Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 372: Assessment of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group (Part 2)

Chen Ying'er gave her a thumbs up and said with a smile: That's awesome.

The four examiners over there were still in a state of shock. On the General Level Demon Hunting Group No. 21, Cai'er had already walked out slowly and walked towards the center of the field.

The assassin examiner's eyes narrowed instantly. He was also a senior assassin. From the steps Cai'er walked out, he could tell that the person he was going to examine was probably not a weakling! Moreover, judging from what was filled in on the form, this person is still the deputy leader.

The other three examiners nodded vigorously to the assassin examiner, indicating that he must regain the face he had just lost.

The assassin examiner's narrowed eyes flashed with sharpness, and he walked into the arena with careful and quick steps.

A green light flashed in Cai'er's hand, and the green bamboo staff she had used appeared in her hand, and then she signaled to the assassin examiner: I'm ready.

The assassin examiner was furious. This is too disrespectful. Are you going to use a green bamboo stick to deal with me?

Holding back his anger, the examiner flashed and disappeared into the air. This is the most powerful ability of the sixth-level assassin, invisibility.

Although the stealth skill requires an assassin to reach the eighth level before he can completely control his aura, even if it just makes the figure disappear, it can greatly enhance the assassin's strength.

Facing the disappearance of the assassin examiner, Cai'er stood there motionless, as if she had been petrified.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in the sky, and two black lights swept down from above Cai'er's head like a dragon emerging from the sea.

At this moment, Cai'er moved. She seemed to just shake her shoulders slightly, and then, the number of Cai'er originally turned into six.

Yes, there are six of them, and each one looks so real. What's even more terrifying is that the movements of the six Cai'ers are actually different. The six green bamboo sticks are stabbing at different positions in the air at the same time.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff... Six collisions appeared in the air almost instantly. Immediately afterwards, the figure of the assassin examiner appeared in mid-air. And the next scene is even more shocking. The six Cai'er each made different movements, some attacked from the bottom up, and some jumped into the air and struck down. Six green bamboo sticks were woven into a large network without any gaps in the air.

Next? The battle will be over next!

The assassin examiner was slapped hard on the back, and then hit the ground. The six Cai'er instantly merged into one, the green bamboo stick tapped his throat, and then walked directly towards his companions.

The assassin examiner was slapped not very hard and quickly got up. However, he did not leave as quickly as the warrior examiner. Instead, he asked urgently: Why can your shadow clone be divided into six? We Aren't the sixth-level stalkers can only be divided into three at most? And there should be two false and one true, but you...

Cai'er said calmly: I don't need to give you advice, and it's impossible for you to do it. After saying this, she had already returned to Long Haochen.

Lin Xin whispered: The domineering power is exposed!

The examiners' expressions became even more ugly. As examiners who were promoted to the rank of commander from the Demon Hunting Group, it was normal for them to be defeated. However, it is abnormal to lose so quickly! The opponents who defeated them were even less spiritually powerful than them.

It's my turn. After completing the assessment of the three melee professions, the natural next step is the magician. Lin Xin even walked out happily.

The magic examiner's face was not so good-looking, and he slowly walked into the trial venue with great vigilance in his eyes.

When he saw the fire crystal staff in Lin Xin's hand, his expression became even uglier. Of course, a magician's equipment cannot be evaluated by looking at it, but the almost viscous elemental fluctuations exuding from the staff were enough. Tell him what level of existence this is. It also has a high explosive fire element. The magic examiner's thought at this time was, I won't be roasted.

As soon as Lin Xin said that he was ready, the magic examiner quickly applied one defensive spell after another on himself. His attribute was wind. He saw streaks of blue light surrounding his body, and he flew directly into the air with the help of the spiritual wings on his back. In the air, wind magicians are the most flexible among all magicians.

Speaking of which, these examiners were really frightened. The reason why the first two games ended so quickly was mostly because of the suddenness. Wang Yuanyuan's Space Gate Soul Furnace and Cai'er's Shadow Clone were all different from normal situations. . Cai'er's three major spiritual furnaces were combined into one. Although more increases appeared on the reincarnation spiritual furnace, it was still the synthesis of three spiritual furnaces! Coupled with the fact that she was gifted as the Saint of Reincarnation, she became as powerful as the Sixth incarnation, and one of her clones was aggressive. Therefore, it was unfair for the first two examiners to lose. If they could focus on defense, even if Wang Yuanyuan and Cai'er could win, it would still have to be a battle.

The magic examiner in front of him had learned the lessons of the two previous ones and was preparing to play a steady hand to at least save some face. Unfortunately, he met Lin Xin again, a magician who couldn't attack magic at all. As soon as he defended himself, Lin Xin was happy. He held the fire crystal staff high in his hand and seemed to be chanting a spell. The rich fire element condensed crazily on the fire crystal staff, giving people the impression he wanted. Unleash the illusion of powerful magic. So much so that the magic examiner continued to release defensive magic one after another, trying to withstand Lin Xin's first round of attacks before fighting back.

But how did he know that Lin Xin did not chant the attack spell at all, but continued to inject magic power into the staff and merge it with the fire spell.

When a huge blue flaming skull rose into the sky and hit the magic examiner in the air, the only thing the examiner could do was to turn around and run away.

Injecting up to 5,000 spiritual powers plus the amplified fire spell of the staff itself, what shines brightly is the blue heart flame that automatically evolves after synthesizing the Heart Flame Spirit Furnace and the Fire Eagle Spirit Furnace. Even if this thing is a seventh-level powerful When faced with such a thing, you don’t dare to confront him head-on easily! Don't forget, Lin Xin got more benefits from Dream Paradise than Wang Yuanyuan, and even among the entire team, the benefits he got were second to none.

In the end, under Lin Xin's control, the huge fire spell skeleton stagnated in mid-air, and the magic examiner immediately admitted defeat. However, Lin Xin ignored one thing. After he injected almost all his spiritual power, he couldn't control this thing. Eventually, the fire spell exploded in the center of the field. The huge explosion blew both the magic examiner and Lin Xin away, leaving both of them disgraced.

Three consecutive games, three victories, which undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale of the No. 21 general-level demon hunting group. Next, it was time for Sima Xian to appear. Priest, yes, Cardinal.

Sima Xian's opponent was the only female examiner. When she saw Sima Xian, who was wearing armor, walking towards the field, doubts suddenly appeared in her eyes.

This is a priest assessment. The female examiner said.

Sima Xian's Dali Pill of Light was sent for forging before it was completed. He held his original large staff in his hand, gestured, and said: I am the priest! Didn't you see what was filled in on the form? Cardinal Sima Xian is me.”

Pfft. As soon as Sima Xian said this, everyone in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group almost laughed at the same time, and even Long Haochen couldn't hold it back.

Lin Xin teased: What a cardinal, I think the butcher in red is pretty much the same.

Sima Xian glared at them angrily, then gestured to the female examiner with the staff in his hand, and said: Dear examiner, it's like this, I am a special priest, a rare discipline priest. Have you heard of it? ?

The priest examiner looked at him doubtfully, Discipline Priest? What is that?

Sima Xian said sternly: He is the one who controls the commandments and is responsible for the internal rules of the priest temple. Well, to put it more directly, he is a priest who focuses on fighting. Otherwise, you can see it this way. One-on-one does not seem to be too good for you. Fair enough. I will launch an attack into the open space. If you think you can withstand it, we can continue, otherwise you will let me pass the test.

As he spoke, he excitedly raised the staff in his hand without waiting for anyone's consent.

That's right, Sima Xian's spiritual furnace has also been synthesized. Moreover, he was also the most miserable one during the synthesis process, almost being turned into a roast. But it is precisely because of this that the terrifying power of his synthetic spiritual furnace is even more revealed.

At this time, after he raised the staff in his hand, a rich golden light instantly lit up, and then, a dense purple electric light suddenly appeared around the staff. A thick purple light lit up on Sima Xian's chest, completely rendering the chest armor the same color. The staff pointed sideways. Suddenly, a golden ball of light flew out.

This is no ordinary light attribute light ball. There are a large number of purple lightning surrounding the light group. As the light ball flew, the purple lightning seemed to melt into the golden light ball, turning into purple gold in an instant. Then……


The light ball landed on the ground, and everyone seemed to feel their bodies being slightly paralyzed. On the ground to the left of the center of the warrior training ground, a large pit with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in front of everyone's sight. The depth of this big pit is actually three meters. The terrifying attack power is staggering.

What's even more frightening is that at this time, around Sima Xian's body, purple-gold light balls are actually rotating around his body. There are not many in number, only nine in total. Each one was only the size of a fist, but when he raised the staff again, one of the light balls was attached to the top of the staff and grew in size at an alarming speed.

Okay, you pass.

The female pastor chose to admit defeat without hesitation. Is this a pastor? No matter how gentle this female examiner is, she still has the urge to curse when faced with this situation.

Ever since, the fourth assessment ended.


Hey, Sima, you are such a priest... Please vote for Sima's toughness!

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