aria of the Goddess of Light still slashed out.

There was no ear-piercing roar, just a flash of golden-red light. The gorilla that pounced on Long Haochen stopped in the air almost instantly. Immediately afterwards, a golden-red light extended from the top of its head to its crotch, and it fell to the ground in a burst of blood.

The powerful gravity spell can restrict Long Haochen's speed of light flash. With the six gravity spells superimposed, even a ninth-level expert would be sluggish. However, the gravity technique could not slow down Long Haochen's sword intent. How can it be so easy to resist a divine sword that has reached the realm of clear sword heart and is paired with the aria of the goddess of light?

The battle really started at this time. The other five gorillas also took action. Two of them pounced on Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian respectively, while the other three pounced on Long Haochen together.

The gorillas cooperated very well. Among the three gorillas that pounced on Long Haochen, two of them pounced directly on him. The other one thumped its thick chest and raised its arms. A strong yellow light shone in the air. It bloomed on the palm of its hand, and a boulder with a diameter of one meter and made entirely of energy was thrown directly towards Long Haochen.

Long Haochen, who was in combat mode, gave people a completely different look. His eyes were calm and cold, and his whole body exuded an unstoppable sharpness.

The Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield was put away, and Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus appeared out of thin air with an emerald luster. Immediately afterwards, Long Haochen's body began to spin rapidly on the spot. Red and green vortexes instantly appeared on the battlefield.

The terrifying spiritual power fluctuations actually carry an unparalleled suction force. Whether it was the boulder thrown at him or the other two gorillas that pounced on him, they were all involved in the vortex almost instantly.

Amid the screams, the two gorillas disappeared. The entire vortex lasted for less than two seconds before suddenly stopping. A stream of red and green colors merged into a dark blue cross of light and lightning shot out in the sky. The last gorilla left.

There is no doubt, how can this eighth-level earth-type monster resist the combined attack of two divine swords? The third gorilla was instantly broken into pieces, and the dark blue light blade went straight to chase Chen Hongyu, who was retreating.

Blade storm followed by cross slash. During the short blade storm, Long Haochen did not hesitate to expend a large amount of his own spiritual power to use Ling Gang, urging the two divine swords to issue a cross slash.

Haoyue's evolution helped him further improve his spiritual power. At the same time, it also greatly enhanced Long Haochen's own external spiritual power. This made the backlash on his body much smaller during the process of controlling Ling Gang. Therefore, now even without the help of Haoyue Armor, he can inject spiritual energy into the two divine swords. Of course, this consumes a huge amount of his spiritual energy.

The reason why Long Haochen chose to attack with all his strength as soon as he came up was naturally for his own purpose. He firmly believed that with Chen Hongyu's status, he would still despise them, but as the battle continued, this contempt would never last long. He just wanted to grasp Chen Hongyu's psychology and use the most powerful force to fight against them. The attack gives your own side an advantage.

Facts proved that Long Haochen's guess was completely correct. Although Chen Hongyu already thinks highly of these young people, he is the master of the Soul Temple after all! In his opinion, no matter how strong these young people are, they are still juniors. It was true that he fought with all his strength, but he never thought that Long Haochen and the others could really threaten him. Only when the dark blue light appeared in his field of vision did Chen Hongyu truly understand that these young people indeed had enough combat power to threaten his life.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Hongyu shouted, and a layer of strong black light suddenly rose from under him. This layer of black light spread immediately after it appeared and turned into a dark purple halo. Then, four rays of light shot out at the same time. They gathered together into one stream in the air and bombarded the dark blue light emitted by Long Haochen.


When I was canvassing, I coughed not because my style had changed, but because I was really coughing. I still had a cold and it was so annoying...

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