Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 333 The Spiritual Furnace That Never Appeared (Part 2)

When the gorilla came to her, he bowed his head to her very respectfully and growled a few times.

Hearing its voice, the little girl turned around and looked at Long Haochen and others. During her scan, her eyes rested on Long Haochen almost for a second, and her green eyes revealed a strong look of surprise.

Human, are you a child of light? The little girl spoke human language and spoke very clearly.

Long Haochen nodded, Hello, little sister, we are here to help you. What do you need from me?

He did not directly lead his companions to join the battle, because he could see that this little girl had excellent control over the overall situation. Under her command, the casualties of the monsters were reduced to the maximum extent, and the offensive of the besieging demons was also very fast. In this case, it would not be good for them to join rashly.

The little girl smiled and said: Finally, we have good news. It's great. Sons of light, just protect me here. I will talk to you after I treat these dirty guys as nourishment in heaven.

Okay. Long Haochen agreed happily, and led his friends to stand beside the little girl, watching the distant battle from the top of the mountain. At the same time, simple arrangements were also made to allow partners to restore their cultivation level as soon as possible.

My name is Long Haochen, you can just call me by my name. Long Haochen said with a smile to the little girl.

While directing the battle below, the little girl turned around and said, My name is Ye Xiaolei. Although I don't like this name very much, my sister gave it to me and I can't change it. You can call me Xiaolei.

After saying this, she turned into that strange voice again, and a series of urgent commands came out of her mouth. The monsters below changed their formations again, and their offensive increased. At this time, monsters were still joining the battle from all directions on the hillside. It looked like the nine demons couldn't take any advantage at all. And after all, their combat effectiveness was consumed in the continuous fighting.

Zhang Fangfang stood aside, sealing his lips like the others, but his heart was filled with a shocking feeling. Not only him, but other people also had strange looks in their eyes, and they secretly glanced at the little girl from time to time.

The reason is very simple, because the little girl named Ye Xiaolei exudes a faint colorful light. Apart from her, there are no other colorful beings on the top of the mountain.

Could it be that she is that colorful light group?

Zhang Fang also had another doubt in his mind, why did this girl call Long Haochen the Son of Light? It can be said that they currently have an absolute advantage because they are on the side of Dream Paradise! How did Long Haochen achieve this?

The battle continued, and Long Haochen carefully observed Ye Xiaolei's command. Although he could not understand Ye Xiaolei's special language, he could judge her command method.

Ye Xiaolei's command was actually not complicated. First of all, what she did was to make these monsters form a whole, fighting like an army, instead of being scattered. In this way, there will be no unnecessary sacrifices.

Those at the front are those monsters with extremely amazing defense capabilities that can fight head-on with demons, while the monsters behind are good at magic attacks. The fighting style looks no different from humans.

What's more important is that once the monsters in front are seriously injured, they will immediately retreat under Ye Xiaolei's order. There are several specialized monsters in the back responsible for treatment. Emitting layers of green light, his injuries can be cured quickly and he can return to the battlefield as a reserve.

Whenever the nine demons had a powerful skill to unleash, Ye Xiaolei could always make a judgment in advance, allowing the demon beasts to retreat or launch a wild attack, or dodge, defend, or destroy the opponent's skill.

The cooperation between the nine demon clan members could not be said to be tacit, but their individual strength was very strong. Even Yue Ye, whom Long Haochen knew, seemed to have improved his combat effectiveness a lot. Abao is extremely powerful, and the attacks of the monsters cannot cause any harm to him. But under such circumstances, they were restrained and unable to break through the defense line of Warcraft. Even the trauma given to Warcraft is very limited.

Long Haochen's originally worried heart was relieved now. Ye Xiaolei's existence was like the brains of these monsters. With her as the commander, it would not be easy for the monsters to attack them. After all, this is a dream paradise and her home court!

Moreover, Long Haochen was also very curious about Ye Xiaolei's identity.

The colorful light means that she is probably the colorful light group that appeared before, but why does she appear as a human? Could it be, could she be...

Thinking of this, Long Haochen couldn't help but be shocked, as he recalled what his father had said to him, and what he said about the classification of spiritual furnaces.

Long Xingyu told Long Haochen that spiritual furnaces are also divided into levels. There are five levels in total. Among them, the Holy Spiritual Furnace owned by Long Haochen can only be classified into the fifth level, which is the lowest level. among levels.

The classification of spiritual furnace levels will be comprehensively evaluated based on the spiritual furnace's own use, power and development potential, as well as the backlash.

The reason why the Holy Spiritual Furnace is only rated as level five is because the special abilities it has nurtured have not been announced by the Knights Temple. Otherwise, it is likely to enter the third level.

Most of the fifth-level spiritual furnaces are auxiliary or defensive, and there are very few offensive spiritual furnaces. They only have one skill attached to them, and they can evolve once or twice. The Holy Spiritual Furnace is definitely an alternative among the fifth-level spiritual furnaces. In the opinion of many people, the greatest role of the Holy Spirit Furnace is to use it as the core of the team when the user's cultivation level is low. But as the cultivation becomes stronger, the effect of the Holy Spiritual Furnace will also be weakened.

After reaching the fourth-level spiritual furnace, there are various spiritual furnaces, but most of them only have one skill. The difference from the fifth-level spiritual furnace is mainly reflected in the power.

The third-level spiritual furnace has at least two skills, and the power of the skills must reach a certain level. For example, the skill of Long Haochen's Holy Spirit-Inducing Furnace, which can only be pulled within a certain range of strength, cannot be considered to have reached this level.

Cai'er's Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace belongs to the third-level spiritual furnace, but she has not evolved yet, so the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace can only have one attack skill at present. Once she completes one evolution, the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace's The attack power will also be greatly increased.

When it reaches the second level spiritual furnace, it is already a quite powerful part of the known spiritual furnace. There are only seven types of second-level spiritual furnaces among the seventy-four known spiritual furnaces, and each type can have at least three practical skills. Of course, their backlash is likely to be considerable. Of course, there are also those who only have one skill, but the skill is extremely powerful. For example, the child-returning spiritual furnace of Cai'er's father, Holy Spirit Heart, is one of the second-level spiritual furnaces.

Being able to own a third-level spiritual furnace can at least increase the strength of a professional by a large margin. If you have a second-level spiritual furnace, you will have the tyrannical strength to turn the tide of the battle on the battlefield. Moreover, the more advanced the spiritual furnace, the more powerful it becomes as the user becomes stronger.

If the Holy Spirit's heart cultivation level can reach the ninth level, then when he uses the Child-Returning Spiritual Furnace, even the top ten demon gods will have to avoid his sharp attack in the face of his full attack.

As for the first-level spiritual furnace, there is currently only one known one, and that is Cai'er's reincarnation spiritual furnace.

The requirements for a first-level spiritual furnace are not limited to the number of skills, but the power that explodes when the spiritual furnace is used. The requirements are very simple, just jump two levels.

If a spiritual furnace can kill a powerful person who is two levels or more above itself when it is functioning, then this spiritual furnace is at the first level. So far, only Cai'er's Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace can be confirmed to be rated as first level. Of course, Long Haochen was also very aware of its backlash.

After Long Xingyu told Long Haochen the arrangement of the five levels of spiritual furnaces, he finally said something. He told Long Haochen that there was another kind of spiritual furnace in the legend. This kind of spiritual furnace must belong to the first level, and may even exceed the first level. But it only appears in legends. It has never existed in the entire history of the Temple Alliance. It is said that the last time it appeared was in the glory days, and the most powerful of the three empires at that time, the king of the empire, owned the spiritual furnace.

This legendary spiritual furnace is called the wisdom spiritual furnace. In other words, the spiritual furnace itself is no longer a natural treasure, but a real life form, a life form possessing high intelligence. Its evolution possibilities are limitless. Its effect is even more difficult to estimate.

Long Xingyu's evaluation at the time was that this kind of spiritual furnace only appeared in legends. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Looking at the commanding Ye Xiaolei, Long Haochen couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Could it be that the little girl in front of him was the legend her father told her about?

He wasn't sure, but if that was the case, then Ye Xiaolei's identity would be revealed. The sister she just mentioned is probably the creator of this dream paradise. And she should be the guardian of the dream paradise.

Even Long Haochen's mind was in a trance for a moment. The Wisdom Spiritual Furnace has to surpass Cai'er's Samsara Spiritual Furnace! However, he quickly regained control of his mind. No matter what, it was impossible for him to do anything harmful to this little girl. At the same time, she will never allow anyone to do anything bad to her.

This feeling was completely from the heart. It came out when Long Haochen saw Ye Xiaolei for the first time. He didn't know why he felt this way, but when he felt his mentality change, a faint smile appeared on his face. This state of mind made him very comfortable and at ease.

It's just like how one feels when doing good deeds. In the final analysis, doing good deeds is not about getting rewards or God's favor, it's just about peace of mind. Peace of mind and peace of mind, peace of mind and peace of mind! ——

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