Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 284 Dress up, brilliant level! (Down)

They chose these three pieces of equipment for Long Haochen completely sincerely. In fact, they even chose the equipment for Long Haochen first and then used the remaining merits to choose equipment for themselves.

Whenever he encounters a strong enemy, Long Haochen will always be the guardian knight standing in front of them. His Holy Spiritual Furnace will always pull the most powerful opponent, no matter whether he can stop the opponent or not. Everything he did was seen by his friends.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: Boss, put it away quickly. I'm going back to sleep. Get up tomorrow and seize the time to refine some elixirs. Our current merit balance is more than 90,000 and less than 100,000, but I believe this After returning from the first mission, I can always make up for the shortcomings.

His reddish eyes glanced over his companions one by one, I won't say thank you. That would be too pretentious. Let's go to bed early and adjust to the best condition before departure.

As he spoke, Long Haochen put away the three pieces of equipment in front of him one by one, hugged Cai'er and returned to the room.

The other five people looked at each other and smiled, and returned to their rooms happily with their new equipment. After today's large purchase, although it cannot be said that everyone is armed to the teeth, it is enough to greatly improve the strength of their team. You know, even among the handsome level demon hunting groups, there are very few knights who can possess a full set of brilliant level equipment like Long Haochen. What's more, their team is only general level. Converting all their meritorious deeds into immediate combat power will definitely greatly increase their survivability on the battlefield.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Early in the morning, outside the Demon Hunting Group's villa area, a total of forty-two carriages were waiting there quietly. Most of the carriages had a number on the carriages. Among them, there are four sergeant-level, nine general-level, twenty-two commander-level, four king-level, and three carriages without numbers. They are also at the front of all the carriages.

A total of forty-two demon hunting groups set out to perform the mission together, which is a very rare situation in the Temple Alliance. There are more than two hundred alliance elites. Moreover, they were all strong men who had gone through life and death in fighting the demons. They quietly got on the bus according to the number, and until now, they did not know what their mission was. I only know that the destination is Zhennanguan where the priest’s temple is located.

Working together with the forty-two demon hunting groups, there are also a group of elites directly under the Temple Alliance. The total number is only about five thousand, and they belong to the six major temples, but their strength is beyond doubt. Among them, the reinforcements sent by the Knights Temple were the most powerful, a group of one hundred Knights Templar directly commanded by the Holy Knight Captain Han Qian. All composed of seventh-order Templars. What is even more frightening is that all the Templars in this Templar Order are Mithril Pedestal Knights. They are the true core elite of the Knights Temple. From this we can also see what a huge crisis Zhennanguan is facing.

Han Qian, the paladin commander of the Knights Temple, was also the commander-in-chief of this operation. Forty-two demon hunting groups and more than 5,000 elite reinforcements from the six major temples were all at his disposal.

Long Haochen and his companions boarded the carriage marked General No. 21. The mission they received was very simple. They were to follow the brigade to Zhennanguan. The specific war tasks would be assigned after arriving at Zhennanguan.

Because the Holy City is located in the middle of the Temple Alliance, the distances from the Holy City to the major passes are almost the same. Under the circumstances of a rapid march, nine days later, the reinforcements arrived at a place about a hundred miles away from Zhennanguan.

However, just after arriving here, the atmosphere of the entire reinforcement team suddenly became solemn, because even from a hundred miles away, they could see large clouds of smoke rising in the distance, and that direction was where Zhennanguan Pass was. .

Paladin Commander Han Qian reacted quickly and immediately ordered the march at full speed. At the same time, he personally led the Templar Knights and the four king-level demon hunting groups at the top of the reinforcement demon hunting groups and the three unknown vehicles. The members of the demon hunting group of whatever level rushed towards Zhennanguan Pass.

From the window of the carriage, Long Haochen and the others saw more than twenty figures rushing out of the seven carriages in front. They were as fast as lightning. They were all at least seventh level or above. Among the six people in the front carriage, Long Haochen only saw six phantoms.

There's going to be a war. Kill the demon bastards. Sima Xian waved his fist in excitement. He is an out-and-out militant.

Along the way, because it was a rapid march, everyone spent most of the time in the carriage, and they were all very tired. Especially Sima Xian, who had just obtained the Light Power Pill, was already a little unable to hold back. He took out the powerful pill of light and tested its power once. The subject of the experiment was naturally Long Haochen.

How should I put it... When Sima Xian swung the chain and fully exerted the power of the Light Power Pill, Long Haochen relied on the Holy Shield skill attached to the Brilliant Holy Shield, coupled with his own Divine Control Block, Although he was barely able to block it, he was knocked back six steps, almost falling, and his arms were sore.

Of course, after that blow, Sima Xian needed to recharge his energy if he wanted to launch another attack with the same power.

The reason why it can exert such great power is that this powerful pill of light is indeed abnormal. The crushing skill it comes with has super explosive power, and this skill is permanently solidified on the Light Power Pill. The internal magic circle of the Light Power Pill can absorb the light elements in the air on its own through the magic crystal. Therefore, this crushing skill does not even need to consume Sima Xian's own spiritual power.

What's even more frightening is that the smashing skill and the ripples of light created by Long Haochen actually have superimposed effects. It can be said that the fire borrowed the force of the wind, and after the combined power, even Long Haochen was almost unable to withstand it.

After that test, Sima Xian had long been holding back his energy and wanted to try his new weapon on the demons. He really loved the Light Power Pill. If the space in the carriage was not limited, he would have been holding it all the time. Baby metal bumps are good.

Han Yu said to Long Haochen: Captain, what level of demon hunting group do you think the three carriages in front are?

Long Haochen said: It should be the emperor level.

Han Yu said excitedly: Will there be title-level ones? Just like the six powerful ones we met at the Exorcism Pass before?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: It's unlikely.

Lin Xin said from the side: It should be impossible. The title-level demon hunting group does not need to accept any tasks from the alliance. They are all the true heroes of the alliance. They will not live in the Holy City. The title-level demon hunting group The members must be at the ninth level of cultivation, but the ninth level of cultivation does not necessarily lead to a title-level demon hunting group. I see, the three carriages in front should all be emperor-level demon hunting groups, but their strengths are different. .The carriage at the front is probably a powerful demon hunting group composed of six ninth-level experts.

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: Brother You Yao said the same thing. With our strength, we can't be the main force. We can only play on the sidelines. Let's kill as many as we can. This girl is no more bellicose than Sima. Young Master Xian.

An hour later, when the reinforcements finally arrived at Zhennanguan, Long Haochen and the others understood why the alliance issued an emergency war mission.

The smell of blood mixed with thick smoke hit his face amidst the sounds of fighting, but as soon as he got off the carriage, Long Haochen's face suddenly became solemn. Because, he suddenly saw a total of twelve thick light pillars rising into the sky. Twelve of the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan came?

Thick smoke rose from Zhennan Pass, the sound of fighting was deafening, and the battlefield was actually within Zhennan Pass. It seemed that this majestic pass could no longer be defended.

The commander who temporarily replaced Han Qian in commanding the reinforcements immediately issued an order. All demon hunting groups moved freely to join the battle. The reinforcements from the six major temples were led by the commanders of their respective temples and entered Zhennanguan.

Perhaps it was because Han Qian had led a group of reinforcements to Zhennanguan before, so the city gate was wide open. Long Haochen was just about to lead his team into the city when he was stopped.

Haochen. Lu Xi, Li Xin and their general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 22 quickly ran over and joined Long Haochen and the others.

Not only them, the No. 3 sergeant-level demon hunting group led by Yang Wenzhao and the No. 2 sergeant-level demon hunting group led by Duan Yi also gathered around.

Lu Xi was the fastest and came to Long Haochen and said: Haochen, we are used to working together before. Let's act together this time. Our entire group will obey your command. We will absolutely implement any of your orders.

His voice was not loud, but he spoke very firmly and resolutely, and his attitude was very obvious.

Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi also strode over. Yang Wenzhao said: Haochen, the four of us are new demon hunting groups. The situation in Zhennan Pass is still unclear. It is very likely that we will encounter strong enemies. Together we How’s the action?”

Duanyi also nodded, agreeing with Yang Wenzhao's opinion.

They are all the best knights in the new generation of the Knights Temple, and they are naturally very smart. Although they did not know what Long Haochen and the others experienced in their first mission, as the direct grandsons of Yang Wenzhao, the leader of the Temple Alliance, they found out that the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group followed Long Haochen and the others to complete the mission. There is no difficulty in the task.

When they saw Soldier No. 4 boarding the carriage of General No. 22, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi were really shocked.

How did the trick work? Long Haochen and the others had a lot of meritorious deeds obtained during the trial, but what about Lu Xi and the others? Yang Wenzhao even found out that Lu Xi and the others had also ordered a batch of Holy Spirit Pills to increase their strength.

Under this situation, Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi would be fools if they didn't have anything to do with Long Haochen and the others. Coupled with Long Haochen's excellent commanding ability during the original trial mission, the situation at Zhennang Pass was unclear, so both of them thought of it and led the team over directly.


Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are powerful for squirming. Recently, I have been suffering from cervical spondylosis again. When I was updating this chapter, my wife was still rubbing my neck. However, seeing that our Divine Seal results are getting better and better, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it. Thank you for your continued support, every brother and sister of Tangmen.

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