Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 286 The bloody battle at Zhennanguan (Part 2)

When Long Haochen taught Ripples of Light, it was very difficult for Li Xin and Wang Yuanyuan to learn, but they persevered and did not give up like Dian Yan and Han Daosi. In the end, during the time when Long Haochen went to the Moon Demon Palace, the two girls who persisted learned this powerful auxiliary skill. And Long Haochen's skill will surely benefit them throughout their lives.

At this time, Li Xin's cross-cut slash was triggered by the ripples of light. She was a disciplinary knight! Attack is all she has.

A bloodthirsty demon that was trembling under the demon-killing flash was instantly chopped into four pieces. The ripples of light at least doubled Li Xin's attack power. What's more, now she not only broke through to the fifth level, but also took the Holy Spirit Pill, and her inner spiritual power reached more than 3,000. She had already made a qualitative leap compared to when she first completed the mission of the Horror and Howling Cave.

She was not the only one who attacked at the same time. Sima Xian could no longer hold back any longer. When Long Haochen hit the mad demon, his huge light pill flew out.

Dazzling dark golden light shone in the air, and the moment the huge metal ball flew out, even Long Haochen's sight was obscured by its size.

The next scene was like the effect of bowling. The remaining four bloodthirsty demons were all blown away in an explosive roar.

The most unlucky one was a bloodthirsty maniac who bore the brunt of the attack and became the first sacrifice of the Light Power Pill. The body was directly blown into pieces of flesh, not even a complete bone was left. Several other bloodthirsty demons were also severely injured. The few space magics that Yi Jun flew out were solved in the air.

Sima Xian laughed wildly, The iron ball touches the meat ball, it feels so good.

Among the Nurbo clan, the hierarchy is in the order of Mad Demon, Bloodthirsty Mad Demon, and Red Blood Mad Demon. Although the strength of the bloodthirsty madman cannot be compared with that of the most powerful red-blooded madman, his cultivation level is equivalent to that of a fifth-level human warrior. Four or five bloodthirsty demons together, how powerful their attack power is?

However, in front of Long Haochen's team of thirteen people, even just four people used their fighting power to easily resolve the battle. The powerful knight who blocks the enemy from the front, the terrifying explosive disciplinary knight and the priest... plus the space magician who can last the damage. Just as Lu Xi said, everyone has worked together before, so there is a tacit understanding.

Everyone in the No. 22 General-level Demon Hunting Group puts their own priorities straight, that is, everything starts from assisting the No. 21 General-level Demon Hunting Group. Never rush to attack, give full support. Everything is at the disposal of Long Haochen.

After killing the bloodthirsty demon, there was no trace of joy on Long Haochen's face. The baptism of the enemy's blood did not make him crazy. Instead, he calmed down. Another charge skill blocked the person who had just been rushed away. In the gap, the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his right hand fully bloomed, blocking all the demonic armies rushing in this direction.

Those bloodthirsty mad demons before were the powerful demons who rushed at the front, and those following them were ordinary mad demons from the Nubo tribe. In front of Long Haochen's demon-killing flash, these ordinary mad demons were not enough. Looking at it, at least a dozen crazy demons were killed with one demon-killing flash. The pressure in front suddenly lightened.

Change to defensive formation. No one is allowed to advance. Long Haochen shouted.

The formation of the team also changed under his orders. Li Xin and Wang Yuanyuan were on the left side of Long Haochen, and Sima Xian and Dian Yan were on the right side of Long Haochen. The five people lined up in a row, blocking the demon army like a wall. The legal professions behind also began to chant spells quickly.

Lin Xin has become the busiest person. Although he doesn't know how to attack, he is a good defensive player. Elemental fire shields fell quickly on the five people in front. It only took ten seconds from the first elemental fire shield to the end of the fifth. Let alone the fifth level, even the sixth level fire magician may not be able to do this.

The fire cloud crystal staff in Lin Xin's hand has completely changed its appearance. Now he calls it the fire crystal staff. Anyway, he does not admit that he named it this way to save trouble...

The staff was covered in silver, and the original fire cloud crystal was completely wrapped inside, with only the top part about a foot long exposed. Exquisite magic patterns are carved on the entire staff. In order not to waste any fire cloud crystals, the master who made the staff used mithril mixed with some special metals to create it, covering most of the fire cloud crystals inside, and at the same time engraved three solidifying magic spells on the staff.

High-quality materials are essential for making powerful equipment. The quality of Lin Xin's fire cloud crystal is so good that it can support three solidification magics.

Among the three magics, the one that satisfied Lin Xin the most was that the singing time for fire magic below level seven was halved. It's called a fire spell. The other two are his attack skills to make up for his inability to attack magic. But there is a limit to the number of times it can be used every day, and he will not activate it easily. But they are all sixth-level fire magic. Therefore, his fire crystal staff is close to the legendary level.

At this time, relying on the fire spell that comes with the fire crystal staff, he casts an elemental fire shield to make an arm and finger. He himself is quite good at controlling the fire element, with the increase of the enhanced staff. , each skill is displayed as expected, and the whole body is covered with a transparent and bright red flame color, which is the most dazzling among the legal professions.

Chen Ying'er is the exact opposite of the dazzling Lin Xin. The girl sat directly on Haoyue's back, then raised her right fist high and shouted: Come on, come on..., kill them...

Well, yes, that's all she did. It's not that she doesn't want to participate in the battle, but it's a matter of her position in the team. McDull's power is based on consuming magic crystals. Moreover, McDull is not always able to fight. Once it is injured, no matter how much magic crystals it eats, its strength will be greatly reduced. Therefore, this expendable strength is regarded as the team's reserve force. It will only be used at critical moments. Therefore, Chen Yinger, who is now closely protected at the core, can only shout slogans.

Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi's teams were also separated on both sides, finding opportunities to join the battle directly.

The joining of the four demon hunting groups immediately improved the situation on the battlefield here, especially when several magicians in the team released several powerful magics to give the original defenders a certain buffer time.

However, the attack of the demons was extremely fierce. Not only were they numerous in number, but almost all of them were medium and high-level demons. Surprisingly, not a single double-sword demon appeared. Close combat, long-distance combat, and aerial warfare all work together. Under heavy pressure, the human defense line is still in danger.

Long Haochen's side has the strongest defense. As the core of the team, Long Haochen has the Brilliant Holy Shield in front of him. He is not greedy for merit and focuses on defense. He doesn't need to worry about those demons of level 5 or lower at all, Sima Xian can take care of them completely. It has to be said that after adding two pieces of brilliant equipment suitable for him, Sima Xian's role in the team can be said to have undergone a qualitative change. The Powerful Pill of Light is really suitable for this guy. The smashing skill is completely crushing when faced with middle and low-level demons. Every time he attacks, it can take away the lives of at least several demons, and there are no whole corpses.

Demons also have a certain level of intelligence, and even low-level demons have survival instincts. The power of Sima Xian's big iron ball was so powerful that the middle and low-level demons subconsciously avoided this direction. Therefore, it was naturally much easier for them to defend against it.

However, it was precisely because of their strong performance that they attracted the attention of the powerful demon clan.

A huge blood-red figure suddenly fell from the sky, aiming directly at Sima Xian. This blood shadow came at an extremely fast speed. Sima Xian was killing with ease when he suddenly felt a strong smell of blood above his head accompanied by a chilling feeling. Although his Light Power Pill is powerful, it also has flaws. Because of its terrifying weight, it will affect the speed when used. If he tried to defend now, it would be nice to be able to block the Light Power Pill above his head.

But Sima Xian didn't seem to feel the threat above him at all. He threw the powerful pill of light in his hand again, smashing several demon dog-headed warriors who were charging towards him.

White light shone, and the bloody light and shadow in the air suddenly changed direction when it was less than five meters away from Sima Xian. The attack that was supposed to be directed at Sima Xian encountered a shield shining with the white light of a six-pointed star.

Brilliant Holy Shield, Holy Shield Technique, Divine Control Block!

Of course, Sima Xian was not unaware that air attacks might even endanger his life, but being able to deal with such threats indifferently stemmed from trust.

Naturally, Long Haochen would not disappoint his companions. He activated the Holy Spiritual Furnace and directed the attack from the air directly to him.

Amidst the ear-piercing and violent roar, Long Haochen took half a step back, golden light flashed from his body, and the Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light in his right hand were slashed out. This sword did not hold back, directly stimulating the Holy Spirit stored in him through grafting and grafting. The sword skill, the attack launched is also the Yaori Slash. And it also comes with the power of rippling light.

Combining three skills into one will naturally not be aimless. Through the opponent's attack intensity, Long Haochen can judge the opponent's strength.

Withstanding the enemy's blow, the Holy Shield Technique on the Brilliant Holy Shield almost collapsed, and the Divine Control block was not completely relieved, causing Long Haochen to take half a step back. Level seven. How could Long Haochen be forced to do this without a seventh-level cultivation?

The bloody figure also appeared at this time. His appearance was familiar to both the General Level 21 and 22 Demon Hunting Groups. He was the most important enemy, the devil, in their mission to the Horror and Howling Cave. Moreover, the demon in front of him was a seventh-level demon lord. This is the same existence that caused Cai'er to suffer from a lack of four senses.

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