Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 291 Eighth-level Moon Demon VS Huiyao Haochen (Part 1)

A handsome man just appeared at the center of the explosion. Yes, he looks exactly like a human. The only difference is that he has purple eyes. The black outfit looks extremely luxurious, with many dark purple lines on it, and the collar is turned up to cover the neck.

His skin is very fair and his appearance is handsome. A pair of slender white palms spread out on both sides of his body, and balls of purple-black light popped out from his slender fingers and exploded into the crowd of the six major temples. Balls of purple-black light erupted.

Long Haochen and the others were very close to this handsome man, so they naturally became the targets of his purple-black light ball. Horizontal shield, holy shield. Long Haochen was duty-bound to block the explosion of the purple-black ball of light.

However, this young man in black is too strong. Just a small purple-black ball of light almost blew Long Haochen's entire body away. Not only was the Brilliant Holy Shield's holy shield technique broken, but its body and even its light were dimmed a bit.

What kind of strength is this? Everyone was shocked and quickly set up their formation, and a large amount of defensive magic fell on Long Haochen.

Others may not recognize the race of the man in black who looks no different from humans, so how could Long Haochen not recognize it? Regardless of his appearance or attire, he is an out-and-out strong man from the Moon Demon Clan. Eighth level.

On the battlefield, this was also the first time Long Haochen and the others faced an eighth-level enemy.

Seeing him, Long Haochen couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart. An eighth-level powerhouse like Moon Demon should fight in the air. If the young man in black clothes in front of him can get out and join the battle below, it means that in the air, the demon clan There is still power left, which is definitely not a good thing for the Temple Alliance and Zhennanguan.

There was deep disdain in the eyes of the young Moon Demon. He simply stood still, while the purple-black ball of light popping out of his hand continued to harvest human lives.

Many of the human magician's attacks fell on him, but they were all blocked by a layer of purple light he released, unable to cause any harm at all.

In just a short time, he had killed nearly a hundred humans.

Long Haochen suddenly turned around and looked at his friends. Everyone saw the firm and decisive look in his eyes.

Han Yu, what are the ten principles of knights? Long Haochen suddenly asked loudly.

Han Yu replied loudly without hesitation: Humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, perseverance, benevolence, justice.

Long Haochen gritted his teeth and said, Follow me. As he spoke, he stuffed two pills into his mouth, and strode towards the eighth-level moon demon with an indomitable momentum.

When Long Haochen took the first step, everyone among the twelve people behind him, including Cai'er on his back, felt the determination in Long Haochen's heart. They all had the same feeling in their hearts, Long Haochen was a true knight!

At this time, Long Haochen had no honor or disgrace in his heart, let alone any interests. What he wants to do is to resist the Moon Demon's attack as much as possible so that more Temple Alliance warriors and mages can survive. That's all.

He is no longer facing the difficulties, but is looking forward to death.

With every step he took, Long Haochen's aura became stronger. The effects of the Bloodthirsty Pill and the Explosive Spirit Pill came into play quickly. Thick golden light continued to burst out from his body. In the next moment, suddenly, , the burning heat in Long Haochen's chest seemed to rise to the top, and then, the burning heat spread throughout his body instantly.

In the chest, the Holy Spiritual Furnace seemed to disappear, and the eternal melody also seemed to disappear. There, there seemed to be a black hole, frantically absorbing the light elements in the air.

The surging divine energy rushed out of Long Haochen's body like a volcanic eruption, and the blazing sun's fire rose instantly. A pair of golden wings stretched out from his back without any warning.

The spiritual wings, yes, they are the spiritual wings that represent the sixth level radiant knight!

Who would have thought that Long Haochen would break through at this moment. His breakthrough was not due to the power of the Bloodthirsty Pill and the Explosive Spirit Pill, but the combination of his obsession with the eternal melody and the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

It has been several months since he reached the critical point. His cultivation over the past few months can be said to be all about building momentum and accumulating strength for a breakthrough. And at this moment, when his inner obsession reached its peak, he chose to face the difficulty when faced with the huge pressure brought by the eighth-level moon demon. The spiritual power in his body burst out from this persistence, and finally broke through the sixth-level bottleneck. , before this battle that was likely to lead to his death, his cultivation level was raised to the sixth level of brilliance.

The potential of a child of light is not only understanding, but also will and his heart full of light.

Long Haochen's spiritual wings were about one meter and a half long each, stretched out behind his back. Because they were in energy form, they did not affect Cai'er.

They are also at the sixth level, and everyone's spiritual wings are different. Long Haochen's spiritual wings were very strange. On the golden wings, there seemed to be countless small suns shining. Each feather formed by spiritual power was particularly clear. The moment his wings spread out, the air The light elements in the sky seemed to have found their source, and they gathered towards him crazily. The dazzling wings illuminated at least a hundred meters in diameter, making it impossible not to be noticed. All friendly forces within this range felt that their spiritual power was recovering and their injuries were lessening.

Long Haochen's eyes sparkled, and his black hair turned golden at this time. His whole person exuded a unique temperament. It seems that as long as he is around, all darkness will be dispelled.

Moon Demon immediately felt Long Haochen's appearance and turned around subconsciously. When he saw the wings of strong golden light blooming from Long Haochen's back, his eyes suddenly showed strong disgust. With a cold snort, he punched Long Haochen in the air. A purple-black light wave with a diameter of more than a foot struck in front of Long Haochen in an instant.

Long Haochen did not dodge, and after receiving the boost from the Explosive Spiritual Pill and the Bloodthirsty Pill, he advanced to the realm of the Glory Knight. At this moment, he only felt that he seemed to have endless spiritual power. The glorious holy shield in his hand suddenly disappeared. Facing the Moon Demon's punch, he held the sword in both hands and struck it with a Shura Slash. It was actually an attack against an attack.

A golden light appeared in the sky instantly. The golden sword light spread out a foot away. The harsh friction sound was just like the screams in the cave of fear and mourning, and the sound shook the whole place.

The purple-black light wave was cut in half directly in front of Shura Zhan, and the ground on both sides behind Long Haochen erupted with a strong roar, each burning a deep pit five meters in diameter.

Huh? Moon Demon looked at Long Haochen in surprise. Although the light shining on Long Haochen's wings was very strong, with his eighth-level cultivation, he could clearly feel that this was just a sixth-level person. Just a human knight. It was only level six, how could he possibly catch his own attack?

The Brilliant Holy Shield reappeared in Long Haochen's left hand. At the same time, a silver-white light spurted out from his chest. The Moon Demon wanted to dodge, but found that he had no possibility of dodging. The silver-white light spurted out. It had fallen firmly on his body, like a bridge, connecting the two people together.

The Holy Spiritual Furnace, and it is the evolved Holy Spiritual Furnace. The moment Long Haochen broke through the sixth level of cultivation, his Holy Spiritual Furnace also completed its second evolution.

The surrounding Temple Alliance strongmen who had just been suppressed couldn't help but burst into excited cheers. The arrival of the eighth-level moon demon brought disaster to them. But at this time, a human knight released his spiritual wings and appeared on the battlefield, resisting the attack of the moon demon, and released the Holy Soul Furnace, which meant that the moon demon could no longer attack them for the time being. Attacked. The human counterattack against the demons continued, and their momentum increased instead of decreasing, and they rushed towards the demons crazily.

Hmph. Moon Demon's purple eyes were filled with coldness. His figure flashed, and a purple lightning seemed to appear in the air. The next moment, he was in front of Long Haochen. Still empty-handed, his right fist struck Long Haochen directly.

A series of roars erupted under his fist. In this short period of time, Long Haochen actually had eight layers of defensive magic in front of him, and each layer was of the fifth level. This was released jointly by Haoyue, Han Yu, Lin Xin, Lu Xi and Yi Jun.

The eighth-level moon demon is indeed powerful, but even breaking eight defenses weakens his attack.

Lunge, divine block. Long Haochen suddenly took a step forward, and the spiritual wings behind him burst out with even brighter light. The fire of the sun condensed on the Brilliant Holy Shield, and the Holy Shield Technique of the Brilliant Holy Shield itself was activated again.

Amidst the loud noise, Long Haochen was still bombarded by the punch and fell back eight steps before barely standing still. The gold shines on the seven members of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group at the same time.

The eighth level is the eighth level, and the gap between levels is so huge. Even Long Haochen, whose cultivation level had reached the sixth level and had taken two pills that instantly stimulated potential, was still repulsed. If it weren't for the effect of the soul chain, he would have been severely injured by just this one blow.

This is absolutely not possible, it cannot block his attack.

While Long Haochen's body was being knocked back, the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his hands quickly drew a pattern of light in the air. At the same time, the Demon-Destroying Flash erupted, transforming into thousands of rays of light to slightly block the Moon Demon's speed.

Seeing the light pattern, Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian, Han Yu, Chen Yinger, and Lin Xin swallowed a pill at the same time. Cai'er, who was behind Long Haochen, also made the same movement while contracting the muscles in his back. Long Haochen himself threw two pills into his mouth. Powerful Pill, Conjoined Spirit Pill.


This is the real climax, rise up, Tang Sect, rise up, Divine Seal Throne. Asking for monthly votes, recommendation votes, and rewards.

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