Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 374 The Assessment of the Templars (Part 2)

The Templar Knight is also a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles. After a brief surprise, he quickly stabilized. After returning the knight's salute to Long Haochen, he shouted: Let's begin. As he said this, he stepped down The unicorn was already speeding towards Haoyue, and the strong light element caused the spiritual energy fluctuations around his body to explode in an instant. It can be clearly seen that the powerful holy fire of light instantly burned from him and the unicorn at the same time. The powerful oppressive force fully bloomed, and the Templar's right arm turned directly into transparent gold, which was the body of glory. As soon as he came up, he used all his strength.

The examiners quickly opened the protective shield of the Warrior Temple without hesitation. This is a battle between level 6 and level 7 experts, and they use mounts. God knows what kind of damage they will cause if they don't open the protective shield.

Surprisingly, Han Yu and his evil eye did not move aside. They did not cooperate with Long Haochen's intention. They just stood there from a distance. Han Yu held his shield on his left and his sword on his right, silently watching the field. situation.

No one has more confidence in Long Haochen than him. He witnessed with his own eyes Long Haochen's completion of the awakening ceremony of the God's Beloved. What about the seventh-level powerhouse? Can a Templar who has just entered the seventh level really defeat Long Haochen, who is at the sixth level?

Haoyue didn't need Long Haochen's orders at all. At the same time as the unicorn on the opposite side moved, it also moved. Its thick and powerful limbs suddenly stamped the ground, its hooves flew, and it rushed straight towards the opponent. Either low or high pitched chants sounded from the mouths of the four big heads at the same time, and the different lights in their eyes became brighter.

The unicorn's wings spread out, and in the process of running wildly, it rushed up and flew directly into the air. Immediately afterwards, behind the Templar, a pair of huge spiritual wings also stretched out, and the unicorn Together, they actually maintained a rhythm and slapped hard. Their speed almost tripled at that moment, turning into a golden stream of light and heading straight for Long Haochen on Haoyue's back. In the hands of the Templar Knights The spear is where the golden peak is.

The distance between the two sides was not too far. The Templar knight rode the unicorn into the air, and then swooped down in an instant. The process was extremely fast. And at this time, Haoyue's four big heads each released a magic.

The evolved Haoyue is not just the addition of Xiao Lan, its evolution is all-round, which can be seen from the magic they release at this time.

A ray of green light shot up into the sky, directly affecting the Templar Knight and the Unicorn, causing their forward momentum to slow down suddenly. The Templar Knight's body shook, and the bright holy fire doubled in an instant, and then the green light was doubled. The light was defeated in the shortest time. Wind Binding Technique, a fifth-level restrictive magic of the wind system.

The wind was the fastest, but the next attack was even more powerful.

A huge ball of fire and a huge ball of ice soared into the sky at the same time. The diameter of these two magic balls exceeded two meters. The red and blue colors soared into the sky, becoming a real two-layered sky of ice and fire. Moreover, they locked onto the Templar Knight and his mount Unicorn the moment they took off, and even the air in the sky changed color.

The feeling of the Templar Knight is that it is extremely hot in front of him, and there is a deep cold behind him. This is the true meaning of ice and fire!

The golden light spitted out by Xiao Guang fell directly on Long Haochen. It was a ball of brilliant golden light, and it landed on Long Haochen's chest. At that moment, Long Haochen felt as if the spiritual power in his body was boiling. In his perception, his spiritual power increased by at least two thousand at this moment.

Although these two thousand spiritual powers are somewhat incompatible with his own inner spiritual power because they are outsiders, they can be used in the next attack.

Light spiritual enhancement technique. A powerful sixth level light auxiliary magic. It is very effective when used to assist those who are also strong in the light system. Being able to increase spiritual power by two thousand is already a quite terrifying number. You know, if you are a fifth-level knight, your total spiritual power is only two thousand.

Facing the attack from the two heavens of ice and fire, the Templars did not dare to bear it with the Holy Fire of Light. In desperation, they had no choice but to slightly control the speed of their forward thrust. The spear in their hand pointed downwards, and two dazzling golden lights suddenly erupted. At the same time, the shield in his left hand blocked the side.

Two huge roars sounded in the air, and the unicorn clearly trembled, with a look of pain in its eyes. Even the Templars felt uncomfortable. Although he defeated Xiao Huo and Xiao Lan's attacks, the drastic temperature changes in the ice and fire sky caused very unstable fluctuations in his own spiritual power. And at this moment, he had already rushed in front of Long Haochen from below.

Pointing forward, the spear went straight towards Long Haochen and stabbed him in the chest.

Long Haochen stood on Haoyue's back, maintaining a bowing posture. In his left hand, he had already held the Brilliant Holy Shield, and he blocked it fiercely. Just as he took action, a golden light quietly appeared behind him. , red-gold flames instantly filled Long Haochen's body, and at the same time, a thick golden halo hit the Templar's attack first.

All this happened very quickly. What the spectators saw was just Long Haochen and the Templar Knights attacking and defending, completing the first collision.

The Templar knight rode his unicorn and passed over Long Haochen's head. Long Haochen took a defensive posture and took half a step back. The golden light shining on his body was the divine block.

All the examiners watching the battle widened their eyes. The sixth level versus the seventh level, blocking a full-force attack from the seventh level and nothing happened?

How did they know that during the battle, Haoyue and Yating played a key role in increasing Long Haochen's strength and weakening his opponents. Long Haochen used Divine Block, which is known as the knight's strongest defense skill.

Being able to block an opponent's full blow head-on meant that Long Haochen had the strength to deal with his opponent.

The unicorn circled in the air and faced Long Haochen again. The Templar's expression suddenly became more serious. The moment his spear landed on the glorious shield, he felt as if the mountains were shaking. Even though he has been extremely weakened, as he has used the Body of Glory, his attributes should completely suppress Long Haochen who has the same attributes. But contrary to expectations, he was surprised to find that it was himself who had his attributes suppressed. Long Haochen's light attribute seemed to be much purer than his. Also, the thing floating behind him must be a light elemental elf, why does it look so substantial. Moreover, it seemed that she had activated a skill just now to block me?

At this time, Yating maintained her height of more than a foot, floating silently behind Long Haochen.

Roar—— Haoyue's four big heads roared at the unicorn in the air at the same time. Faintly, a huge purple shadow appeared behind Haoyue. The entire shadow just flashed and disappeared, and no one could see it clearly. But just this time, the unicorn in the air actually stopped for a moment, and then started shaking in the air in panic, and slowly fell to the ground.

Forbidden air? Haoyue's roar actually had the effect of banning the air?

Long Haochen can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles now. How could he let go of this opportunity? The spirit wing rushed out from behind, flapping its four wings, and with a flash of body, he rushed towards the falling unicorn. Go up. In his right hand, golden light shines, and for the first time, the Aria of the Goddess of Light enters the battle in his grasp.

The huge golden sword light formed a terrifying fan-shaped golden light in the air, and struck straight at the Templar Knight.

The aria of the Goddess of Light emits a whimper-like hum, which seems to be venting its centuries-old pent-up energy.

The Templar Knight was also amazing. Faced with this unexpected situation, he quickly gave up the shield in his left hand, pressed his left palm on the unicorn's back, and injected his powerful light spiritual power into the unicorn's body to help stabilize it. At the same time, the spear in his hand thrust out like lightning, and the sharp point pointed at the core of Long Haochen's slash. The sword tip of the goddess of light was actually found in the light curtain emitted by the Shura slash.

Ding—— The crisp sound of collision caused a circle of sound waves to spread throughout the entire venue.

It can be clearly seen that a golden mark appears on the Templar Knight's armor, which is the residual power of Shura Slash. And Long Haochen's attack was finally blocked by the Templars.

But the Templar's shock had just begun. His spear collided with the tip of the sword of the goddess of light. Naturally, it hit the spirit bead. The tip of the spear melted at an alarming speed. , the two sides only collided for a moment, and the tip of his spear melted by half a foot.

Not only that, with a flash of purple light, Haoyue appeared out of thin air under Long Haochen, swinging its big tail horizontally and lashing out at the unicorn and the Templar Knight.

Not good. The Templar screamed in his heart. He quickly grabbed the shield hanging on the saddle with his left hand. At the same time, he put his toes on the stirrups, rushed out horizontally from the unicorn's back, and collided with Haoyue's long tail.

A shocking scene appeared. Haoyue's four heads and eight eyes all turned purple the moment they collided with the Templars. Immediately afterwards, there was a roar of bang, and the Templar Knight who launched the shield to block the impact was actually whipped away by Haoyue's tail. Even the unicorn was hit by the remaining power and fell crookedly from the air. toward the ground.

Of course, Haoyue's huge body also fell suddenly under the influence of gravity.

However, at this time, Long Haochen had already flapped its four wings and landed on the ground. In a flash of purple light, the falling Haoyue appeared beside it. Although the falling momentum still caused the earth to oscillate, it only stirred up a cloud of dust. . This is the application of blood contract on the battlefield. After breaking through the sixth level of cultivation, Long Haochen and Haoyue can teleport to each other almost instantaneously. It plays a huge role in actual combat.


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