Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 584 Is this a gang fight? (superior)

After listening to Long Haochen's words, Crosell raised his eyebrows and smiled, Are the little eighth-level knights also trying to challenge the majesty of the ninth level? I know what you are thinking, I don't have the Demon God Pillar here. Assistance, right? But even without the Demonic Pillar, how can you be my opponent? Surrender or death, you have only one choice.

As he said this, Crossel suddenly raised the long knife in his right hand, and the jet-black light blade shot straight towards Long Haochen.

The speed of this light blade was not very fast, but the moment it slashed out, Long Haochen felt that he had been completely locked by Crossel. No matter which direction he dodge, he could not dodge this blow. .

Crosell's eyes have turned dark blue. Insight into the Demon God is not just a talk. During the battle, his insight technique can also play a vital role. You can even anticipate the enemy's opportunities and then judge the enemy's next move. In this case, his attack is bound to have maximum effect.

None of the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan is simple. This is true whether it is strength or wisdom.

Crosell's attack was out of shock, but also for testing. He also couldn't figure out how far Long Haochen's cultivation level could reach.

Long Haochen took half a step back, and his body suddenly froze. At the same time, he made a movement like drawing a long bow, holding the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield with both hands and holding it there.

When-- A crisp buzzing sound echoed violently on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity. Long Haochen's feet slid backwards close to the ground, until they hit the edge of the Tower of Eternity before stopping. Circles of intense orange-red light shone on the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield, and Long Haochen's body also flashed with golden light. The different colors of light caused a series of tremors in the surrounding space.

After suffering this blow, Long Haochen's face was full of shock. Yes, he could feel that Crossel's inner spiritual power was hundreds of thousands, and it would never be possible to reach the ninth level and the second level. degree. But with such a level of cultivation, he couldn't resist the sword attack at all with his divine defense. The golden light on his body before was certainly the light of Revenge of Light, but it also had the golden light produced by the soul chain life sharing. In other words, Long Haochen was injured. Although it was not serious, under the defense of the Sun and Moon Snail Shield, he still suffered a slight shock injury after being shared by his partners. This shows how powerful Crossel is. .

The light of the firefly, you dare to speak big words to me. Crosell was unreasonable and succeeded in one blow. The other long knife also slashed towards Long Haochen. The dark light was like a streak in the air. He headed straight towards Long Haochen like cold lightning.

His sword is not a mortal thing, and it uses an ability similar to Ling Gang. This was the judgment Long Haochen made instantly after taking the first blow.

What he didn't know was that among the demons, although a single demon god was far inferior in power compared to those demon gods with races, in order to encourage these demon gods, the Demon God Emperor would often give him some powerful equipment first. . Therefore, the combat effectiveness of a single demon is relatively strong.

Although the Demon God of Insight, Crossel, ranks relatively low among the single Demon Gods in terms of strength, he would not have been ranked in this position if his overall strength had not been able to reach the 49th place. A true ninth-level powerhouse, coupled with the Insight Technique, if he can cultivate the field again, he might be able to rank among the top thirty-six.

In the temptation, Long Haochen suffered a loss from the very beginning.

However, as a person favored by God, it is naturally impossible to suffer losses forever. Seeing the opponent's second attack coming, Long Haochen's body mysteriously disappeared. The strangeness disappeared without any warning.

Boom - Crossel's attack landed directly on the Tower of Eternity, causing a series of buzzes. He couldn't help but be stunned. With his insight, he didn't even see clearly how Long Haochen left.

Of course, it was impossible for Long Haochen to really teleport back to the Holy Demon Continent. Teleportation through the Tower of Eternity required time buffering. Moreover, he must not leave Crossel here alone. Otherwise, once Crossel Go explore the secrets of the Tower of Eternity. If you get something, it will be a big deal.

There was a flash of light and shadow, and in the next moment, Long Haochen had reappeared at the previous location. Appearing with him was the bright moon like a hill, with five bright heads.

In addition to the teleportation from the Tower of Eternity, Long Haochen also has the blood contract teleportation from Haoyue! When fighting against Crossel in the Tower of Eternity, Long Haochen's greatest advantage was that he could fully display all his abilities without any scruples. Even if he can't kill Crossel, Crossel can't kill the Tower of Eternity.

Roar—— Haoyue's five big heads let out a thunderous roar at the same time, and a thick purple spirit burst out from Haoyue's body and enveloped Crossel.

Suddenly, the demon god who had been arrogant and proud before retreated in panic as if encountering a ghost, his face changed with horror.

You, you are..., you are... For a moment, he couldn't even say a single word.

Of course, Long Haochen knew that the other party had recognized his identity, so he withdrew the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield and held his right hand a little in front of him. Suddenly, a golden light separated from his body. Yating appeared in front of Long Haochen quite handsomely, holding two heavy swords in her arms.

Master. Yating bowed slightly and handed the two heavy swords to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen took over the Aria of the Goddess of Light, Blue Rain, and Hibiscus of Light. Immediately, his temperament changed drastically. The sharp sword intent burst out from his body without any reservation, and his momentum was more than twice as strong as before.

You are that human being, you are that human being... Crossel stepped back for more than ten meters before regaining his balance. His eyes were fixed on Haoyue, and the fear from the depths of his blood was spreading throughout his body. For a while, his brain was completely unable to remain calm as before.

The demon gods of the demon clan have also been passed down for many generations, but not all memories have been passed down. The more powerful the demon god is, the more perfect he will be in passing on the memories of his ancestors. Therefore, the Demon God Emperor could directly call Haoyue's other name, but the 49th-ranked Demon God of Insight Crossel could not. However, the instinct derived from blood is still there. Although he cannot tell who Haoyue is, he can deeply feel the terrifying threat that Haoyue poses to him, and because of this feeling, he is frightened from the bottom of his heart. .

The last time Long Haochen killed the Green Demon Rider, he teleported to the space where Haoyue was and immediately armored Haoyue, merging it with his fine gold base armor, but he didn't have time to see it clearly that time. The change in Haoyue just makes me feel that Haoyue has become more powerful. Looking at it now, Haoyue is already over fifteen meters long. The aura became thicker, and vaguely, a unique majesty was released from it.

In Long Haochen's perception, Haoyue's current cultivation level is less than the eighth level, which is inferior to him, and is about at the peak of the seventh level. However, with its peak seventh-level aura, it can actually make the ninth-level strong person see into the demon god Crossel, and even fear it. Why is this?

Long Haochen had tried to ask Haoyue before, but Haoyue always avoided talking, and sometimes even showed obvious confusion, as if it couldn't even think of anything. Moreover, it only had one head when it followed Long Haochen, and it evolved into a second head with the help of Long Haochen's blood. What could such a small Haoyue know?

According to Long Haochen's guess, those who can really pose a threat to the demons are most likely Haoyue's ancestors, including those in Haoyue's dimension. In other words, the Haoyue race is very powerful and will definitely have stronger growth potential in the future. This is Long Haochen's judgment. Therefore, it is normal for Haoyue himself to not know what his situation is.

Haoyue's current five heads have attributes of light, fire, wind, water, and poison. Among the five big heads, Little Light is in the middle, next to it are Little Fire and Little Wind, and outside are Little Blue and Little Purple. The cold gazes of the five big heads all fell on Crossel, faintly exuding a strong aura of hatred. Just like the demons will feel fear when they encounter Haoyue, Haoyue will also have strong hatred when they encounter the demon gods.

Could it be a natural conflict of blood? Long Haochen didn't understand this at all. After all, Haoyue didn't exist in this dimension! Why does it have such hatred with the demons? It's probably a blood feud.

There was another bulge at the base of Haoyue's thick neck. This bulge was already very huge. According to Long Haochen's understanding of it, a bulge of this magnitude could break out of the body at any time. In other words, Haoyue may evolve again. This may be its sixth head.

Haoyue let out a low roar again, and a strong fighting spirit exuded from it. It was actually asking Long Haochen to fight, and wanted to attack Crossel directly.

Of course Long Haochen would not let him do this. After all, Haoyue was only at the peak of the seventh level. If he was hit hard by the enemy's attack, Long Haochen would feel so distressed!

After a brief spiritual exchange, Long Haochen had already risen and landed from Haoyue's back. Yating stayed there, standing on top of Xiaoguang's head, holding her staff high, and began to chant a spell.

Long Haochen did not summon the Star King here. There was a strong aura of the dead in the Tower of Eternity, and he did not want the Star King to be affected.

However, besides Haoyue and Yating, does Long Haochen have no other power? of course not. Although he was unwilling to use this power, he couldn't care less when facing the devil. Long Haochen was deeply afraid of the strength Crossel had shown before, so he did not dare to have any reservations.


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