Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 388 Return of the Divine Sword (Part 2)

Qiu Yonghao blocked the pressure released by the old man with a wave of his hand. He was also secretly surprised. You must know that even if Long Haochen really became the leader of a handsome demon hunting group by virtue of his own cultivation, he was only He is only a sixth-level cultivation person, but he can still talk eloquently in the face of the strong pressure of a ninth-level expert. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Haochen, what do you think of this? You just said that you are willing to accept the test of our Warrior Temple. Naturally, we will not send people to compete with you for Zhan and Qi's family. As you said, if you can be together If you leave Commander Ye's sword intention on the stone, it proves that you are qualified to use this divine sword. Otherwise, if you leave the divine sword behind, we are still willing to give you an epic piece of equipment.

If it were other equipment, Qiu Yonghao would definitely not be like this. He was already a bit bullying. But the Aria of the Goddess of Light is so important to the Warrior Temple. Even if you just leave it and no one uses it, it's still a good thing!

Long Haochen looked at Qiu Yonghao's burning eyes, took a deep breath, and said: Okay, I promise you. However, if I can't do it, I will keep the divine sword, but I don't want the epic equipment of the temple. Please take it. Come to the stone.”

He could understand the eagerness of these warrior temple warriors, but under the pressure of everyone, Long Haochen's pride had also been ignited. I will prove to you that I am qualified to possess the divine sword.

Qiu Yonghao showed a trace of apology in his eyes, turned around and gave a few instructions, and naturally someone took care of it. The old deputy palace master also left in a hurry.

Long Haochen did not communicate with Qiu Yonghao anymore, but sat down cross-legged on the spot, and actually entered the state of trance directly under the gaze of so many people. The whole process seemed to come naturally, almost as soon as he sat down, he got down. In an instant, he was like an old monk entering samadhi, and like a rock solidifying.

This child will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future! Qiu Yonghao couldn't help but feel admiration again, and even felt a little jealous of the Knights Temple. With such an achievement at such a young age, Long Haochen will definitely become the mainstay of the Knights Temple in the future. If his development goes smoothly, then the Knights Temple will produce another amazing genius. He might even surpass his father. Long Xingyu became a Divine Seal Knight in his forties, what about him? How old would he be if he merged with the Divine Seal Throne? Forty years old? Are you young or under forty?

Not long after, more than ten warrior temple warriors walked into the hall carrying a huge stone.

Seeing this huge boulder, Qiu Yonghao's expression couldn't help but change, and he gave the deputy palace master a questioning look.

The deputy palace master nodded to him seriously, his lips moved as if he said something.

Qiu Yonghao hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. When he looked at Long Haochen, who was in a calm state, his eyes contained even more apologies.

This boulder is oval in shape and slightly larger at the bottom. The whole body is dark, but it exudes a special aura. Calm and profound. It doesn't look like a stone, but like a deep cave.

It has an origin. It is an extraterrestrial meteorite obtained by the Warrior Temple. Extremely hard. Even Brilliance-level equipment can hardly leave a trace on it, and Legend-level equipment needs to inject a lot of spiritual power to cut it. Moreover, the spiritual conductivity of this meteorite can even be compared to fine gold, and its hardness far exceeds fine gold. It's just that no alchemist master has been able to refining it into equipment with confidence, so it has remained in the treasure house of the Warrior Temple. Today they actually took out this extraterrestrial meteorite, the purpose of which was undoubtedly to embarrass Long Haochen. Even if he had the ability to retain sword intent, he would still have to have the cultivation level to cut this piece of meteorite from the sky, which was not something that could be done with even a little bit of spiritual power.

As if he felt that the boulder was in place, Long Haochen slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on the three-meter-high meteorite, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Qiu Yonghao coughed and said: Since we want to keep Ye Shuai's sword intention, we certainly hope that it will be passed down through the ages, so we came up with the best material. Haochen, can you think of this extraterrestrial meteorite? If not If so, let's exchange them together. He was really embarrassed. He had lived for more than a hundred years, but he wanted to scheme against a teenage child. He would be really shameless if the higher-ups of the Knights Temple knew about this. To see people. Therefore, he did the next best thing and asked Long Haochen that he could replace the stone.

However, to Qiu Yonghao's surprise, Long Haochen shook his head and said: There is no need to change it, this is it. However, I have a small request. Since we are using this extraterrestrial meteorite for carving, So, can you give me the scraps I cut off?”

Yes. However, it must be under the premise that you can complete the retention of the sword intention. The old deputy palace master said first, as if Dinosaur Haochen was the only one to regret it.

However, they did not know that this was not the first time Long Haochen had seen this extraterrestrial meteorite. His father, Long Xingyu, also had one. Therefore, he knew very well how hard the meteorites were.

At the beginning, Long Xingyu once told Long Haochen that there is a treasure in the Warrior Temple, which is this extraterrestrial meteorite. If it can be refined into equipment or integrated into equipment, even just a small piece , can also play a role in improving the quality of equipment. Especially when applied to weapons, the effect is even more obvious.

Long Haochen stood up slowly and walked towards the meteorite. He had never carved anything before and had no research on carving. However, what he wants to do today is not to carve out any form, but to leave the sword intention behind. This is a completely different concept.

Long Haochen didn't stop until he was five meters away from the meteorite. He just stood there, staring at the meteorite that exuded a profound aura.

No one disturbed him, just watched silently. The emotions in Qiu Yonghao's heart were very complicated. He didn't even know whether he should expect Long Haochen to succeed or fail. But regardless of success or failure, it is not a bad thing for the Warrior Temple.

I need the assistance of the mount and the spiritual furnace. Long Haochen said calmly. He didn't even turn around.

Qiu Yonghao said: Of course.

Long Haochen nodded and pointed to his side with his left hand. Suddenly, a purple light shone, and then, a huge creature appeared in everyone's sight.

The shock brought by Haoyue was quite powerful. The ten-meter-long huge body was like a hill. What was even more strange was his four big heads with different horns. After appearing next to Long Haochen, he immediately looked at him with anticipation. With their necks straightened, Xiaoguang, Xiaohuo, Xiaoqing, and Xiaolan glanced at the people in the Warrior Temple at the same time, with a sense of aloofness.

What kind of mount is this? Qiu Yonghao and the deputy palace master next to him looked at each other in shock. They have never seen such a monster before! Although the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by this monster are not very powerful to them, it seems to have a certain quality, even if it is aloof and arrogant, it still gives people a sense of justice.

At this moment, low chanting sounds began to sound from the mouths of Haoyue's four big heads, and they assumed a very strange posture. Only Xiaoguang's neck was straight, while the other three heads crawled down, attached to Xiaoguang's neck, looking up at Xiaoguang and chanting. Suddenly, the rich aura of the four elements of wind, fire, water, and light began to fluctuate violently on Haoyue's body.

Four-attribute monster? Xu Zhongliang couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Qiu Yonghao's eyes suddenly became more solid, and he suddenly regretted it now. I regretted that I had made things difficult for this child. Long Haochen was right. If he didn't come today, the Warrior Temple wouldn't even be able to see the Aria of the Goddess of Light! This child came with good intentions, but was treated like this by himself and others. However, on the other side is the aria of the goddess of light. For the first time, Qiu Yonghao felt that he was in such a difficult situation.

It was at this time that Long Haochen moved. Brilliant golden light suddenly shined behind him, and four spiritual wings spread out at the same time, powerfully absorbing the light elements in the air. At the same time, Long Haochen raised his right hand, and the aria of the goddess of light appeared in his grasp again.

An even more bizarre scene was yet to come. A golden figure seemed to be stepping back from Long Haochen. As his wings spread, the golden figure also appeared in everyone's sight.

The golden battle dress, the golden staff, the gorgeous long golden hair and the six golden transparent wings. What's more important is that she actually has the same physique and height as humans, with only a pair of small pointed ears highlighting her origin.

Ancient elves? The old deputy palace master couldn't help but exclaimed. For decades, he had been the authority on the ancient elves in the Warrior Temple. However, he has never seen what a real ancient elf looks like! And when Yating appeared in front of everyone, how could he not be surprised when everything was exactly the same as the ancient elf he imagined?

No, this is the elemental spirit. Qiu Yonghao is the master of the Warrior Temple after all, and his perception is also the most powerful.

However, after refuting what his old friend said, he felt horrified. Although he could feel that it was an elemental elf, who had ever seen such an elemental elf that looked like an ancient elf?

Long Haochen, how much shock do you have to give us before you give up?

This time, not only Qiu Yonghao regretted it, but also the deputy palace master who had always been very tough felt a trace of regret in his heart.


This is the fourth update. And oh. Let everyone enjoy it today.

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