Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 289 Trapping and Killing the Seventh Level (Part 2)

From the side of Long Haochen, a burly man rushed out at the same time. A pair of battle axes in his hands drove his tyrannical body to instantly sweep away the demons in front of Long Haochen. Including the golden double-sword demon, a large number of demons The clan soldiers were knocked away, and of course, the weak ones were cut into two pieces. It was the warrior's powerful group fighting skill, Whirlwind Slash.

Seeing this person, Long Haochen couldn't help but be surprised, because he actually knew this ax warrior. Wasn't he the same old man who lost one hundred thousand meritorious deeds to him?

In the battlefield, Lao Wu showed an especially strong performance. A pair of giant axes were like a steamroller, killing the demons in front of him crazily. Moreover, he had obviously used the madness skill. Even if there were demons' attacks that could fall on him, they would be killed. Spread out one by one.

The frontal pressure suddenly decreased greatly, and Long Haochen could take a breath and look in the direction of the three magic eye warlocks.

The five figures falling from the sky were five people, and behind each of them, there was a pair of dazzling energy wings flapping. Spiritual power turns into wings, a sixth-level powerhouse.

Five people descended from the sky, and the leader was one person, riding on the back of a six-legged tall horse. This war horse also had two wings on its back, but it was not a unicorn. It was a six-legged Pegasus. This was a very rare mount in the human world. , both in the air and on the ground, have strong combat capabilities. Unfortunately, it is not a light attribute, but a fire attribute monster. Otherwise, its effect would even be comparable to that of the Glorious Unicorn.

Sitting on the horse is a knight wearing a full set of brilliant-level equipment, with a tower shield in his left hand and a heavy sword in his right hand. The moment he stepped off the six-legged Pegasus and fell from the sky, he crashed into a magic eye warlock.

The dazzling golden light suddenly spread around his body, like a golden wall spreading around. Within a radius of thirty meters, except for the three magic eye warlocks, all other demons were overturned, allowing his four companions to land calmly.

Next it was time for the performance of these five people. In the shining light, in just a few blinks, the three magic eye warlocks who were close to them had turned into corpses. Their strong appearance gave Long Haochen and the others a huge buffer.

The general-level demon hunting group No. 8 was led by the knight Zhang Fangfang who had come to admit his mistake to Long Haochen before setting off.

After killing the three magic eye warlocks, Zhang Fangfang turned around and gave a thumbs up to Long Haochen. Long Haochen tapped his shoulder with the heavy sword in his right hand and returned the knight's salute.

This was on the battlefield, and he didn't have time to say anything to Zhang Fangfang, but when their eyes collided, they both showed sympathy for each other.

The appearance of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 8 can be said to be just right. Not only did it relieve the pressure on Long Haochen's side, but it also created a breakthrough in the demon camp again, forming a two-sword alliance with Long Haochen's side. trend. This caused the pressure on the human army behind to drop sharply.

The commander of the Temple Alliance was not a fool. Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity. He commanded the human soldiers to launch a counterattack and quickly pressed forward thirty meters.

Long Haochen's opponents changed from five to two, and he immediately felt much more relaxed. His main defense was focused on the two-headed magic vulture in the air, but he unexpectedly threw out a dazzling golden light.

The moment the golden light burst out, blue light appeared, but the Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus in Long Haochen's hand disappeared quietly. It was the most powerful attack of his heavy sword, the Light Rain Hibiscus Stab. The target was naturally the extremely cunning golden double-sword demon.

Long Haochen's attack had been prepared for a long time, and before launching it, his Holy Spirit Furnace pulling skill suddenly exploded. The improvement of his strength also increased the power of his spiritual furnace. With this force, the golden double-sword demon who wanted to escape was delayed for a moment. The next moment, the golden and blue two-color light was already in the cunning enemy's body. bloom. The terrifying attack power bursts out like a tide.


The golden double-sword demon's body was directly blown into pieces, but Long Haochen didn't feel too good. Using the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn cost him even more than using the Shura Slash, consuming a full 1,500 points of his spiritual power. This is because he is a son of light, so the cost will be reduced when using skills. in the case of.

The two-headed demon eagle in the air has been looking for Long Haochen's flaw. How could he miss this good opportunity? After breaking through the defense jointly set up by Haoyue and Lin Xin, its body slammed into Long Haochen. On the glorious holy shield.

Magic burst out at close range, a fusion magic of fire and darkness, and a dark nuclear explosion was suddenly released. The Holy Shield Technique and Holy Spirit Protection on Long Haochen's mountain were all shaken away, and he himself was directly knocked away.

Fortunately, there is a life sharing soul chain, and seven golden lights light up at the same time.

From the beginning of the battle to now, this is also the first time that Long Haochen and the others have faced a crisis. After the two-headed demon eagle blasted away Long Haochen, its huge body was equivalent to sinking into the core of Long Haochen's team.

Faced with such a critical situation, the seven members of the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 did not panic at all. Long Haochen had already made a gesture before launching an attack to kill the golden double-sword demon. So his friends were already prepared.

A black figure suddenly enlarged and appeared in front of the two-headed demon vulture. The appearance of this huge figure caused the body of the two-headed demon vulture, which was about to wreak havoc crazily, to freeze up, but the attack did not actually come out.

Not only him, but the surrounding demons who were rushing towards Long Haochen and the others also had similar reactions. The reason is simple. In front of the two-headed magic vulture, a huge black dragon suddenly appeared.

This black dragon is more than ten meters long. The bodies of the two demon hunting groups are under him. The huge wings are spread out on both sides of the body. His huge body is the strongest deterrent, so that everyone's His eyes glazed over for an instant.

At this time, a huge metal ball hit the double-headed demon vulture fiercely from the side, and a terrifying explosion sounded along with the scream of the double-headed demon vulture.

It can be said that all this was premeditated. Without giving the two-headed magic vulture a chance to take advantage, how could he fall to the ground?

The gesture Long Haochen made before launching the Light Rain Hibiscus Stab was a cooperation from their team. Long Haochen was blown away, but everyone else was already prepared.

Han Yu has now taken over Long Haochen's position, blocking Lin Xin and Chen Yinger behind him. At the same time, Haoyue is also shining with dazzling light, using her own defensive magic to protect the two magicians on her back.

There is no doubt that the huge black dragon looks like the bodyguard of the Demon God Emperor. Of course, it is fake. McDull Piggy has been watching the show for so long, so this critical moment is naturally a good opportunity for it to show its strength.

Pure mirror image without any attack power. However, the sudden appearance of the black dragon and the terrifying suppression of its position were enough to shock all the demons present. So much so that the two-headed demon eagle was severely bombarded by Sima Xian's Power Pill of Light while he was in a daze.

Sima Xian was also ready for this moment. When Long Haochen made a gesture, he waved his Light Power Pill above his head. The power of this blow could be said to be his best effort to attack. The Light Pill was Dali Wan not only comes with Ripples of Light, but also comes with his priest skill Holy Light Hammer. Coupled with the weight of this terrifying equipment, it directly hit the two-headed demon vulture and broke its bones.

The double-headed magic vulture's physical attack is not weak, and its magic attack is even more powerful. However, this is destined to have a poor defense. In this case, he was faced with a perverted weapon like the Dali Pill of Light. Not only was he sent flying by the bombardment, but he also fell into a brief daze under the combined effects of the Crush, Ripple of Light, and Hammer of Light. state.

A harsh whine was accompanied by a heavy shield falling from the sky. With Sima Xian's attack, how could it not be without Wang Yuanyuan's? The shield of the giant spirit god fell from the sky, and the sharp tip under the shield struck hard at the root of the left wing of the two-headed demon vulture.

Wang Yuanyuan's choice of position for this attack was also very clever. Although the double-headed demon eagle's defense is not as good as those of the seventh-level demons fighting on the ground, it is still a seventh-level demon after all. If it had been replaced by others, she would have been able to hurt this at best. Just a two-headed magic vulture. However, the base of the wings is different. There are a large number of nerve endings here, and it is the most important part of the flying monster.

Amidst the screams, more than half of the wings of the two-headed demon vulture were cut off abruptly.

At this time, Long Haochen had also returned. Although his men were blown away, due to his strong defense and the unloading force of two sixth-level magics, apart from the soreness and numbness in his arms, there was no Being truly traumatized. At this time, he came back. While returning, the glorious holy shield in his hand was put away again.

Circles of dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from the body of the light element elf Yating, spreading behind Long Haochen. This is the amplifying effect of Glorious World. Temporarily forcibly transmit the light elements it condensed to Long Haochen. Although this would put a considerable load on Long Haochen, it would also allow him to temporarily recover a large amount of spiritual power to launch this attack.

The two-headed demon vulture was seriously injured, his eyes shone with light, and a huge light shield that merged dark elements and fire elements burst out from his body. Unfortunately, at this time, he could no longer stop Long Haochen.

Shura slash!

The ripples of light made the already terrifying power of Shura Slash even more powerful. The fire and darkness were shattered by the sharp blue rain and the hibiscus of light. The heavy sword shining with dazzling light also struck hard into the two-headed demon. The body of the eagle was cut in two without any delay.

When the two-headed magic vulture fell to the ground and lost its ability to fly, its fate was sealed.

Lu Xi and the other six had their eyes widened. When Long Haochen and the other seven suddenly broke out, the six members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 22 became marginalized figures. Before they even figured out what was going on, a seventh-level two-headed demon eagle was killed.

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