Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 528 The Undead Demon (Part 2)

A faint light flickered, and there was a hint of cold light in Long Haochen's eyes. At this moment, in his perception, there was only death and darkness around him. However, in his heart, the liquid sword intent burst out at an unparalleled speed.

Long Haochen only felt a soft ding sound in his heart. It was hard to describe the feeling, as if something was broken, but something appeared again. It's like breaking down and then standing up again. A flash of enlightenment suddenly hit my heart.

However, he obviously did not consider these possibilities at this time. The floating light wheel contained all the power of his sword.

Yulong Pass.

The intense blue-gold light was flying towards the demon camp at an unparalleled speed.

At this moment, Long Tianyin's heart was on fire. He never expected that Samikina would take action against Long Haochen. In all the previous discussions, there were also calculations for the demon gods to take action directly, but in the calculation, the most likely moment for the seven demon gods to take action was at the beginning. If they ignored the outbreak of the forbidden curse, they might be able to target the first wave of attacks. The knights took action. And inside there was the strong man He Jun.

His resistance was enough to make the Mithril Pedestal Knights he led retreat. What's more, the possibility of the Demon God taking action seemed almost slim during the military deliberations.

That was the forbidden spell that fell on the three legions of the God Emperor. Even if these demon gods solved the first one, they must try their best to resolve the power of the other two explosions and reduce losses. The God Emperor's Legion is something that even the Demon God Emperor would feel sorry for. Who would have thought that the Undead Demon God Samikina would suddenly put aside the forbidden curse and simply attack Long Haochen alone?

At this time, Long Tianyin was so regretful that his intestines were green, and he suddenly thought of the crux of the matter. It was impossible for Long Haochen to be recognized. The mount has changed, the weapons have changed, and the strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Unless Samikina had clairvoyance, it would have been impossible to recognize Long Haochen's identity.

Then, there was only one explanation for his sudden attack on Long Haochen, which was the artifact that Long Haochen had displayed during the day.

Long Tianyin knew that he was still negligent and ignored the possibility of Long Haochen being exposed. If Long Haochen's spiritual wings are the same as others, then it will never cause Samikina to take action. He has returned safely at this time. However, his spiritual wings are four, so special that he Having to summon the Starry Unicorn King, Samikina must have judged from his mount that he was the powerful human knight who killed two demon lords during the day, so he targeted him.

When things have reached this point, there is no point in regretting it. This is because the plan has failed to keep up with the changes. No one could have imagined that this situation would happen. The only thing that can be done now is to rescue Long Haochen as much as possible.

Among all the higher-ups of the Knight Temple in Yulongguan, only Long Tianyin knows the true significance of Long Haochen to the Knight Temple. What's more, to say the least, Long Haochen is his grandson and only grandson. !

Long Tianyin already felt strongly guilty about Long Haochen. At this moment, seeing his grandson being attacked by Samikina and having completely fallen into Samikina's territory, how could he not be anxious?

The blue-gold stream of light brought up a dazzling blue-gold tail flame behind Long Tianyin. It can be clearly seen that the throne of the divine seal of order and law decomposed in the brilliance behind him, and the blue-gold light continued to catch up from behind. Long Tianyin's body turned into pieces of armor that fit with his body.

With each additional piece of blue-gold armor covering it, Long Tianyin's aura becomes stronger, and the sky behind him becomes brighter. With all his strength, Long Tianyin has no power at this time. reserve. Even if he is trapped in the battlefield, he must rescue Long Haochen. This is the only thought in his mind at this moment.

Long Tianyin's reaction was not unpleasant, but after all, it was slower than the undead demon Samikina who was closer and took the initiative to attack. When he started from Yulong Pass, the death grip transformed by Samikina had already caught Long Haochen who was riding the Star King.

Buzz-- A strange buzzing sound sounded, and then, an indescribable special feeling suddenly burst out from the death grip.

The originally extremely powerful gray giant hand suddenly became stiff, and then, a layer of orange-red halo suddenly spread.


Like boiling oil poured into the snow, the giant gray hand transformed by the Death Grip shattered almost instantly, turning into countless gray mist and flying in all directions. Rich orange-red light broke through the mist with an unparalleled brilliance. .

A strange scene appeared. In the otherwise silent night, a golden beam of light actually fell from the sky, swaying over Long Haochen. Making him look so divine while riding the Star King, the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield has become about two feet in diameter. The powerful orange-red light became extremely intense, as if it was refracting the golden light falling from the sky. The huge light pillar went straight towards Samikina and bombarded it.

This is... Samikina was shocked. When his death grip grabbed Long Haochen, he was surprised to feel that this adamantine base knight seemed not as powerful as he thought. But soon, he was shocked again.

In that orange-red halo, an unparalleled powerful sword intent burst out. The sword intent was like a sudden explosion of spiritual power, but it was thousands of times more powerful. It actually tore his Death Grip into pieces in one go. .

What surprised Samikina even more was that it was not the tyrannical spiritual power that shredded the Death Grip, but the spiritual power in the sword's intention. In other words, it was not Long Haochen's cultivation that could withstand the Grip of Death, but his sudden burst of tyrannical sword intent that cut off the control of the Undead Demon God Samikina over the Grip of Death, thus breaking this hit.

The refracted golden light beam is filled with the aura of awe-inspiring light between heaven and earth. When the golden light beam shines in the gray light of Samikina, the sound of clear and exciting music can be vaguely heard. All the gray mist melted rapidly when it came into contact with this golden light pillar, and was unable to withstand the impact of this golden light pillar.

Long Haochen was within Samikina's territory at this time! Within the domain, it is the master of the domain who controls the attributes and element levels, but he seems not to be affected at all. This can only prove one problem, that is, the purity of Long Haochen's light attribute is higher than the purity of Samikina's death-dark attribute. As the fourth ranked demon god among the demon clan, how could Samikina not be surprised?

However, being surprised does not mean that he will not continue to take action. On the contrary, the fighting spirit in his heart has become stronger because of Long Haochen's strong resistance.

Facing the golden beam of light, Samikina's eyes became a bit colder. He raised his right fist and slowly punched it forward.

His movement was very slow, but another change was the refraction of light. This should have been a speed that belonged to two worlds completely. However, when Samikina punched out, there was no deviation at the moment when the beam of light came.

The endless gray vortex collided with the golden beam of light. The gray mist stirred, but never dispersed. The sad howling sound covered up the sweet music almost instantly. Twelve ferocious demon heads quietly emerged, and the lights intertwined. The light pillar has been torn into pieces.

Long Haochen used the Divine Descent Technique, which was derived from the power of the Goddess of Light and was used through the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield. This is not his first attempt. Such an attack is naturally weaker than the Aria of the Goddess of Light, but it is more powerful in the case of pure spiritual collision.

However, his opponent was too powerful after all. Even the divine descending technique has no real effect in front of the Undead Demon God.

With a muffled groan, Long Haochen's body shook violently, and even the Star King trembled at the same time.

It seemed like a simple attack, but Long Haochen had used all his strength to resist the ninth-level attack of the Death Grip and launched a counterattack. This was all he could do.

The gap in strength is huge. No matter how powerful the sword intention is, it cannot burst out with all its brilliance without sufficient spiritual power support.

Samikina didn't use all his strength to attack Long Haochen. He could naturally see Long Tianyin approaching. Moreover, although it was just a simple fight, how could he not feel Long Haochen's true strength with his powerful strength? What about his cultivation?

The Demon God of Death has understood that this is just an eighth-level knight who has obtained an artifact, and his cultivation level will never reach the ninth level. However, no matter what his cultivation level is, as long as he can get the artifact, it is enough. The reason he didn't try his best was because the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield had not released the power of the artifact yet, so he had to be careful. During the day, the seven-colored golden light frightened him. Samikina had to figure out just how powerful this light was.

The golden light shattered, and the gray vortex surged up like an overwhelming force, covering Long Haochen's body almost instantly, swallowing all the Star Kings into the gray vortex.

Reincarnation of Death, this is Samikina's unique skill. Faced with this skill, even the Dragon Sky Seal must rely on the power of the artifact to resist it.

Can Long Tianyin rescue Long Haochen in time? the answer is negative.

Because, just on his way forward, a majestic figure stood there, the Bear Demon God Walliver.

Although Walliver was jealous of Samikina's status, as a demon, he could still handle the big issues.

After solving the first forbidden curse, he asked the other five demon gods to weaken the power of the other two forbidden curses and rescue the people of the God Emperor's legion. He then flew out, crossed Samikina, and blocked the Dragon Sky Seal. the way to go.


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