Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 37 Night Shura (3)

Many people are speculating whether the young knight is the descendant of a certain big shot, but was abused by Ye Hua. So much so that the big shot fired the Shura instructor from his post in anger. Of course, no matter what, it is a great thing for the knights. Finally, they no longer have to face that zombie face every day, and they no longer have to undergo that hellish training.

Time passed day by day, and even Li Xin, who was most familiar with Long Haochen, rarely saw him. He just knew that he was receiving guidance from Yesura alone. And even when they met, Long Haochen never mentioned the teaching methods of his Shura teacher.

The food in Haoyue Branch Hall is quite good, not to mention that Long Haochen is a small cook himself. Practice has improved his body, and with enough nutrients, his body has grown very quickly. What's a little surprising is that the lines on his face have softened again and become more radiant.

Two years later.

Haoyue Branch Hall Trial Ground.

When, when, when, the intensive collision of weapons and the burst of holy light breath were completely blocked by the magic circle around the trial field. You can't feel it at all from the outside.


A figure was violently knocked out, flew more than twenty meters and hit the wall before slowly sliding down.

The figure who was knocked away was about 1.7 meters tall. He did not look strong, but he looked very slender. He was dressed in light blue clothes, with black hair, golden eyes, a face like a crown of jade, lips painted in red, and eyebrows The skin is extremely soft, the skin is fair and tender, and no pores can be seen. If you put on women's clothing, you will definitely have the potential to charm a city with a smile.

Long Haochen, get up, you loser, how could I teach you? Faced with an opponent whose strength far exceeds your own, head-on confrontation is the most unwise choice. Is it because I said you are a softie? Can't you bear it anymore? The most important thing for a guardian knight is to be patient. Come again.


The boy who was knocked away was undoubtedly Long Haochen who was being guided by Ye Shura alone.

In two years, he has grown astonishingly. Although Ye Shura is far from being able to compare with his father in terms of cultivation, Long Haochen vaguely feels that his Shura teacher has many abilities when it comes to teaching him how to practice. The idea of ​​place was something even my father couldn't compare to. Especially his strange creativity, as well as his understanding and evolution of skills, he is never rigid in his actions, everything is practical.

Of course, practicing with Yesura is by no means a happy thing. Ye Shura's temper is worthy of the title Shura. If he is slightly dissatisfied, he will immediately punch and kick him.

As for the actual combat that Long Haochen had mentioned, Ye Shura fully satisfied him.

Ye Shura pointed out that Long Haochen's actual combat was different from that of Long Xingyu. Long Xingyu did not use any spiritual power at all, but only relied on his skills to attack Long Haochen and exercise his skills.

But Ye Shura did not. This teacher seemed to come from hell. He would use all his strength in every actual battle. At most, he would only be slightly merciful and would not really hurt Long Haochen's muscles and bones. A typical example of using the big to bully the small.

In such oppressive actual combat, Long Haochen's growth rate was astonishing. Every day he meditates and practices after being exhausted, and his potential is stimulated bit by bit.

It's just that the gap between the two masters and disciples is too big and cannot be made up in two years. Although Long Haochen's spiritual power is improving faster and faster with the improvement of his cultivation, he is still far away from Ye Shura. But there is still a big gap.

You know, the spiritual power requirements for knights from levels one to ten are 201 to 500, while the spiritual power requirements for earth knights are 2,01 to 4,000. This is a gap of nearly ten times. This is true for any profession. This is also the reason why the gap between the higher-level experts and the lower-level experts is even greater.

For example, Long Xingyu, the father of Long Haochen and a Divine Seal Knight, had a spiritual power starting point of 100,000 for his ninth-level profession.


Huh? Pause.

A collision and a whisper sounded almost at the same time, and the battle in the trial ground temporarily stopped.

The reason is simple, because Long Haochen blocked Ye Hua's heavy sword with the radiant shield in his hand.

Intense golden light was constantly being released from the two masters and disciples. Although Ye Hua said to pause, Long Haochen did not dare to be careless at all. As a teacher, I often do unexpected things, such as sneak attacks.

You can block my attack head-on, even though you rely on divine blocking. However, your spiritual power should have broken through. Rest for an hour, and then conduct a spiritual power test. At this point, Ye Hua's cold face showed He couldn't help but reveal a smile. Whenever Long Haochen makes a leap, he will smile. Of course, Long Haochen never regarded his facial expression as a smile. Just imagine, a stiff face with a few sudden twitches of facial muscles would have other effects besides making it look more ferocious...


An hour later.

Boom - The dazzling golden light illuminated the entire trial field almost instantly, as if it had been coated with a layer of gold.

Ye Hua said solemnly: One thousand and fourteen. Very good, you finally broke through one thousand, just as I judged. I have been stuck at the fifth level for six years. My spiritual power is about three thousand about.

If anyone saw this scene and knew the exact age of Long Haochen, their jaw would probably drop in surprise.

Every time spiritual power reaches an integer level, there is a bottleneck, which is similar to the bottleneck when breaking through at the last level of each level. Ye Hua was just rejected at the integer threshold of three thousand spiritual powers, unable to make any progress in six years! No matter how hard he tried or how smart he was, he could not break through this barrier. However, he clearly remembered that about a week ago, Long Haochen's spiritual power was only around 980 when tested. In other words, within a week, his spiritual power not only increased by more than thirty points, but also broke through a bottleneck.

Haochen, have you ever felt sluggish when you were cultivating your inner spiritual power these past few days? Ye Hua asked.

Long Haochen shook his head and said, No! Everything is normal.

Ah—— Ye Hua suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted nervously.

Long Haochen on the side looked at him calmly. Obviously, this was not the first time he saw his teacher like this.

After a while, Ye Hua's mood seemed to have stabilized a little. Without even looking at Long Haochen, he said in a cold voice: Go back and pack your things, and follow me out tomorrow.

Yes. Long Haochen put away his shining shield and heavy sword, respectfully gave the teacher a knight's salute, then turned and left.

Seeing Long Haochen disappear outside the gate of the trial field, Ye Hua raised his head to the sky again and roared angrily, saying with grief and anger: It's unreasonable, thief God, you bastard, do you have any humanity! This little bastard can't even There is no feeling of bottleneck. What level of talent is required to achieve this? In two years, he broke through from a spiritual power of 268 to a spiritual power of 1,014. Damn it, those old bastards in the temple are not It is said that under the age of twenty, spiritual power will not grow too fast. Does it have to be accelerated after the age of twenty? Have you seen these magic sticks? A thousand spiritual powers at the age of thirteen, your sister, level four Great Knight! Even if I have one-fifth of my talent, I will at least be a Knight of Glory.

Long Haochen returned to the room, washed his body and put on clean clothes. After eating something simple, I was about to go back to the house to practice, when there was a knock on the door outside.

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