Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 273 Lin Xin’s counterattack! (Down)

At this time, there were several men and women in their thirties standing at the door of the Demon Hunting Group's trading center, chatting casually.

Lao Wu, we only have 10,000 merit points before we can be promoted to the commander level. Boss is practicing in seclusion. We can't carry out tasks during this period. How about selling some equipment to get these 10,000 points together? A slender man said, The middle-aged man wearing a wind magic robe said.

The man he called Lao Wu was a strong man with an extremely sturdy build, fully two meters tall, with broad shoulders and a broad back. He was dressed in a warrior uniform and had tight muscles all over his body. However, what is surprising is that he has a pair of small, slender eyes. There was a flash of light in his eyes from time to time.

It's not that easy. That's 10,000 merit points. The boss specifically told me before retreating that if I come across any good equipment or medicines, I can buy them as appropriate. Everyone is also eager to be promoted to the commander level. But if you have more than 10,000 points, you have to sell them. How much equipment? It will definitely weaken our overall strength. Even if we reach the commander level by then, how will we complete the mission after our strength is weakened? Third brother, please don’t make bad ideas.

There are three of them in total, and one is a woman. This woman is wearing a summoner's unique robe. Hearing this, she smiled slightly and said: There is no chance at all. If we can advance to the commander level as soon as possible, our strength will be greatly improved. Enhancement, of the ten new demon hunting groups we had five years ago, only six are still there, the other five have been promoted to the commander level, and we are the only one left.

The strong warrior who was called the third child whispered: Sixth sister, do you have any idea?

The woman had an average appearance, but her eyes were extremely flexible. She whispered: Of course there is a way. Do you still remember what happened half a year after we became the new demon hunting group? If it hadn't been for that time, how would we have gotten there? We haven't advanced to the handsome level yet. We are no worse than others.

Lao Wu said angrily: Forget it, it wasn't that bastard who pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger and defrauded our points. It was all my fault that time. I was impulsive. Not only was the points defrauded, but my mentality was also affected. Something went wrong, and I’m still lingering at the sixth-level bottleneck, and I haven’t been able to break through.”

The woman known as Six said: The demon hunting group that deceived us at that time said that this was a lesson for us to be down-to-earth. We went to the alliance to complain and got the same answer. Since the alliance doesn't care , they do one, can’t we do two?”

Lao Wu's eyes lit up, You mean...

The woman nodded and said: The new batch of demon hunting groups has officially begun their missions. Recently I heard that several of them have completed their missions and returned. Maybe we will have a chance. As long as we gather enough merit, you can work harder Let’s break through the sixth level, and after the boss comes out of seclusion, we will immediately be promoted to the commander level.”

The third child frowned and said, Isn't this bad? Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. What's the difference between what we do and those guys back then?

The woman smiled slightly and said: Third brother, what you said is wrong. This is not a bad thing. After that blow, we are very cautious when carrying out missions. Don't forget that there will be casualties The demon hunting groups that were eliminated were no worse than us, but we were the ones who persisted. So, we are also doing good things.

Lao Wu laughed and said: Yes, Sixth Sister is right, we are also doing a good deed. We help those new demon hunting groups to exercise their mentality. But, Sixth Sister, where are we going to find the new demon hunting groups? Woolen cloth?

The woman pursed her lips in one direction and laughed softly: Look, isn't that coming?

Lao Wu looked up, and sure enough, he saw a dozen people walking towards the trading center. There was no need for any other method to identify them. The age of these people said everything. The man and woman walking at the front looked probably less than twenty years old, and the young man was still holding the girl in his arms.

Fifth brother, it's time to make up for your mistakes. Just as those people dealt with us back then, you should deal with these newcomers.

Lao Wu's eyes lit up and he said, Okay, I'm going. Just wait for my good news.

As he spoke, Lao Wu walked towards the dozen young men and women with his head held high.

The people being targeted were none other than the No. 21 General-level Demon Hunting Group and the No. 4 Sergeant-level Demon Hunting Group.

Long Haochen and his friends were about to arrive at the trading center. Suddenly, a strong man blocked their way.

Hello, little brother. You are the new members of the Demon Hunting Group, right? Lao Wu stopped Long Haochen and said with a smile.

Long Haochen nodded subconsciously. Although they were already generals, there was nothing wrong with calling them new members of the demon hunting group.

Lao Wu smiled and said: That's right. That's it. The mission tower asked me to come to you and issue an internal mission for the demon hunting group.

Hello, senior, we have just returned from a mission, why are we being given another mission? Long Haochen asked in confusion.

Lao Wu chuckled and said: Don't be nervous. It seems that you encountered a lot of troubles during the execution of the mission. Don't worry, there is no danger in this mission. It is an internal mission, and it is also for you new members of the demon hunting group. Assessment.”

Both demon hunting groups stopped, somewhat confused by Lao Wu's words. However, not everyone can come to the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center. The trading center, the mission tower, and the villa where the demon hunting group lives are all in the same area. There are strong people guarding the outside. It is not easy to enter here without the identity of a demon hunter.

As Lao Wu spoke, he pulled up the sleeve of his left arm to reveal the merit token inside, This is my merit token. I am a soldier of the general-level No. 8 Demon Hunting Group. Everyone calls me Lao Wu. , you can also call me that.

Seeing the merit token, the doubts of Long Haochen and others were greatly reduced. They were all demon hunters, and they were inseparable from each other, so their vigilance was naturally greatly reduced.

Senior, what mission has the mission tower issued to us? Long Haochen asked.

Lao Wu said: The task is very simple. Your task target is me. In view of your excellent performance in the task, the task tower gives an internal task. This task can also be said to be a reward task. If you can complete it, you will get a lot of Merit. You can use your own merit as a bet, and then choose one of you to challenge me. As long as you win, I will directly pay you ten times the merit.

After listening to his words, the friends around Long Haochen were a little eager to give it a try. That would be ten times the achievement! Moreover, they all have strong confidence in Long Haochen.

But Long Haochen did not agree impulsively. He just said politely: Senior, we should be able to choose whether to accept this mission. You are a member of the No. 8 General-level Demon Hunting Group. How can we, the juniors, be you? Opponent? We have no chance of getting rewards in this mission!

Looking at Long Haochen's clear eyes, Lao Wu felt a little ashamed, but when he thought of being promoted to a handsome level demon hunting group, he immediately shook off the guilt and said seriously: You can rest assured, the mission tower is not Will give you completely impossible tasks. Although I am a member of the general-level demon hunting group No. 8, I am the weakest one in the team. I am only a fifth-level cultivation level. I have not broken through to the sixth level, so you There is a chance in itself, and during the competition, I will not use weapons. Of course, you can also choose not to accept this task. You only have one chance. If you let it go, you will not get it again.

Boss, compared with him, as long as he is at level five, we still have a chance. Lin Xin whispered in Long Haochen's ear.

Lu Xi said calmly: Senior, how can you prove that you are a fifth-level cultivation level? Do you have your bet with you?

Lao Wu smiled slightly and said: Of course I will bring it with me. However, according to the mission regulations, the merit you put out as a bet must not be less than one thousand. If I win, this will be my revenge for carrying out the mission. If the merit is too little, I will not I won’t show up anymore. During the competition, my fifth-level strength and the merits used by both parties for bets can be notarized by the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground. Then we will start the competition again. You young people are really Be cautious, are you afraid that I might lie to you?

Lu Xi smiled slightly and said: Senior, don't think too much. It's not easy for us to earn some merit. Of course we have to be careful. Then let's discuss it and decide whether to accept this mission, okay?

Lao Wu nodded and said: Of course, I'm right over there. If you think about it, come find me. As he said that, he turned around and left without stopping.

As soon as Lao Wu left, Lin Xin immediately whispered excitedly to Long Haochen: Boss, what a great opportunity! Ten times the merit. If we increase our wealth, we can get millions of merit in return!

Long Haochen said angrily: Are you dreaming? How can there be such a thing as pie in the sky? I think this old fifth senior just now is a bit strange. If it is a task issued by the task tower, there should be a task tower staff to take him forward. It was right to come, but he came to us directly. Moreover, your imagination is unreliable. He is a member of the general-level demon hunting group. If he had millions of meritorious deeds, he would be promoted to the commander-level based on his meritorious deeds. , what kind of mission are you here to perform?

Haochen, you are really smart. This guy is just here to defraud you of your merits. Lu Xi said with a strange expression.

Huh? Long Haochen looked at Lu Xi doubtfully.

Lu Xi whispered: The alliance will not care about the old demon hunting group's method of bullying the new demon hunting group. It is said to increase the vigilance of the new demon hunting group. In fact, this deception is not clever, but for Having just experienced a difficult mission and knowing that merit is precious, the temptation of ten times is too great. Therefore, there are many new demon hunting groups who have been fooled. I have an elder who is also a member of the demon hunting group. I have fallen into this evil trap.”

Lin Xin was stunned and said: He is actually a liar? Aren't they afraid that we will expose him?

Lu Xi shrugged his shoulders and said: What's the use of exposing it? It's better to use the trick. The soldier's fifth level will not be fake.

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