Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 39 The Holy Mountain of Knights (1)

Ye Shura's clothes today were different from those in the past. He was covered in silver light armor. In addition to the shield he usually used when training Long Haochen, he also had an extra heavy sword on his back and a carry-on bag thrown to Long Haochen. Let him put it into the forget-me-not ring.

Long Haochen's outfit was even simpler. He didn't even have armor, just a sword and a shield. The shield was the Glory Shield given to him by Li Xin.

Teacher, aren't we going to the Holy Mountain of Knights? Long Haochen looked at him with confusion as he walked back, as if he was going to the back of the Haoyue Branch Hall.

Just follow. Yesura said calmly.

This was why Long Haochen raised the question. Anyone else would have been scolded to death by him.

Walking into the training ground, the knights' training had not yet started. Most people were probably having breakfast in the cafeteria, and the training ground seemed very quiet.

Ye Shura stopped, raised his right hand, and pointed like a sword in the air. The pale golden light condensed into golden runes that rhythmically moved in the air.

Long Haochen had seen such an action before, and Li Xin had used it before. Wasn't it just a way to summon a mount? Could it be that my teacher also became a knight before he was twenty years old and went to the Holy Mountain of Knights?

The golden light rose, and the golden light was bright and dazzling, transforming into a golden light door. With a long cry, a figure walked out of the golden light.

When he saw this figure clearly, Long Haochen couldn't help but widen his eyes. He has been training with Ye Hua for two years, but this is the first time he has seen Ye Hua's mount.

It was a large bird whose entire body was light yellow. It came out of the golden light and was more than two and a half meters tall. The yellow feathers on its body were in a strange round shape, and its head was also slightly rounded. The body is even more stout, with a layer of earthy-yellow light emanating from it.

When he was training with his father, Long Xingyu not only trained him every day but also taught him various knowledge, including the knowledge of Warcraft.

After a brief moment of surprise, Long Haochen recognized that this was a rare earth-type flying monster named Shake-Yue Diao, a level six monster.

Generally speaking, the number of flying monsters is of the wind type, and there are also other types of monsters, but the earth type is the rarest. This sixth-level Eagle Eagle may not be very strong in terms of flight speed, but its carrying capacity and defensive power are unmatched by flying monsters of the same level.

Teacher, it turns out you are a Sky Knight. Long Haochen said with some envy.

Among the fifth-level knight professions, only those with flying monster mounts can be called sky knights, otherwise they are all earth knights. There is no doubt that at the same level, the Sky Knight is naturally more powerful.

There was a rare tenderness in Ye Shura's eyes. The Eagle lowered its head and let him stroke it twice before spreading its huge wings that were five meters wide and crawling down slightly.

Ye Xiuluo pulled Long Haochen, floated up, and landed on the back of Shake the Eagle. Before Long Haochen could react, a strong wind blew up. The Eagle took a few steps, flapped its huge wings hard, and took the two of them flying.

This was the first time for Long Haochen to fly on a flying monster. He was suddenly a little nervous and subconsciously grasped the feathers on Yue Diao's back.

The scenery under their feet quickly became smaller, and soon, the Eagle Eagle had taken them up into the air.

A layer of light yellow earth element was released from the body of the Shaking Eagle, covering Long Haochen and Ye Hua to prevent them from being hit by the strong wind. Their wings continued to flap, and they were already heading into the distance.

Long Haochen knew that the Warcraft mount that recognized its owner had a heart-to-heart connection with its owner, so the Yue Diao naturally knew where it should go.

Soon, Haoyue City gradually became smaller under their feet, and the Eagle Eagle climbed to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters before entering a state of level flight. Sitting on its broad back, it was surprisingly stable.

After all, Long Haochen was not yet fourteen years old. This was the first time for him to experience such a wonderful sight. This Shaking Eagle was obviously an adult monster. The feeling of flying was really wonderful! If I go to the Holy Mountain of Knights this time, it would be great to have such a magical beast!

Ye Hua said lightly: Are you envious?

Long Haochen nodded unabashedly.

Ye Hua said: You also have a chance. Now I will tell you some things you need to pay attention to when looking for Warcraft partners in the Holy Mountain of Knights. You must keep it in mind.


Ye Hua said: The Holy Mountain of Knights is a magical place founded by my ancestors of the Knights Temple. It was built with the mountains as the cornerstone and after several generations of hard work. To be precise, the Holy Mountain of Knights itself is a huge Magic circle. As long as it is within the scope of the Holy Mountain, no matter what level of monster it is, it will feel close to humans, and its own power will be suppressed.

In the Holy Mountain of Knights, the longer the monsters live, the more psychic they become. When humans enter the Holy Mountain, anyone under the age of twenty, with a spiritual power of more than 200 and possessing the attribute of holy light and the token of my Knight's Temple will Get a natural closeness to these monsters.”

What you have to keep in mind is that there, you are looking for a partner that will accompany you throughout your life, not a simple mount. It will be your most loyal friend. Unless you die, otherwise, it will definitely accompany you throughout your life. Even more reliable than your future partner.

Looking for a mount in the Holy Mountain of Knights has a strong element of luck. If fate comes, maybe you will be able to find a partner that suits you during your first step into the Holy Mountain. If there is no fate, even if you stay there for ten years , hundreds of years, and no Warcraft is willing to pay attention to you. Therefore, after entering the Holy Mountain of Knights, in a sense, it is a process of finding fate.

Hearing this, Long Haochen asked: Teacher, how can I find this fate?

Ye Hua sighed softly and gently stroked the feathers of the mountain eagle under him, Everyone's fate is different. When I met the mountain eagle, it was only over a foot tall. The first time When I saw it, I felt a strong sense of intimacy in my heart. It walked up to me naturally, flew up, and landed on my shoulders. With the temple token, I easily completed an equal contract with it program. So far, it has been with me for more than thirty years. Therefore, after entering the Holy Mountain, you must not force it, let everything take its course, and when you meet your destiny, it will naturally become your life-long help.

Most of the monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights will not attack humans, but there are some bad-tempered ones. When you enter its territory, it will remind you. When you encounter such monsters, the temple token will be displayed. . Don’t try to enter its territory easily. If it thinks you are destined to it, it will naturally come to find you. This kind of monster is often a stronger existence in the holy mountain.

Long Haochen remembered Ye Hua's instructions one by one and did not dare to be careless at all. Partner, the teacher is right, I will have my own mount partner in the future. But what will my mount be?

Teacher, does finding a mount in the holy mountain have something to do with my own talent? Long Haochen asked curiously.

Ye Hua nodded and said: Of course it does matter. To put it simply, the mount's recognition of you is equivalent to its recognition of your talent. The more powerful the monster, the higher the requirements for its partners. Speaking of which, I was really lucky back then.”

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