Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 565 Magic Temple (Part 2)

No, of course not. Elder Fei said quickly: Captain Lin is very good. I will take you to rest first, and then inform him to see you.

Captain? What regiment is Lin Xin the leader of? Han Yu asked curiously.

Elder Fei smiled slightly and said: Captain Lin is now in charge of the first mage group of the Magic Temple. He has 500 fire mages under his command. They are the mainstay of our Jialing Pass against the demon army.

When Han Yu heard what he said, he immediately laughed, The princeling is really different! He can't even attack, but he can actually command an army of magic.

Elder Fei straightened his face and said: Knight, please take back what you said. Captain Lin became the leader of the First Mage Regiment by virtue of his contribution to Jialing Pass and accumulated military merit, and he and his deputy Lin Chen It has nothing to do with the Lord. What's more, who said he can't attack? Captain Lin's combat effectiveness is definitely second to none among magicians of the same level. Even some magicians with higher cultivation level than him can play a role on the battlefield. It’s hard to compare with him.”

Han Yu was stunned and laughed: Don't you understand him better than I do? He and I are from the same demon hunting group. When will he attack magic again?

Elder Fei said in surprise: Are you and Captain Lin from the same demon hunting group? However, Captain Lin's attack magic is indeed very powerful!

Han Yu stopped arguing and said with a smile: Maybe. I haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe he has learned something else? I'll know when I see him.

The Magic Temple is a huge palace. The wealth of the Magic Temple can be seen from this building. The temple is six stories high and the huge palace is the tallest building in Jialingguan. The first floor alone is more than twenty meters tall. The architectural style is simple and elegant, and there is a huge six-pointed star mark on the top of the first floor. Around the six-pointed star, there are light clusters representing various magical attributes. Rotating around the six-pointed star should have some special magic circle effect.

Walking into the Magic Temple, you will find a hall that can be described as gigantic, with a tall dome and gorgeous decorations that are luxurious but not vulgar. Magic marks can be seen everywhere, and the surrounding walls are densely packed with high elf writing. When you walk in here, you can clearly feel that the fluctuations of various attribute elements in the air are more than twice as strong as outside. It's just that the various attributes are a bit mixed and a bit confusing. However, this almost viscous magical element is enough to give people a shocking feeling. Even ordinary people can feel the difference between the air and other places when they come here.

There are six huge statues on the inside of the front of the hall. The two innermost statues are gold and black respectively, and the four outer ones are blue, red, yellow, and green. The six statues have different shapes, among which the gold and blue statues are female, and the other four statues are male.

These six statues are the gods of the six elements believed in by the Magic Temple, representing water, fire, earth, wind, light and darkness respectively.

Magicians have different attributes. They not only have these six attributes, but also some derived attributes such as lightning and ice. However, the magic world believes that all other attributes are based on the six elemental attributes. Therefore, these six attributes The basic elements are the foundation of all magic, and the god of elements is the highest god they believe in.

Long Haochen and the three of them knew the rules of the Magic Temple. They stepped forward at the same time and bowed slightly to the six statues.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared. The statue of the goddess of light on the inside actually lit up, emitting a soft golden light.

Elder Fei was shocked. You must know that these six elemental statues are not placed here casually. They are the real miracles left by the six elemental gods in this world. The ancestors of the Magic Temple tried their best to bring these gods into existence. The traces gathered together and concentrated in the Magic Temple. The powerful barrier of Jialing Pass is centered on these six statues. It can be said that these six statues added together are a full-stat artifact. It is also one of the most precious treasures in the Magic Temple.

At this time, the statue representing the goddess of light was emitting light, which meant that a force with the same source as her was arousing her aura. Elder Fei had been paying attention to Long Haochen and the other three, but they had done nothing just now!

what 's wrong?

What surprised Elder Fei even more was what came next. The soft golden light emitted by the statue of the Goddess of Light gradually gathered and turned into a golden beam of light that enveloped Long Haochen, making the orange-red light emitting from his fine gold base armor look even more dazzling.

They are not the only ones in the hall of this Magic Temple! There were other people, but when the statue of the Goddess of Light showed signs of miracles, they immediately became the focus of the audience.

Long Haochen also didn't expect that such a situation would happen. He was enveloped in the soft golden light, and the warm light element shuttled through his body, creating an indescribable restraint. In his feeling, the statue of the goddess of light was like a mother comforting her child. It doesn't increase his strength, but it soothes his soul.

The light element emitted from the goddess of light was very strange and had no spiritual fluctuations, but it was extremely pure. Long Haochen's soul was cleansed again, just like when he obtained the Sun and Moon Snail Shield.

This is a rare opportunity! Spiritual power can be cultivated through continuous efforts, but it is much more difficult to get rid of the dirt in the heart than cultivating spiritual power. You have to practice calmly and for a long time to do it. As for Long Haochen, who is the son of light, the purer his heart is, the stronger his perception of light elements will become. Whether you are practicing or using skills, the effect will be better.

The light of the statue of the Goddess of Light did not emit for too long. After just a dozen breaths, the light converged and everything returned to normal.

But in such a short time, at least dozens of magicians stopped to watch in the hall of the Magic Temple, their eyes full of surprise.

Seeing the golden light disappear, Elder Fei couldn't help but hurried to Long Haochen's side and asked eagerly: Dear Knight Captain, how did you do it just now? This is incredible.

Long Haochen had also woken up from the comfort of bathing in the light element. He shook his head and said, I didn't do anything. It seems that everything happened naturally. Is this phenomenon special?

Elder Fei said without hesitation: Of course it's very special. The last time the elemental statue showed a miracle was when the palace master succeeded to the throne. The palace master was the envoy of the wind element. At that time, the statue of the god of wind element had a miracle. It's the same as your situation just now. I was lucky enough to witness that scene with my teacher. If I remember correctly, the miracle only lasted for a few seconds. It was far less long than the time you just had. Are you sure it really didn't matter? Haven’t you done this before?”

Long Haochen shook his head again, but refused to say anything else. The surrounding magicians showed no signs of dispersing, and they all looked at Long Haochen with surprised eyes.

One of the young female magicians took a few steps forward and said rudely: Are you here to demonstrate to us on behalf of the Knights Temple?

This female magician has a beautiful appearance and a slender figure. She looks neat and tidy in a cyan magic robe. Her long black hair is tied up by a cyan headband with a rhombus-shaped cyan gemstone in the center. The right hand holds a long-handled staff. The entire staff is crystal clear cyan, like a piece of cyan crystal. The top is inlaid with a transparent gem the size of a goose egg. Strangely, the transparent gem is There is cyan wind inside that is constantly fluttering, as if there is a tornado stored in this gem.

Long Haochen frowned and said in a deep voice: The six major temples are originally one family and all belong to the Temple Alliance. This mage, please be careful what you say.

The young female mage ignored Long Haochen and said to Elder Fei: Elder, I have to report to the teacher what happened just now.

Elder Fei nodded and said: Just in time, I have to go find the Lord of the Palace. You tell the Lord of the Palace that the acting paladin of the Knights Temple has arrived.

Acting Paladin Commander? Okay. The young female mage didn't even say hello to Long Haochen anymore, and immediately turned around and left. The other magicians then dispersed.

Elder Fei said to Long Haochen apologetically: I'm sorry, Captain Paladin, Tan Wan is rude, I apologize to you on his behalf.

Han Yu said coldly: Who is she? She is so rude to our Holy Knight Captain. We will submit a report to the alliance on this matter.

Elder Fei smiled bitterly and said: I can't control this girl. She is the direct disciple of the Lord of the Hall, and she is also the only disciple. She has always set her sights on others, and her name is Tan Wan. She is already twenty-six years old, but she is still not married. But she also has the capital to be proud of. At a young age, she is already at the seventh level and third level. She, Xuanyuan Yan and Lin Xin are known as the three outstanding figures of the younger generation of the Magic Temple. They are all under the age of thirty. Reached the seventh level.”

Han Yu said in surprise: Has Lin Xin also broken through to the seventh level? That's great. Captain, now we can...

As soon as he said this, Long Haochen stopped him with his eyes. Han Yu also realized his gaffe and hurriedly stopped talking.

However, his words of captain still caught Elder Fei's attention. Han Yu said before that he and Lin Xin are teammates in the same demon hunting group, and his name is Long Haochen, leader. Doesn't that mean they are all members of the same demon hunting group? There is an age limit during the selection of every demon hunting group. If Long Haochen is their leader, even if he is older than them, he should not be much older.


It’s so hot and stuffy in BJ these days. My health is not good and I dare not turn on the air conditioner for a long time. July and August are always the most painful two months every year! Everyone, please pay attention to your health and be careful of heatstroke. When you feel uncomfortable, take some Huoxiang Zhengqi, it is very useful.

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