Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 278 Collective Retreat (Part 1)

The impact of these four words Death Knight on the members of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group was so great that almost everyone's face showed a look of horror.

After Long Haochen released a layer of spiritual light to isolate the sounds from the outside world, he detailed his true experience in the Tower of Eternity. Now that he has made his decision, he has nothing to hide.

The whole process was not complicated. It only took Long Haochen less than half an hour to explain the entire process including the details.

The silence in the villa could be heard as needles dropped. Long Haochen's narration not only shocked them, but also changed their perceptions. Just the fact that the Holy God of the Dead, Elex, is of the light attribute is enough to shock people beyond measure.

How could the Necromancer be of light attribute?

Long Haochen kept silent after telling his story. He knew that it would take some time for his friends to digest what he said.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Lin Xin said dryly, Boss, do you want to inherit the legacy of the Necromancer?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: Of course not. No matter what attributes the Necromancer has, he is still a Necromancer who once brought huge disasters to mankind. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't even be facing it now. Demons are so difficult. How can I possibly learn the abilities of a necromancer?

Boss, I think what you said is wrong. Sima Xian said: It is only human nature that is wrong, not abilities. Don't we make mistakes when using the abilities we have now to kill people? Although the name of the Necromancer is They are evil, but if their abilities are used in the right way and to deal with demons, I think there is nothing wrong with it. Since the Holy Law God of the Dead has chosen you as his successor, I think this is a good opportunity for you not to We shouldn’t let it go. As long as we use it completely to deal with the demons.”

No. Han Yu said eagerly: Sima, don't come up with random ideas. Although what you say is reasonable, after all, necromancy magic is rejected by the alliance, and we humans suffer even more from it. If the leader learns it, Necromantic magic will definitely not be tolerated in the Alliance. The leader is the Son of Light! He is the hope for the future for our Knight Temple. He will definitely become a Divine Seal Knight in the future. Are the Divine Seal Knights weaker than the Necromancer? What?

Chen Ying'er curled her lips and said, Just don't let the alliance know. What's the harm in having one more ability?

Wang Yuanyuan rarely objected to her opinion, I agree with Han Yu. After all, we live in an alliance. With the leader's talent, not learning necromancy magic will not affect his development. It is better not to take risks.

Two to two, the four people's eyes fell on Lin Xin in unison.

Don't look at me, I have no objection. I support whatever the leader decides. Lin Xin spread his hands, looking indifferent.

Long Haochen had been listening to the words of his companions quietly, nodding secretly in his heart. Although there were approvals and objections, they were all aimed at whether to learn necromancy magic, and there were no extreme objections.

Don't worry, everyone. Just like Han Yu said, I also think that if you can become a divine seal knight in the future, you may not be weaker than learning necromancy magic. I have no intention of learning it. The reason why I put the Eternal I am telling you about the situation in the tower to tell you that regardless of whether you learn necromancy magic or not, the Tower of Eternity is an excellent place for testing. The blow I took to kill the sixth-level demon leader and finally defeat Lao Wu was called Shura Slash is a skill learned after defeating a skeleton after the first trial in the Tower of Eternity. Moreover, trial in it is also very beneficial to the improvement of our spiritual power. If used properly, the Tower of Eternity will make Our progress in upgrading to level six has been greatly accelerated.”

After hearing his words, the five people looked at each other, and emotions gradually emerged. There was no pretense, they were completely moved from the bottom of their hearts.

The Tower of Aion is related to the Necromancer, how sensitive is it? Trials in it can speed up the improvement of strength. If it were other people, even they, would they share this secret? No one can give a definite answer. However, Long Haochen just talked about secret sharing. How could this selflessness keep them from moving?

Sima Xian has a straightforward personality and speaks the most directly, Boss, we are really lucky to have a leader like you. Don't worry, the secret of the Tower of Eternity will definitely remain in our hearts and will never be told outside. Even to the closest ones. We will never tell the teacher.

The other four people also nodded firmly at the same time. The Tower of Eternity has now become their common secret, and they are also very sensitive. This secret can only belong to them.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Okay, in that case, entering the Eternal Tower trial is our primary goal. However, before that, everyone's strength still needs to be improved. The Eternal Tower Chapter The first level is already set up for sixth-level experts. Although we are a team, it is hard to say what kind of test we will encounter after entering as a whole. For safety, we must at least improve our strength.

Yuanyuan, in ten days, you go to the trading center and buy seven Holy Spirit Pills that can increase one thousand spiritual powers. Take them all. In the next period of time, everyone must integrate this sudden increase in spiritual power with themselves. , so that it can truly become our own strength. Our merits are enough, and each of us must add at least one or two pieces of brilliant-level equipment. After gradually improving the equipment, we will enter the Tower of Eternity and start training. We will decide the follow-up actions based on the results of the training.

Lin Xin said with a frown on his face: Boss, isn't the brilliant equipment too expensive? The most common one costs 5,000 merit points!

Long Haochen chuckled and said: You money maniac, although the brilliant-level equipment is expensive, its effect is much stronger than the spirit-level equipment. If we can upgrade to the sixth level, the improvement of the spirit-level equipment will be for us. It will be very limited. And the brilliant equipment can at least allow us to use it to the seventh level. Although our financial resources are not enough to fully equip it, it is still possible for each person to add one or two pieces. Your Fire Cloud Crystal itself is high-end enough, but it is It needs to be refined, and there are also senior alchemists from the alliance at the trading center, and they have also been upgraded this time.

Lin Xin sighed and said: Okay. It seems that we don't have much merit left.

Wang Yuanyuan said angrily: You guys are really a miser. We are a demon hunting group, and merit points are earned to improve ourselves. Only merit points that are converted into immediate combat power are truly meaningful. Hurry up, take all the merit points turn around.

The Holy Spirit Pill was not purchased all at once. The reserve of this powerful pill trading center was only three, but it could be ordered. The first to enjoy the improvement of the elixir are Chen Ying'er and Sima Xian, who have lower cultivation levels, and Cai'er, who has lost her four senses and is best suited for cultivating spiritual power.

After taking the Holy Spirit Pill, the three of them directly entered a state of retreat, absorbing the power of the medicine and improving their own cultivation.

Normally, it would take seven days to absorb the power of the Holy Spirit Pill, but Long Haochen planned for them to retreat for at least half a month. With the help of the medicine's effect, they could understand the changes in the improvement of spiritual power and better improve their cultivation level.

In the next month, the other four Holy Spirit Pills that were ordered were also received one after another. Signs saying in retreat and do not disturb were hung outside the villa. All seven members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 except Long Haochen entered. Closed state.

Long Haochen was also in retreat, but he did not take the Holy Spirit Pill. The reason was simple. His spiritual power had reached the peak of the fifth level during this period, and he could start to attack the sixth level bottleneck. This Holy Spirit Pill should be taken after he breaks through.

As the contact time increased, Long Haochen became more and more aware of the power of Eternal Melody. Although so far, all the effects he could feel were in the form of auxiliary effects, he also vaguely felt that this was because of his own cultivation. Because it is not enough, the ability of eternal melody cannot be fully developed.

But even so, the effect of the eternal melody is still powerful. With the existence of this powerful equipment, the light element around Long Haochen's body can always remain more than three times richer than normal. What’s even more amazing is that Eternal Melody will also directly purify these light elements. This made Long Haochen's cultivation more effective with half the effort. Coupled with the increase of the light element elf Yating. He can be sure that his cultivation speed is at least five times that of ordinary knights. Otherwise, he would not be able to increase his spiritual power from more than 3,700 to 4,000 in just over a month. And began to make powerful impacts on the sixth-order bottleneck again and again.

I haven’t purchased the equipment yet because I won’t use it yet. It is more important to improve your cultivation first. After several difficult battles, the cultivation levels of everyone in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group have improved. Among them, Cai'er's internal spiritual power has increased to over 3,700 after taking the Holy Spirit Pill. In a few months at most, he will be able to break through the bottleneck like Long Haochen. Even the weakest Chen Ying'er, with the increase of the Holy Spirit Pill, has about 3,200 spiritual powers.

The benefits of meritorious service were fully realized for the first time. There were too few new demon hunting groups like them who could afford seven Holy Spirit Pills. Of course, there is still one, and that is the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group that has been extremely successful. They were also in retreat. Two months after Long Haochen ordered the Holy Spirit Pill, they also ordered six pills. At the same time, they are no longer the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group, but the No. 22 general-level demon hunting group.

Several people who were originally at the fourth level of cultivation have greatly improved their strength through the mission in the Horror and Howling Cave, and finally broke through to the fifth level in seclusion. Then take the Holy Spirit Pill and continue the retreat. The strength of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 22 also increased greatly. In terms of growth rate, it is not weaker than Long Haochen and the others.


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