Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 304 The Changing Tower of Eternity (Part 2)

Looking at the resentful spirits that quickly separated and dodged around them, the fear in the hearts of everyone in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group gradually disappeared, replaced by excitement and curiosity about new things.

The door of the Tower of Eternity is open, of course, for Long Haochen.

As for whether anyone will come here in this brand new world, there is no need to worry. The resentful spirits outside are the best guards. Want to enter the Tower of Eternity during their attack, unless they also have a bright moon.

Stepping into the gate of the Tower of Eternity, the surrounding death energy instantly became stronger. However, at this time, Long Haochen removed his holy light shield.

Entering the Tower of Aion, the threat to life has been eliminated. And since they want to practice here, his partners must adapt to the situation in the Tower of Eternity, otherwise how can they fight?

Trembling and shivering were inevitable for everyone, even Cai'er was no exception. However, Long Haochen, who was holding Cai'er in his arms, felt that her trembling was actually due to excitement, and it was due to the instinctive excitement of her body.

Cai'er even hurriedly took Long Haochen's hand and wrote in his palm: I want to practice for a while. I feel enlightened.

After saying this, she sat down directly on the spot, placed her hands flat on her knees, palms upward, and pinched a strange magic formula with her fingers.

Cai'er is fine. She will practice here for a while. Everyone should stand still and don't move. Get used to the death atmosphere here as soon as possible. One thing must be kept in mind, never move forward. As long as we move forward, our experience will be It's going to start. It's going to be hard to defend against.

The death energy inside the Tower of Eternity is actually not stronger than outside, but pure. Pure death energy without impurities is not offensive in itself, but it can easily bring a sense of oppression to everyone. More importantly, except for Long Haochen, no one here can feel the existence of elements that have the same attributes as their own. In other words, they cannot recover their spiritual power. Of course, this does not include Cai'er who is already sitting on the ground. It can be seen from her soft eyebrows that she is very adaptable to the environment here.

Long Haochen said to his companions: The situation here is very special. I will demonstrate the test we have to go through later. Your spiritual power cannot be restored, so we will test here for a while and then return to our Let’s go to the world to restore everyone’s spiritual power, and then come back. You see clearly.”

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, blue-gold light shone, and Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light appeared in his grasp. With the glorious holy shield in his left hand guarding his body, Long Haochen took three steps forward with firm steps. These three steps were exactly where he was during his first trial.

Suddenly, two white lights emerged from the ground as if a mechanism had been activated. They were still two huge skeletons, with shields on the left and swords on the right, with three auras of courage, faith, and attack. Long Haochen rushed over.

This time Long Haochen didn't have Haoyue to help him, but he was not the same Long Haochen when he first came here.

Feeling the strong aura emanating from these two skeletons, the expressions of Han Yu, Sima Xian and others suddenly changed. Sixth level, this is clearly the sixth level! The trial they just entered the tower gate was against a sixth-level opponent. No wonder Long Haochen told them not to act rashly. The light attribute aura on the skeleton also surprised them.

Long Haochen had been prepared for a long time. The rich, liquid-like golden light instantly shone and rose, and the pair of wings shining with the brilliance of the rising sun appeared again on his back. His spiritual power turned into wings, a symbol of the sixth level.

However, the spirit wings here could only be a symbol, because Long Haochen tried to flap them, but found that he could not fly.

Of course, the function of spiritual wings is not only as simple as flying, but also the function of gathering spirits. With the eternal melody and spiritual orifice in his chest, his current spiritual power recovery speed can only be described as terrifying.

However, in the Tower of Eternity, the light element elf Yating still cannot appear. She seems to be suppressed by the Tower of Eternity.

Without Haoyue's restraint, the two skeletons rushed towards Long Haochen together, and they even cooperated with each other. Two clusters of golden flames shone in the eyes of one of the skeletons, and the bone knife in his hand also had the intention of turning golden. The other skeleton directly hit Long Haochen, and the bone knife slashed down hard.

Are they actually cooperating? The bone knife that turned into a golden skeleton was obviously going to perform Shura Slash.

How could Long Haochen let him succeed in this situation? Intense gold and blue light shone in his right hand. The next moment, two dragon roars sounded at the same time, one high and one low, but emitting a strange vibration. One gold and one blue, two mini dragons shot out and instantly hit the skeleton that was preparing to launch Shura Slash.

In the loud noise, the bone shield that the skeleton tried to resist and the bone knife in its hand were instantly shattered, and large pieces of the bones in the chest were also shattered. But it still hasn't fallen. Unfortunately, the evolved version of Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn is not something it can compete with. The pressure from the entanglement and restraint of the light dragon and the water dragon directly crushed its broken body, and a ball of white light flew into Long Haochen's chest.

Using the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn again, Long Haochen discovered that the biggest feature of this skill after evolution was not the attack enhancement. To be precise, its attack power was only slightly enhanced. Facing a skeleton in its prime state, it was impossible to directly injure it. Deadly. The most important thing is its evolved ability to limit. This is the aspect that Long Haochen himself lacks the most, so the help to him is undoubtedly huge. However, Long Haochen didn't expect that the light dragon and water dragon would shrink so much after trapping the enemy. After all, this was his second time using the evolved Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn.

At the same time that the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn was sent out, another skeleton's attack had also arrived.

The Holy Shield technique that comes with the Brilliant Holy Shield is activated, and Divine Control blocks.

There was a loud clang sound, and Long Haochen didn't move at all. Instead, the skeleton's bone knife was raised by the shock. Now Long Haochen is not so easy to bully. He is already at the sixth level, not to mention the Brilliant Holy Shield, a brilliant-level equipment.

Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn returns at the right time, and then it’s time for Long Haochen’s performance.

The Demon-Destroying Flash erupted, and countless light points transformed into a dazzling halo that covered the sky and covered the earth. Although the skeleton also had a bone shield, its biggest drawback was that its equipment was weak and its own defense was not strong. Under the Demon-Slaying Flash attack, it was impossible for him to unleash such a powerful attack skill as Shura Slash.

After the demon-killing flash, Long Haochen connected with the released Holy Sword. Amidst the dragon's roar, the Holy Sword version of the Dragon Strike erupted. The skeleton's body was directly crushed.

This time, the golden ball of light that represented the Shura Slash cultivation method did not appear again, but the ball of white light still poured into Long Haochen's body. There is no doubt that this is twenty points of spiritual power. But of course Long Haochen would not waste it by absorbing it at this time.

It only took a few breaths to kill the two skeletons. After advancing to the sixth level, Long Haochen's overall strength has obviously been greatly enhanced, especially his personal combat power. He successfully killed two skeletons without Haoyue's help. Skeleton.

But, again, he wasn't relaxed. Since he had nothing to worry about, he could be said to have launched an attack with all his strength. He used both of his two trump cards, Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn and Yihuajimu, to prevent the two skeletons from unleashing their tyrannical attack power.

However, even so, everyone in the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 still clearly saw the tyrannical strength of the skeleton.

Long Haochen's current problem is the sixth-level skills. Although he has his father's inheritance ring, because he has just broken through the sixth level, he has not yet had time to understand some of the sixth-level skills, let alone the guardian knight skills. He had to return to the Knights Temple to learn. Of course, he couldn't wait that long. He was planning to learn skills from Han Qian, the real master, in the next few days. Secret skills cannot be taught casually, but ordinary sixth-level skills can always be taught.

Did everyone see clearly? Long Haochen turned to his friends and explained the function of the white light group.

One light group can increase spiritual power by ten points! For Long Haochen, it takes a long time to practice, let alone others. They don't have the constitution of a child of light.

Adapting to death energy is not very difficult, after all, they are not aggressive. It's just that the lack of recovery of spiritual power makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

After his friends all expressed that there was no problem, Long Haochen nodded and said: I don't know how strong the trials I will face if we continue to move forward, but I will try my best to protect everyone. When I really can't resist, I will do it quickly. Back away. As long as we exit a certain range, the skeletons will not continue to attack. Moreover, every time we leave here and come back, the trial will start from the first two skeletons.

Sima Xian shook his Light Power Pill and said, Boss, let's get started, I can't wait any longer.

Long Haochen nodded and said: Come on. As he said this, he walked at the front, while the other five people maintained their usual battle formation and marched forward.

Long Haochen's speed was very slow, and the tests had to be triggered one after another. Otherwise, if too many were triggered, it would be a disaster for everyone.

Continuing forward, after taking about five steps, Long Haochen suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. He subconsciously crossed the shield in his hand, only to hear a soft ding, and a sharp spiritual power almost penetrated the defense of the Brilliant Holy Shield. Fortunately, the Holy Shield Technique on Long Haochen's shield was activated and he was able to block the attack.

An illusory figure flashed away. Long Haochen was suddenly shocked, shouted loudly, and released the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light Demon-Slaying Flash in his hands.

At this moment, a muffled groan sounded from behind Long Haochen, Wang Yuanyuan's body fell back, and there was a deep scratch on the armor on his body.

The assassin turned out to be an assassin. And there's more than one.

The demon-killing flash failed, covering a large area but not attacking the enemy.


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