Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 540 Counterattack (Part 2)

Cai'er was suddenly attacked. Sheng Yue, who had always focused on her great-granddaughter, took action immediately. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise Cai'er would have been in serious danger. Although the power of the Death Scythe is huge, the huge gap in cultivation cannot be completely smoothed by weapons. To be precise, the more powerful the weapon, the more powerful it needs to be used in order to truly bring out its advantages.

And the next process of killing the Flame Lion Demon An Luoxian, even Shengyue herself felt a little unreal. I am afraid that in the history of the demon clan, An Luoxian should be the demon god with the easiest killing process.

An Luoxian's death was not only due to the obstruction of the Adamantine Base Knight and Holy Moon's surprise attack, but also because of this guy's insufficient prediction of the situation. And everything happened too fast. Otherwise, as long as he activates the Demon God Pillar in the distance, he will not be killed by Shengyue in one blow.

It's a pity that if it is the most unreliable in this world.

Brother, thank you. This trophy belongs to you. Shengyue handed An Luoxian's body to the gold base knight without hesitation.

The Knight of the Adamantine Base froze, Hello, Lord Knight. I can't have this. The Acting Paladin Commander of the Knights Temple, Adamantine No. 12, is reporting to you.

That's right, isn't the Adamantine Pedestal Knight in front of him who blocked two demons one after another and created a chance for Shengyue to kill the Flame Lion Demon, Long Haochen?

Long Haochen and Han Yu were walking fast and were about to reach the Exorcism Pass. When they were still far away, Long Haochen's mental power felt the battle here. He asked Han Yu to enter the exorcism level first, while he rode Star King directly into the sky to see if there was any place where he was needed. Although the task Long Tianyin gave him was not too serious, it was within the scope of his abilities. , Long Haochen will definitely accumulate merit as much as possible.

When he focused his attention on the head of the Exorcist Pass, he almost instantly found Cai'er who was fighting the enemy. Death's Scythe is the most direct target.

Long Haochen was overjoyed and was about to fly down to join Cai'er when he saw Cai'er being attacked.

The next step was simple. The power of Long Haochen and Star King merged into one, and they rushed down with all their strength, rushing into the battlefield like a golden meteor. It was too late to rescue Cai'er, but due to Cai'er's crisis, Long Haochen was so anxious that his own strength had been raised to the limit. With his many years of combat experience, he has a fairly accurate grasp of the battlefield. Seeing that Cai'er was fine, the two demon gods quickly retreated, and the position where he appeared was on the enemy's only path. This was the scene where the Flame Lion Demon was killed.

Sheng Yue's words of brotherly calling made Long Haochen's eyelids twitch wildly. This was a mess for a lifetime..., so he quickly changed the subject. He wanted to hide his identity, and now was obviously not a good time to explain who he was.

Hearing Long Haochen's voice and words, Sheng Yue's face suddenly showed doubts. The voice was very familiar, but he didn't recognize it for a moment. He could only tell that the Golden No. 12 was not very old. Based on his understanding of the Knights Temple, the Adamantine No. 12 Pedestal should be in the treasure house of the Knights Temple. Obviously, this Adamantine No. 12 is the newly promoted Adamantine Pedestal Knight, but he also said that he is Acting Paladin Commander.

The identity of the Holy Knight Commander is second only to the Hall Master and Deputy Hall Master in the Knights Temple. How could it be held by a newly promoted Adamantine Pedestal Knight?

However, no matter what doubts appeared in Sheng Yue's mind at this time, he did not doubt Long Haochen's identity at all. People have proven it with actions.

Go back to the city first. Sheng Yue waved her hand and flew to the Exorcism Pass with Long Haochen. The tyrannical murderous intent and twisted fluctuations in the air slowly retreated.

The Exorcist Pass Assassin Temple did not win this battle, but killing a demon greatly boosted the morale of the entire Exorcist Pass soldiers.

Shengyue flew to the front of the Exorcist Pass and suddenly lifted the body of the Flame Lion Demon in his hand. Suddenly, there was a roar of cheers like a tsunami above the Exorcist Pass. Many soldiers were moved to tears.

Silently looking at the dilapidated exorcism gate that no longer looked like it, Long Haochen felt his heart tightening. As the trigger of this holy war, the Holy Alliance has never complained about him. It is unknown how many Alliance soldiers died in this holy war.

I will definitely destroy the demon clan completely and restore peace to the Holy Demon Continent. There will be no more wars. Long Haochen secretly swore in his heart. At the same time, he slowly began to chant the mantra.

Sheng Yue looked sideways at Long Haochen next to him in surprise. He could feel that the fine gold base knight beside him began to emit extremely rich light element fluctuations, and this level of pure light element was even more... Something he had never seen before.

Long Haochen's singing voice was very gentle, and the tone of the spell was a little low, but not depressing at all. The clear scales kept spitting out like a dancing elf. It could be seen that a large number of golden light spots began to surge around his body.

Shengyue took a deep breath, her eyes couldn't help showing a look of deep gratitude, and whispered: Don't force it.

Naturally, Long Haochen couldn't answer him, but the spell he was chanting became increasingly clear.

A little bit of subtle golden light began to appear around his body. At the beginning, there were only dozens of photoelectrics, each one about the size of a soybean, inconspicuous. But as the light spots continued to increase, everyone was surprised. It seems that there is an extra center in the sky that can attract all the light attributes in the world. In the sky, near and far, the same light spots began to appear, and they quickly gathered around Long Haochen. As soon as these light spots gathered around him, they rose into the sky in a spiral shape.

Shengyue did not retreat to the city of Exorcism Pass, but flew away into the distance. He was paying for the Exorcism Pass, and he had to ensure Long Haochen's safety. What if there was another sneak attack by the demons?

Not only him, there was no need for Sheng Yue to give orders. The twisted light and shadow quietly swept out from the top of the city, and together with Sheng Yue, formed a barrier in the mid-air outside the Exorcism Pass. Together, they guarded Long Haochen who continued to chant spells.

At this moment, Long Haochen felt that his heart was very clear, as if only by constantly chanting this difficult and lengthy mantra could the guilt in his heart be weakened.

He entered a strange state. At the beginning of the spell, the spiritual power in his body was rapidly draining away. Most of the spiritual power that had been consumed in blocking the two demons was soon showing signs of drying up.

However, just as golden light spots began to merge with him in the distant sky, he was surprised to find that the spiritual power in his body was rising instead of falling, and was continuing to rise at a gentle speed. And he originally only planned to chant half of it, and the half-finished spell went on naturally.

At this time, his mental power and feelings were no longer with him, but integrated into the sky, nature and light elements.

For the first time, Long Haochen experienced the divine realm that Ye Xiaolei had mentioned in the dream paradise. God is everywhere, but exists nowhere. He is now no longer a caster of magic, but has become a conductor, commanding the power of God and commanding the light element.

God's favored one made him a fulcrum, and the emotions of kindness, sadness, and devotion in his heart became his baton.

He deeply realized the peace, kindness, integration, sacrifice, compassion, tolerance and kindness of the light element. At this moment, his emotions reached a true alignment with the light. At this moment, he truly became a son of light.

The power of light never exists for killing. Therefore, even if Long Haochen becomes a strong man on the level of the Demon God Emperor in the future, he will not be able to command the light element like this during attacks. But the magic he is casting now is different. It is a release based entirely on collaboration, tolerance, benevolence and kindness. There is no selfishness or distracting thoughts at all, just a compassionate heart to help others at all costs.

The spiral golden light gradually rose into the sky and turned into a huge golden light beam with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, connecting the sky and the earth. At this time, the Demon God Pillar in the distant Demon Clan camp was completely eclipsed in front of this golden light beam. The surging light elements made all the demons tremble. Although they could feel that this light was not aimed at them, as demons with dark attributes, they still had uncontrollable panic.

Apart from this golden beam of light, there is no other grand phenomenon. Finally, Long Haochen finished singing the last scale, and a golden light shining with seven colors suddenly bloomed from his body. The spiritual power of himself and the Glory Unicorn, which had returned to its peak, was also completely drained in an instant. However, they Still suspended in the air, their eyes became brighter than ever before.

The sky turned golden, everything within sight turned golden, and light golden rain began to fall from the sky. Falling slowly.

The raindrops are slender, giving people a soft feeling wherever they fall. Every raindrop falling on the human body will turn into a very light halo and quietly dissipate.

Every drop of rain also brought people a soft warmth. At the beginning, this drop of warmth was not enough to bring anything, but soon, people discovered that what this soft rain brought them was actually Indescribable relief and peace.

So much so that everyone unconsciously looked at Long Haochen, who was riding the King of Starry Unicorns in mid-air. Their eyes gradually changed from excitement to calmness, and then from calmness to excitement again. Know how much emotion abounds in.


Fifth update! ! !

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