Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 546 Hugging Cai'er (Part 2)

Sheng Yue looked at Long Haochen with wide eyes, You brat, when did you become so cunning? No, I'm a little worried about leaving my granddaughter to you.

As soon as he unleashed his trump card, Long Haochen immediately became honest and said with a wry smile: Great-grandfather, you can't do this!

Sheng Yue said proudly: What? Is it difficult for you to stay in the Exorcism Gate to accompany Cai'er? At this point, he glanced at his great-granddaughter in front of him, and his eyes softened.

For more than a year, Shengyue has been teaching Cai'er, and he has become more and more fond of his great-granddaughter. The past estrangement has disappeared, and Cai'er has become more and more attached to him, and truly has a ancestral relationship. The love of Sun. This was something Sheng Yue had never thought of before. He seemed to be giving Long Haochen a hard time, but in fact, he really couldn't bear to leave his great-granddaughter! Although he also knew that it was impossible to stay in the female university, it would be good to stay for one more day.

Sheng Yue's eyes were clear to Long Haochen. He originally planned to argue, but immediately changed his mind, Great-grandfather, what do you think? Our time is indeed very tight. Moreover, after today's battle, the exorcism level The situation here should be relatively stable. Let’s stay here for a month. I don’t want any meritorious service this month. I will go all out to help the Exorcism Pass deal with the demons. Do you think that’s okay?”

Long Haochen spoke sincerely, and Sheng Yue's previous emotions subsided. He nodded gently and said, I knew I couldn't keep you. In fact, everything you did for the Exorcism Pass today was enough. It’s worth millions of merit.”

In fact, this is exactly the case. Divine blessing has almost increased the combat effectiveness of the entire exorcism level by more than one-third. This is still a conservative estimate. Not only that, it also greatly weakened the demon clan.

Sheng Yue said: Let's go, both of you, go out with me. It's too unsafe to stay here. Going to a public place will at least ensure the safety of my great-granddaughter.

Cai'er immediately stamped her feet and said coquettishly: Great-grandfather, why are you here again? I hate it, I hate it...

However, the two of them followed Sheng Yue and left the quiet room. Sheng Yue ordered someone to arrange a place for Long Haochen to live with Han Yu. Obviously, he was really wary of Long Haochen and Cai'er having an overly close relationship.

In the next few days, the demons outside the Exorcism Pass were surprisingly calm. The demons were in a state of retreat. Among the eight demon pillars, except for the Flame Lion Demon Pillar, which had lost its owner, the other seven were always shining with light. , as if on guard against human attacks.

In fact, it makes sense for the demons to be so wary of the Exorcism Pass. Long Haochen's super-large-scale forbidden spell scared them to death. What they were most afraid of was Long Haochen's sudden attack during the attack. At that time, the seven demon gods were unable to protect the entire army. Of course they didn't know that for Long Haochen, divine blessing was just a one-time deal. If they wanted him to do it again, they might have to wait until his spiritual power exceeded 200,000.

Grandpa, the situation inside the pass is currently good. I have organized manpower to start repairing the city wall. It is rare for the demons to be so calm. With this period of buffering, the defense of our exorcism pass can be restored to at least 30%.

After Sheng Yue, Sheng Sheng Xin and his wife, Long Haochen, Han Yu and Cai'er had dinner together, Sheng Sheng Xin reported the situation of the Exorcism Pass to Sheng Yue.

Now they and their husbands also know that the adamantine pedestal knight is Long Haochen. In order to conceal his true identity, Long Haochen wears the adamantine pedestal armor every day without revealing his true face.

While Holy Spirit Heart was talking to Sheng Yue, his eyes would drift to his prospective son-in-law from time to time. When he knew that the adamantine base knight was Long Haochen, the feeling of disbelief lasted for several hours and did not disappear.

How long has it been? Back then, when Long Haochen led his demon hunting group to the Exorcism Pass for a trial mission, he was still so weak and needed to fight under his own protection. But today, his cultivation has clearly surpassed his own. Although the Holy Spirit's heart has finally reached the eighth level, the age gap is only one generation! Sheng Shengxin is also an arrogant person. He is sincerely convinced by Long Xingyu, but he did not expect that even Long Haochen's cultivation level has surpassed him.

Shengyue nodded slightly and said, How is the army reorganization going?

Holy Spirit said in his heart: The situation is very good. All those who were lightly injured have returned to the team, and those who were seriously injured have basically become lightly injured. Except for the disabled, most of the soldiers have returned to their original formation. While continuing to recover from their injuries, While preparing for battle.”

Shengyue nodded and said: Those whose injuries are not completely healed should not be allowed to participate in strengthening the city defense.

Yes. Holy Spirit Heart responded quickly. Although he is the military chief of the Exorcist Pass, the real decision-maker in the Exorcist Pass is Sheng Yue. The prestige of the Holy Spirit's heart is far from enough to mobilize those ninth-level knights. Even the knights composed of eighth-level assassins He can't even move Yintang. Ying Suifeng needs to be led personally.

Sheng Yue turned to Long Haochen, with a smile on her face, and said: Our paladin captain, do you have any good suggestions?

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, Great-grandfather, you are making fun of me again. I have no right to speak in front of you and Uncle Saint.

Sheng Yue's face straightened and she said: Haochen, what you said is wrong. Privately, you are our junior. However, no matter what time, you should never forget your identity as the leader of the Paladin. You represent This is the Knights Temple, and in many cases, toughness is necessary, otherwise, you will not lose your own face, but the face of the Knights Temple, do you understand?

Long Haochen's heart shivered and he said respectfully, Yes.

Sheng Yue said solemnly: Although you are still young, your contribution to the alliance is not small at all. Forget your own age, you must bring yourself into the identity of the Paladin Leader as soon as possible . Otherwise, your grandfather’s purpose of letting you go to various temples to connect in series will be useless. Your strength is enough, and what you need now is the majesty and strength that a paladin captain should have. Do you understand?

Long Haochen nodded again.

Sheng Yue sighed softly and said: If possible, I don't want you to shoulder such a heavy burden so early. However, you have already started it and you can't let it go. It can be said that you are the leader of this holy war. Although the holy war will happen sooner or later, the alliance can protect you not because you are my great-grandson-in-law of Shengyue, nor because you are the grandson of Long Tianyin. But because of your own strength, Because you have the ability to destroy the Demonic Pillar.

What I said was very direct, even inhumane, and even less pleasant. But this is the most fundamental fact. If it weren't for your own ability, even if the final result is the same, you don't know how many twists and turns you have to go through in the middle. , it will never pass so smoothly in one go. Therefore, you must strive for your best. You are already an eighth-level paladin. Paladins of your age are unique in the history of the alliance. We all believe that in the future, you will You will definitely become the leader of your generation and the true leader of the alliance. Therefore, you must use the strictest method to demand yourself at any time. I don’t want to hear what I just said again. Okay, tell me what you think .”

Sheng Yue spoke harshly, but his words undoubtedly awakened Long Haochen. By doing this, he was helping Long Haochen change his own judgment about himself. He is no longer a lone ranger, but a paladin captain representing the Knights Temple. He is a top-notch figure in the entire Temple Alliance.

After Long Haochen was silent for a moment, he said: Great-grandfather, Holy Uncle. I have an idea, but I didn't say it out loud because it was a bit radical.

Holy Spirit's eyes lit up and he said: Tell me and listen. In terms of governance, he was originally a representative of the radical faction of the Assassin Temple. If it weren't for the constant suppression of Holy Moon, I am afraid that his command direction would have changed long ago. . As soon as Long Haochen said the word radical, he immediately aroused the interest of his father-in-law.

Long Haochen nodded and said: I think that the losses at Exorcism Pass are so great. In addition to the gap in strength, the most important point is that the advantages of the Assassin Temple were not used.

After saying this, he paused and looked at the reactions of Sheng Yue and Sheng Sheng Xin.

Sheng Yue was slightly startled, while Holy Spirit's heart's eyes brightened a bit, and he nodded slightly, Go on.

Long Haochen said: The advantage of the Assassin Temple lies in attack rather than defense. The assassins defending at the top of the city are completely overqualified. It is like asking a group of magicians to charge on the battlefield. The Exorcist Pass must be defended, but... I think we can change passive defense into active defense. And offense is the best defense.

I also saw that day. In our Exorcism Pass, there were more than ten knight-level senior assassins. With such power, even if we fight head-on against the eight demon gods, we won't suffer much loss, let alone now. There is one less demon. If we can destroy the demon camp through harassment and sniping, then when they attack our exorcism pass, their strength will be greatly reduced. At the same time, sniping, sneak attacks, and lurking, these That's what assassins are good at! Why don't we take full advantage of these advantages? Blindly being passively beaten will only make us more and more passive. Different professions should use different methods to deal with the enemy.

Well said. Sheng Shengxin patted his thigh and said excitedly: Haochen, you and I want to go together.

Hmph. Sheng Yue snorted angrily from the side, interrupting the excited Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Heart turned around to look at his grandfather with some embarrassment, and said with a wry smile: Grandpa, I'm not saying your decision is wrong.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes! Meeting Cai'er again, when will Long Haochen be reunited with all his friends? Please wait and see! hey-hey.

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