Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 41 The Holy Mountain of Knights (3)

Huh? So cautious? Ye Hua looked at Long Haochen with some confusion. Long Haochen's voice also sounded at this time.

Teacher, my innate inner spiritual power is ninety-seven.

Yes. Ye Hua agreed. At this time, he was still immersed in Long Haochen's words like master and father, and his heart felt warm and comfortable. He has never married, and it is normal for him to have such a sensible and precious apprentice, and treat him like a son.

Ninety-seven. Ah? What are you talking about? Ye Hua shook his head violently, and even the few crystal drops in his eyes flew out. His voice changed, and he called him something.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said, I just said I won't tell you. I knew this would be the result.

Ye Hua's body was obviously twitching, and he swallowed hard. He waved his hand fiercely, and a spiritual light shield much more powerful than Long Haochen spread out from his body, protecting the master and apprentice again.

You, you said, your inner spiritual power is ninety-seven? Ye Hua's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

Long Haochen nodded.

No, this is impossible. Ye Hua said flatly, When you first came to the branch hall, that damn fat man Nalan Shu conducted a spiritual power assessment on you, and the result was 268. Since you have Holy awakening means that the external spiritual power is at full two hundred, so no matter how talented you are, your innate internal spiritual power cannot exceed sixty-eight!

Long Haochen scratched his head and said: At that time, my inner spiritual power actually reached more than 100. I just fused a spiritual furnace, so my inner spiritual power temporarily dropped. Haven't you noticed that after I learned a lesson from you? Around a month ago, did my internal spiritual power obviously improve significantly? That means the spiritual power of the fusion spiritual furnace was restored.

Spiritual furnace..., you, you still have the spiritual furnace... Ye Hua almost pulled off Yue Diao's feathers and looked at Long Haochen with a crazy look on his face.

You brat, do you know what I want to do now? Ye Hua's eyes were filled with fierceness.

Long Haochen was stunned for a moment, Teacher, what do you want to do?

Ye Hua had the urge to burst into tears, I want to kick you down. Damn it, why did you tell me! I'm a psychopath, why should I ask! It's so humiliating to myself. You’re just asking for humiliation!”

It took a full hour for Ye Hua to gradually recover from this unstable emotional state. But every time he looked back and saw Long Haochen's gentle and jade-like face, he seemed to see a nine written on his left face, a seven written on his right face, and a spiritual furnace on his nose...

Teacher, in your opinion, what kind of magical beast is more suitable for me to form a contract partner with? It wasn't until another hour passed that Ye Hua's mood was completely stable, and Long Haochen asked tentatively.

Ye Hua glanced at him, Of course, the higher the level of cultivation, the better. With your potential, those seventh and eighth level monsters will probably feel ashamed in front of you and have no confidence in forming a partnership with you. The best result , just to find a level nine infant monster. By the way, what kind of spiritual furnace do you have? As he asked, he took off the water bag from his waist and took a sip.

Holy Spiritual Furnace.

Pfft-- Ye Hua spurted out all the water he had just drank in his mouth. You, you, do you have any humanity? Can you stop being so cruel! Ye Hua's face was full of grief and anger.

Long Haochen asked doubtfully: Teacher, are you okay? The Holy Spiritual Furnace seems to be the last among the spiritual furnaces that our knights can fuse with.

Ye Hua panted heavily, If I keep telling you this, I'm going to have a heart attack. You know nothing! Yes, the Holy Spirit Furnace is ranked at the bottom. But do you know that we knights Among the three major divine seal knights in the temple today, the two old guys who were born as guardian knights both own the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

I don't know. Long Haochen said honestly.

Ye Hua said angrily: The Holy Spiritual Furnace can be said to be the best spiritual furnace for knights and teams to cooperate with. With a knight integrated with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, any team can at least increase the number of hundred points when exploring ancient ruins. Thirty percent safety. Fortunately, you have told me now. When we return from the Holy Mountain of Knights this time, I will give you a good guide on how to use this Holy Soul Spirit Furnace.

The Eagle Eagle continued to fly towards the north. Even though its flight speed was relatively weak among all level six flying monsters, it was still much faster than traveling from the ground.

The Holy Mountain of Knights is located in the northeast corner of the Temple Union, adjacent to the Temple of Knights. It is extremely far away from Haoyue City, a city located in the south of the Temple Alliance. It is almost necessary to cross the entire Temple Alliance area to reach it.

In the Temple Alliance, the six major temples are all located on the border, surrounding each other in a circle to protect the territory of the Temple Alliance. The Temple Alliance headquarters is located in the center of the territory, and the distance from the six major temples is almost the same. It is precisely because of the protection and deterrence of the six temples that the demons have been unable to continue to invade human land for so many years.

Among the six temples, the most powerful one is the Knight Temple, the largest number is the Warrior Temple, and the richest one is the Magician Temple.

The strength of the Knight Temple and the Warrior Temple can extend to almost every village and town. The Magician's Temple can cover at least every city above a small city.

Due to the sparse number of members in the Assassin's Temple, Priest's Temple and Soul's Temple, they only have branch temples in big cities. Even in medium-sized cities like Haoyue City, there are only Priest's Temple, the most mysterious Assassin's Temple and The Soul Temple has never set up a branch temple there.

However, this does not mean that the three major temples with a small number of people are not strong. They each have their own powerful abilities and are all an integral part of the Temple Alliance.

The Eagle's continuous flight ability is extremely strong, and it only needs to fall to the ground to rest once a day. Long Haochen had already told his most important secret to his teacher, and he was practicing his inner spiritual power on the back of the shaky eagle every day. Ye Hua, who was only a few feet away, could clearly feel that his spiritual power was continuing to increase.

Fifteen days later.

We're finally here, old man, let's descend. Ye Hua said with some joy.

Long Haochen looked far into the distance and was surprised to find that the distance was filled with golden light, but it was somewhat hazy and he couldn't see the situation clearly.

The area covered by this pale golden light is extremely broad, and vaguely, it seems that there are mountains within the envelope of light.

The Eagle Eagle slowly landed on the ground, its huge wings bringing up strong air currents, blowing the grass below close to the ground.

Long Haochen followed the teacher and jumped to the ground. He didn't feel any tiredness during the fifteen-day trip. As he practiced every day, his spiritual power had increased by about fifty points.

Old man, you go back first.

Shake-Diao lowered his head and rubbed against Ye Hua reluctantly before walking into the reverse summoning circle released by Ye Hua.

Teacher, is there a forbidden air formation in the Holy Mountain of Knights? Why don't we just fly there? It seems like it's still more than a hundred miles away. Long Haochen asked.

Ye Hua said: There is no forbidden air formation, but don't forget how many powerful monsters there are in the Holy Mountain of Knights. Although these monsters will not actively attack humans, foreign monsters flying over their heads are... It will offend them. Unless your mount has the power to suppress all the monsters here, never try to cross. Let's go.

The two masters and apprentices were about to head towards the Holy Mountain of Knights. Suddenly, strong winds rose in the sky again, and a huge figure fell from the sky.

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