Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 319 Dream Temple (Part 2)

Cai'er was right next to Long Haochen and immediately felt the changes in him. She also had a similar feeling, but it was much worse than Long Haochen.

Long Haochen has the constitution of a son of light. The growth of any plant cannot be separated from the light. The call of nature is not just a saying, but a real and powerful magic. However, it is also the gentlest among magic. kind. Those that suit its attributes will receive a huge increase, and those that don't will receive a certain weakening.

At this time, Long Haochen was just like Cai'er when he first entered the Tower of Eternity, except that his heart was not enlightened, but only cleansed. All the washings within oneself, whether physical or spiritual, seem to become purer in the washing called by nature. All impurities disappear quietly in a breath.

Compared with them, the demons are not having a good time. It can be seen that layers of black demonic aura began to emerge from the bodies of the demons, resisting the invasion of the breath of nature, and they all frowned. If Huang Shuo hadn't restrained them, they would have destroyed the surrounding plants.

Nature is a world full of life, but darkness is full of death and gloom. It is inevitable that the two will be incompatible.

Huang Shuo smiled at Ling and said, Go faster. My tribe and I don't like this place. If it takes too long, I can't guarantee that we will be able to restrain them.

Ling Xiao said lightly: Then you can try. Although we are temporarily cooperating, since we have accomplished what you promised, we will not use any tricks. I repeat, this is where the goddess of nature once lived. If you act recklessly and destroy the natural environment here, and you are unable to enter the natural temple because of the backlash, it is not because we have not kept our promise.

Huang Shuo frowned for a moment, but quickly returned to normal, nodded, but said no more.

The roads in the Dream Forest are rugged and difficult, but it does not affect the progress of these strong men. Before setting off, Ling Xiao repeatedly told the people of the Temple Alliance not to destroy the plants here under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will be hostile to the Dream Forest.

The more you think about traveling inside, the stronger the breath of nature becomes. If you were an ordinary demon, you might not be able to help but take action under such continuous consumption. But this time, it can be said that those who came here are all ninth-level powerhouses, and they naturally have their own methods. At least there haven't been any problems yet.

Ling Xiao had no intention of doing anything in the Dream Forest. One reason was because of the promise of the transaction between the two parties. Although demons and humans are life and death enemies. But in history, both parties have made transactions under certain circumstances, and at least so far, no party has failed to keep its promise. Once this happens, I'm afraid you won't be able to trade in the future. Therefore, both humans and demons must adhere to this bottom line.

What's more, the situation in the Dream Temple is not that peaceful. Ling Xiao doesn't think that the demons who entered it this time can be treated well, so what will happen if they are allowed in?

After walking for more than an hour, the front suddenly became clear, and the originally dense woods turned into large bushes. The moment the sight became wider, even the demons let out a series of admirations.

yes! It's really beautiful here.

This is a sea of ​​plants and even more, a sea of ​​flowers. Looking around, the bushes, which are only about one meter high, occupy at least nearly 10,000 square meters. On the tops of these bushes, there are various flowers growing, which are colorful and extremely enchanting.

You can smell different floral fragrances with every step you take, and there is also a light layer of water mist in the air, making the sunlight falling in the sky less dazzling. The hazy and soft halo is rippling in the world of flowers, which is worthy of the description of dream.

In the middle of this sea of ​​flowers, there is a small lake. The lake is not large, only about two hundred meters in diameter. The rich aura of water element slowly spreads out from there along with an even richer aura of life.

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the lake not far away, Here we are, right here.

Huang Shuo looked at him doubtfully and said, Where is the Dream Temple?

Ling smiled and said: It's in this lake.

Huh? Huang Shuo said in a deep voice: Are we still going to dive into the water? He didn't have any objections to diving. The black dragon clan did not reject water and could even transform into a dragon in the water.

Ling Xiao snorted disdainfully, It is true that you can enter the Dream Temple by diving into the water. But you can try. What does it mean that the Dream Temple is only opened once every hundred years? If it is just as simple as diving, do we still have to wait for hundreds of years?

Huang Shuo asked doubtfully: What's in this water? Is it sealed?

Ling smiled and said, Why should I tell you? As he spoke, he raised his right hand and spread it in front of Huang Shuo.

Huang Shuo's face changed with some reluctance, but he still took out something and placed it in Ling Xiao's palm.

After seeing that thing, Ling Xiao's normally tense face showed a rare smile, and he said lightly: Okay, I'll tell you. In this lake, there is an ancient great man. Yes. It is said that it was the guardian of the goddess of nature back then. It has lived here for at least tens of thousands of years. If you are not afraid of death, you can go diving and have a look. See the strength of this ancient power.

Huang Shuo said in surprise: Warcraft from ancient times? Do you know what kind it is?

Ling Xiao raised his right hand again. Han Qian next to him had turned away and pretended not to notice, but the smile in his eyes could not be concealed.

Huang Shuo said angrily: Don't go too far.

There was a trace of innocence on Ling Xiao's face, You don't have to ask.

Holding back his anger, Huang Shuo once again took out the same thing as before and put it in Ling Xiao's hand, Go ahead.

Ling Xiao's expression changed slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he said, It's okay to tell you. There is an elf dragon living in this lake. An elf dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Huang Shuo took a breath, but the anger on his face quickly calmed down. He nodded and said, Thank you.

Ling Xiao felt something was wrong just now. This guy actually took out two pieces of dragon paste so easily just to exchange two pieces of information with him. Looking at his current appearance, he didn't seem to feel that he was at a disadvantage. Is there something wrong with this? He couldn't help but start to regret it. But once the words were spoken, it was too late to regret.

Huang Shuo said: Since there is an elf dragon in the lake, how can we enter the Dream Temple?

Ling smiled and said: Within one day at most, the Dream Temple will be opened. At that time, it will rise above the lake on its own, and there will be a passage connecting it to the shore. Just walk over.

Huang Shuo nodded slightly and said, Then just wait. As he said that, he led a group of powerful demons to the side and sat down. When they came to the lakeside where the Dream Temple existed, the erosion of the natural atmosphere on them was somewhat weakened. Hundreds of demons each found a place to sit together. It seemed very quiet.

The same goes for the Temple Alliance. Everyone sat down and waited quietly for the opening of the Dream Temple.

Long Haochen looked towards the demon clan unintentionally, and happened to see Yue Ye looking at him with a pair of wonderful eyes, not just her, but Leng Xiao as well. But the two women looked at her with different eyes.

Yue Ye smiled slightly, her eyes soft and gentle, as if she was looking at her man. Leng Xiao, on the other hand, looked vicious. The cold gaze seemed to penetrate Long Haochen.

Yue Ye's expression suddenly changed and she looked away. But it was because she felt Cai'er's gaze, Leng Xiao fearlessly looked at Long Haochen and Cai'er, and even compared her fists.

Sitting in front of Leng Xiao and Yue Ye is a young man. He seems to be the leader of the demons preparing to enter the Dream Temple this time. He has a slender figure and looks to be about twenty years old. What is strange is that he not only has black hair, but also a pair of black eyes. Sitting there cross-legged, it was very quiet, but the aura on his body was as motionless as nothingness.

Long Haochen's eyes were naturally attracted to this young man with black hair and black eyes. In the calmness of the other person, he felt a strong threat.

The young man seemed to feel Long Haochen's gaze and slowly turned his head. When their eyes met, Long Haochen saw nothingness, while the black-haired young man saw clarity. However, what surprised them was that when they looked at each other for the first time, they did not become hostile to each other, as if they should not be enemies by nature.

This young man with black hair and black eyes was also very handsome. Seeing him, Long Haochen seemed to have a feeling of déjà vu, as if he had seen him somewhere.

The young man's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the sharp murderous intent flashed away. However, Long Haochen could feel that his murderous intent was forcibly released. There was only murderous intent but no murderous intention.

How is this going? Have you ever seen him before? However, Long Haochen was very confident in his memory. There was no such young man in his memory!

Turning back and no longer looking at each other, Long Haochen slowly closed his eyes. In this peaceful nature, the cleansing and transparent feeling lingered. Others felt that the breath of nature had become lighter after coming here, but Long Haochen felt just the opposite. He found that although the natural scent here was very light, it was extremely pure. The reason why it gives people a much weaker feeling is because even humans are repelled by these pure natural scents, as if they are unwilling to approach them for fear of being contaminated by impurities.

The pure natural breath was quietly pouring into Long Haochen's body, washing and moisturizing his body. That strange sense of enlightenment also appeared. Faintly, Long Haochen seemed to feel that he had grasped something. Gradually, his heart became more transparent.


The sixth update, asking for monthly votes at the top of my lungs! ! ! Nineteen thousand words.

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