Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 265 Stunning Maid (Part 1)

Yue Ye's bedroom is a two-story palace-style building. Compared with the grandeur of the core palace of the Moon Demon Palace, her place here is not conspicuous. But being able to own a palace in the Moon Demon Palace can fully prove her status in the Moon Demon Palace.

She stood quietly in the living room on a moonlit night. Today, she wore a lavender dress. Her long hair was spread behind her without being tied up deliberately. Her beautiful face was not covered with makeup, but her face was even more pure. He looked at Long Haochen who walked in from the outside with soft eyes.

Your Highness the Princess. When Long Haochen saw her, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. This demon princess was less embarrassed than when they met last time, and had a more refined temperament.

Yue Ye waved her hand and said: You all go down.

Yes. The four maids who were waiting at the side quickly retreated, leaving only Long Haochen and Yue Ye in the entire wide hall.

I didn't expect you to come so soon. Yue Ye smiled slightly, made an invitation gesture, and led Long Haochen inside. After walking to the main seat, she sat down on her own, and then motioned for Long Haochen to sit at the next seat.

I'm sorry to bother you, Your Highness. Long Haochen smiled lightly. He had already arrived here, but he seemed very calm and did not show any nervousness.

Yue Ye looked at his handsome face and said softly: So, Commander Long's mission has been completed?

Long Haochen's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked a little more fierce. This place is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den for him.

Yue Ye naturally understood what he meant, and smiled and said: Captain Long, there is no need to worry. The people who can be by my side are all close friends, and no one will talk nonsense.

Long Haochen's expression returned to normal and he said calmly: Yes! With President Yue Ye's ability, how can he make the people around him disobedient?

There was a dangerous look on Yue Ye's pretty face, Are you mocking me?

Don't dare, let's get down to business. Our mission is not complete, but there is no need to continue. We plan to return to the alliance. Is there anything the princess can do? Long Haochen said straight to the point, not intending to get entangled with her.

Yue Yexiu frowned slightly and said: This is not difficult. After I reported what happened last time to my father, my father was furious. Those guys in Narik Province were already in trouble. His Majesty the Demon God Emperor ordered a thorough investigation of this matter. The three men stationed there It is said that the demon gods have been ordered by His Majesty the Demon God Emperor to return to the Heart City for trial, and have deprived them of their respective races. However, I cannot leave the Moon Demon Palace for the time being, and there are still some things to deal with. If you want to go back, I can arrange a A caravan, just under the banner of my Moon Night Chamber of Commerce. After what happened last time, no one will dare to attack my caravan again. What’s more, you still go to the Temple Alliance empty-handed.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Thank you very much. When can we set off?

Yue Ye said angrily: I'm not a god, you have to give me time to deal with this matter. As little as three days, as long as ten days. I will arrange it.

Okay. Long Haochen said, How will Her Majesty Princess inform me then?

Yue Ye said: The best way is for you to stay and wait until I have an accurate timetable for you to leave. I have many places to live here, and no one dares to break in easily.

You want to let me stay? Long Haochen asked warily.

Yue Ye laughed and said: Captain Long is so wise, why would he ask such a stupid question? Are you still afraid that I will do something bad to you? If I wanted to do that, I would never let you see me. However, your beauty My confidant’s methods are too cruel. I tried various methods, but they failed to release the restriction in my body. Instead, it made me miserable. Is this your attitude towards using me as a collaborator?

Long Haochen's expression returned to normal, and he said calmly: Collaborator? You are a demon princess. At most, we only have a relationship of mutual use, and there is no cooperation. If I guessed correctly, your last batch of resources was It was brought here for the heart of the magic city. Are you really neutral?

Yue Ye nodded without hesitation and said: Of course, the most important purpose of our free merchants is neutrality. You only saw what I delivered to the demons, but you didn't see what I brought to humans. What. This time you follow my caravan back to the Temple Alliance, and I will let you see it.

Long Haochen said: This is the best.

Yue Ye looked at him with burning eyes, suddenly stood up, and walked to Long Haochen, Then when did you let your confidante lift the restriction on me? I sincerely cooperate with you. But there is such a person in my body. It's like a thorn in my back, it's so painful.

As she spoke, her body softened and she sat on Long Haochen's lap.

Long Haochen had been on high alert since he arrived here, and his reaction was naturally very fast. He left his seat in a flash, and Yue Ye's elastic body just lightly rubbed against his thigh, He sat in his previous seat.

Am I that terrible? Yue Ye said resentfully.

Long Haochen's face was a little cold, Your Highness, please respect yourself. I believe that with your ability, it is not difficult to find me a place to live in the heart of the magic city. After you arrange the caravan, you can let me know. .”

Yue Ye frowned slightly and said: You are really a stubborn person. How can I be inferior to your confidante?

Long Haochen said calmly: No matter how delicious the delicacies are, they cannot arouse the appetite of a full person.

Yue Ye's eyes suddenly changed, Is this really the case? But as far as I know, both humans and men are greedy in this regard. My father has hundreds of concubines. Many of them are you humans, It also includes beauties from all the demon clans. It is said that His Majesty the Demon God Emperor has thousands of concubines. Don’t they have enough to eat?

After a slight pause, Yue Ye looked at him provocatively, Are you still not good at that?

It's a pity that she used the wrong target for provocation. Long Haochen was slightly startled, That aspect is not good? What aspect is that?

Looking at his pure eyes, Yue Ye suddenly felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but ask: How old are you this year?

Although Long Haochen is getting taller and taller, and his temperament is getting calmer, he is still young after all, and his face always has a bit of childishness.

I won't tell you. She firmly rejected Yue Ye's question.

Yue Ye snorted and said, Forget it, take a look at this thing. Do you recognize it? As she said that, a light flashed in her hand, and there was a small metal stick about a foot long, and she held it He handed it to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen stretched out his hand to take it, and the spiritual power in his body moved slightly. The light on the stick shone for a moment, and a lilac light shot out from the other end, condensing into two words in the air.

Seeing these two words, Long Haochen and Yue Ye were stunned for a moment.


You lied to me. Long Haochen said angrily. Apparently, this small metal stick had the function of detecting a person's age, and he was fooled.

Yue Ye looked at him blankly, You, you are only fifteen years old, my God! This can't be true.

Long Haochen snorted coldly, There's still one month left. You lied to me, this thing is confiscated. As he said that, a golden light flashed on his chest, and he majestically put the metal rod into the eternal melody on his chest. .

Hey! This is very expensive. And it's very rare. Yue Ye stretched out her hand to ask for it.

Long Haochen ignored her, turned around and walked out, I believe that with your status, it will not be difficult to find out where I live. I will find a hotel to stay on my own. Give me the news as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. Since I If you dare to come, I won't be afraid of your tricks. He didn't want to be entangled with this woman anymore.

Okay, okay, I'll arrange a place for you to stay. You can find a place to live by yourself. What if you get caught? Yue Ye said resentfully. Little did she know that the shock in her heart at this moment was unparalleled.

She has always been very curious about Long Haochen. She could naturally tell that Long Haochen was less than twenty years old, but she did not expect that he was actually fifteen years old. Humans are different from demons. Most of the powerful demons are born with powerful abilities, but it is very difficult to cultivate them the day after tomorrow. Only a few of the most powerful races are relatively strong in cultivation talents. For other races, it is very difficult for even the demon god who is the clan leader to grow.

Human beings are different. Human beings are born with almost no abilities, but their potential for acquired growth is almost unlimited. Although it is also affected by talent, the creativity and growth of human beings are far beyond the comparison of demons. Otherwise, how could human beings persist for so many years under the attack of powerful demons?

Yue Ye had never heard of the fifteen-year-old fifth level at least before today. Moreover, Long Haochen was already the leader of a demon hunting group. Yue Ye is so smart. With Long Haochen's age and ability, his talent must be top-notch among humans. Give him enough time to grow, and he will definitely become the enemy of the demon clan in the future.

However, one thing she did not deceive Long Haochen was her own tendency. She had no deep feelings for either humans or demons. In her heart, interests and strength are the most important. Therefore, although she discovered Long Haochen's terrifying potential, she didn't have too many thoughts. He just secretly decided to at least make friends with this little man.

At this moment, a maid suddenly walked in from outside in a hurry, Your Highness the Princess, the Demon God Emperor is here. Your Majesty, the Prince has ordered all the people in the inner palace to come out to greet you.

What? Yue Ye was shocked, and her expression changed instantly.

Long Haochen's heart tightened even more, and he clenched his fists subconsciously.

You go down first. I'll change clothes. After a brief shock, Yue Ye waved her hand and asked the maid to leave.


I see a lot of people questioning it, saying that Xiaolong and Yue Ye are ambiguous. I'm so dizzy, where is the ambiguity? It's clearly a game. Long Haochen wants to use Yue Ye and her Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce to assist his team in the future! How can there be any ambiguity...

There was also the story about Xiaolong abandoning Cai'er, which made me even more dizzy. Wasn't Haoyue by Cai'er's side? As soon as there was a problem, Xiaolong would go back within minutes. Moreover, didn't he come to Yue Ye just to help everyone return to the alliance smoothly? Wouldn't it be safer to take the risk of crossing with your friends? That's not because I feel sorry for Cai'er, but because I want to harm everyone! There were more than a dozen people in their group.

Also, who said that evil plots are meant to be overthrown... I never said that. When you see the title of this chapter, you will understand. hey-hey.

The third brother has explained so much. Can you give me a few monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, etc. to make up for my young mind...

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