Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 51 Evolution (Part 1)

Long Haochen watched the changes in the Fire Lizard with firm eyes. His right hand was now clenched into a fist. Although the blood continued to flow, his hand was very stable.

Layers of golden halo continued to wash away the body of the Earth Salamander, and streams of white smoke continued to emit from the wounds on its body. These wounds obviously showed signs of ulceration. Obviously, the fire lizard with dark physique was affected by the light energy, and its body was suffering tremendous pain.

If it weren't for the fact that Long Haochen had concluded an equal contract with it, the huge power of light contained in Long Haochen's Son of Light physique might have destroyed it.

The muscles beside the Salamander's cheeks were wrinkled, and traces of blood continued to seep from its mouth. Although its body was shaking violently, its four claws were always digging tightly into the ground to prevent it from hurting. Any movement.

It raised its head high and faced Long Haochen. The eyes of the man and the beast were facing each other. In addition to perseverance, there was also a hint of warmth in their eyes. Yes, they both caught the warmth of family affection in each other's eyes.

As the blood continued to flow, Long Haochen's face became paler and paler, and he began to feel weak. Even though he already possesses a thousand points of spiritual power, he is still a human being after all. Loss of more than one-third of human blood is fatal. And with his current blood loss rate, it won't be long before he reaches this limit.

Time passed by, and both Ye Hua and the one-eyed old man were very nervous at this time.

The one-eyed old man has been guarding the Holy Mountain for many years, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Several outcomes are now possible. The first is that the fire lizard cannot withstand the baptism of bright blood and dies suddenly. The second is that it is baptized by the blood of light and becomes a monster of light constitution. In this case, Long Haochen's goal will be achieved. The third type is that if the fire lizard cannot bear the pain in front of it and runs away on its own, then all the previous efforts will be in vain. The fourth type is what the one-eyed old man and Ye Hua least want to see, that is, Long Haochen loses too much blood and cannot hold on. In that case, not only would the Earth Salamander be unable to complete its evolution, but Long Haochen himself would also be in danger of losing his blood and essence.

Long Haochen's originally stable right hand gradually began to tremble. His originally fair skin had now turned a sickly pale color, and its original luster had long since disappeared. The speed of blood flowing in his wrist has begun to slow down. In addition to the wound healing on its own, it also shows a large loss of his own blood.

But the strange thing is that the body of the fire lizard is no longer trembling. The originally dark scales on the body gradually gained a layer of faint golden light, and the rotten wounds healed at an alarming speed. Obviously, it has endured all the hardships and its physique is changing rapidly.

The most peculiar change was the contract runes on Long Haochen and the Earth Fire Lizard. The original purple contract runes gradually turned into purple and gold. Although purple was still the main color, with the addition of a touch of gold, the entire runes looked much more dazzling. The purple haze above has also faded a bit, and the surprisingly complex patterns on the runes can be vaguely seen.

Long Haochen's body swayed and he almost fell.

No, Haochen can't hold on anymore. Ye Hua's heartstrings were already tense, and he couldn't help but rush forward.

Wait a moment. The one-eyed old man raised his hand and stopped his forward movement.

Long Haochen raised his left hand and pressed it on the neck of the fire lizard to support his body. At this time, he could no longer see clearly everything in front of him. The strong dizziness caused by excessive blood loss made him feel dizzy at any time. May fall.

Do not abandon, do not give up. Long Haochen gritted his teeth and muttered these six words silently in his heart.

Although the time he had been in contact with the Fire Lizard was only a few moments, this was also the first time he felt the effect of an equal contract. The kindness like a family member, and the Salamander's attachment to him out of fear, all deeply touched his heart.

Long Haochen has no brothers or sisters. In the past few years, Li Xin has been treating him like a biological sister. When he made the final decision just now, he just thought about what decision Li Xin would make if he faced such a crisis?

Partner, what is a partner? Sharing life and death is a true partner.

Looking at the Fire Lizard's eyes with blurred vision, at this moment, Long Haochen no longer thought it was ugly.

At this time, Long Haochen had lost more than one-third of his blood. If he had not become a great knight, his life would probably be in danger.

Although the one-eyed old man stopped Ye Hua, he was also ready to take action at any time. Once Long Haochen's vitality began to fail, he would definitely take action as soon as possible. Stop him from continuing.

Roar - an excited roar sounded, and a layer of golden luster emerged from the body of the fire lizard. All the dark aura and fierceness were gone.

A ray of golden light shot out from the one-eyed old man's hand and landed on the wound on Long Haochen's wrist, instantly helping him heal the wound.

Long Haochen's body softened and he fell down, but he did not pass out because he wanted to see whether he really succeeded.

The wet tongue gently licked his face, and those small red eyes were full of brilliance, as if they were inlaid with two rubies.

The purple-gold contract runes on the back quietly disappeared, the wounds on the Fire Lizard's body had completely disappeared, and the shield-shaped scales exuded a layer of pale golden luster.

Ye Hua sighed secretly and stepped forward slowly, wanting to feed Long Haochen some elixirs that would strengthen his body and strengthen his vitality. He knew that although Long Haochen succeeded, he also paid a heavy price. With such a loss of essence and blood, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover in a year and a half.

Roar—— The fire lizard suddenly let out a low roar towards Ye Hua, who was approaching, with a pair of small red eyes full of evil. A huge fireball spit out from his mouth and went straight towards Ye Hua to bombard him.

Huh? Ye Hua was startled. The spiritual light shield rose up and blocked the fireball with a bang.

Don't get close to it yet, it seems to be trying to do something. The one-eyed old man shouted in a deep voice.

A fireball from the Fire Lizard stopped Ye Hua's progress, and its eyes fell on the face of the weak Long Haochen again. At this moment, suddenly, a purple light emerged from its back and shot straight to the top of the cave.

This purple light was released in a linear shape, as if its back suddenly cracked. After the light pattern appeared, the fire lizard raised its head again, but at this moment, a trace of light rippled in its red eyes. A touch of purple. This purple meaning is cold and noble.

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