Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 53 Admission tickets and equipment (1)

Bang, bang, bang there was a knock on the door.

Brother, we are about to leave, are you okay? Li Xin called while slamming the door in an unladylike manner.

Okay, okay. The door opened and Long Haochen walked out of the room.

Li Xin's eyes lit up, Wow, so handsome.

Long Haochen wore a white arrow-sleeved warrior uniform with silver dragon patterns embroidered on it. It was clean, tight and neat, with a small silver dragon embroidered on both sides of the collar. In the middle of the belt, there is a light stone with a faint aura of light inlaid in it.

She has medium-long black hair spread over her shoulders, her starry light golden eyes are clear and transparent, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her skin is as smooth as jade, her nose is high, and her eye sockets are slightly sunken, making it impossible to find any flaws.

In just the past six months, Long Haochen has grown a little taller, and his figure is more slender. There are no exaggerated muscle lines, but his figure is well-proportioned and perfectly divided by the golden ratio.

Long Haochen, who usually only wears the simplest civilian clothes, is already stunning. Now when he puts on this slightly gorgeous warrior uniform, even women will be jealous of him.

Long Haochen arranged his clothes awkwardly, Sister, there's no need to dress so formally. I'm not used to it.

This outfit was specially made for him by Li Xin. Apart from ordinary civilian clothes, Long Haochen's only other clothes were the standard warrior uniforms issued by the Haoyue branch.

How can I not get used to it. Brother, the white color suits you so well. You are so handsome. Hey, why couldn't you have been born a few years earlier? What a loss. What a loss. I have been with you for a long time. Sister, my horizons are high. Now, if I can’t find a man in the future, I will take possession of you.”

Li Xin looked Long Haochen up and down with gleaming eyes, while threatening him with a clenched fist.

At this moment, two heads poked out from behind Long Haochen, rubbing his calves while making a wuwu sound in their mouths.

Long Haochen bent down and patted the two lizards on their heads, You can't go tonight, so just stay at home and look after the house. Be obedient. I'll bring dried fish back for you to eat later.

This strange-looking guy with two lizard heads was obviously the two-headed lizard that Long Haochen brought back from the Holy Mountain of Knights, the two-headed lizard he named Haoyue.

Haoyue became a new species and was recorded by the Holy Mountain of Knights. It has been half a year since she returned with Long Haochen.

Generally, Warcraft mounts have their own place to live. Only when the knight needs it can they be summoned to their side through a contract. But this guy Haoyue was different. He stubbornly insisted on following Long Haochen and refused to return to his original space no matter what.

The blending of blood and the feeling of never abandoning or giving up made their relationship far closer than other knights and mount companions.

The first benefit brought by the blood contract, Long Haochen had already felt it when he first came back, and that was the connection between minds. What an equal contract usually brings is that the monster can feel the knight's thoughts and act. But what the blood contract brings is their mutual perception. Although Haoyue couldn't speak, Long Haochen could feel its emotional changes all the time. Even if it's far away.

Hearing the word dried fish, Haoyue's eyes widened at the same time. He looked at each other in a very humane manner, raised his neck and nodded repeatedly towards Long Haochen. Looking at it like that, his mouth was about to drool.

Long Haochen hugged their heads and said, Then I'll leave first and I'll be back soon.

As a member of the Haoyue branch, Long Haochen has an income of five gold coins every month. However, he has no money at all, and all the money is used to buy food for Haoyue.

This guy is very greedy, especially fish food, and his favorite is spiced dried fish. As a result, Long Haochen became an out-and-out Moonlight Clan, and sometimes he even had to be helped by Li Xin.

As the contact time became longer and longer, Long Haochen was surprised to find that Haoyue's two heads actually had separate thoughts. When I first came back from the Holy Mountain of Knights, this feeling was not strong yet. Half a year later, he found more and more that the head with red eyes had a slightly more irritable personality, while the head with golden eyes had a much gentler personality.

After receiving Long Haochen's promise, Haoyue happily went back to her room, flicking her tail and closing the door.

Li Xin said with some envy: Haochen, you Haoyue are too smart, just like a child clinging to you all day long.

Long Haochen chuckled and said, Yes! It's like my younger brother, no, I should say two younger brothers. There's really nothing we can do about them. Sister, let's go.

The two of them left the Haoyue Branch Hall and walked on the street. Long Haochen asked, Sister, what is going on today? Why did uncle invite us to dinner?

When Li Xin brought clothes to Long Haochen before, she just told him that her father was going to treat them to a meal today and also wanted to talk about some things.

As the contact lasted longer, Long Haochen now knew that Li Xin's father was Li Aoxiao, the military chief of Haoyue City, and Lin Jialu's father was the family of Lin Yin, the consul of Haoyue City.

In all cities within the scope of the Temple Alliance, the consul is responsible for government affairs, and the military commander is responsible for military affairs. The two cooperate.

Li Xin smiled and said: It's not just my father who invited us to dinner today, but also Uncle Lin, Uncle Nalan, and Uncle Bai Yu, the master of the Bright Moon Branch Hall of the Magic Temple. Uncle Chen Chunhua, the master of the Bright Moon Branch Hall of the Warrior Temple.

Long Haochen was surprised. The five people Li Xin mentioned were all important figures in Haoyue City, and they were also the most core high-level officials. Haoyue City is a medium-sized city. Among the six major temples, only the three major temples of knights, warriors and magic have branches built here. Coupled with the consuls and military chiefs, they can decide almost all affairs in Haoyue City. How could Long Haochen not be surprised that the five big shots wanted to treat them to dinner together?

Sister, why is this? Long Haochen asked in confusion.

Li Xin said: Of course it's for the upcoming selection competition for the Demon Hunting Group. We will all be contestants, and they will give us some advice.

While talking, they had arrived at the ruling hall of Haoyue City, and Li Xin pulled Long Haochen directly to the third floor. There were dedicated staff to greet them and lead them into a side hall on the side.

Long Haochen and Li Xin obviously arrived a little late. There were only the last two empty seats at the round table with exquisite dishes, which were obviously prepared for them.

Long Haochen glanced around and found that besides Nalan Shu, there was another person he knew among the people present, and it was Lin Jialu who he had fought against before.

Naturally, Li Xin also saw her. The two women looked at each other, snorted at the same time, and turned away, paying no attention to the other. However, when Lin Jialu's eyes passed over Long Haochen, she couldn't help but froze.

The face of the majestic middle-aged man at the front darkened, Xin'er, please don't be rude. Obviously, this was Li Xin's father, Li Aoxiao, the military chief of Haoyue City.

Li Xin stuck out her tongue and then said hello to everyone who was already sitting there, Hello, Uncle Lin, Hello, Uncle Nalan, Hello, Uncle Bai, and Hello, Uncle Chen.

Several middle-aged people nodded one after another, and Long Haochen also followed Li Xin's name and got to know these big figures in Haoyue City one by one and said hello to each of them.

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