Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 359 The fourth head of the bright moon, Butterfly Blue (Part 2)

The dark golden flame actually belongs to Yating's evolutionary ability. After she possesses the true body, she does not change the characteristics of her energy body. She can transform herself into the purest and richest light element and combine it with any of Long Haochen's weapons. Temporarily Become the weapon spirit, ignite the weapon's most original power and launch an attack. To put it simply, after using it once, the weapon will basically be destroyed, unless its quality truly reaches the level that can accommodate a weapon spirit of Yating's level.

Long Haochen knew very well that with his current level of cultivation, it was impossible to defeat the Zombie King. What the Zombie King feared most was his attributes, not his combat power. Therefore, he relied on the help of Ran Ling and Yating to improve his light attributes to the extreme. Even if the real goddess of light is here, the light element she drives will not be purer than Long Haochen's attack just now.

Although the Zombie King is powerful, he still suffered irreparable damage in the face of this absolute attribute suppression. What was severely damaged was not its body, but its soul.

In the void, a dark figure quietly appeared above the Zombie King's head. Immediately afterwards, a monstrous killing intent mixed with a gray light flashed away. The next moment, the black figure was strangely divided into two, and one stagnated in the air. Slowly dissipated, another one landed next to Long Haochen like lightning, and his hands quickly pushed his arm to reset it.

How can you use the Soul Reincarnation Furnace? Long Haochen exclaimed eagerly.

The zombie king had fallen into a sluggish state, no longer roaring and struggling, and then slowly fell to the ground. The dark golden flames lost resistance and quickly dyed all over its body.

The Zombie King is worthy of being the undead monarch. Even when the fire of his own soul has been extinguished, his body is not immediately burned to ashes, but continues to burn.

The zombies in the distance lost their king and felt the light that was extremely terrifying to them. They no longer had the will to fight and fled in all directions.

Cai'er helped Long Haochen stand up, smiled slightly, and said, Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Long Haochen looked at her carefully and said in a deep voice: What sense have you lost again?

Cai'er chuckled and said, Not a single feeling has been lost. Wait, who is she? As she spoke, she turned to Yating, who was wearing very cool clothes and was floating next to Long Haochen, and asked.

What Long Haochen didn't expect was that Yating came forward very obediently and said, Mother, I am Yating! I am the master's light element elf. After the master's spiritual furnace is synthesized, my energy body becomes substantial and becomes It’s become what it is now.”

Cai'er said in surprise: Are you Yating?

Looking at her, and then at Long Haochen beside her, Cai'er's face was obviously unhappy.

Although Long Haochen had expected this to happen, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. He quickly changed the subject and said, Then the zombie king is dead?

Cai'er nodded and said: My reincarnation spiritual furnace is best at saving this kind of dead soul. It has extremely strong damage to undead creatures. What's more, it has been baptized by your sacred flame, and the soul has already been severely damaged. .”

After Cai'er was summoned by Long Haochen, she immediately entered the invisible state and followed Long Haochen, waiting for an opportunity. When she saw Long Haochen's body ignited with incandescence, she knew that he had a way to deal with the zombie king. , that’s why I didn’t take action in the first place.

When the zombie king was severely injured by Long Haochen's sacred flame, Cai'er activated the Reincarnation Soul Furnace and used the Sword of Reincarnation to give the zombie king a fatal blow, completely extinguishing its soul fire. No matter how strong the body is, the zombie king will become the zombie king if he loses his soul.

Without the threat of zombies, the two returned to the entrance of the cave halfway up the mountain. Han Yu treated Long Haochen's injuries, but the weakness caused by Burning Spirit could not be cured. You have to wait seven days.

Only then did Long Haochen have time to tell everyone what happened.

I didn't expect that Haoyue was born in such a space. Wang Yuanyuan sighed. It was impossible for her to have a good impression of this world full of poisonous gases and undead creatures.

Cai'er frowned slightly and said, Haochen, what if there are undead creatures attacking again and we can't resist them?

Everyone knows that his eternal melody transmission needs to wait for a period of time, and they all have similar questions in their hearts, but it is difficult to ask them. Cai'er does not have such scruples. This is related to the next actions and everyone's safety. If something goes wrong, their lives will be in danger. Especially everyone's current condition is not very good.

Lin Xin suffered the backlash from the Spirit Furnace, and Long Haochen suffered the backlash from the Burning Spirit, both of which had lost most of their combat effectiveness. Just relying on Cai'er and the three of them, once a strong person like the Zombie King appears again, they will be annihilated unless Cai'er uses the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace to its extreme.

Long Haochen muttered: If there is another powerful undead creature, we will have to end Haoyue's evolution first. Don't worry, everyone, I now have the ability to forcibly inspire the eternal melody to teleport us back to the Tower of Eternity.

After hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It's good to have a way out. At the same time, they couldn't help but admire Long Haochen's thoughtfulness even more.

Long Haochen said: Everyone seems to have good abilities from the newly obtained spiritual furnace. Let's talk to each other quickly. Otherwise, our collective combat effectiveness and cooperation will be affected.

Everyone has seen Yating's evolution. She can now speak human words and can fight alone. She is equivalent to a light magician. She can also attach to my weapon and launch attacks at critical moments. However, she has to At the expense of sacrificing that weapon. This attack method will also consume Yating’s original power of light, and it will take some time to replenish it.”

Everyone except Cai'er had clearly seen Yating's huge role on the battlefield. Although her evolution was very accidental, a large part of it was due to the increase in Dream Paradise and the awakening of Long Haochen's divine body. But now she can definitely be called a first-level spiritual furnace. And it's unique.

Perhaps, Yating's direct attack power and instantaneous attack power cannot be compared with other first-level spiritual furnaces, but don't forget that the more powerful the spiritual furnace, the more powerful the backlash will be. But what kind of backlash does Yating have? For Long Haochen, she had no backlash at all! And there is no doubt about her growth potential, and she will definitely evolve with Long Haochen's growth.

Cai'er seemed to have figured it out. Looking at Yating, who was looking a little pale and trying hard to absorb some light elements from this world, she nodded slowly and said, Yating's evolution has played a great role in our team. From now on, we will be equivalent to having one more light magician and priest.

Long Haochen said: What about you? What abilities did you evolve after the synthesis of your spiritual furnace? You endured so much pain at that time, and it was the result of the fusion of three spiritual furnaces. The increase should not be small.

When Cai'er heard him mention the synthesis of her spiritual furnace, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help but recall the embarrassing scene at that time. She rolled her eyes at him fiercely and said, You have just seen my spiritual furnace synthesis ability.

Did you see it? Long Haochen looked at her doubtfully.

Cai'er nodded and said: My situation is quite special. Rather than the synthesis of three spiritual furnaces, it is better to say that the Samsara Spiritual Furnace swallowed the other two spiritual furnaces and completed its own evolution. I can use it once a day now. The power of the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace has no backlash. Because the Spiritual Furnace I got in Dream Paradise is the Real Shadow Spiritual Furnace, which can give my phantom real attack power. After synthesis, when I use it for the first time every day When the Spiritual Furnace of Samsara activates the Sword of Samsara, as long as I use the Shadow Clone skill at the same time, it is equivalent to the phantom bearing the backlash of the Spiritual Furnace for me. The synthesized Spiritual Furnace of Samsara can also allow me to use Thousand Strikes through the Sword of Samsara once a day. The attack method of the spiritual furnace.”

After hearing Cai'er's explanation, everyone couldn't help but let out a series of gasps, including Long Haochen.

It seemed that after the three spiritual furnaces were combined, Cai'er only had a small increase. She still had her original abilities. But in fact, the improvement in her strength is quite terrifying.

Let me ask, as the number one spiritual furnace in the world today, how terrifying will it be without the backlash? What's more, there is also an attack method that uses the Sword of Samsara to mobilize the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace.

In other words, Cai'er can use the Sword of Reincarnation twice a day without suffering any backlash.

The Sword of Reincarnation is a real artifact! And it’s the number one artifact in the Assassin’s Temple. Except for the Son of Samsara back then, no one has been able to fully unleash its power.

Even Long Haochen, who had awakened as a favored one by the gods, did not dare to say that he could block the blow of Cai'er's sword of reincarnation.

In terms of overall strength, Cai'er is no longer as good as Long Haochen. However, after the synthesis of the three spirit furnaces, her explosive power is undoubtedly still the strongest in the team.

Surprisingly, after Cai'er said this, she unexpectedly did not sit down next to Long Haochen, but walked to the side.

Wang Yuanyuan and Han Yu's expressions suddenly became a little weird. In their opinion, Cai'er must be jealous.

Long Haochen knew that was not the case. Cai'er was shy because of what happened at the place where the Spiritual Furnace was synthesized in the Dream Temple. There’s nothing he can do to persuade you! When I think of what I saw and touched...

Han Yu, what about you? Long Haochen shook his head vigorously, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and asked to change the subject.

Han Yu said: The synthesis of my two spiritual furnaces went smoothly. I have a skill called Blessing of Light. After it is used, a light element shield with a diameter of five meters will be released. This shield has considerable defensive power. Three times his own spiritual power, which is equivalent to the defensive strength he can achieve by using Divine Block. At the same time, during the process of using the Blessing of Light, except for those with dark attributes, the spiritual power of other people within the range will be affected by it. Recover ten times faster until you are fully back to your peak.”


The effect of the synthetic spiritual furnace is great! Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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