Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 543 Hugging Cai'er (Part 1)

Just like the holy knights of the Knights Temple, the eleven strong men of the Assassin Temple are also ninth-level knight-level assassins. They are also the core force of the Assassin Temple.

The Acting Holy Knight Commander of the Knights Temple, Adamantite No. 12, has met all of you seniors. Please forgive me, seniors, for some special reasons, I cannot say my name. Long Haochen said respectfully to all the knights. The knighthood.

Including Shengyue, eleven knights returned the gift to him at the same time, and it was the most noble courtesy of the Assassin Temple among their peers.

Sheng Yue said sincerely: Welcome, powerful Paladin Captain. Everything you have brought to the Exorcism Pass will never be forgotten by the Assassin Temple. The friendship between our two temples will last forever. If you have anything in the future, Wherever help is needed, the Assassin Templar will never back down.

What Sheng Yue said was very serious. Even Yang Haohan had never received such a promise from him. The meaning of his words is very simple. From now on, whenever Long Haochen needs it, the Assassin Temple will do its best to help him.

And being able to get this level of recognition from Sheng Yue was really because Long Haochen's divine rain came just in time.

There are a large number of injured people in the Exorcist Pass. They are not only suffering from physical pain, but also mentally. Moreover, under the continuous siege of the demon army, the Exorcism Pass was almost always shrouded in a gray color.

The arrival of the sacred rain washed away the fatigue of the soldiers, rekindled their confidence, healed a large number of wounded, and brought vitality back to the Exorcism Pass. It can be said that this powerful forbidden spell has greatly reversed the unfavorable situation currently faced by the Exorcist Pass. If Sheng Yue originally thought that the Exorcism Pass could withstand for a month at most, then now he is confident that he can fight the demons for another year. Moreover, in the eyes of Shengyue, the most important thing about the sacred rain is not its therapeutic effect, but its powerful effect in treating spiritual trauma and clearing away the inner haze of the soldiers in the Exorcist Pass.

That's why Sheng Yue made such a solemn promise. With this promise, the Assassin Temple must do at least one thing for Long Haochen unconditionally. This is one-sixth of the power of the Temple Alliance!

Long Haochen was slightly stunned, but he did not refuse. He just made a knightly salute to the Holy Moon again.

The reason why he did not refuse was somewhat complicated. To put it simply, it was because of some internal problems within the Temple Alliance.

Everyone can see that if the six professions of the six temples can be perfectly combined, and each fortress is evenly distributed with the six professions, the power to resist the demons will become stronger. But why has it never been possible to do this?

In the history of the Temple Alliance, I don’t know how many ancestors have tried to promote such changes, but in the end they all ended in failure. This is because of the self-protectionism of the Six Holy Temples.

This is something that can't be helped. If the six major temples merge with each other, what will happen to the money accumulated in each temple over the years? Manpower and material resources all need to be coordinated. Although the six temples do not mean the six countries in the temple alliance. But in fact, each temple is highly autonomous.

The attempts of the Demon Hunting Group have already taught the six major temples the benefits and effects of professional integration, but to this day, the six major temples still operate independently, each with its own territory and each with its own fortress.

In response to this matter, Long Tianyin once told Long Haochen for half a day. In promoting the integration of the six major professions, the Priest Temple is the most advocated. The reason is naturally because the priests' self-protection ability is too poor. Except for the Priest's Temple, almost the other five major temples hold an opposing attitude. The opposition from the Knights Temple was relatively small. The most fierce opposition is the Assassin's Temple, the Magic Temple and the Soul Temple.

Although after the start of the Holy War, the Temple Alliance has tried its best to adjust the professional ratio among the six temples, in fact, the fundamental strength used by the six temples to resist the demons still belongs to itself.

Long Tianyin clearly told Long Haochen that at least for now, this problem cannot be solved, but it does not mean that it will never be solved. If the six major temples are to be truly integrated, then there is only one possibility, which is to give mankind a country again, a highly centralized and powerful empire. Only in this way can the six major temples' respective complacency be broken. Realize the full integration of strength.

Of course, you can imagine how difficult it is to establish this country. It is almost impossible to unify the opinions of the six major temples.

Long Tianyin finally said to Long Haochen sincerely that if one day, he can grow to a strong enough level and establish a strong enough influence in the alliance, then he will have the opportunity to complete this feat. It is also what the Knights Temple hopes to see most. This is why Long Tianyin decided to let him go to each temple separately. This is not to say that he should be asked to win the support of these temples now, but that he should be asked to understand the six major temples.

Long Haochen never thought about becoming an emperor, but he knew how important it was for humans to integrate the power of the six temples. This holy war has severely damaged the alliance. Although the consumption of the demons is large, all the integration is done by the Demon God Emperor alone. Their reproduction speed is also quite terrifying. If the current situation continues, then humans will continue to be suppressed by the demons. Being able to settle down in a corner is the best situation.

Therefore, Long Haochen did not refuse Sheng Yue's promise. Perhaps, at a certain time of special need, this promise would play an extremely important role.

Long Tianyin carefully analyzed the current situation of the six major temples for Long Haochen. There is no doubt that the Knights Temple is the strongest. The one closest to the Knights Temple is the Assassin Temple. The relationship between the Magic Temple and the Warrior Temple is better. These two forces are also the largest in the alliance. The Priest Temple and Soul Temple are relatively independent.

Therefore, if you really want to unify the entire alliance and achieve a high degree of centralization in the future, you must first strengthen your allies and gain the support of the Assassin's Temple. Then go on to influence the other four major temples.

It's a little early to say this now, but Long Tianyin told Long Haochen to take precautions. This was not a conspiracy, but for mankind to finally defeat the demons.

The power of an individual is always small. Even if Long Haochen can obtain the recognition of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, can he fight against the entire demon clan with the power of one person? The answer is obviously no. What he needs is the support of the entire alliance, and he must have the power to command the entire alliance before he can launch a counterattack.

Yang Haohan, who is the leader of the Temple Alliance, cannot do this, and Long Tianyin cannot do this, but Long Haochen has a chance. His identity as the Son of Light and God's Favorite already gave him a powerful appeal. What's more, there is also a priest temple that supports the alliance.

Just as Long Haochen was returning the gift to Sheng Yue and other knights, recalling his grandfather's sincere words in his mind, suddenly, a figure squeezed in from the crowd, and the knights did not stop her.

The figure, like a baby swallow falling into the arms, ran directly into Long Haochen's arms and gave him a big hug.

Seeing this man, all the heroes present were stunned. Shengyue was shocked at first, and then his eyes became strange. He finally knew who the miraculous knight in front of him was. He knew his great-granddaughter very well. Besides that boy, who else could make her so excited that she would actively embrace her? Even after losing his memory, it is impossible for his precious great-granddaughter to fall in love with someone else.

However, after figuring out who the adamantine base knight in front of him was, Shengyue's surprise and shock became even more intense.

For more than a year and a half, he has been teaching Cai'er with all his strength, and Cai'er has lived up to his expectations and grown at an astonishing speed. Now her cultivation level has reached the seventh level and the sixth level. It seems to Yue that with this level of training speed, she should have caught up with that kid. I couldn't help but feel proud for a long time.

However, the reality is so cruel. When this little guy came in front of him again, he had turned into an eighth-level knight, and he was also an eighth-level knight with an epic fine gold base armor. Did the Knights Temple give it to him for personal gain? Even though Shengyue is over a hundred years old, her brain is not yet showy. Do you use favoritism? That magic just now has proven everything. Even if he secretly took out the scroll and cast the forbidden spell, he would not be able to exert its power without sufficient strength. What's more, he heard the entire process of Long Haochen's spell with his own ears.

Isn't this little guy already at level nine? This is the question that Sheng Yue is struggling with at this time. However, his mood became even better in this shock.

The promise just now was something he had to make, but in his heart, he was actually not willing to owe such a big favor to the Knights Temple, but now it was different. The person the Assassin Temple owed a favor to was his great-grandson-in-law. . After all, you are one of your own!

However, the other heroes didn't know what was going on. Of course, they all knew Cai'er's identity, the Saint of Reincarnation, a rare talent seen in the Assassin Temple for thousands of years. The absolute successor and the strongest of the future Assassin Temple. Cai'er had managed to escape from the Demon God with her seventh-level strength before, and she had once again proven her strength to these Assassin Temple powerhouses. Moreover, in the eyes of these knights, although Cai'er is a junior, her coldness is incomparable to anyone. This is also a necessary quality for an assassin.


Even though it’s Monday, I really can’t fight anymore. For the reunion of Xiaolong and Cai'er, Lao San implores everyone to send a few recommendation votes. Today I will take Linlin home. Haha, no matter how hard you work, you still feel happy.

Please vote for recommendations. Can this be considered a gift for Linlin to go home? Thanks.

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