Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 350 Different? Thighs...(Part 2)

On the demon side, ten young strong men with the strength of the inheritors entered. The Temple Alliance also has ten demon hunters, including the Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation. There is no reason for both parties to be nervous.

When they saw a figure walking out of the green temple, Ling Xiao and Huang Shuo couldn't help but stand up and quickly came to the lake. The strong men on both sides also confronted each other with swords drawn. Once something changes, a battle is likely to break out in an instant.

Long Haochen was walking at the front. When he saw him appear, Han Qian felt as if he had lost all strength and relaxed. He subconsciously turned around and glanced at the Templars, and then looked at Long Haochen leisurely. , be prepared to take action at any time to resist the demonic attack.

Behind Long Haochen was Cai'er, and then Zhang Fangfang. Ying Suifeng and Ling Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. No matter what, the most important Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation were back alive. Moreover, there must be something gained from looking at them.

However, Ling Xiao's face soon became ugly, because there were only three of them walking out of the Dream Temple.

As for Huang Shuo, the commander of the Black Dragon Guards on the demon side, his expression was even uglier. The first one to come out was a human, which was not good news for him.

Soon, Long Haochen and the others returned to the Temple Alliance under the personal guidance of Ling Xiao.

The others haven't come out yet? Ling Xiao asked Long Haochen.

Long Haochen sighed and lowered his head slightly. His expression told Ling Xiao a lot.

Ling Xiao's face suddenly turned livid, that was a demon hunter from the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group! This means that the seven demon hunting groups are in danger of disintegrating. This responsibility must be borne by their priests in the temple.

Long Haochen looked at the demon clan coldly and said in a deep voice: The ten people from the demon clan who entered were all those who had suppressed their cultivation. Among them were many eighth-level powerhouses. Their external spiritual power was as high as 20,000. In this kind of situation, Under the circumstances, we are no match at all.”

What? Ling Xiao exclaimed. On the other side, Han Qian pulled Long Haochen's sleeve and signaled him to stop talking. There is no doubt that the responsibilities faced by the Priest Temple this time are enormous. Because this cooperation with the demons is led by them.

Long Haochen turned to look at Han Qian and nodded to his master, indicating that he understood what he meant.

Ling Xiao's aura was obviously a little unstable, and the strong human beings on the Temple Alliance side were also ready to make a move, and there was a possibility of taking action at any time.

Huang Shuo's side was also unafraid. Led by the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, they believed that their overall strength would definitely surpass the humans in front of them, so they were absolutely not afraid of taking action. However, Huang Shuo still suppressed the murderous intention in his heart as much as possible, because he clearly felt that in the past few days, there had been a powerful aura hidden in the opponent's formation, and the terrifying pressure was always shaking him. , it seems that as long as he makes the slightest move, he will suffer a devastating blow.

You know, Huang Shuo is not an ordinary ninth-level powerhouse. His strength has reached the peak of the ninth-level second level, and his total spiritual power is close to 300,000. Among the demons, there are also countless strong ones. He is the Demon God Emperor’s true right-hand man. Even he can feel the tremendous pressure, which shows how terrifying the opponent's strong man is. With such a person here, once a battle breaks out, the losses to their demon clan will definitely be quite huge. This is human territory after all.

Long Haochen said loudly: However, the demons also paid a considerable price. Although the people they entered this time were all strong men, they were also the heirs of some demon gods, and the leader, Abao, was the heir of the Demon God Emperor. They also failed to get a good deal.

As he spoke, he flipped his wrist, and a ball of blue-black flames appeared in his palm.

This flame was obviously not something that Long Haochen, who had a light attribute, could release. Everyone looked intently and saw a crown-shaped crystal appearing in his palm. It is the inherited crown magic crystal of the previous blue flame demon Shen Shang.

Seeing this magic crystal, the powerful men from the Temple Alliance couldn't help but express surprise, and at the same time they confirmed the authenticity of what Long Haochen said before.

On the other side, Huang Shuo's face became very ugly. Of course he recognized who this magic crystal belonged to. Among the powerful demons who entered the dream paradise this time, the owner of this magic crystal was not the strongest. , but his overall strength could also rank among the top five, but he fell into the hands of Long Haochen. This was something he never expected. Judging from Long Haochen's appearance, he was only about twenty years old! Unlike humans and demons, he could tell his approximate age at a glance.

A faint light flickered, and Long Haochen's eyes showed a hint of cold light. He looked at Huang Shuo opposite without any hint of cowardice.

At least three of us left Dream Paradise alive, and you... At this point, he stopped deliberately.

Even though Huang Shuo was calm, he couldn't help but feel confused at this moment. He looked towards the Dream Temple in the distance, and his face turned pale for a moment.

You know, those who entered it this time were the successors of the top four demon gods of the demon clan! The purpose is to obtain the spiritual furnace, and there is also a secret order from the Demon God Emperor. If all these heirs died in the dream paradise, the blow to the demon clan would be unparalleled. It may even shake the foundation of the demon clan.

Long Haochen has already taken out a crown of inheritance in his hand, who can say that he doesn't have other crowns of inheritance? Moreover, judging from his tone, the situation in the dream paradise of Abao and others is obviously not optimistic.

Tell me, how are they? Huang Shuo shouted angrily, his sharp aura suddenly rising, and the terrifying pressure reached its peak almost instantly. Even Dream Paradise, a place full of life filled with the breath of nature, was actually covered in darkness at this time.

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, a milky-white staff fell into his grasp. The soft golden light expanded, easily blocking out the rich dark aura, and giving everyone on his side a golden light. It was covered with a layer of golden luster.

He had already understood what Long Haochen was doing. Fortunately, he remained silent and allowed Long Haochen to do what he wanted. The strong men in the Temple Alliance had also released their weapons, ready to enter battle at any time.

The pressure brought by Huang Shuo did not bother Long Haochen. Instead, a faint smile appeared on his face: Why should I tell you?

Huang Shuo looked at him coldly, If something happens to them, we will conquer Zhennang Pass and fight you humans to the death at all costs. What he said was categorical.

He didn't know much about other races, but he knew the situation of the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan very well. Currently, among the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, the contemporary Demonic God Emperor Fengxiu only has two children, Abao and Leng Xiao, both of whom have entered the dream paradise this time. In his opinion, with Abao's strength, there would be no problem in Dream Paradise. If he didn't kill all these humans, he would be merciless. He would definitely gain a lot from this operation. This is also an important reason why the demons are willing to pay such a high price to obtain a place to enter the dream paradise.

However, he never expected that the situation would take such a strange change. The human casualties were indeed heavy. Of the ten people who went in, only three came out alive. Moreover, Cai'er looked very weak. But, more importantly, no one from their demon clan has come out until now!

The biggest disadvantage of the demons in this operation is their lack of understanding of Dream Paradise. All understandings are only obtained through the personal inferences of the Demon God Emperor and some predictions of the Star Demon God. No matter what, at least Abao and Leng Xiao haven't come out yet, as well as the Moon Demon God's daughter.

Fortunately for the Moon Demon God, it can be said that Yue Ye got a spot this time because of Abao's relationship. Reversible Demonic Dragon Clan can’t do it! Although the current Demon God Emperor has not yet reached old age, his fertility has been reduced to the point where it is almost impossible to have children. Under this situation, if Leng Xiao and Abao both died in the Dream Paradise, it would be an almost devastating disaster for the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan.

The patriarch of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan has always been the Demon God Emperor of all generations, inheriting the purest bloodline of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon. There has never been a situation where the bloodline has been replaced by another Demon God Emperor. Moreover, Abao has now established a certain prestige among the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan. If they all die in this battle, the Demon God Emperor will definitely be furious. It is impossible for him, the leader of the team, not to be angered.

Therefore, Huang Shuo's eyes were a little red at this time, and all his calmness was abandoned because of the cruelty of reality. He was ready to fight to the end. He would rather die here than go back and bear the wrath of the Demon God Emperor.

A faint light flickered, and there was a cold glint in Long Haochen's eyes, It's not impossible to know their whereabouts. I can also tell you that not all of them died in the battle, there are still some alive. But, I Why should I tell you about their situation?”

Long Haochen spoke very calmly, without any unnecessary expression on his face. However, after hearing his words, both Han Qian and Ling Xiao couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on their faces.

This kid is so smart. Of course they could also see that Huang Shuo would definitely fight to the death here if forced. Although the demons would suffer heavy casualties, would humans be able to take it easy? You know, this is not guarding Zhennanguan, there is a natural moat to rely on. Most of the demons who came this time were ninth-level experts. Even if they have just crossed the ninth level threshold, without any weapon assistance, these demons are not that easy to deal with. That was headed by the Black Dragon Imperial Guard! ——

Asking for monthly votes, recommendation votes, and rewards. Hey, I even endured a high fever of 39 degrees. It’s not easy to persevere for so many years!

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