Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 246 Eternal Sleep (Part 1)

Feeling the spiritual energy filling and even improving in his body, Long Haochen stood up again and continued his rapid descent.

The darkness and coldness can easily make people timid, but under the illumination of his own light, Long Haochen seemed particularly calm. This time, his descent did not last long. About a quarter of an hour later, a gray sheen caught his attention. The cave finally bottomed out.

The originally wide crack suddenly narrowed. When Long Haochen stepped on the ground, he vaguely saw a gray halo diagonally ahead.

Although this gray light is very weak, it is still as conspicuous as a lighthouse in this pitch-black cave where one cannot see anything.

Shield on the left and sword on the right, with the Holy Spirit Suit fully put on, Long Haochen carefully released a Holy Light Shield skill with ripples of light on himself again, and then walked in the direction of the gray halo.

Woo, woo... A slight low whistle kept sounding, as if it was a preview of the howling sound in this terrifying and mournful cave.

After about three hundred meters, the gray in front became extremely obvious. After turning a corner, the gray light suddenly became stronger. The sudden gray-white color even made Long Haochen's vision slightly uncomfortable. However, at the next moment, his beautiful golden eyes could not help but be filled with shock. He almost subconsciously took a step back, raised his shield, and assumed the standard defensive posture of a guardian knight.

This scene was really shocking. No matter how many guesses Long Haochen had about this terrifying and howling cave, when he got closer to reality, all his guesses turned into nothing.

Just a few hundred meters in front of where he was standing was an extremely open space, where a huge cave was completely cone-shaped. The stone wall of the cave is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting a faint gray light, giving people an unreal feeling like a dream even though it is dead. The height of the entire cave is more than one hundred and fifty meters. Long Haochen, who appeared at the entrance of the crack, was like a tiny insect compared to this huge cave.

This was not the most shocking thing. What was most incredible to Long Haochen was that he actually saw a tall tower at least three thousand meters underground.

That's right, it's a high tower, a seven-story tower with a total height of a hundred meters. It has a simple style, seven floors, four sides, and all directions. It exudes a rich gray halo, a gray-white tower full of deathly silence and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations. .

This tall tower is located in the center of the cone-shaped cave, occupying most of the entire cave area. Layers of gray halo continued to spread from the tower, and the powerful spiritual power fluctuations made Long Haochen, the son of light, tremble from the bottom of his heart.

A terrifyingly powerful existence, this was his first sense and judgment of this tower.

There were countless gray-white lights and shadows surrounding the tower. They were like moths rushing towards the flame, and they were densely attached to the outer layer of gray-white energy emitted by the tower.

At this moment, suddenly, a sharp roar erupted without warning, and the masses of gray-white energy attached to the tower also rioted and flew in all directions.

The terrifying sound wave vibration was at least three times stronger than the last time Long Haochen heard it, so that the holy light shield around his body collapsed instantly, forcing him to release another one in the shortest time and with all his strength. Enhance the frequency of rippling light.

Even so, the holy light shield released by Long Haochen still collapsed at an alarming speed.

Fortunately, the Holy Light Shield was only a third-level magic. Long Haochen released it one after another, and was able to barely support himself amidst the terrifying roar.

A look of horror appeared on his face involuntarily, because he was shocked to find that the gray-white rays of light were filled with strong soul fluctuations, and the terrifying howl turned out to be the howling sound originating from their souls.

What kind of existence is this? What exactly is this tower?

Although Long Haochen was full of doubts, he did not dare to think too much at this time and could only concentrate on resisting this unprecedented terrifying roar. Long Haochen could conclude that if he had not understood the ripples of light, he would probably be torn apart by this terrifying sound wave within a minute. If you want to persevere under such loud roars, you would probably have to have a seventh-level cultivation level to do it under normal circumstances.

This time the roar seemed extremely long to Long Haochen. When the roar finally stopped, Long Haochen was shocked to find that more than half of his spiritual power had disappeared.

As the leader of the demon hunting group, Long Haochen's first judgment was that this task was definitely not something that the two demon hunting groups could complete.

Exploring the Howling Cave of Fear naturally also includes exploring the interior of this mysterious tower. However, with their cultivation level, can they detect inside?

What kind of existence does it take to build such a tower deep underground? Even if he is not as powerful as the Demon God Emperor, he must be at least a ninth-level powerhouse.

The companions must not be allowed to come here. Among the other twelve people, except for Cai'er who may have been able to sustain the sharp roar here, it is absolutely impossible for the others to survive in this terrifying sonic shock.

Just quit? Is Long Haochen really unwilling to give up and finally get here, just to retreat like this? No, no matter what, I have to go to this tower to take a look.

Taking a deep breath, Long Haochen activated the Holy Spiritual Furnace to restore his spiritual power while feeling the blood bond between himself and Haoyue.

The connection is still strong, no issues. yes! Even when Haoyue was in another plane, she could contact him through the blood contract, but now it was just a distance.

When Long Haochen looked up at the tower again, he found that the soul energy suspended in the cone-shaped cave was completely dispersed throughout the space and was approaching the tower at a slow speed.

It looks like they will eventually be attached to the tower, just like before. Then, the roaring sound will appear again. This process continues in a loop.

Tentatively, Long Haochen took a few steps forward. He was completely unsure whether these gray-white souls suspended in the air would be harmful to him, so he had to be careful.

To his despair, the answer was yes.

When Long Haochen took the first step into the cone-shaped cave, more than ten groups of soul energy nearby discovered his presence and rushed towards him without hesitation.

As the distance got closer, Long Haochen could see clearly that the gray-white soul energy had a ferocious face. Although it was made of condensed soul energy, it looked even more ferocious.

The first group of resentful spirits slammed into Long Haochen's holy light shield. Long Haochen was already prepared to deal with it. Soul energy is also a form of energy, and these resentful spirits full of death should be able to deal with it. Being restrained by his own light attribute, he wasn't too worried.

However, the moment the resentful spirit actually hit the holy light shield, Long Haochen was shocked.


The holy light shield exploded instantly. Long Haochen felt as if his brain had been hit hard. A terrifying energy full of death and coldness penetrated directly into the depths of his soul. It seemed like Trying to snatch his body. The evil, cold soul energy was so powerful that Long Haochen's mind went blank for a short time under its impact. Even the light elemental elf Yating was suppressed within Long Haochen's body. Facing these powerful resentful spirits, she could only tremble.

His mind went blank, and Long Haochen had no ability to contact Haoyue for teleportation. The power of this resentful spirit was really terrifying. It was just one of hundreds of resentful spirits, but just such an inconspicuous looking resentful spirit gave Long Haochen no chance to escape.

At this extremely critical moment, suddenly, a flash of purple light appeared in Long Haochen's eyes, and the nine purple light patterns on his forehead appeared again.

A layer of purple halo rippled out from Long Haochen's body. Whether it was the group of resentful spirits that first collided with Long Haochen or the dozens of other groups of resentful spirits that followed, under the impact of this purple spirit, they actually They all let out a shrill scream and flew away as if to escape.

Purple light was projected in front of Long Haochen, and Haoyue's huge body emerged, blocking Long Haochen behind him. The rich purple color continued to spread from its body, and the three heads and six eyes of Xiaoguang, Xiaohuo, and Xiaoqing also turned purple.

The resentful spirits that were so powerful before that Long Haochen could not resist them were actually extremely afraid of the purple halo released by Haoyue. Amidst a series of screams, they all fled away as fast as possible, even if they were None of the resentful spirits that were a little further away dared to charge forward.

Haochen had seen this kind of purple dragon released by Haoyue more than once, but only this time his feelings were clearest.

The power of the soul belongs to Haoyue's soul. Seeing that the resentful spirits did not dare to come forward, Long Haochen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, he really felt as if his body was about to be taken away.

Haoyue and Long Haochen had the same mind and were guided by it. Long Haochen's body flashed and landed on Haoyue's back. Being with it, Long Haochen suddenly felt at ease.

Haoyue, let's go back. Long Haochen glanced at the huge gray-white tower unwillingly.

Haoyue's three heads all turned to look at Long Haochen. Long Haochen was surprised to find that their purple eyes were actually shining with excitement.

The three heads shook towards Long Haochen at the same time. Haoyue's thoughts came and told Long Haochen that there would be no danger here for the time being. Although the crisis in the tower would exist, it would not break out directly. They were temporarily He was still able to cope with it, so he suggested that Long Haochen enter the first floor of the tower to have a look.


This is the fifth update. hey-hey.

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