Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 517 The super-artifact-level Divine Seal Throne (Part 1)

The reason why the hatred between ethnic groups is irreconcilable is largely due to the differences in each other's culture, habits and cognition. It is absolutely impossible for humans to use the corpses of their tribesmen as food, but under the high-pressure policy of the demons, they have become an important source of food supply for them. It can even be said that whenever the demons don't have enough food, they will attack Yulong Pass, not only to attack the enemy, but also to increase food for their own side.

The victory in this battle not only dealt a blow to the strength of the demons, but also further cut off their food. Of course, in this way, the demon clan's next attack will not wait too long.

A victory is too important for Yulong Pass. He has been suppressed by the demons and has been guarding Yulong Pass for a full year and a half. The arrival of victory is enough to make every knight excited and cheer, and it also mobilizes everyone's energy and spirit. An army with morale is much more powerful than an army without morale.

However, as the biggest contributor to this great victory, Long Haochen was called back to the Knights Temple after the battle.

Standing upright in front of Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin, Long Haochen's expression remained unchanged. At this time, he had already taken off his fine gold base armor. Han Yu was also beside him, but compared with Long Haochen's calmness, Han Yu was a little anxious at this time, because the expressions of the two masters of the Divine Seal Knight Palace were not so happy!

Long Haochen, do you understand who you are? Long Tianyin said in a deep voice.

Long Haochen immediately replied: I am a gold base knight of the Knights Temple, at the paladin level.

Long Tianyin said: What else?

Long Haochen was stunned for a moment and said: I am still the leader of the handsome level 64 Demon Hunting Group.

Don't keep mentioning your demon hunting group. How can we trust you to regroup with you now? Have you completely forgotten the three-part agreement you made with me? This time, even Yang Haohan was angry.

Long Haochen looked at the two divine seal knights with some confusion, Grandpa Yang, I don't know what I did wrong!

Yang Haohan said angrily: You don't know yet? You are not only a Paladin now, but you are also a soldier of the Temple Alliance. I asked you to find your own mount and let you directly join the war after you come back. ? I hope you can keep a low profile on the battlefield. You can do well. When you come back, all the demons outside will immediately know you. Can you not become the target of public criticism? Can you guarantee that you will not be recognized by the demons? Equipment can be changed. , can the ability be changed? What's more, your artifact-level shield was not given to you by us. It was your original ability. If you use it in front of so many demons, doesn't this tell others who you are? The less we want something to happen, the more you steer in that direction.”

Before Long Haochen could speak, Long Tianyin also said in a deep voice: Soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders. Even if you want to participate in the battle, what you should do after you come back is report to me and enter the battlefield under my command. . What about you? How did you do it? You entered the battlefield rashly and exposed your own strength. Do you know what the artifact means? That means our pressure on the demons increases. The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound. The bigger. Have you heard that we will easily use artifact-level weapons and equipment on the battlefield? Who doesn’t hide artifacts as much as possible, and only use this level of equipment at a critical moment of life and death to give the enemy a fatal blow? hit.

Long Haochen said: Two hall masters, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would cause you misunderstanding. Can you let me explain?

Long Tianyin was about to continue to rebuke him, but was stopped by Yang Haohan. Yang Haohan nodded to him and said: Okay, you say it. I will give you a chance to explain. However, if your explanation cannot convince us, then , you will go back to the temple to retreat, and you will not be allowed to participate in the holy war again.

Long Haochen's expression changed. He was really anxious now. Not allowing him to participate in the battle meant that he and his companions would not be able to reorganize the demon hunting group in the near future!

Two palace masters, that's it. In fact, what happened just now was largely a coincidence. Moreover, the demons should not recognize my identity.

The shield I used has never been seen by the demons before. We got it in a cave in the Dark Swamp after killing the snake demon Andumari. Today is the first time it is used on the battlefield. Moreover, it has never been an artifact in my hand, but an epic shield! Grandpa, you have also seen this shield, and I have used it in your tests.

When Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin heard what he said, their expressions immediately softened a lot. The demons have never seen this shield, so it will be much easier to handle. As long as Long Haochen's identity is not exposed, they don't care too much about the rest.

Long Haochen continued: The thing is like this... At that moment, he explained in detail the communication between himself and the Sun and Moon Snail in the cave, as well as the entire process of obtaining the Sun and Moon Snail Shield. Nothing to hide.

When they heard Long Haochen talking about the origins of the Starlight Divine Beast and the Sun-Moon Divine Snail, the two Divine Seal Knights couldn't help showing surprise. This was the first time they had heard of this statement. Long Haochen brought it. The news is not surprising.

Of course, when Long Haochen talked about the various situations described by the Sun and Moon God Snail, he naturally wanted to separate himself and the Tower of Eternity. The Tower of Eternity involved the Necromancer and was too sensitive. He still wanted to keep this secret. However, since learning the origin of the eternally sleeping calamity Electrolux, Long Haochen has never entered the Tower of Eternity again. It can be said to be a form of avoidance. He does not want to gain any abilities from this human sinner.

The long-slumbering natural disaster Electrolux brought huge disasters to mankind. As both the Son of Light and Long Haochen, it can be said that he hated him deeply. If it weren't for that disaster, how could humans be so passive when the demons came, and the dark ages would last for six thousand years.

..., the control of the sun and the moon depends on the heart, the guidance of light, and the protection of God. Dawn, sunset, dusk, the sun and the moon alternate, and the snail is the shield. These are the last words left to me by the sun and the moon. The sun just now I don’t know what happened to the seven-colored golden light emitted by the Moon God Snail Shield. I can just feel the increase of this light on us. However, the two demon lords died in this seven-colored golden light.”

Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin looked at each other, sighed, and said: You are so blessed! My child, you are so blessed. The birth of the Son of Light is indeed God's favor for us humans. We don't want us to be completely destroyed by the demons. That's why you are more... Cherish yourself, we need you to lead mankind to drive away the demons and bring light back to the earth.

According to what you said, what happened just now was indeed an accident. However, it was still a mistake for you to enter the battlefield rashly. Do you admit your mistake?

Long Haochen nodded quickly and said: I admit my mistake. Grandpas, please don't let me leave the battlefield, okay? I have been away from this holy war for a year and a half. I really hope that I can make a contribution to our Knights Temple. I will definitely obey your orders from now on, abide by the three chapters of Grandpa Yang’s agreement, and try my best to hide my identity from being discovered by the demons.

Seeing his nervous look, Yang Haohan couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, and said: Okay. Then I'll give you another chance. Remember what you said. If you dare to do anything again, don't blame Grandpa Yang. You’re in confinement.”

Yes, I will follow your order. Long Haochen immediately tapped his chest with his right hand and performed a standard knightly salute.

If Yang Haohan really wanted to hide Long Haochen according to his own thoughts, he would at least have to wait until his cultivation surpassed the ninth level before letting him participate in the war. But he also knew that doing so would not be beneficial to Long Haochen's growth.

The growth of children of light requires not a greenhouse, but constant tempering. If he was allowed to practice silently in a safe environment, his cultivation might improve, but his overall strength would definitely be lacking. After he reaches the ninth level, the enemies he has to face can only become stronger, giving him no more opportunities to hone his skills. So, after all, he didn't stop anything.

Long Tianyin also nodded slightly and said: Haochen, I can tell you for sure that your shield must be an artifact. At that time, it was inspired by the blood resentment skills of the Necromancer Demon God lineage. . The intensity of the seven-colored golden light produced by the golden light cannot be achieved by epic-level equipment. Moreover, there is no epic-level equipment that needs to absorb 50,000 spiritual powers at once. Please tell me in detail how you felt at that time. , we will help you think of ways to mobilize the power of this artifact. If you can use it properly, then you will have an additional magic weapon to protect yourself.

Long Haochen nodded and said: I felt very strange at the time, as if a special power was released from the Sun and Moon Snail Shield. At that time, both my own body and Han Yu's body were in a temporary state. The enemy was in a stagnant state. The same was true for the enemy. It seemed that time had stopped within the range of the seven-colored golden light emitted by the Sun and Moon God's snail shield. Then he saw the enemy's collapse and felt the spiritual power in his spiritual orifice condensed into Linggang.”

I can vaguely feel that the seven-colored golden light seems to be lacking something. It seems to be too masculine, but it lacks the righteousness and peace that the Sun and Moon Divine Snail originally possessed. I don't know what's going on, Sun and Moon The Divine Snail has never told me that the shield he transformed into will have such an effect. According to it, the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield itself should not have offensive power, but should be purely defensive.


The six divine seal thrones are about to be revealed to everyone. Well, remind me again, the outbreak occurred on Monday, which is actually after 12 o'clock tonight. Don't forget it. Thank you to the more than seventy brothers and sisters who have received the light of the Great God. Thank you for following Lao San for so many years. Thanks also to all readers for their support. thank you all.

It’s the end of the month, please vote.

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