Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 243 Homemade! Ripples of Light (Part 1)

Following the location where the demons appeared, Long Haochen and his companions finally found their destination, the Howling Cave of Fear.

It's not so much a cave as it is a crack.

The crack was about three meters wide and six or seven meters high. It was dark inside and it was unknown how deep it was. There are many fine cracks around the crack at the entrance of the cave, which were obviously shaken by the terrifying sound wave.

If you use your spiritual power to try it, you can feel that the rocks here are extremely hard, far stronger than granite.

After observing the situation here, everyone's eyes were focused on Long Haochen. Lin Xin said angrily: The mission given by the alliance is really not good. They didn't tell us clearly that the roaring here is so terrifying, and we have no preparation at all.

Long Haochen thought for a while and said: I estimate that the demons will not send reinforcements within three days. In this way, you dig a stone cave on the side of the mountain, and then everyone can rest inside. Block some stones at the door. This way we can minimize the threat posed by the howling sound. I will first try the intensity of the howling sound inside the cave at the entrance. Let’s see how long we can sustain it with our own abilities.”

Lu Xidao: Captain, you are the leader of the entire team, how can you put yourself in danger? Let me do it. I am a magician. If I can bear it, everyone should have no problem.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, no one knows what is in this cave. You have no defense. What if a big demon comes out again? No need to say anything, I am right at the entrance of the cave. We won’t go deep. Once you find that you can’t support it, just exit. Lin Xin, prepare something that can block your ears. We will isolate our hearing as much as possible, and the impact will always be smaller.”


What is a true leader? A true leader must rise to the challenge and take on the most dangerous tasks. This is also an important reason why Long Haochen can be recognized by everyone.

Long Haochen squeezed Cai'er's hand to indicate that nothing would happen to him, and then strode into the cave.

The cave was very dark, which was certainly not a problem for Long Haochen. The light element elf Yating flew out and flew in front. A faint golden light bloomed from her perfectly proportioned body, and the soft light element suddenly illuminated Light up everything around you.

Only ten meters into the cave, the corpses of two little devils appeared in Long Haochen's field of vision. Ignoring them, Long Haochen continued to delve deeper.

Of course, he couldn't really endure Li Xiao at the entrance of the cave. He had to go deeper to truly feel the intensity of Li Xiao.

The cold air echoed in the cave. It was much colder than the outside world, and the air was slightly turbid. Long Haochen didn't move forward very fast. As he walked, he carefully observed the surrounding stone walls.

He found that these stone walls did not have any traces of artificial excavation, and they were completely like cracks caused by the mountain splitting on its own. It's just that the stone wall is similar to the entrance of the cave, with cracks everywhere caused by Li Xiao's shock.

There is no path under the feet, just jagged rocks, so it is even more difficult to walk. There is no light in the cave, and the nearly cracked mountain is extremely irregular, with twists and turns everywhere, even with the light element emitted by Yating itself. , Long Haochen could only see less than ten meters away.

As Long Haochen walked, he silently calculated the distance he had traveled.

Just as he advanced about two hundred meters, suddenly, the road ahead cut off. A huge crack appeared in front of him. This crack is vertically downward, but the bottom is bottomless.

The Holy Spirit Sword waved, and a light slash sword struck into the crack. Under the light brought by the light slash sword, Long Haochen could see about dozens of meters below the crack.

Taking a breath of cold air, Long Haochen's handsome face was full of surprise.

Inside the crack, there are jagged broken rocks everywhere. There are indeed many places where strength can be borrowed, but it is impossible to judge how deep the crack is. Moreover, he clearly felt that faint spiritual energy fluctuations were floating out from the cracks.

Although this spiritual power is very weak, it has a ferocious aura, like a monster that chooses people to eat. Except for the two little demons when he first entered the cave, Long Haochen did not see the corpses of other demons. It is possible that the demons had gone deep inside, but they never came up again. What exactly lies deep within this crack?

Although the crack is very wide, it is full of sharp and sharp rocks. In this kind of terrain, once you encounter a strong enemy, you cannot use it at all. For a moment, he couldn't help but frown.

The path ahead does not fork, which means that going deep into the crack in front of you is the only goal of exploration. At the same time, the roaring sound probably came from this cave.

Rather than entering the cave rashly, Long Haochen took a few steps back and found a relatively flat place where he could lean against the mountain wall and sit down. Mix your breath and wait quietly.

Since this fearful and howling cave is full of unknown dangers, we must move forward in the most steady way. Keep all risks within control as much as possible.

He didn't wait too long. When Li Xiaosheng appeared for the third time, Long Haochen's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief. The reason why he was relieved was not that Li Xiao's power in the cave had weakened, but because of time.

The intervals between the three occurrences of Li Xiao are almost exactly the same. In this case, it can at least give them sufficient preparation time and prediction. If the time when Li Xiao appears is uncertain, the trouble will be much greater.

However, Long Haochen's relaxation only lasted for a moment. As he expected, the power of Li Xiao in the cave was much greater.

The piercing screams made the entire cave tremble violently, and Yating immediately got back into Long Haochen's body.

Holy Light Shield, Long Haochen released this skill to block the shrill sound as much as possible. At the same time, he focused on guarding inside and circulated his liquid spiritual power throughout his body to resist the invasion of Li Xiao with all his strength.

When the roaring was heard outside, it was more of a shrill sound, but inside the cave, Long Haochen felt obvious changes.

While the shrill sounds continued unabated, because they were inside the cave, the screams became more concentrated, and the sonic power produced was extremely huge. The violent tremor seemed to tear Long Haochen into pieces. Under this terrifying shock wave, the Holy Light quickly appeared cracks and collapsed.

The speed of the sound waves was so fast that Long Haochen's mind was connected to the holy light shield. The moment the holy light shield broke, he couldn't help but groan, but at the same time, a spiritual light flashed in his mind.

Keeping the original posture completely motionless, and even keeping the spiritual power running as close as possible to the previous state, the second holy light shield was released again.

In many cases, inspiration only appears for a very short period of time. The reason why Long Haochen kept it as it was as much as possible was to prevent this inspiration from slipping away.

A moment later, the second holy light shield broke again.

Although the screams in the cave were strong, Long Haochen was a fifth-level expert after all. Even the Great Demon could barely withstand the screams, so how could he not be able to resist it? Under the influence of that strange inspiration, Long Haochen did not feel irritated by the sharp roar, and the light in his golden eyes became more and more shining.

The Holy Light Mask is only the third-level skill of the Guardian Knight. With Long Haochen's current spiritual power, it is not a problem to release hundreds of them, not to mention the help of the light element elf Yating.

The Holy Light Shield was shattered one after another. Long Haochen never made any move or tried anything. He just held on to the inspiration firmly, not letting it escape, and felt it silently.

In my heart, a strong sense of excitement gradually emerged. As the feeling became clearer and clearer, the excitement also continued to increase.

Long Haochen, who has an innate spiritual power of up to ninety-nine, can be said to be the most enlightened knight among all the knights on the continent today. In addition, his innate spiritual power is abnormal, and his perception is far beyond that of ordinary people. Except for Cai'er, no one can compare with her in terms of perception and understanding.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. In that glimmer of understanding, a smile gradually appeared on Long Haochen's face.

When the sharp roar disappeared, Long Haochen felt a sense of loss, but the inspiration could never escape, because it had completely transformed into Long Haochen's understanding.

A lavender light appeared on Long Haochen's forehead, and the next moment, he disappeared into thin air deep in the cave.

With a flash of purple light, Long Haochen appeared next to Haoyue. At this time, with the concerted efforts of the two demon hunting groups, a simple stone cave had been dug.

Long Haochen's sudden appearance startled everyone and almost led to tensions.

It's me. Long Haochen said quickly.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes when looking at him, even Cai'er was no exception. Because the way he appeared was so strange, he was a knight! He is not an assassin who is good at hiding himself.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: We are all our own people, and I won't hide it from you. Haoyue and I have a blood contract. Therefore, when we are connected by blood, we can complete the teleportation of each other in an instant. So no matter what we face, Any danger, as long as Haoyue is outside, I will be sure to escape.

The members of the No. 21 general-level demon hunting group were in better condition. Except for Li Xin, the other five members of the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group felt as if they were looking at ghosts.

They were even wondering why they were not in the same demon hunting group as Long Haochen.

Long Haochen said: As we expected, the roaring sound in the cave was more powerful, and it also contained strong sound wave vibrations, which had a great impact on spiritual power. However, after passing the test just now, I withstood a round of screaming sound. It needs to consume about 20% of the spiritual power. Depending on everyone's strength, I estimate that it will consume up to about 40% of the spiritual power.


Second update, asking for monthly votes again.

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