Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 554 The bright moon transforms into armor, and the two divine swords! (middle)

Thinking about it from another direction, as a son of light and a favored one by God, Long Haochen was able to meditate for a year and a half. It would be abnormal if he did not make a leap. Of course, what he can fight now are only low-level demon gods, but don't forget, he is only twenty years old!

Haoyue and Long Haochen were affectionate for a while before they calmed down, and then immediately passed an idea to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, now is not the time. We can't be exposed here. Moreover, there are other demons around, so we can't be too hasty. Don't worry, you will have time to show off your skills.

Haoyue's suggestion to Long Haochen was undoubtedly aimed at the Demon God Pillar. Now, among the eight demon gods outside the Exorcism Pass, two of the Demon God Pillars have lost their owners. It is a good time to destroy them. Not to mention that Haoyue would have such a proposal, Long Haochen was not unmoved. There are only seventy-two demon gods in total, and the inheritance of the snake demon god has ended. It can be said that every time a demon god is eliminated, the foundation of the demon clan will be shaken.

However, Long Haochen was still very rational. When he thought about the dilapidated scene of the Exorcist Pass when he first came, he did not dare to act rashly. Otherwise, if the Demon God Emperor learns that he and Haoyue appear here, he will definitely attack in a big way. What can the Exorcist Pass do to resist the Demon God Emperor? At that time, the entire exorcism level will be devastated, and even the Assassin Temple may be destroyed in one fell swoop. Although Long Haochen didn't understand why the three strongest demons, the Demon God Emperor, the Moon Demon God, and the Star Demon God, had not made any move to this day, at least the current situation was still bearable for the Temple Alliance. Perhaps, the Demon God Emperor was afraid of a real lose-lose situation.

Therefore, although two demon gods were killed this time, their demon god pillars could not be moved lightly. Long Haochen himself must not expose his identity on the border.

Long Haochen looked at Cai'er with a smile and said, We will go back as soon as we recover our spiritual power, so as not to worry our great-grandfather.

However, Haoyue did not stay here. It was teleported directly back to its own world. Its abilities seemed to have been greatly enhanced. Long Haochen vaguely felt that Haoyue seemed to have reached a bottleneck again and might break through at any time. Its huge body seems a bit bloated. If it evolves again, what abilities will it evolve?

Thinking of this, Long Haochen couldn't help but look forward to it. Haoyue could destroy the Demon God Pillar. The stronger it is, the more beneficial it will be for future actions.

The green demon riding demon is dead. For the demons, this blow is huge.

In the large tent of the demon army, the six demon gods with different expressions but all possessing a tyrannical aura had serious expressions on their faces. The entire tent was filled with an extremely depressing aura.

We must not just let it go. An angry roar broke the calm in the tent.

The speaker was a tall man with wings on his back, horns on his head, and an iron-grey face. It is the Yiniu Madman Sai Gong.

No wonder he was so angry. Over the years, he, the Flame Lion Demon An Luoxian and the Green Demon Cavalry Xier had been guarding the exorcism gate. Now that An Luoxian and Xier were both killed in the battle, how could he not What about the feeling of sadness that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead?

After hearing his words, the other demon gods had different expressions. Among these six demon gods, the one sitting in the main seat was actually a human woman. And she looks absolutely beautiful.

Wearing a pink dress, long pink hair, and a pair of enchanting pink eyes, her skin is fair and flawless, her appearance is extremely beautiful, and her figure is extremely hot, with a height of over 1.8 meters. If it were among human women, this would definitely be quite tall. And it is extremely coordinated. There is very little fabric on the chest of the long dress, revealing a deep ravine. A pair of tall clothes seemed to be about to break out at any time.

If you pay careful attention, you will find that the eyes of the other demon gods do not dare to contact her, or even linger on her.

This is Sidi, the love demon god who ranks twelfth among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan. The ranking of the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan is extremely important. To be ranked in the top twelve, one can imagine her strength. She is also the supreme commander of the demon army outside the Exorcist Pass, and all the demon gods here obey her orders. Although she only has a female appearance, no demon has any dissatisfaction with her.

Sidi's face was cold and even more cold. However, he was not in a hurry to express his position, and just set his sights on the Yiniu Madman Sai Gong.

With one glance from her, Sai Gong's previously extremely strong anger suddenly died down and he sat down angrily.

Sidi said calmly: Others, let's talk too. What are their thoughts?

I agree with what the Communist Party of China said. This matter can't be left alone. If humans dare to sneak attack us, if we don't teach them a profound lesson, they will become even more arrogant. An Luoxian and Xi'er are both dead. If we No one can bear His Majesty’s blame for not being able to achieve anything.”

The speaker was a thin man-like demon whose body was shrouded in black shadow. Both Demon God Long Haochen and Cai'er should be familiar with this, because he was the one who appeared with An Luo at the top of the city before to sneak attack Cai'er. It's just that in the end, the chicken was stolen but the rice was lost. He lost his wife and lost the army. The flame lion demon An Luo was buried outside the exorcism pass first.

Among the seventy-two pillars of demon gods, he ranks forty-fifth, and controls the Invisible Man of the Dirk Tribe, the Hidden Demon God Bai En.

Sidi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, Have the casualty figures been calculated?

We have already calculated the statistics. Sai Gong, the Winged Bull Mad Demon, immediately said: The casualties were heavy. More than 1,400 people were killed at level 6 and above, and more than 3,000 were injured at level 6 and below.

Even for an army as strong as the Demons, the damage at this level is quite huge, especially for those Demons above level six, which cannot be cultivated through cultivation.

After hearing his words, a sharp cold light suddenly appeared in Sidi's eyes. He stood up slowly, his chest swaying slightly.

Early tomorrow morning, we will launch a strong attack. This time, we will not give up until the Exorcism Pass is broken.

She was also really angry. Although she didn't want to admit it, the Hidden Demon God Bai En was right. Two demon gods died, which was not easy to explain. Since the start of the holy war, this is the first time there has been damage at the level of a demon.

Sidi, let's discuss it again. Sitting on the other side, a tall demon god said in a deep voice, Your Majesty means to continuously consume human beings' vitality, not to break through.

Sidi's cold eyes glanced sideways, What? Do you have any objections?

The demon god paused for a moment, lowered his head and said nothing.

With the appearance of a woman, she can command an army and threaten the exorcism gate. How can Sidi suppress these other demons if she has few means?

Do as I say.

Yes. Several other demon gods stood up and turned around to leave.

Exorcism level.

Sheng Yue's anxiety was finally relieved, and Long Haochen and Cai'er returned together.

This operation can definitely be said to be a success for Exorcist Pass. Although several knight-level assassins were eventually lost, the heavy damage they inflicted on the demons was even more serious. At least one-fifth of the demon clan's sixth-level and above warriors died under their attack. Moreover, although they didn't know what happened to Long Haochen and Cai'er, they could see the light of the Demon God Pillar of the Green Demon Riding Demon System being destroyed!

Did Long Haochen kill a demon? Sheng Yue simply couldn't believe this was true. Long Haochen was only at the eighth level of cultivation. But he was not sure. He had also seen how powerful the forbidden spell Long Haochen cast before was. Obviously, he could not be measured by the standards of ordinary eighth-level powerhouses.

After Long Haochen and Cai'er recovered their spiritual power in the Tower of Eternity, they immediately returned to the Exorcism Pass. After they appeared in the void, they immediately hid their bodies. Cai'er was naturally invisible, while Long Haochen had already put on his big cloak. Using her mental power to distort the space around her body and cover her own existence, Cai'er directly grabbed his arm and flew back. This is the advantage of having companions to cooperate with him. Otherwise, in order to conceal his identity, Long Haochen might have to find a way to return on the ground.

Did you really kill Xi'er? Sheng Yue stared at Long Haochen and Cai'er in front of her with wide eyes.

Cai'er stuck out her tongue, took a step back, pointed at Long Haochen in a very unloyal manner and said, He arranged it all, and it was mainly him who did it. I only attacked once.

Sheng Yue immediately turned her attention to Long Haochen. He is not alone here, there are also knights from the Assassin Temple and knight-level assassins.

After they returned, they immediately gathered together. Because Long Haochen and Cai'er hadn't come back yet, Shengyue didn't let them disperse. They were waiting for news about Long Haochen and Cai'er. If the time was longer, maybe they would It was time to rush into the demon army camp again to find Long Haochen and the others.

Long Haochen nodded and said: It's good luck. The Green Demon Rider ranks 70th among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan. It is weak and was ambushed by us again. We successfully defeated it. Kill, the Demon God’s Crown was swallowed and absorbed by my Warcraft companion.”

The Warcraft partner he mentioned was naturally Haoyue, but of course, in the hearts of these powerful assassins, it was Star King.

After hearing his simple explanation, the senior officials of the Assassin Temple looked at each other and were completely speechless.

Is it easier to deal with the Blue Demon Riding Demon if it is ranked low? They have been dealing with this demon god for more than a day or two. With the increase of the demon god pillar, Xier's combat power is enough to reach the ninth level, and he also has a series of abilities to save his life. With the super explosive power of these assassins, they have not been able to kill him for so many years, but Long Haochen described it so lightly. How did he succeed? ——

Can you please give me a monthly ticket to help us advance a few steps on the monthly ticket list? thank you all. Linlin is very healthy, thanks to his brothers and sisters who care about him. Thanks.

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