Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 535 The hope of reorganizing the demon hunting group

As his body fell, Long Haochen pressed down gently with both palms and took a deep breath. His body suddenly fell downwards as lightly as a feather.

It was already close to dawn, but the sky was still dark. His light spiritual power was too obvious, and it was unreasonable. He used the most difficult way to control his body shape.

The main reason why he didn't want the demons to find out was that he didn't want the demons to know that he had to return far away after being teleported to the Tower of Eternity. If the enemy knew this secret, it would be easy to arrange tactics against him, so Long Haochen would rather take risks.

Fortunately, the position he was in before was not too high, about four hundred meters above the ground. With a series of blows that lifted his body and made him lighter, he finally managed to slow down his fall as much as possible. Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Long Haochen curled up slightly and at the same time kicked out behind him with full force of his body.

You must know that his external spiritual power now exceeds 20,000. Such an explosive kick with all his strength directly caused an air explosion in the air, and at the same time, it also slowed down his descent again.

The body fell diagonally to the ground, and after a series of rolls, all the momentum was lost. He was wearing an epic fine gold base armor, which also greatly relieved the pressure on his body after landing. After a series of rolls, Long Haochen jumped up and flew towards Yulong Pass.

His powerful mental power tried to conceal his figure as much as possible when he returned here. Therefore, it was only when he came to Yulong Pass that the defenders of the Knight Temple of Yulong Pass could see through their eyes. Observations revealed his return.

Misunderstandings will naturally not arise. The adamantine base armor on Long Haochen's body is a symbol of status. What's more, he is the only adamantium base warrior who has not returned from abroad.

Therefore, when Long Haochen climbed to the top of Yulongguan City, he was greeted with overwhelming cheers and countless respectful looks.

Large swaths of knights stared at Long Haochen with their fiery eyes, and beat their breastplates with their fists to show their highest respect for Long Haochen.

This was their respect for the new Holy Knight Commander. Even the Divine Seal Knight Long Tianyin didn't understand how Long Haochen severely wounded the Undead Demon God Samikina, let alone these ordinary warriors. In their eyes, it was their powerful paladin leader who defeated the opponent's most powerful demon, and he did this even though the paladin leader was not a divine seal knight. Therefore, in their hearts, the word acting of Long Haochen's acting paladin captain has been naturally erased from their hearts. At the same time, we also have stronger confidence in this holy war.

When Long Haochen stood in front of Long Tianyin again, Long Tianyin suddenly found that he didn't know what to say. He felt at that time that Long Haochen was fine and must have escaped to another dimension, but how did he do it?

After reaching the ninth level, it is indeed possible to carry out short-distance travel through broken space to a certain extent, but this can only be done when the space is extremely calm and stable. But what about when Long Haochen left through space? The seven demon gods worked together to destroy the space to an unknown extent. The space was instantly shattered and torn, almost distorting the entire sky above the battlefield. But under such circumstances, Long Haochen still calmly traveled through space. This was something Long Tianyin couldn't do, and he absolutely couldn't do it.

Moreover, Long Haochen has been walking for such a long time, which means that he must have the coordinates of another space. Otherwise, if he gets lost in the space shuttle, he will never come back.

Grandpa. Long Haochen gave a knightly salute to Long Tianyin. His attitude is also much gentler than before. When he was attacked by Samikina, he felt Long Tianyin desperately coming to rescue him. And before teleporting away, he also saw the existence of Long Tianyin. Naturally, the degree of recognition of his grandfather is greater.

Long Tianyin smiled bitterly and said: I don't know what to say to you anymore? What is the pagoda that appears around your body?

After Long Haochen pondered for a moment, he said: I don't want to lie to you, but this is a secret that I can't tell you. I can only tell you that the only one it can restrain is the Undead Demon God Samikina, and, I I can't control it, it appeared on its own, and there is only a bridge like a lead between me and it. It was also the one that took me away.

To Long Haochen's surprise, Long Tianyin didn't ask any more questions, and his eyes gradually became calmer, Is your body okay? Did Samikina hurt you?

Long Haochen shook his head, I'm fine, I can go to the battlefield again at any time. Grandpa, it's going to be dawn soon, and the demons will probably launch a retaliatory counterattack. I'm ready for battle, please give me the order.

Looking at him, Long Tianyin was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but said angrily: What order? Your judgment is wrong. I can tell you clearly that there is a 70% chance that the demons will not launch an attack today. Come back Didn't you see it when you were here? The Demon God Pillar of the Necromancer Demon God Samikina has already lost its light. This time you severely damaged him, and his Necromancer Realm was even torn to pieces by your pagoda. You Let me tell you, what are you good at? Grandpa Yang and I asked you to hide your strength and not reveal your identity. You are good at hiding the abilities that the demons know, but with these things they don't know, you immediately become the center of attention. You have two artifacts on your body. It’s strange that the demons don’t pay attention to you. I estimate that it won’t take long for the Demon God Emperor to know your existence. How can I send you to the battlefield? ? You also said that your pagoda can only target the undead demon Samikina. If the other demon gods launch another attack against you, what will happen to you?

Although Long Tianyin was angry, Long Haochen felt warm in his heart. He could clearly hear the deep concern and worry in his grandfather's words.

Grandpa, then I just need to defend the city. Even if the devil wants to target me at Yulongguan City, they will have to think about it. We know that the pagoda can only target Samikina, but they don't know! In my opinion, few demon gods dare to take such a risk, and Samikina is a lesson learned from them. And you can’t blame me! Gold always shines. You don’t want your grandson to do nothing, right?”

Having said this, Long Haochen couldn't help but laugh, looking at Long Tianyin as if he was cheating.

Long Tianyin couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face. He rarely smiled. However, looking at his grandson standing in front of him, he really couldn't bear the joy in his heart.

After worrying, he saw how powerful his grandson was. It could be said that he could not find a single flaw in Long Haochen. At less than twenty years old, he already possesses eighth-level strength and has at least two artifacts on his body. Although he can't fully use these artifacts yet, at his age and at this rate of progress, in a few years, he will really have the strength to compete head-on with the demon gods. This is his grandson! He is a hero and leader who will definitely leave a mark in human history.

Taking a deep breath, Long Tianyin said: This time the demons have been frightened by us. According to our calculations, among the three legions of the God Emperor, all the hell demons have been almost completely wiped out. The God Emperor has lost its magical attack power. The legion is like a tiger without teeth, nothing to fear. The undead demon Samikina was directly hit hard by you. He is the strongest among the demon gods outside. As you said, these demon gods are probably They don’t dare to act rashly. The most they can do is maintain the current situation. As long as no reinforcements appear, they won’t dare to fight us. Therefore, I don’t plan to let you continue to fight.

Ah? Long Haochen suddenly became anxious, Grandpa, this can't work! You and Grandpa Yang must keep your word. If you don't let me go to war, how can I complete my mission of tens of millions of merits? I still have to fight with my friends. Let’s regroup and go to the rear of the demon clan to kill them.”

Long Tianyin stood up and walked slowly to Long Haochen. There was a bit of scorn in his eyes. His majestic body looked so majestic. Standing in front of Long Haochen, he felt like an eternal tower. Destroyed mountains.

Haochen, don't worry, your Grandpa Yang and I have different ideas. You are my biological grandson and my only grandson. You are the son of light, the favored one of God, and the hope of the future of mankind. If only Protecting you under my wings, when will you become the leader of mankind, and when will you be able to lead mankind to destroy the demon clan? What you need is constant training and continuous improvement through tempering. Just like you did before. I believe that you have the ability to protect yourself and create more brilliance. Therefore, grandpa will not stop you from going to the battlefield. For two consecutive days of fighting, you scared off the enemy once, causing the demons to lose a lot of corpses. The opportunity to resupply severely damaged the undead demon Samikina, further curbing the momentum of the demon army. I will remember these two great achievements for you. As the master of the Knight Temple, I have the right to grant you Enough meritorious service, so I decided to reward you with five hundred thousand meritorious service as a reward for your role in turning the tide in these two wars.

Five hundred thousand? Long Haochen was shocked, but at the same time he was happy, but he couldn't help but worry: Grandpa, is this not showing favoritism?

Fart. Long Tianyin raised his hand and hit Long Haochen's head, and scolded with a smile: Go to our Knight Temple to inquire and inquire. Who doesn't know that your grandfather and I are the most severe and fair divine seal? Knight, what I own is the Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law. If I can't even be fair, how can I continue to be recognized by the Divine Seal Throne? Don't worry, the reward I will give you is only a little, not a lot. Think about it, if you hadn't cut off the queen, how many of the fifty Mithril Pedestal Knights traveling with you would have come back alive? Your action of cutting off the queen at the cost of your life alone is worth the five hundred thousand merit. . This is what you paid for with your bravery, life and spirit of sacrifice. Although I was very angry at the time and angry with you for not caring about your own safety, as your grandfather and the master of the Knights Temple, you are the pride of your grandfather. I, Dragon The grandson of Tianyin did not abandon his robe when facing danger, and proved your bravery with the most direct action.

Looking at the surging emotion in his grandfather's eyes, Long Haochen's eyes couldn't help but moisten. No matter how strong he was and how calm his mind was, he was only twenty years old after all. Being recognized by his grandfather was too much for him. It's important.

Long Tianyin took a deep breath, calmed down his turbulent emotions, and continued: You have done a good job, but you are not suitable to stay here anymore. Your light should bloom where it is needed more. And we The Yulong Pass is well defended, but you are easily targeted by the opponent. Therefore, after thinking about it, I decided to give you a task. After completing this task, you will have completed tens of millions of meritorious deeds, and you can naturally reorganize your hunting team. The Demon Group. I haven’t told you yet that this time your Grandpa Yang returned to the Holy Alliance to ask other temple leaders to discuss how to use your ability to destroy the Demonic Pillar. How can the Alliance cooperate with you to maximize this strength? degree.

When he heard that the demon hunting group could be reorganized, Long Haochen almost jumped up with excitement, Grandpa, then you can issue the mission. I will definitely complete it no matter what.

Long Tianyin said: Don't talk so much, is a task equivalent to tens of millions of merits that simple? You can go back and have a rest first, and you will set out to complete this task tomorrow. This task is very simple, you can do it alone Go, as the leader of the Holy Knights of the Knights Temple, and join the defense battles of the Grand Pass where the other five temples are located. Obtain at least one million meritorious deeds at each Grand Pass, or achieve the level of achievement last night, After completing the battles at all five gates, you will naturally join up with your friends. At that time, the Alliance will definitely give you a new mission. Do you understand?

Happiness came so suddenly that Long Haochen felt like he couldn't react for a moment.

Go to the other five temples to participate in the battle and meet up with his friends one by one. There is no doubt that the task given to him by Long Tianyin is much simpler than Yang Haohan's original task of tens of millions of meritorious deeds! Moreover, as he continued to travel to one fortress after another, he could meet up with his friends one by one. How could he not be excited? For a moment, Long Haochen was speechless because of his excitement.

Long Tianyin smiled slightly and said, Are you so happy at the thought of going to the Exorcist Prison to meet your little girlfriend?

Yes, isn't the Exorcist Pass where the Assassin's Temple is located closest to the Dragon Control Pass of the Knights Temple? Cai'er is right there!


yes! I'm going to pick up Cai'er. Vote for Cai'er. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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