Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 302 The Changing Tower of Eternity (Part 1)

Although Zhennanguan suffered more than 100,000 casualties this time, it still had plenty of manpower. With the help of civilians, the city gradually regained its vitality.

Only a few of the more than forty demon hunting groups that came to participate in the war stayed in the main hall of the Priest Temple, and the others were arranged to live in other places. Long Haochen and the others were naturally one of the people left behind.

In the quiet room on the basement floor of the priest's temple, Long Haochen summoned his friends to his room.

The Priest Temple is really good to them. It not only provides them with a quiet room to rest, but also provides a small arena for practicing skills. It's about three hundred square meters.

Boss, why do you stay here to practice! Aren't we here to perform a mission this time? Sima Xian asked with a puzzled look on his face. In the battle that day, he had the best killing performance. The Light Power Pill appeared on the battlefield for the first time, and it had an effect that even he himself did not expect.

Originally, Sima Xian was ranked lower in terms of strength in the team, let alone Long Haochen and Cai'er. Compared to Wang Yuanyuan and Han Yu, he was also inferior. However, after changing their equipment, in this battle, Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan combined could not kill as many demons as he alone. Wherever the Light Power Pill passes, it can truly be said to be invincible. He naturally hopes to continue to show off his talents on the battlefield.

Long Haochen said: We should not be able to fight with the demons for the time being. Without a war, our war mission will naturally be over. However, there is a more important thing for us to complete.

At the moment, he told in detail about the Dream Temple and the negotiations between the Alliance and the Demons.

Spiritual furnace, is there a good place to produce a large number of spiritual furnaces? Not to mention the surprise on Sima Xian's face who asked the question, the others were naturally not calm either. That's a spiritual furnace!

Why was Long Haochen able to become the core of the team and repeatedly defeat opponents stronger than himself? In addition to his own strength, the two spiritual furnaces he owned also played a vital role. It can be said that without the four spiritual furnaces of Long Haochen and Cai'er, the strength of the entire general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 would have been reduced by half. No matter what profession you are in, you will be able to calm down after hearing the news about the spiritual furnace.

Lin Xin shook his long hair and said with a smile: Boss, you and the deputy captain have to work hard! It's best to get a few spiritual furnaces. I'm not picky, as long as the fire element can be used, I will All is OK.”

Chen Ying'er snorted disdainfully, It's so shameless. Is that okay? Brother Yao, your medicine almost killed the group leader, how dare you say it?

Lin Xin snorted and said: My medicine made a mistake, and I accept the punishment. However, if you give me a fire spiritual furnace, it will definitely make my spiritual power purer. When I refine the medicine in the future, the effect will naturally be Better. I’m thinking about the team.”

Sima Xian smiled and said: Don't come here. Who can't bring greater contributions to the team with a spiritual furnace? However, can the spiritual furnace be easily carried? Don't dream. We are still looking forward to it. It would be great if the boss and deputy leader could have another spiritual furnace.

Seeing the unconcealed desire of his companions, Long Haochen said: It is not impossible for you to obtain the spiritual furnace.

Huh? Ten eyes of the five people widened almost at the same time, which looked really weird.

Long Haochen said: This time to enter the Dream Temple, Cai'er and I each have a place. When Grandpa Ling told us about the Dream Temple in detail, he mentioned that those who can enter it must not have more than 10,000 spiritual powers. Otherwise, it will Being backlashed by the Dream Temple, this means that the other candidates entering the temple should all be at the sixth level of cultivation, as close as possible to 10,000 spiritual powers. I estimate that they will be selected from other demon hunting groups. And our group already accounts for two There are only one spot, and the chance of being selected again is very small.”

But. This is an opportunity that only comes once in a century. I hope that everyone can get it. So I want to take you in. I asked the master for retreat. One is to enhance everyone's strength within this month. At the same time, it is also I want to try to see if my idea can succeed. If it works, then you can follow me and Cai'er into the Dream Temple.

As he spoke, Long Haochen had already released a spiritual light shield to cover his companions, isolating the sounds from outside, My method is very simple, that is, eternal sleep.

While practicing in the Holy City, because everyone had taken the Holy Spirit Pill, they had been improving their cultivation. Before they could enter the Tower of Eternity to practice, they were recruited for this forced war mission. At this time, when they heard Long Haochen mention the Tower of Eternity again, everyone's expressions suddenly became wonderful. Everyone's face showed excitement.

Wang Yuanyuan said: Captain, what do you mean, when you and the deputy commander enter the Dream Temple, let us stay in the Tower of Eternity. Then release us after entering the temple?

Long Haochen nodded and said: That's right. Therefore, the first thing we have to try is the feasibility of this situation. Grandpa Ling said that there is no upper limit on the number of people who can enter the Dream Temple at one time, but the number of souls produced is There are generally about twenty types of furnaces, and there is only one of each. If too many people enter, it will cause the balance to be lost, and even face danger without any gain. The agreement with the demons this time is that both parties will send their own troops. Ten people entered the temple. In other words, if I bring you in, we will work hard to steal food from the demons, and at the same time, we must try our best not to be discovered by our own people. And the problems we are facing now are mainly concentrated In the Temple of Dreams and the Aion itself.”

First of all, if you stay in the Tower of Eternity, will my return to the real world as the opener of the Tower of Eternity have an impact on you. Secondly, can the Tower of Eternity release you in the Temple of Dreams. The third point is Will the Dream Temple repel the Tower of Eternity? We can solve the first question through experiments, but if we solve this problem, the latter two cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that I will definitely take you into the dream. Temple.”

Sima Xian laughed and said: Boss, it's a surprise for us to have a chance. Even if we can't succeed by then, it doesn't matter. Anyway, if you and the deputy captain are strong, we can also become stronger. .”

His words were not completely complimentary. It could be said that without the leadership of Long Haochen and Cai'er, how could their newly formed demon hunting group have so many achievements to enhance everyone's strength? It seems that Long Haochen got a lot of benefits, but they didn't get much either? Sima Xian and Chen Ying'er have advanced to the fifth level successively, and now everyone's strength is above the fifth level. This speed of improvement is absolutely terrifying to death.

Over at the Demon Hunting Mission Center, as long as you have enough merit, who can say that there is nothing better than the Holy Spirit Pill? The stronger Long Haochen and Cai'er are, the more difficult tasks they can lead them on, and the more merit they will receive. Therefore, what Sima Xian said was recognized by everyone.

Long Haochen said: Then let's seize the time to conduct experiments. Even if you can't enter the dream paradise in the Dream Temple with me and Cai'er this time, you can still improve your strength in the Tower of Eternity. Break through the sixth level as soon as possible. , we can also upgrade to the handsome level as soon as possible. Everyone, please adjust, we will enter the Tower of Eternity immediately.

Wait a minute. Han Yu, who had been silent until now, suddenly said. Boss, this is the main hall of the Priest Temple. Will the breath of death be discovered when we enter the Tower of Eternity here? Although Han Yu was very arrogant at the time, he also had a certain reason. In addition to his own strength, He is also the most thoughtful. It's just a pity that I met Long Haochen in the first place. His light has always been covered up. And now as Long Haochen's knight attendant, he naturally has to consider Long Haochen and help him fill in the gaps.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: I have already tested it when I was in the Holy City. Because Electrolux is the Holy Law God of the Dead, and his own attribute is light, so when he enters the Tower of Eternity, he will only emit light. Emit a weak light element. He probably thought of this when he was building the Tower of Eternity. Everyone stood in a circle around me. When we teleport to the Tower of Eternity, everyone should not act rashly and obey my orders. .”

To be honest, Long Haochen was feeling a little nervous at this time. After all, it was related to the safety of his partners, so when he said the last words, his expression was particularly serious.

Han Yu and the five others nodded one after another, put on their equipment, and stood in a circle around Long Haochen.

Long Haochen himself also put on the Brilliant Holy Armor, held the Brilliant Holy Shield in his left hand, hugged Cai'er with his right hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

The soft golden light ripples out from the chest like water waves. It is the light of eternal melody.

These days, whether Long Haochen is in a coma or after waking up, the eternal melody has always remained at a high temperature. Fortunately, Long Haochen himself was used to it.

He knew more and more about the strangeness of this necklace. He heard the eighth-level moon demon who was seriously injured by him that day shout out the word artifact before leaving. Because at the moment when he was unconscious, it seemed that his whole person had entered a special spiritual power. It was this spiritual power that protected him.

Obviously, it is the eternal melody, or the eternal sleep.

Is it really an artifact? But, is the artifact the Eternal Melody or the Tower of Eternity? Long Haochen is more inclined to the latter. There is no doubt that from everything the Tower of Eternity has shown, it is well deserved to be called an artifact. There, there are too many magical places waiting for him to explore.


The secret of the Tower of Eternity will gradually be revealed to everyone. Undoubtedly, the Tower of Eternity is an important clue and will shine endlessly in the future. But it will never be used just for upgrading as everyone has guessed. A lot of interesting things will be revealed gradually. Don't be impatient and take your time.

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