Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 299 Dream Paradise (Part 1)

In the six major temples, there is a saying that there are candidates for the temple master. This is the preparation made by major temples to cultivate backup successors. Only those who are talented and have achieved certain achievements can win this honor. However, in history, those who can become candidates for the master of the six major temples must be at least seventh level. And there will never be just one. Let’s not say whether the candidate will die in the war, but his mentality will also need to be tested for a long time. This is related to the future of the six major temples and even the Temple Alliance, and no temple will make a rash decision.

No one present had ever heard of such a young candidate, let alone the only candidate. For a moment, everyone felt a little unacceptable.

At this time, Ying Suifeng also spoke, The Cai'er girl next to Long Haochen is also the only candidate for the next master of our Assassin Temple. The situation is the same as Long Haochen. She was executed because of I used a relatively forbidden ability during the last mission of the Demon Hunting Group, so I temporarily lost my sense of sight, hearing, taste and smell, so I cannot salute you all, please forgive me.

Han Qian and Ying Suifeng's words undoubtedly frightened the people in front of them, and also frightened Long Haochen, who had become stunned. The Temple Alliance only has six major temples in total. At this moment, two major temples actually said that there is only one candidate for the next temple master, and it seems that these two are just children! People from other temples cannot understand what the Knights Temple and Assassin Temple think at all. Putting aside the character of these two children, how sure are these two temples that they can live long enough to inherit the title of temple masters? They are probably less than twenty years old now, and they are still members of the demon hunting group. Although the demon hunting group is composed of elites, the dangers they face during their missions are also huge.

The pastor whom Han Qian called Brother Ling said: In that case, let's invite these two children to listen. However, Old Han, the news you brought us is too shocking! The only candidates, you guys What are you going to do?

Han Qian smiled slightly and said confidently: I hope you will keep this matter a secret. It's okay for us to know. If the demons find out, we will be in big trouble.

The white-haired old man in the top position nodded slightly and said: What Han Qian said is that none of you should stop talking nonsense after you go out. These two kids are really interesting. Han Qian, Ying Suifeng, you two great saints The palace has found a treasure!

Facing this white-haired old man, Han Qian actually bowed and bowed as a junior, and said respectfully: Thank you, Lord Saint, for your compliment.

The white-haired old man smiled and nodded, his eyes once again passed over Long Haochen, and he sighed softly, It's a pity, it's a pity.

Han Qian chuckled. Of course he knew what the white-haired old man meant by pity. He was obviously pity that Long Haochen was not born in the priest temple. Obviously, with Long Haochen's talent, if he were in the priest's temple, he would definitely become the leader of the younger generation. I am afraid that the position of this only candidate will not be able to escape. Of course, this situation is obviously impossible to happen. Don't forget who Long Haochen's father is.

Pastor Ling said: Let's continue the meeting.

Han Qian nodded and whispered to Long Haochen: Haochen, this is Grandpa Ling Xiao. After the meeting, you have to thank Grandpa Ling. He treated most of your injuries. OK.

After saying this, Han Qian sat back down and continued the meeting.

Long Haochen also didn't expect that the stern-looking priest would be the one who healed him. Although he was in a coma for two days, he could still vaguely feel a warm spiritual energy lingering in his body. The damaged meridians in the body are repaired by this warm spiritual power. There is no doubt that it is this pastor.

Wearing a golden robe, this seems to represent a saint. In this case, what level is the white-haired old man? It seems that his status here is unparalleled, and it seems that everyone is his junior!

Ling smiled and said: I will continue to report the current situation to everyone. We have cleaned up the battlefield. This time, Zhennanguan can be said to have suffered heavy losses. As the governor of Zhennanguan, I bear full responsibility. If the command is inappropriate, I will report it to the alliance. Review.”

Han Qian sighed and said: Brother Ling, you can't say that. How can I blame you for this? The enemy came too suddenly. The twelve demon gods arrived together, and half of them were among the top thirty-six The Demon God, with such a lineup, I am afraid that none of our great gates will be able to resist it. I don’t know what happened to the Demon Clan this time. If it weren’t for Mr. Ling who was in charge, it would be useless even if we arrived.

Ling Xiao's eyes were a little dim, and he sighed and said: Although I don't know why the demons behave like this, our losses this time are too heavy. Only five of the 200,000 defenders stationed at Zhennanguan are left. More than 10,000 people, half of whom were injured. All the magic cannons at Zhennan Pass were destroyed. More than one-third of the priests in our priest temple main hall died, and six of the eighth-level and cardinal-level priests died. So many places.”

Having said this, he couldn't help but slap his face on the table, his eyes full of pain.

The white-haired old man frowned slightly and said: Ling Xiao, calm down, you are now the person in charge of the priest's temple, how can you be so impatient?

Ling Xiao bowed his head respectfully to the white-haired old man and said, Yes, Grandpa.

As soon as the words grandpa came out, Long Haochen was shocked. This was a saint! The saint's grandfather... I'm afraid this old man is nearly 200 years old. This was the oldest person Long Haochen had ever seen after the legendary demon hunting group. Moreover, the aura exuded by this old man is no less than that of the six at the beginning.

After controlling his emotions for a while, Ling Xiao continued: In this battle, Zhennanguan was consumed in all directions. It can be said that it has shaken the foundation. If Brother Han and Brother Ying hadn't arrived in time with reinforcements, the final result would have been Zhennan Pass was destroyed. However, we also caused huge losses to the enemy.

The demon clan's strong attack started suddenly half a month ago, and there was no warning in advance. Our spies in the demon clan didn't get any news at all. This time the demon clan not only mobilized twelve demon gods, but also nearly a hundred demons. Ten thousand troops launched a continuous, day and night onslaught. We relied on Zhennan Pass to defend it. Although we were finally breached, the number of demons was reduced by at least half, and there were countless injured. Although the twelve demon gods did not fall , but at least eight of them were severely injured and could no longer join the battle in a short period of time. The number of strong men above the seventh level of the demon clan who died in battle was at least three times as high as ours.

Ling Xiao's voice finally had a little more excitement, yes! Relatively speaking, the battle at Zhennanguan cannot really be said to be a loss for the Temple Alliance. Although they were almost completely defeated, the losses they brought to the demons were also huge.

Although the demon clan has a large population and a territory three times that of the Temple Alliance, cannon fodder is easy to cultivate, and the number of truly strong people is still limited. Don't look at the powerful demons who are ranked high in the list. They are naturally extremely powerful, but their ability to reproduce is also a big problem. Otherwise, how could humans be able to support them until now?

In this battle, Zhennanguan was severely damaged, and so were the demons. The only pity was that there were not a few demons left.

Han Qian said: Brother Ling, don't worry, we are just the first batch of reinforcements to arrive. After receiving the news of your request for help, the alliance has already launched operations and assembled an army to come for support. Within ten days, at least more than 150,000 troops will arrive. We arrived one after another and followed Zhennanguan’s orders.”

It was no coincidence that the Templar Alliance was able to hold on to its territory for thousands of years. The entire alliance has a complete set of plans for dealing with war.

There are many natural chasms like the Exorcist Pass at the junction of the Temple Alliance and the Demon Clan. Even on the Zhennanguan Pass, the terrain is very complicated. Although there is no natural barrier like the Exorcist Pass, there is a natural barrier on the left side of the Zhennanguan Pass. There was a large, turbulent lake with large hilly areas in front and on the right. This made it impossible for the demons to besiege the city and could only attack from the front and sides.

The Temple Alliance has heavy troops stationed in every important border town, and the six major temples are stationed at the six most important passes. In addition, the main force of the Temple Alliance is gathered near the Holy City. Once there is a problem there, reinforcements will be mobilized immediately to support. This is why the Holy City is located at the core of the Temple Alliance.

The territory of the Temple Alliance is far less vast than that of the Demon Clan, but equally, it only takes ten days to get from the Holy City to the six great passes, and it can even be faster if you march in a hurry. Therefore, the arrival of reinforcements will never be slow. Zhennanguan was almost lost this time, so the Holy City would naturally provide support as soon as possible.

Ling Xiao nodded and said: That's the best. I have ordered the mobilization of craftsmen and alchemists from surrounding cities to rush to Zhennanguan to repair the city defense as quickly as possible, and we must not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it.

Han Qian said: Brother Ling, do you know why the demons suddenly launched such a fierce offensive this time? Such a situation has never happened in recent years. They must have a plan.

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly and said: We only understood the reason after the demons started to attack. It was not for Dream Paradise.

Hearing the words Dream Paradise, Han Qian's face suddenly showed a look of surprise, Brother Ling is saying that Dream Paradise is about to open again?

Ling Xiao nodded and said: Even grandpa has only felt the elemental fluctuations coming from Dream Paradise in the past few days. Within a month, Dream Paradise will open again.


La la la, please vote for me. I don’t know why, but I’m in a good mood today. Maybe it’s because a new chapter is about to begin. Ha ha. This is the fifteenth episode of Traditional Chinese. At the end of this month, the third simplified Chinese version, God III and Aion, will also be released, synchronized with the Internet. If you like it, you can buy this book for collection. It is very beautifully made. The 300,000-word book only sells for 24.8

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