Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 324 Dream Paradise (Part 2)

The dazzling golden light was completely contained in the light punishment. With a flash of golden light, the cyan light and shadow instantly split into two halves and passed through both sides of his body. Immediately afterwards, Long Haochen's body suddenly blazed with golden light, and his golden wings suddenly stretched out from behind and slapped hard. Because of his speed, his whole body seemed a bit unreal in the air.

When the young demon was struck by Long Haochen's broken shadow, he finally seemed a little panicked. However, he was not that easy to deal with. With a roar, the green flame heavy sword also went straight to Long Haochen's body as before. Light Punishment came forward.

However, his stab was not intended to block the attack of Light Punishment, but was intended to kill both enemies.

The length of Qingyan's heavy sword was nearly six feet, while Long Haochen's light punishment was less than four feet. With the same thrust, it was obvious that Long Haochen was going to be hit first. This young devil's mind was very clear, and he made the right choice when he suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

In fact, he had to do this, because the sharpness released by Long Haochen's Shura Slash just now made him feel a huge crisis. Moreover, Long Haochen's slashes and stabs were connected so quickly that he could not react at all.

If Long Haochen dodges, then his attack will definitely be weakened. However, if he does not dodge at this time, then the Qingyan Heavy Sword will definitely penetrate his body first. With the young demon's cultivation and the brilliant-level heavy sword, it was not something that his brilliant holy armor could stop.

However, the determination in Long Haochen's eyes to kill the enemy did not weaken in the slightest. During the forward motion, the toes of his left foot suddenly lightly touched the ground, and his whole body suddenly deflected slightly in the air. As if he had lost his center of gravity, his figure that was originally charging forward turned sideways.

Just this simple change allowed him to pass the front thrust of Qing Yan's heavy sword. But this seemingly simple action was completed at the most critical moment. The green flame heavy sword even passed through the glorious holy armor, rubbing against the armor and making a series of harsh sounds.

Pfft-- Due to the deflection of his body, the sword that Long Haochen originally stabbed at his opponent's chest naturally changed somewhat. It penetrated directly from the connection between the young devil's left chest and left shoulder. The strong light element turns into extremely sharp energy and instantly penetrates into the opponent's body.

Roar—— The young demon roared violently, and then, there was a loud explosion on his left shoulder, which actually exploded a bloody hole the size of a human head. However, it also took this opportunity to stagger back, and behind it The wings flapped hard, sticking close to the ground and flying into the distance.

The explosion on his shoulder was not caused by Long Haochen, but by him activating the fire attribute and dark attribute spiritual power in his body.

The reason is very simple. After Long Haochen's Shura thorn pierced into his body, his meridians could not resist the sharp spiritual power it brought. Although it hit the shoulder and the center of the chest, if the sharp spiritual power was allowed to spread wildly, Come on, even if he wants to escape, he can't.

Therefore, this young demon was cruel enough to him. At the critical moment, he actually detonated his spiritual power and violently bombarded the wound, exploding the sharp spiritual power of Shura's thorn and forcing it out of his enlarged wound. Although doing so caused him excessive blood loss and severe injuries. But he still has the ability to adapt in a short period of time, at least first escape from here. No matter how good the spiritual furnace is, it must have a life to enjoy it.

Long Haochen didn't pursue him, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't pursue him.

One chop and one stab, the seemingly simple connection is actually the strongest attack he can achieve now. The Shura Slash plus the Shura Thorn consumed half of his spiritual power! No matter how talented he is, he must have a buffer in this situation and adjust his spiritual power a little. Yating's pure light element spiritual power has been quickly transmitted into his body with the brilliance of heaven and earth. You can see that this beautiful elf is floating there, holding hands in the shape of a heart, and a bright golden light shines on Long Haochen's vest. .

The reason why he made such a choice as soon as they met was because Long Haochen made a decision after careful judgment. The young demon was quite powerful, with a sixth-level peak cultivation level. If fighting normally, it would not be easy for Long Haochen to win. Because the opponent is not just as simple as the sixth level peak, but he can come here on behalf of the demon clan, which shows his status in the demon clan. Never treat him like an ordinary demon. Once he confronts the opponent head-on, Long Haochen is not sure of victory.

But it was different when Shura Slash and Shura Thorn were used continuously. Long Haochen appeared suddenly and launched the strongest attack without even a moment's pause. The other party's reaction is always a little slow. Sure enough, the attack was successful and directly severely damaged the opponent.

At this time, the young demon was extremely depressed. He was injured in Long Haochen's hands before he even understood what was going on. His Shadow Attack is a very powerful attack skill, which can be said to be an integrated attack and defense, but it was directly broken by Shura. The subsequent Shura stab made him unable to avoid it. Coupled with Long Haochen's quick reaction, It hit him hard at once.

He was extremely upset, but he was still very calm inside. After being severely injured, he would first escape. You have to live to have a chance to avenge this hatred.

Seeing it, the young devil was about to disappear into the forest. At this moment, he felt a bad wind blowing towards his face. A huge ball of light shining with intense golden light arrived fiercely.

The attack came suddenly and was extremely powerful.

At a critical moment of life and death, this young demon also unleashed all his potential. The wings behind his back suddenly stretched to the extreme, using the resistance of the air to slightly slow down his forward momentum. At the same time, he put his right foot on the ball of light and used the force to jump sideways. .

With a muffled bang, the ball of light fell to the ground, but the body of the young demon flying sideways also trembled violently, and his entire right leg lost consciousness in an instant. Is the crushing and rippling light of the Light Power Pill so easy to resist? Especially if it's a serious injury.

A ball of intense silver light almost crashed towards his body. This time, he had no chance of dodge. Gritting his teeth, he slashed out the green flame heavy sword in his hand, and at the same time, a mouthful of black blood sprayed on the heavy sword. The green flames on the heavy sword suddenly burned brightly, cutting through the silver-white light abruptly, but, his The body has also been forced to fall to the ground.

You must not stop, otherwise you will die. The young devil only had this thought in his mind. The moment he was about to land, he reversed his body and struck the ground with all his strength with his left foot, pushing his body to change direction. He twisted his body in an almost twisted manner, flapped his wings with all his strength, and the spiritual energy in his body rushed to the wings crazily. Because of the excessive force, the huge wound on his shoulder spurted black blood. But at this time he didn't care so much anymore.


While in the air, the young demon spat out a mouthful of black blood again, and his body changed accordingly. His eyes instantly turned blood red, the muscles in his body suddenly swelled, and the wound on his shoulder healed at an alarming speed. He, who was already somewhat exhausted, actually became energetic again. The speed suddenly increased.

The devil disintegrates Dafa. Demon bloodline skills.

A huge group of flaming skeletons arrived at this moment, and this long-prepared attack contained an explosion of more than four thousand spiritual powers. It collided violently with the young demon's body.

The piercing roar shook the dream paradise. A scene that shocked everyone in the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 was staged. The young demon actually smashed Lin Xin's prepared fire spell. His body speed increased instead of decreasing, and he flew in one direction like lightning.

The Demon God Disintegration Technique can squeeze out all the user's potential in an instant, temporarily bursting out with powerful power at the cost of burning one's own life force and soul.

Under severe damage and facing so many powerful enemies, the young demon could not hold back any more. In order to survive, he would rather use the demon's disintegration method and endure its strong backlash. You know, after using this skill once, it will take at least three years to recover. Among the demons, only the seventy-two pillars of demon gods and their direct bloodline inheritors can possess this great method of disintegrating demon gods. The identity of this young devil is already revealed.

A shining golden figure blocked his path without hesitation, with the Holy Light shielding and the Divine Control blocking.

At the same time, two loud dragon roars also sounded behind the young demon. The green flame heavy sword in his hand had already been raised, but a special force forced him to turn around. It's just that the huge body hit Han Yu's light reflecting shield.


Han Yu, who used Divine Block, was still knocked away, and at this moment, blue and gold, two-color mini dragon-shaped energy had already hit the young demon hard.

With a pitiful scream, despair appeared in the young demon's eyes. At this moment, his spiritual power increased at an alarming rate, breaking through the limit of 10,000 in the blink of an eye. It was obvious that his original cultivation was not as simple as the sixth level peak. He came here to deliberately suppress his spiritual power.

However, just when his own spiritual power exceeded 10,000 and he wanted to break free from the shackles of Guangyu Shuanglongyin, an extremely majestic aura suddenly appeared in Dream Paradise. Immediately afterwards, a huge figure suddenly fell from the sky and hit him hard.


The body of the young demon was smashed into the ground, and then, a violent storm of beatings fell on him crazily. The sound of broken bones was accompanied by a bloody scene of blood splashing.

The figure that suddenly fell down was the gorilla that had fought with the young demon before, and at this time, he was undergoing astonishing changes. It can be clearly seen that among the light clouds floating in the air, a large number of yellow light clouds are injected into its body. Its originally extremely strong body grew at an astonishing speed, and in the blink of an eye it became a big guy ten meters tall. The young demon under him gradually became silent.


The climax is coming again. Shouldn't everyone use the tickets in their hands as a booster for the climax, so that our climax will be higher than the other, and each wave will be more wave than the other?

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