Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 369 Aria of the Goddess of Light (Part 2) (Fourth update)

The fourth update is completed, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. Come on, Lao San, keep your word. Fourth update breaks out! Twelve thousand as a gift.


Suddenly, with a violent roar, the roof of the auction hall suddenly shattered, and a brilliant golden light pillar fell from the sky. This beam of light looked so soft, and even the incandescent color released by Long Haochen was no longer so dazzling because of its appearance. Around the light pillar, there are even little angels about the same size as Yating, but very illusory, rotating around the light pillar.

However, in this soft light, everyone felt an inviolable majesty.

Goddess of Light, is he talking about the Goddess of Light? Divine power?


With a crisp cracking sound, a crack first appeared on the hilt of the sword held by Long Haochen. The crack quickly spread upwards and pointed directly at the round gem at the tip of the sword.

Poof - All the black color was completely turned into ashes in an instant, and then, the beads at the tip of the sword bloomed with thousands of rays of light, greedily, even crazily absorbing all the light elements in the air.

Yes, it woke up. After a hundred years of being dusty, it finally woke up from its deep sleep. The beam of light falling from the sky gradually converged, but the light on the sword became more and more intense.

The originally dark sword body has turned into an ethereal and transparent golden color. The dull cloud patterns are now like real clouds, and this sword is like a giant dragon traveling among the clouds.

The bead at the tip of the sword seemed to come alive, and it was looking down at all living beings from Long Haochen's raised head. There was still no edge or tip. But on this divine sword, a six-foot sword light emitted on its own. While the sword glowed, it seemed to be indestructible even though it was not sharp.

The golden light gradually converged, at least the golden light released by Long Haochen himself was also converging. He looked at the divine sword that had regained its original appearance with some admiration, and his heart was full of love. He could clearly feel that no matter how strong the light attribute spiritual power he released, this heavy sword could easily withstand it. Especially the spiritual bead at the tip of the sword, in a flash of brilliance, it actually absorbed a lot of the divine power of the goddess of light that he had activated before.

Legend, even if the sword spirit is lost, this divine sword is still a legendary sword, and it is the pinnacle of legend. One can imagine how powerful it was when it was in its strongest form.

Miss Weiyang, can you tell me its name now?

Ye Weiyang looked at the halo released from the divine sword in a daze. She didn't even notice Long Haochen's voice. She only woke up after Feng Ling'er reminded her.

Of course. Its name is: Aria of the Goddess of Light. My ancestor is Ye Wushang, the master of the Warrior Temple two hundred years ago and known as the Sword God of Light.

When she said these seven words of the aria of the goddess of light, Ye Weiyang knew that her biggest secret could no longer be hidden. Because the reputation of this divine sword is so great.

The Aria of the Goddess of Light is known as an artifact that is not an artifact. Two hundred years ago, the Knights Temple had two Divine Seal Knights who were recognized by the Divine Seal Throne. However, among the six major temples of that generation, the number one melee warrior was not one of the two, because, among warriors There is another being in the temple who is more powerful than them. This person is the Light Sword God Ye Wushang.

Ye Wushang has loved using swords since he was a child. From the age of three, he would sleep with a sword in his arms every night. He began to learn swordsmanship at the age of six. At the age of nine, he used the sword to enter his spirit, and his spiritual power increased explosively, reaching the level of a third-level warrior. At the age of eleven, he became a war master. By the time he was sixteen, he had broken through the sixth level and became a war master. This record has not yet been broken in the Warrior Temple.

Twenty-nine-year-old Ye Wushang broke through the peak at the age of less than thirty and entered the ninth level, becoming the youngest God of War in the history of the Warrior Temple.

When Ye Wushang was forty-seven years old, the Demon God Emperor personally led the demon army to storm the southeast fortress where the Warrior Temple was located. The Bright Sword God Ye Wushang, who was stationed in the Southeast Fortress, personally took action and fought against the demons for a whole day and night. He single-handedly killed the seven demon gods of the demon clan on the battlefield of the Southeast Fortress.

Even the arrogant Demon God Emperor was moved by this and called Ye Wushang the strongest person in the Temple Alliance for thousands of years.

In the end, the Demon God Emperor took the initiative to withdraw his troops and gave Ye Wushang three days to rest. Three days later, in front of the southeast fortress, the Bright Sword God Ye Wushang fought against the Demon God Emperor. This battle lasted for a day and a night. In the end, Ye Wushang fell under the Iron Fist of the Demon God Emperor.

But his final blow also injured the Demon God Emperor.

That battle was earth-shattering. In the end, the victorious Demon God Emperor bowed and paid tribute to Ye Wushang, who was still standing despite his death in battle, and then led the demon army to retreat. Since then, the Demon God Emperor has not appeared on the battlefield with the Temple Alliance for hundreds of years.

A generation of sword gods has achieved an epic legend.

In the final battle, Ye Wushang originally did not need to challenge the Demon God Emperor, because reinforcements from the Temple Alliance had arrived, and the six powerful Temples gathered together. Even if the demons attack the city with all their strength, they may not be able to capture the southeastern fortress.

However, Ye Wushang insisted on fighting and challenged the Demon God Emperor alone with his sword. His original words were: If humans want to defeat the demons, they must first defeat themselves. I am willing to look at the Demon God Emperor equally and fight for the dignity of mankind.

The glory that Ye Wushang brought to the Warrior Temple was just like what Son of Samsara brought to the Assassin Temple. To this day, in the middle of the main hall of the Warrior Temple, there is a statue of the Bright Sword God that is ten meters high. There is a plaque hanging high above the head of the statue, with four characters written on it: A Sword for a Thousand Years.

The divine sword Aria of the Goddess of Light was forged by Ye Wushang himself. Ye Wushang uses a sword with the only special word.

From the age of three, he fell asleep with the sword in his arms, to the sword he used when he broke through the sixth level at the age of sixteen, a total of five swords. He melted these five swords into one, constantly tempering them physically and mentally, and blending them with spirit. Make them drink the blood of the demons and absorb the essence of the sun and moon from heaven and earth. It took 30 years to transform hundreds of metals into a sharp edge and finally make this sword.

On the day the sword was completed, the goddess of light came with a miracle, and there was a bead on the tip of the sword. Finally, the sword was named: Aria of the Goddess of Light.

The Bright Sword God Ye Wushang also relied on this sword to kill seven demon gods in a row and defeat the Demon God Emperor.

It's a pity that this divine sword fell together with Ye Wushang only a year after it was refined. On that day, the whole city of the Southeast Fortress wailed. The leader of the Temple Alliance of that generation sighed and wept, and personally mentioned in the Assassin Temple: A Sword for a Thousand Years.

Therefore, when Long Haochen heard these seven words of the aria of the Goddess of Light, you can imagine his inner shock. He never expected that what he held in his hands would be this legendary sword. Even if all that is left of the Divine Sword is its body, its significance is still great.

The heavy sword was held horizontally in front of him. Long Haochen gently stroked the refined cloud pattern on the blade with his hand. His mood was also stirred, as if he had gone to the battlefield of the past, accompanying the Bright Sword God Ye Wushang in the battle. .

Under his touch, the Aria of the Goddess of Light actually made a slight buzzing sound of joy, as if she was excited for rebirth.

Holding the sword in both hands, Long Haochen handed it to Ye Weiyang, Miss Weiyang, please put the divine sword away.

Ye Weiyang did not take it, but looked at Long Haochen with burning eyes, You don't have enough gold coins to pay on credit first. What I said must count. If you let the light of the divine sword return, you will be its new owner.

Long Haochen shook his head silently, No. Using money to measure this divine sword is a blasphemy. I just hope that it can regain its light. This divine sword is of great significance and cannot be described as precious. Describe it. It should belong to you, or to the Warrior Temple.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly, Do you think anyone else can afford this divine sword? The moment you unlock its seal, you are already its new owner. The divine sword has a spirit, even if the sword soul It's not there, and it's definitely not something that a mere mortal like me can use. Look.

As she spoke, she raised her slender hand and gently placed it on the sword. The moment her fingers touched the blade of the sword, a strong buzzing sound suddenly sounded. Ye Weiyang's hand was not only bounced up, but her whole body was pushed away by a strong light energy.

Long Haochen was stunned, The Divine Sword has a spirit, it really does have a spirit! The hand holding the sword's hilt couldn't help but tighten. How could he not like this Divine Sword? What shocked him both physically and mentally was the spirit of the Sword God of Light attached to this divine sword.

Ye Weiyang looked at the aria of the goddess of light with reluctance and said softly: Can you tell me your name?

Long Haochen nodded silently, My name is Long Haochen. Leader of the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21. His voice was restrained by spiritual power so that only Ye Weiyang could hear it.

Ye Weiyang pointed to the back, Leave quickly. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely visit you.

Yes, Long Haochen had to leave. The appearance of the Aria of the Goddess of Light made the bidders participating in the auction go crazy. After a short period of sluggishness, the entire auction situation became a bit chaotic.

The doors of each VIP room were opened, and people came out of each one. They all looked eagerly at the divine sword in Long Haochen's hand. Some people even quoted astronomical prices directly.

Just when Long Haochen was about to put away the Aria of the Goddess of Light so that he could leave here, his thoughts moved, and the golden light shone in his hand. The divine sword had turned into a golden light and dissolved in his right hand. The next moment, Long Haochen ducked out of the auction hall through the back door.

The bidders gave up, especially those in the VIP room. One of the strong men took a step forward and climbed onto the auction stage. His tyrannical momentum made the entire auction stage make a squeaking sound.

However, before he could speak, a terrifying pressure suddenly surged from all directions. The strong man who stepped onto the auction stage was already at the eighth level, but when faced with this pressure, his expression changed drastically and he jumped off the stage with a backward leap.

A low voice resounded throughout the audience, Who wants to challenge the majesty of the alliance? This is a place for fair bidding, not robbery. Today's auction has ended, you can leave. If you make any rash move, we will be shot to death.

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