Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 262 The Heart of the Magic City (Part 1)

Han Daosi obviously expressed the thoughts of all the close combatants. Looking at those fiery eyes, Long Haochen smiled and nodded. Okay, then I will guide everyone to practice now. After a while of rest, we will find a way to return to the alliance.

For a time, everyone concentrated on learning the skill of Ripple of Light, and their gratitude to Long Haochen was quietly buried in their hearts.

Whether it is collective learning of secret skills or individual understanding of secret skills, this has probably never happened before in the history of the Temple Alliance.

At such times, personal understanding is fully revealed.

One day later, Han Yu was the first to comprehend the mystery of the rippling light, and the second one to comprehend was Sima Xian. Although Sima Xian is a priest, he is a violent priest. He understood the mystery of the rippling light almost immediately after Han Yu. Relatively speaking, as a priest, it was obviously much more difficult for him to comprehend a knight's self-created skills than Han Yu, but he was only a moment slower than Han Yu.

Long Haochen couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. When a person loses something, he can often gain something. Sima Xian, who cannot learn healing magic, does have a unique talent in learning attack skills.

On the other hand, in the No. 4 Knight-level Demon Hunting Group, the three melee professions haven't found any clue yet, and the same goes for Li Xin.

Long Haochen didn't say anything, but he understood in his heart that a person's understanding has a lot to do with his or her innate spiritual power and attributes. The main reason why Sima Xian and Han Yu were able to quickly understand was that their innate inner spiritual power had reached eighty after being suppressed and shared by their own talents, and both of them were light attributes. All their understandings are based on the conditions of light attributes, so it is naturally much easier for them to learn than others.

Three consecutive days passed, and Dian Yan and Han Daosi gave up on understanding the ripples of light. Although Li Xin and Wang Yuanyuan still failed to learn it, the two women seemed to be trying harder and persevered. I practice every day.

What they were pursuing was attack. They saw the huge effect of the Ripple of Light skill, and Long Haochen taught him so much. They all made up their minds and would not give up no matter what.

Of course, persistence cannot completely make up for the gap in understanding, and it is difficult to say whether they will eventually learn this skill. But at least if you work hard, you have hope of success.

Lu Xi had been watching with cold eyes. After so many things, he secretly sighed in his heart. It seemed that his demon hunting group could not catch up with Long Haochen and the others no matter what. Unless there is some adventure in the future, there may be a glimmer of opportunity.

Seven days have passed since I came here to rest. Han Daosi once quietly went to the front to investigate. The side of the Howling Cave of Fear has been completely controlled by the demon army. He didn't dare to get too close, but the news he sent back told everyone that at least three demon lords had appeared in the Howling Cave of Fear, and it was very likely that there were existences more powerful than the demon lords also appearing there. Obviously, the loss of hundreds of great demon knights has made the demon clan really angry. And they are also determined to win the Howling Cave of Fear.

Lu Xi found Long Haochen alone, Captain Long, there is an army of demons outside now, but it should have no impact on us. Dian Yan and Yi Jun have almost recovered. In addition to the damage to their equipment, our two teams Now we are basically in the best condition. Should we find a way to go back?

Long Haochen nodded and said: Yes, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. But sister and Yuan Yuan are still comprehending the ripples of light. If we interrupt them now, I am afraid they will never have the chance to comprehend it in the future. We want to use The best way to return to the Alliance safely as quickly as possible is to follow the Moon Demon Clan's route as when we came here.

Lu Xi was stunned, You mean, you want to find the president of the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce?

Long Haochen nodded and said: That's right. She has been banned by Cai'er, so she is not afraid of any tricks. With her cover, we should be able to save a lot of energy when we return to the alliance.

Lu Xi said: However, there is still a certain danger in this. What if that moonlit night exposed us desperately, wouldn't it be...

Long Haochen said: I have also thought of this. Although the possibility is extremely small, I have to guard against it. I plan to go to the Moon Demon Clan alone. Yue Ye once left me an address, which is in the Central Bank. The Moon Demon Palace next to the Provincial Demon God Palace. I will go find her to test it myself. If everything is normal, I will pick everyone up. It will be safer this way. Moreover, there is a blood contract between Haoyue and me. Even if we are in danger, It’s okay for me to escape.”

Lu Xi took a deep look at Long Haochen and said with a wry smile: Compared to you, the leader, I am nothing but a waste.

Long Haochen patted him on the shoulder and said: Captain Lu, don't say that. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be where we are now. We are members of a team, and this time we can make a small difference among the demons. The harvest is everyone's contribution. We are a united group, and we all need your treatment more. It's settled, tonight, I will continue walking in the night. I leave this to you. Cai'er has lost her four senses now, She can't teleport with Haoyue, so I have to keep her. If there is any danger here, Haoyue will notify me as soon as possible and teleport me back.

Lu Xi nodded and said, Don't worry, I will take concealment measures.

A simple exchange between the two team leaders has determined the future direction of the team.

Long Haochen returned to Cai'er, gently took her hand, and wrote out his decision in her palm.

Cai'er snuggled next to him and gently stroked his palm with her slender fingers, Come back soon.

She didn't get entangled in anything, and she didn't insist on going with him. This was Cai'er, the Cai'er who always thought about Long Haochen.

Gently hugging her, feeling the softness of her delicate body, Long Haochen's tense expression these days finally relaxed a little. He has decided that after returning this time, Cai'er will not regain the lost four senses. He would never lead a team on a mission again before. Just stay in the Holy City and accompany her through these difficult days.

Lin Xin, come here. Long Haochen greeted Lin Xin who was working hard to refine the elixir not far away.

Lin Xin carries all the equipment for refining elixirs with him. In order for him to refining them with peace of mind, Long Haochen specially opened up a flat space for him.

Hearing Long Haochen's call, Lin Xin hurriedly ran over, Captain, the results have been pretty good these days. Although we had many difficulties and obstacles this time, we obtained more good materials than I have ever put together before. It's just that here The conditions are relatively simple, and I haven't bothered to research new medicines yet. But at least I can refine some of the previous elixirs. My main focus is on refining the Great Spirit Pill. I should be able to make the first batch today. I guess seven or eight will be fine.”

Just as Long Haochen said, everyone played an indispensable role in the execution of this mission. Everyone sees that Lin Xin's elixir plays an important role at critical moments.

Of course, both the Explosive Spirit Pill and the Bloodthirsty Pill have certain side effects. For this team, the more important thing now is the Great Recovery Pill. After all, the first two elixirs still exist to some extent. Get some more Great Rejuvenation Pills, and you can also give them to the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group at the rank of sergeant. Of course, they have to pay for these things with their merits. One hundred points of merit, this is the price Lin Xin ordered. Anyway, according to him, this is a super low price.

Lin Xin definitely has the nature of a profiteer. In the end, he did not accept the merits of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, but deprived them of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group on the condition that he guaranteed to provide each of them with three Great Resurrection Pills. Obtain the qualifications for all World of Warcraft corpses. This also includes the corpses of monsters that have been collected now. Except for the magic crystals, all the corpses of monsters obtained by Lu Xi's magic storage device were replaced by Lin Xin in this way. You will definitely make money, but only Lin Xin knows how much you can make.

Long Haochen nodded and said: I didn't call you here to ask you about the situation of refining the elixir. We don't understand this aspect. You can just figure it out yourself.

Lin Xin was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully: Captain, what else is there?

Long Haochen glanced at the other people not far away, and lowered his voice: I want to ask you, what is going on between you and my sister? There has been something wrong with you these past few days.

Ah? Lin Xin was startled and almost jumped up, his face suddenly turned red like a cooked shrimp.

Is something really wrong? Long Haochen was surprised.

No, no. Lin Xin quickly defended: What can happen to me and Sister Li Xin? Nothing happened, really nothing.

Long Haochen said angrily: Your performance is really not that good? If there is a mirror, just look at yourself. Your blush is more girlish than a little girl. Don't say yes, okay, I won't force you. You go ahead. I'll ask my sister later, if you let me know that you bullied my sister, hum.

Lin Xin said with a wry smile: Captain, great commander, please let me go. It's so embarrassing, I really don't want to say it.

Long Haochen's face darkened and he said: Lin Xin, my sister scolded you and it was her fault. However, after all, our two teams are performing tasks together now. We must help each other and trust each other. I don't I hope you have some grudge in your heart, otherwise, if we encounter danger again, it is likely to result in the destruction of the group. Do you understand?

Lin Xin couldn't help it anymore, Boss, it's not that serious. How could I hold grudge against Sister Li Xin! I, I...

Long Haochen looked directly at him, waiting for him to continue.


Uh, should I tell you a little bit about what's going to happen next? When I came up with this plot, I felt a little itchy because of evil. It has nothing to do with Li Xin and Lin Xin, it's Xiaolong's business. Hey, wait and see my evil side.

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