Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 581: Insight into the Divine Technique (Part 1)

Long Haochen has now entered a special state, which is a feeling of spiritual sublimation, as if every time a halo is released, the lives of his partners are saved. That feeling was much better than if he took the initiative to kill the enemy.

The war continues. The holy war is a protracted war, and it is even more so in front of us. The war is like a meat grinder, causing mountains of corpses to pile up under the city.

The addition of Long Haochen and others has certainly made the situation in the southeastern fortress much more stable, but the demon's offensive has no tendency to weaken at all. Instead, it became more intense. More powerful demons joined the battlefield, attacking the defense line of the southeastern fortress.

Circles of black light patterns continuously bloom from the eight demon pillars. Each light pattern will cover a large area on the demon warriors. Affected by these light patterns, the demon warriors of all races will immediately become Extremely excited, he rushed towards the southeastern fortress without fear of death.

Among the eight demon gods responsible for attacking the southeastern fortress, she is the first one. She has a beautiful appearance. Even if she is a human, she looks like a stunning woman, but she has the body of a majestic man, with a burly figure and six black wings on her back. There is also a triangular black crystal on the forehead.

Bai Meng, the ninth among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, is an angel demon and is good at all kinds of black magic.

Except for Baimeng, the other seven demon gods present were ranked less than twenty, so he was naturally the commander-in-chief here.

The angel demon god Baimen is different from the hell demon Malbus. Malbus is a pure dark magician, or a hell magician. Baimeng, on the other hand, is a master of both magic and martial arts, and is best at using various black magic to enhance himself. He is able to rank among the top ten of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods without his own race. In terms of pure individual combat power, he is not much worse than Malbus. At the same time, he is also a good friend of the Moon Demon God Agares. His status in the demon clan is very high.

When Baimen was young, before inheriting the throne of the Demon God, he served as a bodyguard for the Demon God Emperor and received a lot of care and guidance from the Demon God Emperor. Therefore, he was extremely loyal to the Demon God Emperor. All orders from the Demon God Emperor will be resolutely implemented. The Demon God Emperor asked him to only consume the strength of the Warrior Temple, and he just consumed it. He asked him to strengthen his attacks, and he strengthened his attacks. He is just an individual and does not have his own tribe, so he naturally does not need to think about race. Just follow the Demon God Emperor's orders. Therefore, he was also hailed as the Demon God Emperor's most capable subordinate.

Of course, Baimon's status is not comparable to that of Agares and Vasak. Those two are the best brothers in the heart of the Demon God Emperor. But even so, among the demons, except for the Demon God Emperor, the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God, no one else is recognized. The scary thing about an individual is that he has no worries, so even the Demon God of the Dead Samikina and the Demon God of Hell Malbus have to give him some points.

There are exceptions, and this exception is Ananda, the war mad demon. Although Baimeng would not obey Ananda's orders, he was absolutely convinced by Ananda. Defeated. As both individual demon gods, he never won a single match with Ananda, and was beaten to pieces every time.

Lord Baimon, the knight who suddenly arrived is a bit of a threat. Are you taking action against him? Next to Baimon, another very handsome demon god with six black wings behind his back whispered.

Except for the fact that he has a female body and a male body, he is very similar to the angel and demon god Baimen, except that he has a third eye on his forehead, which is closed.

Ranked 49th among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, the insight demon Crossel has a very similar appearance to Baimon, so he has a good relationship with Baimon, and he is also an individual demon god, so he can be regarded as a Baimon. Directly related.

Baimeng said: Check it out.

Yes. Crosell agreed, looking in the direction of Long Haochen, his Demon God Pillar rippled with a layer of eerie dark blue. Immediately afterwards, his single eye slowly opened, revealing a dark blue pupil. The strange colorless ripples were like a straight line, heading straight towards the southeastern fortress.

Long Haochen, who was constantly displaying his halo at the top of the fortress, suddenly felt dizzy, as if something was being pulled out of his mind by a special force.

I was shocked, and immediately stopped using magic. At the same time, I focused my attention on it and concentrated my energy to sense the sudden change.

In Long Haochen's perception, the power that made him dizzy was a powerful mental wave, but it didn't look like an attacking mental magic. In terms of mental power, its intensity was so high that even he could not compare with the other party, but this mental power did not have as strong an impact as mental magic. Therefore, although his perception is strong, he cannot determine what this spiritual power is. I can only vaguely feel that it comes from the demon clan.

A layer of faint gold rippled in Long Haochen's eyes, and then, this layer of gold began to expand outward from his eyes, and soon enveloped his body. Outside this layer of golden light, there was a faint Subtle dark blue light patterns could be seen. In an instant, the light patterns disappeared, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Huh? A look of surprise appeared on the face of the Demon Insight God Crossel, What a strong mental power. That knight is obviously a light attribute, how can he have such a strong mental power?

Angel Demon God Baimeng frowned slightly, What's going on?

Crosell said: This human knight has a very strong mental power. I was discovered as soon as my insight fell on him. His mental power produced a repulsive effect on its own and only detected part of the situation. His cultivation level should be at Around the eighth level, the fine gold base armor on his body is of epic level. He is 1.92 meters tall and weighs about 80 kilograms. His external spiritual power is about 30,000 or more. Compared to ordinary humans, his physical strength is much higher Much. Age…”

When Crosell said the word age, there was a bit of confusion in his eyes, His reaction was too fast. Maybe my detection was not accurate. The insight technique told me that he should be less than thirty years old. How old is he specifically? The age has not been clearly detected. The other equipment on the body cannot be detected either.

An eighth-level knight under thirty years old? It seems that your detection is not accurate. Are you sure you can use your exclusive ability?

Crosell shook his head and said: It's difficult. Although his cultivation is much different than mine, his mental power is very strong. I am not absolutely sure that he can succeed. With his mental power, even if If I succeed, I’m afraid I’ll be severely injured.”

At this time, Baimeng had already seen Long Haochen scattering halo skills on the southeast fortress city, assisting the soldiers of the southeast fortress to resist the attack of the demon army.

Try it. I will increase it for you. There are very few humans who can wear the epic adamantium base armor. They are second only to the Divine Seal Knight in the Knights Temple. This knight is stronger than the ninth-level warriors in the Warrior Temple. Be annoying. Moreover, since he just arrived, he probably doesn’t know you are here yet. The Warrior Temple didn’t have time to remind him.”

Yes. Crosell did not hesitate after hearing Baimeng's words. One of the most important reasons why he can be appreciated by Baimeng, the ninth demon god, is to be obedient. It would not be wrong to say that he is Baimeng's thug. Pass.

With his eyes closed, Crosell began to chant a spell, his voice became very low, and the Demonic Pillar not far behind him turned completely dark blue in the sound of his spell.

At the same time that he started to sing, Baimen flashed his figure and blocked Crossel behind him, blocking the human side's sight. At the same time, he raised his hands, and a layer of black mist spread directly from his body, covering him. The eight demon pillars behind him are all covered. The overwhelming darkness gathered into the thick fog, and a melodious and melodious voice sounded faintly. Then, angels flapping their black wings began to soar around the black fog. Black rays of light continued to shoot towards the demon army below.

This is Baimeng's fallen angel realm. All demons below level seven who are illuminated by this realm will have their strength instantly increased by one level for five minutes. Among the realms of demons, in terms of amplification effect, the realm of fallen angels can definitely be ranked among the top three.

At the same time, Baimon, who was hidden in the black mist, also began to chant a spell in a low voice, and dark golden light surged in his eyes, turning into a dark golden vortex that enveloped Crossel behind him.

With the increase in dark golden light, Crossel's spell chanting speed increased significantly. The dark blue light released by the Demon God Pillar hidden in the black mist began to distort and fluctuate, and the twisted ripples converged towards the center of his eyebrows. , his only open central eye began to become more and more mysterious and profound.

Although an adamantine base knight would attract Baimon's attention, generally speaking, he would not let Crossel take such a risk. He didn't know why, but after hearing Crosell's introduction to Long Haochen, he immediately asked him to take action without hesitation. Deep in his heart, he seemed to feel that something was wrong with this adamantine knight, and only by killing him completely could the problem be solved.

Baimon has always been decisive in doing things. No matter whether it feels right or not, it is always right to kill an Adamantine Pedestal Knight of the Knights Temple.

Due to the small gap that appeared before, Long Haochen felt a little wary. However, the mental fluctuation was just a flash in the pan and did not cause any substantial harm to him. He did not pay too much attention to it and continued to use it. Aura skills.

With Long Haochen's current level of cultivation, he firmly believed that unless the top three demon gods from the demon clan came here, the distance from him to the eight demon gods outside would make it impossible for them to suddenly launch a forbidden curse-level attack. How will he be. The previous battles at Yulong Pass, Exorcism Pass, and Jialing Pass have profoundly proven this point.


The climax is coming, hehe. Let’s look forward to it. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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