Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 59 The dragon sets sail (3)

Compared with humans, the most terrifying thing about demons is their fighting talent. No matter men, women, old or young, they can participate in the battle. The talents of demons are far beyond comparison with humans. Even without any training, they can become powerful warriors.

The talent of the Ruk tribe is their four spike-shaped arms. Their frontal combat effectiveness is not very strong, but they are extremely good at sneak attacks. When the four arms are raised and closed above their heads at the same time, they can drill forward quickly underground. Its speed is as fast as running. A sudden attack from below is hard to guard against.

At this time, there were sixteen or seven Ruke warriors surrounding Long Haochen and the five people. Among them, there were still a few spikes that had not burst out from the ground. They were obviously killed by the attack that Long Haochen and the others had just made on the ground. Fight back directly.

As soon as these Ruk people rushed out of the ground, they immediately rushed towards Long Haochen and the other five people with strange screams. Their sharp thorns emitted a cold light, and they looked extremely tyrannical.

Because enemies come from all directions, except for Lin Jialu, the other four people have to fight on their own. Although they were a little nervous, they were all fourth-level professionals after all and did not act rashly. They maintained a good formation and protected Lin Jialu in the center, each with their weapons in hand.

The first one to activate was Haoyue beside Long Haochen. Each of its two big heads raised. Xiaohuo opened his mouth and a fireball was ejected. Xiaoguang did not show any weakness and shot away an arrow of light at a faster speed.

Because Haoyue's two heads each have their own thoughts, Long Haochen named them respectively according to their attributes: Xiaohuo and Xiaoguang.

The light arrow sprayed out by Xiao Guang was about a foot long and extremely fast. Before a Ruk warrior on the opposite side could react, with a pop, his head had been shot through and he fell to the ground waving four spikes. on the ground.

There was a roar immediately after, and another Rook tried to use his spikes to block the fireball ejected by Xiao Huo. He managed to block it, but was also blown away by the explosive force of the fireball.

There were only a dozen enemies in total, and Long Haochen only faced four at the same time. Haoyue had dealt with two of them, so he naturally felt no pressure. A low chant quickly sounded from his mouth, and the lightsaber in his hand was raised high above his head. A strange symbol lit up from above his head. Like an infection, the symbol instantly differentiated and appeared above the heads of the other four people at the same time. Immediately afterwards, another golden halo rippled from Long Haochen's feet, and a layer of faint golden light rippled on the bodies of the five people within the range of the halo.

It wasn't until Long Haochen completed these two sacred spells that the other two Ruk tribesmen he faced rushed to him.

The lightsaber was raised, but he also had the radiant shield in his left hand. With two bangs, the spikes of the two Ruk warriors were completely blocked.

The golden symbol that appears above the head is the guardian knight skill, guardian gift. When attacked by the enemy, the guardian gift will immediately burst out with a defensive effect, canceling out a certain amount of the enemy's attack power.

The golden halo turned the nervousness of Long Haochen's five people into perseverance. This was the halo of faith. Like Guardian Gift, they are auxiliary skills of Guardian Knight.

With the release of these two skills, the lightsaber in Long Haochen's hand has also dropped. Two light blades about one foot wide came out of the sword and easily cut open the bodies of the two Ruk tribesmen in front. Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo also spit out fireballs and light arrows again, killing the Ruk warrior who was blown away before. All four enemies on Long Haochen's side have been eliminated.

Lin Jialu, who was in the center of the formation, had just completed a magic spell. Long Haochen was so young, so naturally she had to take care of this side first. However, just as her magic was completed, the battle on Long Haochen's side was already over. Not only that, he actually released two group skills to assist everyone.

Ice Spear Technique. Four blue lights soared into the sky, then fell like meteors, turning into four two-meter-long ice spears and pinning the four Ruk warriors to the ground. They seemed to be dead.

The enemies on both sides of Li Xin and Chen Chen were also resolved in the next moment. Chen Si was a shield warrior, and his defense was stronger than his attack. However, with the assistance of Lin Jialu's ice spear skill, the battle was resolved at this time.

The frontal combat ability of the Ruk warriors is very weak, barely equivalent to the second-level and first-level human warriors. Without the opportunity for a sneak attack, how could they be the opponents of these four fourth-level experts.

Looking at the corpses lying around, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. These enemies of the Ruk tribe came too suddenly. Although their own combat effectiveness was not very strong, if they had not discovered the sneak attack from underground, Long Haochen and the others would have paid a heavy price.

Brother Long, thank you. Lin Jialu said to Long Haochen with a pale face. She is a magician and her body defense is weak. If a sneak attack fails to detect her, she is the one most likely to be killed.

The eyes of the two brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen clearly changed when they looked at Long Haochen. Although Long Haochen had Haoyue's help in the previous battle, don't forget that he not only discovered the enemy at the first moment, but also used a total of three sacred magics, one more than Lin Jialu, a magician.

Aura shield, faith halo, and guardian gift are all skills that can be used by second-level guardian knights, but they are very practical. In addition, he used the light sword twice to kill two enemies cleanly. The skill connection was so fast that both brothers Chen Si and Chen Chen were in awe. There is no doubt that Long Haochen has proven with his strength that he is also a great knight and not just Li Xin's follower.

The fourteen-year-old great knight! Just thinking about it, the Chen brothers all felt chilled in their hearts.

The hallmark of a great knight is to release his spiritual power without using skills. Although Long Haochen did not demonstrate such an ability, his continuous use of skills just now was enough to prove his strength.

While everyone was looking at Long Haochen in surprise, suddenly, Long Haochen's face changed drastically and he shouted again, Be careful. The golden light shone, and there was another spiritual light shield.

However, this time the aura shield was shattered almost as soon as it appeared. At the same time as the aura shield was shattered, everyone vaguely saw a figure appearing next to Lin Jialu like lightning. A flash of cold light went straight to Lin Jialu's neck and wiped it away.

Stealth attack!

Lin Jialu is located in the middle of Long Haochen and the other four people. As a magician, she is the key target of protection. But at this time, the looming figure broke through the spiritual light shield and got through the gap between Chen Chen and Li Xin.

The enemy's speed was so fast that most of the people were still in a daze. Long Haochen's ability to react to the instant spiritual light shield was already the ultimate level of his skills. Regardless of distance or speed, it was impossible for him to rescue Lin Jialu.

Jialu—— Li Xin screamed. However, no matter how anxious she was, it would take time from mobilization to rescue, and how could she come in time?

Lin Jialu's neck skin trembled as the cold sharp blade stimulated her. The moment Long Haochen shouted to be careful, she felt the coldness. Not to mention she was a great magician, even a mage. , there is nothing we can do under such circumstances.

Is death coming? At this moment, Lin Jialu felt neither sadness nor joy, only endless unwillingness. It was as if the sharp blade had cut her throat, and she seemed to feel her soul leaving her body.

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