Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 26 The Sealed Throne of the God of Doom and Killing (Part 2)

Looking into the distance, Long Xingyu sighed and said: It seems that the demons can't bear the loneliness again. Haochen, remember, the demons are powerful, but we can never surrender. As a knight, we We must fight to protect our homeland until the last drop of blood is shed.”

Yes. Long Haochen nodded vigorously in agreement. At this time, in his heart, his father was no longer just a teacher, it could even be said to be his belief that he admired. It is impossible to imagine the power of the Divine Seal Throne without personal experience. The huge spiritual power fluctuations as vast as the sea and the light of judgment that destroyed the heaven and earth left indelible traces in his heart.

Dad, are we leaving here? Long Haochen asked.

Long Xingyu looked down at him and said, We don't include you in this.

Ah? Long Haochen was shocked and looked at his father in confusion.

Long Xingyu said calmly: The young eagle will never be able to become the king of the sky soaring in the nine heavens unless it leaves the protection of its parents' wings. Originally, I expected to be able to guide you for three years, but now it seems that it will end early. I want to guide you Let your mother return to the Temple Alliance to deal with some matters, and then there is an agreement to complete.

The Temple Alliance is not suitable for you. If you go there with me, then I'm afraid you will never become a divine seal knight like me. You can only go up step by step and rely on your own efforts to obtain Everything, you can truly have the glory of knighthood.

Dad, I don't want to be separated from you and mom. Long Haochen hugged his father's waist fiercely, his eyes full of reluctance.

Bai Yue looked at Long Xingyu, her eyes full of pleading.

Long Xingyu touched Long Haochen's head, Chier, if you are always by your mother and me, then you will always have support and thoughts in your heart. Moreover, even if you return to the Temple Alliance with us, It's also impossible to follow me. I left for a few years and there are too many things waiting for me to deal with. I have decided on this matter. You must stay.

Long Haochen's body shook slightly and he tried to hold back his tears. Bai Yue had already ran back to the wooden house crying.

Long Xingyu pulled Long Haochen in front of him and said in a deep voice: Haochen, before leaving, daddy wants to teach you something one last time.

Long Haochen said in a daze: What is it?

Long Xingyu said in a deep voice: Spirit furnace.

Spiritual furnace? Long Haochen couldn't help but trembled when he heard these two words. He had been practicing with his father for two and a half years, and heard Long Xingyu talk about the spiritual furnace more than once. But all this time, Long Xingyu had never given him any guidance on how to cultivate the ability of the spiritual furnace.

Long Xingyu nodded and said: The spiritual furnace is a furnace of spiritual power. It is not an ability that we have cultivated. It is a treasure bred by the magic of nature. As a knight, we have a variety of knight skills. Choice, however, except for some self-created skills derived from oneself, most of the skills can be practiced after reaching the cultivation level. However, the spiritual furnace is different. Almost every spiritual furnace has its own uniqueness Even if it is the same spiritual furnace, different people will have different effects when practicing it.

There are many types of spiritual furnaces. There are seventy-four types of spiritual furnaces currently known. They are suitable for different professions. Among them, there are twenty-three types suitable for our knight profession. Some of them can be shared by us, assassins and warriors. of.

Long Haochen was gradually attracted by the spiritual furnace that Long Xingyu said, Dad, where can I get a spiritual furnace?

Long Xingyu said: Generally speaking, spiritual furnaces can only be found in places where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers or in some ancient ruins. No one in any profession has a spiritual furnace. This includes us knights. However, spiritual furnaces But it is the goal that all professions pursue. Because even just owning a spiritual furnace will make us stronger than those at the same level.

While talking, Long Xingyu took off a black ring from his hand and put it on the index finger of Long Haochen's right hand. Just like the forget-me-not ring, this black ring shrank by itself and fit into Long Haochen's finger.

There are six seals in this sealing ring. I have sealed various powerful skills of the Punishment Knight, including almost all from the fourth level to the ninth level. When your spiritual power reaches it, you can use your spiritual power to break through it. The seals inside, learn these skills one by one.”

Then he took out another book and handed it to Long Haochen, This is some of my own understanding of the spiritual furnace and a detailed introduction to the spiritual furnace. It's too late to give you some advice. You have to understand it yourself, understand?

Dad... Long Haochen called out, but his eye circles turned red uncontrollably.

Put it in your forget-me-not ring.

Long Haochen nodded lightly. After he gained inner spiritual power, Long Xingyu taught him how to activate the ring left to him by the little mute girl.

With the injection of spiritual power, the light golden pattern on the forget-me-not ring seemed to come alive. A faint blue light circulated, and with a flash of light, the book recording the secret of the spiritual furnace was already included in it.

This forget-me-not ring is an extremely precious space ring that can store various items equivalent to approximately ten cubic meters. At the same time, the ring also comes with a defensive skill. Once activated, it can release a light blue shield. As long as spiritual power continues to be injected, this shield will always exist. And the intensity will also increase according to different spiritual powers. Long Xingyu said that this is a very rare piece of magic jewelry.

Seeing Long Haochen put away the book, Long Xingyu sighed softly and said: Haochen, although Dad has a lot of good equipment, I don't intend to leave them to you. Because, any piece of weaponry, Only by relying on your own efforts to obtain it can you truly know how to cherish it.”

Dad, I don't want to be separated from you. Long Haochen finally couldn't stop crying.

Long Xingyu hugged his son into his arms and sighed: Haochen, attaching importance to feelings is both your strength and your weakness. Remember, there is no father or mother around anymore. From now on, you must only say three points when meeting people. Words should not be thrown away entirely.

Don't cry. This is just a temporary separation. Dad hopes that when I see you next time, you can already impress me.

Father and mother are about to leave. Although I can't leave you any equipment, I have a gift that I have prepared for a long time to give you.

As he spoke, Long Xingyu let go of his son and slapped his chest with his right hand. Then, a strange white light was released from his chest.

The white light is very soft, but it is jumping with a special kind of energy fluctuation, but it gives people a sense of calmness.

That was not the energy of divine light, nor was it Long Xingyu's spiritual power. When Long Xingyu slowly opened his palm, Long Haochen suddenly saw a ball of white light in his father's palm. A small tripod with three legs and two ears that was only one inch high appeared in Long Xingyu's palm.

Those white lights emerged from the small white cauldron. They were soft and beating, and had an attraction that made people unable to take their eyes away.

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