Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 250 Eternal Melody (Part 2)

Evolved? Long Haochen still clearly remembers that Yang Haohan, the leader of the Knights Temple and the leader of the Holy Alliance, once said that the biggest feature of Blue Rain and Hibiscus of Light is its ability to evolve. Could it be said that in just a few months, under the warmth of the Holy Spirit Furnace, it has already completed an evolution?

Looking at the fluctuations of light elements emanating from Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light, Long Haochen was absolutely certain that this strange long sword was at least a brilliant-level weapon. It might even be higher.

Compared with the Holy Spirit Sword in his right hand which only exuded a faint white light, Long Haochen almost subconsciously exchanged the heavy swords in his hands and held Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light in his right hand. This move also meant that he chose to give up the role of the Holy Spirit Suit. From now on, Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus will become his main weapons, and at most he will only use the Holy Spirit to coordinate them.

The reason for this choice is obviously because the effects brought by Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus have surpassed the Holy Spirit suit as a whole.

The eternal melody brought many memories to Long Haochen, but there was only one guideline for how to practice in the Tower of Eternity, move forward!

Instead of riding on Haoyue, Long Haochen walked ahead with a sword in both hands, taking each step at a slow pace, feeling with all his heart the danger that might appear around him at any time.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Just when he took the fourth step forward from the position where he had previously obtained the eternal melody, suddenly, Long Haochen's footsteps stopped abruptly, with his heavy sword in both hands, and he stared ahead vigilantly.

Two white lights lit up five meters in front of him without warning, and then, two huge figures emerged from the ground.

They were two huge skeletons, surrounded by white light, filled with the aura of death and light at the same time.

The two humanoid skeletons were both about two and a half meters tall, with white bones and three golden haloes at their feet. They turned out to be the aura of faith, aura of attack and halo of courage that Long Haochen was most familiar with. The bone shield in the left hand, the bone knife in the right hand, and the position of the eyes are burning with the same golden fire as the eternal melody, but this fire is not as pure as the eternal melody.

Boom, boom, boom, with heavy steps, two huge skeletons rushed straight towards Long Haochen. Their fierce oppression broke out in an instant. What they used was actually similar to human charging skills.

Long Haochen stepped on the Nine Dragons and quickly jumped to the left, so that at least he would not face the skeleton's attack from two directions at the same time.

The Holy Spirit Sword in his left hand was raised horizontally, and Shen Yu blocked it.


Amidst the strong roar, Long Haochen, who was in the divine blocking state, was knocked back three steps before he could barely stand still.

So strong.

Although Long Haochen didn't know the specific level of his inner spiritual power, he could roughly judge that after obtaining the eternal melody, his inner spiritual power had increased to more than 3,500. In this case, the skeleton will be knocked back, so the strength of this skeleton is at least equivalent to seven or eight thousand spiritual powers. This is the first test that the Tower of Eternity has given him!

The other skeleton did not attack Long Haochen from both sides, but pounced directly towards Haoyue. He was about to arrive in front of Haoyue.

With a flash of white light, the skeleton was forcefully attracted. It turned around one meter away from the bright moon and rushed towards Long Haochen, who was the Holy Spirit Furnace. From the beginning to the end, Haoyue seemed to have not seen it, and the three heads were each chanting their own spells. This is the tacit understanding and trust between it and Long Haochen.

Cang. There was another collision, but this time it was Long Haochen who launched the attack. The Holy Spirit Sword blocked the opponent's sword, and his Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus also used the amplification of Light's Revenge to slash at the skeleton. The skeleton's left bone shield moved horizontally, blocking Lan Yu and the Lotus of Light, making a strong collision sound.

The evolved Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus were indeed extraordinary. The golden light passed through, leaving an inch-deep mark on the bone shield.

Charging, Long Haochen suddenly accelerated to the side, dodged the attack of the skeleton attracted by the Holy Soul Furnace, turned around, and swung out a light sword.

Suddenly, the golden light on Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light blazed brightly, and the sharp sword energy erupted simultaneously with the Light Sword. However, this obviously could not scare the two skeletons. They both held their shields in front of them. Each also released a Holy Light Qinshield skill and rushed towards Long Haochen with the Light Sword.

Haoyue's magic was finally completed at this time, and the enlarged version of the wind blade, fireball, and lightsaber all struck at the knee joint of a skeleton's right leg at the same time. Moreover, the selected skeleton was the one attracted by Long Haochen's Holy Spirit-Inducing Furnace.

Long Haochen imagined that these two skeletons with light attributes would be even more difficult to deal with. The skeleton locked by Haoyue's magic actually had extremely strong perception, and suddenly made a squatting movement, and then used a bone shield to block himself. In front of you.

Amidst the three roars, Long Haochen was shocked to see that the skeleton was emitting golden light, and it was actually the Revenge of Light. In other words, it blocked Haoyue's attack with the help of Divine Control Block. The other skeleton also caught up with Long Haochen while running at high speed.

The white bone knife shone with a divine light. It was actually a holy sword, and it went straight towards Long Haochen and struck him down.

Faced with this level of spiritual suppression, Long Haochen didn't dare to use the ultimate move like the Fighting Circle Sword, because the skeleton could completely knock him away with its superior spiritual power.


The light mist of the canopy was suddenly released from the blue rain and the hibiscus of light. Long Haochen turned around to block it, and it was still a divine block.


Facing the attack of the Skeleton Holy Sword, Long Haochen blocked it forcefully, and this time he did not retreat at all.

Moreover, the bone knife in the skeleton's hand suddenly opened a gap of an inch. The bone knife was not shaken open, but slid aside against Lan Yu and the Lotus of Light. It hit the ground hard.

I don’t know what kind of material the ground is made of, but when faced with such a powerful holy sword as the skeleton, it only burst out with sparks without any sign of damage.

A loud dragon roar burst out from around Long Haochen's body, and with Blue Rain, Light Hibiscus and Holy Spirit Sword as the trigger, the Punishment Knight's fifth-level attack skill, Dragon Strike, exploded. There was even some strange buzzing sound in the dragon's roar.

This was the critical moment when the skeleton was at a disadvantage, and the bone knife's chops on the ground were affected by the counter-shock force. It can be said that Long Haochen's attack was just right.

In a hurry, the skeleton could only use the bone shield in his hand to resist Long Haochen's attack, amidst the ear-piercing roar. This time, the skeleton was violently knocked away by Long Haochen, and it rolled on the spot. When it stood up again, half of the bone shield in its hand had been broken into pieces.

For Long Haochen, the most important thing about this blow was that it enhanced his confidence. There is only one reason why it can block the opponent's powerful attack and destroy its bone shield, the ripples of light.

When the elemental shock wave of the rippling light is added to the Divine Control Block, not only the defensive power is greatly increased, but also the effect of unloading force is added, which is why the skeleton's holy sword cannot fully affect Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light. .

Even Long Haochen himself didn't expect that when Lan Yu, Hibiscus of Light and Ripple of Light cooperated, they would become so sharp. Although this skeleton has strong combat power, defense is obviously not what it is good at. It's just like me when I didn't have the equipment.

The other skeleton failed to appear in front of Long Haochen and block Long Haochen's incoming attacks for its companion, because Haoyue also launched a series of attacks after the three magic spells were blocked.

The huge figure leaped forward, and three not very strong, but extremely practical magic burst out from it at the same time.

The fire element's resistance fire ring, the light element's light shock, plus the wind element's galloping wind.

These three magics have only one effect, and that is impact. Even though the skeleton had the knight's killer weapon, Divine Block, in hand, under the influence of the three impact skills, it was knocked to the side and stumbled a few steps. Just these few steps bought Long Haochen enough time.

The intense sun fire rises from the blue rain and the hibiscus of light almost instantly. The high-frequency oscillation of the light makes the sun fire exude a hazy beauty.

assault. The day is cut.

There is no doubt that the power of Yaori Slash is not comparable to that of the Holy Sword, but it is better than the Holy Sword because it does not require the time accumulation of spells like the Holy Sword. With Long Haochen's current cultivation level, he can completely cast this skill instantly.

The combination of skills is very mysterious. For example, Sun Slash is paired with Sun Fire. Not every disciplinary knight has this kind of knowledge, but Long Haochen is the son of Long Xingyu, the knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment. !

Two huge balls of blazing sun shone, and Long Haochen's swords even disappeared at this moment. The hazy and glorious sun fire completely condensed on the two balls of blazing sun, and the blazing light aura instantly surged.

At this time, you can see the difference brought by the equipment. With the same combination of Sun Fire and Sun Slash, the blazing sun transformed by the Holy Spirit Sword is more than twice as small as the blazing sun transformed by Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus. many.

Roar—— The skeleton did not wait for death. In the roar, the golden flames in its eyes suddenly strengthened, causing a layer of pale golden flames to rise up on its body. It actually gave up the bone shield on its left hand, held the knife in both hands, and made A chopping motion.

In an instant, the air around the skeleton seemed to quickly gather towards it, and it also exerted a certain pulling force on Long Haochen. However, the terrifying knife cut the condensed air from it, and let out a shrill scream. Howl. The bone knife in its hand turned completely golden, and the force of this strike actually gave Long Haochen an almost unstoppable feeling.

This blow gave Long Haochen the feeling of opening up the world. The most terrifying thing was not its attack power, but the pressure it brought, forcing Long Haochen to fight hard.


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