Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 330 Three Spiritual Furnaces (Part 2)

Long Haochen nodded and said: Very strong. These demons should have suppressed their strength to get here. That Abao's own strength is at least eighth level, maybe even ninth level. His external spirit His strength is as high as 20,000. Except for Shura Slash and Shura Thorn, my skills can hardly break through his physical defense. He is afraid of Cai'er's Reincarnation Soul Furnace. This person can bend and stretch, and is not driven by emotion. He will definitely be a great person in the future. Enemy. Moreover, he is probably one of the successors of the Demon God Emperor.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. The heir to the Demon God Emperor, what an identity that is.

Chen Ying'er said a little unconvinced: So what? You haven't been driven away by us.

Cai'er said calmly: He was hurt by Haochen and dared to leave because he was more afraid of death than us. As the heir to the Demon God Emperor and the future ruler of the Demon Clan, he is unwilling to take risks. Otherwise, today, today It is very likely that we will all die here. Even if I use all the power of the Reincarnation Soul Furnace, I am only 60% sure that I will die with him. We face him, just like the six seniors of the Demon God's Fall faced the Demon God Emperor.

Zhang Fangfang came to Long Haochen and said with a grateful face: Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise I would have to explain here today. After all, we underestimated the demons who came in this time. According to me As far as we know, in addition to the two people just now, at least three of the ten people we came in have died in battle. The demons have collected more than seven spiritual furnaces.

He did not ask why Long Haochen's members appeared in Dream Paradise, but just told the news he learned.

Long Haochen frowned slightly and said, Let's go, let's collect the three spiritual furnaces first and bury the corpses of those monsters before we talk about anything else.

Everyone returned to the previous battlefield, where both the magician demon hunter and the warrior demon hunter died miserably. Long Haochen put their corpses into the Eternal Melody, preparing to leave here before handing them over to their team. You know, the death of a demon hunter is a fatal blow to the team, and it is very likely that the demon hunting group will be disbanded as a result. What's more, almost all the people coming in this time are the core members of each team. Those demons will naturally kill them mercilessly when they see them. vice versa. But judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the demon hunters are at an absolute disadvantage.

However, it is too late to say anything now. Who would have thought that the demon clan would spend so much money to send all the heirs of the top seventy-two demon gods. And he came in by suppressing his strength using secret techniques.

They buried the bodies of the dead monsters without even touching their magic crystals. Then Long Haochen led his companions to the three spiritual furnaces.

A strange scene happened. Yating slowly flew to the front of the three spiritual furnaces, murmured a few spells, and a faint golden light enveloped the three spiritual furnaces. Suddenly, the three spiritual furnaces radiated... The soft halo followed Yating to Long Haochen.

Facing the three spiritual furnaces, everyone's eyes immediately became eager. Long Haochen turned to Zhang Fangfang and said, Brother Zhang, please choose one first.

Ah? Me? Zhang Fangfang looked at Long Haochen in surprise.

It was impossible to say that he had no idea about these three spiritual furnaces, but he had already suppressed the desires in his heart before. Long Haochen is so powerful that he can bring the entire team in. This is not a matter of strength, but of foundation. Moreover, if the members of their general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 were not here, it would be difficult for him to survive. Naturally, there will be no more ideas. In the previous battle, he saw with his own eyes the tacit cooperation and strong strength of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21. Although everyone except Long Haochen and Cai'er have not yet broken through to the sixth level, they are very powerful together. He never expected that Long Haochen would let him choose one first.

Long Haochen said: Brother Zhang discovered these spiritual furnaces first. Without Brother Zhang, we may not be able to drive away those demons. Brother Zhang, please don't be polite.

Zhang Fangfang took a deep breath and subconsciously looked at the other people around Long Haochen. No one raised objections to Long Haochen's words, or even looked dissatisfied.

After a brief inner struggle, Zhang Fangfang's face returned to calm, and he said sincerely: Brother Long, thank you. But, I can't have it. I don't deny that I also long for the spiritual furnace. But, this battle just now If it weren’t for your joining, I would have lost my life. You are my saviors. At this time, how could I want the spiritual furnace that you worked so hard for?”

Brother Zhang... Long Haochen wanted to say something, but Zhang Fangfang raised his hand to stop him. He said seriously: Brother Long, what do you think of this? I only have a small request. I hope to be with you in the next actions. If we are lucky enough to encounter the spiritual furnace again, please give me How about it? I really can’t have these three.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 suddenly looked at Zhang Fangfang with a bit of surprise and admiration in their eyes. Faced with the temptation of the spiritual furnace, not everyone can give up. Although he also proposed that if they encounter a spiritual furnace in the future, it will belong to him, but who can guarantee that there will be a spiritual furnace for them to encounter?

Long Haochen is not a hypocritical person, and time waits for no one. After thinking for a while, he said: Okay, in that case, I'm not polite. Lin Xin, the red spiritual furnace is yours, Sima, then The purple spiritual furnace that looks very bright is yours. Yuan Yuan, you can absorb the silver spiritual furnace. Start immediately, we will help you protect it.

The members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 not only trusted Long Haochen, but were also convinced. After hearing this, no one said anything. The three of them immediately walked out and began to absorb the three spiritual furnaces.

Because it is only temporarily absorbed, it cannot be used directly. Therefore, in just a moment, the three of them completed their respective fusions.

Lin Xin and Wang Yuanyuan were a little better, just looking happy. Sima Xian had just finished integrating the spiritual furnace and couldn't help shouting, It feels so good. It electrocuted me.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: The spiritual furnace that Lin Xin fused is called Xinyan. It is a very high-temperature flame. It can neither help fire magicians cultivate spiritual power nor come with any skills. However, it can make The quality of the flames released by the fire magician reaches an extremely high level. The temperature is also terrifying. This Heart Flame Spiritual Furnace does not seem to be very useful, but judging from its ranking among the top five spiritual furnaces that magicians can absorb, it is It can be seen that its actual effect is quite powerful.”

Yuanyuan's spiritual furnace is a rare space attribute spiritual furnace, and it fits her very well. It is also the most practical one among the known space attribute spiritual furnaces. If Lin Xin's Xin Yan is used too much, there is a possibility of flame backlash, but far away This spiritual furnace is absolutely not in such danger. This spiritual furnace is called the Space Gate. Simply put, it means teleportation. If I remember correctly, the number of times and distance that the Space Gate can be used every day will change with evolution. Moreover, For space system warriors, owning this spiritual furnace will be very helpful in learning other space system skills. Yuan Yuan and Lin Xin are both very lucky.

Boss, what about me? What is this spiritual furnace that you asked me to absorb? I'm so excited that I'm about to climax... Sima Xian looked pained and happy.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Don't you want a high-explosion spiritual furnace? Now it's your wish. This spiritual furnace is a rare spiritual furnace, very rare. It has thunder attribute. Anyone can absorb it. After saying this, he glanced at Zhang Fangfang. His original intention was to let Zhang Fangfang choose this spiritual furnace. He could not let go of the two spiritual furnaces that were more suitable for Wang Yuanyuan and Lin Xin, especially Wang Yuanyuan's. The rarity of the spatial attribute spiritual furnace could even be compared with the top three overall ranked spiritual furnaces among the known spiritual furnaces.

Sima's spiritual furnace is called Purple Thunder. It has no active skills, but it has a strong passive ability. As long as your body can withstand it, after triggering this spiritual furnace, all your attacks will bring powerful thunder and lightning power. Specifically You will know how strong it can be when you try it yourself. However, I must remind you that precisely because of the domineering nature of this purple thunder furnace, it may be more difficult for you to truly accept its test. , you have to be mentally prepared.”

Sima Xian's eyes shone brightly, Okay, okay, I like this. Despite his rough appearance, he was actually very delicate in his thoughts. Although Long Haochen didn't say what the true power of the Purple Thunder Spiritual Furnace was, he could guess a bit. Even among rare attributes, the explosive power of thunder and lightning is the strongest.

With four spiritual furnaces in a row, Long Haochen felt much more relaxed. These are all rare treasures of heaven and earth! Really good stuff. These four spiritual furnaces alone made their trip worthwhile. What's more, there is still time, and it is hard to say whether there are any spiritual furnaces that have not been taken away.

Everyone took action again, and there was an additional Zhang Fangfang. They now numbered eight people. Even if you encounter those demons, you still have the strength to fight. Of course, that's assuming those demons don't all gather together.

Time gradually passed. Along the way, they did not encounter any other spiritual furnaces, and Long Haochen did not sense anything. They only encountered a few corpses of monsters. They all buried it like before.

As night falls, there is no difference between this dream space and the outside. There are actually day and night. The eight people gathered together and found a relatively secluded place to rest.

The first day they entered the dream paradise passed like this, and this was just the beginning. According to the information given by Ling Xiao, there will still be opportunities in the next two days, but they will also be more dangerous.


Monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, everyone is so helpful! Two days later we still had an outbreak.

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