Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 239 Great Demon Cavalry

It can be said that the income from the previous battle has exceeded their total income in the three months of exorcism. Of course, this is without counting the light element elves.

The rest time was not long, and under the leadership of Long Haochen, they hit the road again. You have to leave Narik Province first.

After all, misfortune did not always accompany them. Following the guidance of the map, they tried their best to find the wilderness and move forward. When the sky was bright and the sun was shining on the earth, they finally left the Narik Province.

At this time, Long Haochen finally couldn't hold on any longer.

A big battle took too much of a toll on Long Haochen. It could be said that he was physically and mentally exhausted, and his injuries were secondary. The key was that he used sacrificial skills, which overdrawn his spiritual power. After that, he was constantly on the road again, not to mention that he also shouldered the responsibility of leading two teams. Lu Xi's treatment can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause of potential consumption. Finally arriving at a safer place, Long Haochen fell into Cai'er's arms.

During the time when Long Haochen was unconscious, the two demon hunting groups carefully discussed and decided to rest on the spot.

Their location was a desolate hilly area. Since the vast land of the Holy Demon Continent was occupied by the demons, there have been more and more such desolate places. There are not enough manpower to cultivate them, and the original good fields are overgrown with grass.

Everyone found a low-lying place in the hilly area and temporarily settled down. In order not to reveal their identity as humans, they did not dare to set up camp. They could only find a relatively high place in a low-lying area, and a few close combatants dug out a cave that could accommodate everyone to get into for rest.

The reason why both demon hunting groups decided to stay and rest on the spot was simple. They reached a consensus that the team needed Long Haochen's command. Without him, the entire team would not be able to exert its full strength. Rushing forward will only be counterproductive. It is better to take a break so that everyone can recover their physical condition after the hard battle, and at the same time, the potential inspired by the hard battle can be transformed into strength through practice.

This rest lasted three full days.

The hilly area they chose was indeed desolate, and the weeds and shrubs on the ground became the best food for the Iron Mane Horse.

Long Haochen actually recovered from the side effects of sacrificing his skills and his injuries in just one day. But he decided to stay for two more days.

Cultivation after the war is the best opportunity for improvement for any professional. They not only have to complete the mission of the demon hunting group, but also constantly improve their own strength. No need to rush things.

At the same time, Long Haochen discovered that after his inner spiritual power exceeded 3,000, his cultivation speed had improved significantly. Not only because of the light element elf Yating, but also his own perception and attraction of external light elements were stronger than before. many. Especially after this war. After three days, Long Haochen was surprised to find that his inner spiritual power had increased by a full hundred points.

You must know that what he is improving now is completely pure liquid spiritual power, and the speed of such improvement can only be described as terrifying.

However, on the fourth day, the speed of improvement slowed down significantly, apparently because the potential stimulated by the war had faded. However, after careful calculation, Long Haochen discovered that if he practiced with all his strength, his inner spiritual power could still increase by as much as twenty points every day.

Twenty o'clock, this is already a quite scary number. According to this training speed, he only needs to give him two months to reach the sixth level of Glory Knight.

Of course, Long Haochen didn't tell his changes because he didn't want to irritate his companions. But he has secretly decided that after this mission is completed, he must retreat for a period of time when he returns to the Holy City and try to attack the Glory Knight. If his strength can be raised to level six, he will be able to take on more difficult tasks in the future.

The iron-maned horse was on the road again, heading straight into the depths of the demon clan.

Although the straight-line distance from the Temple Alliance border to their destination was only more than two thousand miles, in reality, how could they possibly move forward in a straight line? After running for another seven days, they finally arrived near the Central Province of the Demon Clan, getting closer and closer to their destination.

However, they had to slow down because the closer they got to the central province, the more demons they encountered, and they could even see humans from time to time. And without exception, almost all human beings are engaged in farming.

The costume of the Moon Demon Race played a great role. No matter what race the Demon Race was, they would quickly avoid them when they saw them from a distance. Unfortunately, after encountering the strange look for the first time, they had to give up. The iron-maned horse, which aroused suspicion, moved on foot instead.

Long Haochen issued a strict order that no one could attack the demons without his consent. Killing demons can increase merit, but it also means increasing the risk of exposure.

Opening up the map to look at it and carefully identifying the terrain, Long Haochen sometimes even used Han Yu's evil eye to fly into high altitudes to assist in reconnaissance. Or let Li Xin's rose unicorn take him into the air to observe the terrain. The reason why Li Xin didn't help him all was naturally because the rose unicorn was too conspicuous.

They cannot ask any demons and can only rely on their own judgment of the terrain and direction plus the location of the demon cities to comprehensively determine their location. This is undoubtedly an arduous process.

The ten days of walking on thin ice can be said to be even more difficult than that battle.

If everything is correct, after climbing over the mountain in front of us, we should arrive at the destination of this trip. Long Haochen took a deep breath. With his cultivation as an earth knight, he couldn't help but feel intense fatigue. .

Li Xin waved her arms vigorously, Is it finally here? Great. As long as we complete the exploration of the cave, our mission will be completed.

Lin Xin said: Without further delay, let's rest near the Howling Cave of Fear. Rush over in one go.

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said, If everyone's physical condition is okay, we will start climbing.

Just as they were preparing to take action, suddenly, a group of people in the distance came quickly in their direction. Everyone immediately stopped vigilantly. They didn't think there would be any friendly forces in the demon territory.

Surprisingly, it turned out to be a team of cavalry. Each cavalry was a big demon three meters tall. The demon clan was like the mainstay in the entire demon clan. They were not the largest in number, nor were they the most numerous. The most powerful race, but the most balanced race.

The overall number of the demon clan is second only to the double-sword demon, but the demon clan does not only have little devils who can serve as cannon fodder. There are existences from little devils to demon kings. The monarch of the demon clan is the fourth among the seventy-two pillars of demons. The undead demon Samikina. Therefore, although there are a large number of demon clan members, they can be found at all levels, from the low-level little devils to the top-level fourth-pillar demon gods. The overall strength is quite powerful, second only to the Demon God Emperor's Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan. Even the overall strength of the first two pillars of demon gods is weaker than that of the demon clan. The undead demon Samikina is even called the Demon Lord within his own tribe, and all tribesmen only obey his orders.

The biggest feature of the demon race is evolution. They are the race that is best at evolution. Even the weakest little demon has a chance to advance to the demon king if given enough opportunities.

The group of demon cavalry in front of them were all composed of fourth-level great demons, numbering fifty in number. The mounts they rode were nightmare horses unique to the demon clan.

The Nightmare Demon Horse is completely black with dark red stripes on its body. It has two horns on its head like the demons, and its four hooves are on fire. These nightmares in front of me are also level four like their masters. It is said that the most powerful nightmare can advance to the ninth level, and the undead demon Samikina is riding the powerful nightmare king.

The eyes of the demon hunters of the two demon hunting groups were focused on Long Haochen almost at the same time. Twelve versus fifty, and it was the fifty great demon knights riding the Nightmare. They were not sure at all. What's more, they have penetrated deep into the central province of the Demon Clan. As long as they let one enemy escape, they will be in big trouble.

Long Haochen gestured to his companions to be calm, walked to the front, put his hands behind his back, and stared at the rapidly approaching Great Demon Cavalry with a proud expression.

Soon, this group of great demon cavalry came closer. The leading demon was exceptionally tall, and the nightmare under it was much more majestic than other nightmare horses. With a flash of fire, Nightmare stopped about twenty meters away from Long Haochen. The big demon on horseback dismounted and walked quickly towards Long Haochen.

This big demon has a pair of spiral horns and the membrane wings of a bat. It has an extremely majestic body, a pair of particularly huge claws, and green-faced fangs. It carries a strong fishy smell and faintly exudes a faint green mist.

Among the demon clan, the Great Demon is an absolutely powerful sect. He is best at melee combat, but is more afraid of magic. Especially fire magic.

Being able to grow membrane wings proves that this big demon has reached the sixth level of cultivation and can fly. At this level he can be called the Demon Lord.

That's enough, stop. Keep your dirty body away from us. Long Haochen shouted coldly.

The big demon actually stopped, but he let out a roar, Even if you are nobles of the Moon Demon Clan, you cannot insult me ​​as the demon leader. I need to know your title, Moon Demon.

High-level demons can speak human languages, and among them, the moon demons like to speak human languages ​​the most. That's why Long Haochen spoke so generously to the big demon in front of him. The human language spoken by the big devil seemed hoarse and jerky.

Long Haochen snorted coldly, flicked his wrist, and a token suddenly flew towards the big devil.

The demon leader's broad palm quickly caught it. The next moment, his dark green pupils shook violently, and he almost dropped the token in his hand. He suddenly stepped forward with his left leg, and actually knelt down to Long Haochen on one knee. down.

Honorable Viscount Moon Demon, I beg your forgiveness for my recklessness just now. The demon leader actually became polite. Holding the token in both hands, he didn't dare to get close.

With a flash of white light, the token returned to Long Haochen's control. It was the power of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. The energy of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was unique and was not of light nature, so Long Haochen was not afraid of the other party seeing it. The most important thing is not to let the opponent get close. After all, they are humans. For demons with a very sensitive sense of smell, it is easy to be discovered by the opponent without the token protection.

Get up, dirty guys. Tell me, where are you going? Long Haochen looked domineering, and coupled with his handsome appearance, he really looked like a playboy. However, it was the first time for him to pretend to be this kind of identity, so he was obviously a little jerky and immature.

The demon commander said respectfully: Honorable Viscount Moon Demon, we are going to reinforce our clan members who have entered Li Xiao Cave.

Li Xiao Cave? Long Haochen's heart moved, Where is it? Why haven't I heard of it?

The Demon Commander said: This cave was discovered by our Demon Clan. The great Demon Lord Samikina has already reported the existence of this cave to His Majesty the Demon God Emperor. According to the judgment of our Demon Clan, it seems that inside Li Xiao Cave There is an unusual existence. We are currently sending advance troops to explore it. We only went to reinforce it after receiving the distress signal from the exploration troops.

Although he was obviously a little afraid of Long Haochen's identity, he avoided the location of Li Xiao's cave when he said these words, and emphasized that the Demon God Emperor already knew that the demon clan was exploring the cave.

Long Haochen snorted coldly, If I guess correctly, the Li Xiao Cave you mentioned is on the other side of the mountain.

The demon commander's expression suddenly changed, and his green-faced and fanged appearance suddenly became more ferocious, and he subconsciously said: You, how do you know?

Long Haochen said proudly: In this world, what else is there that we, the wise Moon Demon Clan, don't know? Don't worry, even if a small cave is not in our eyes, you can go rescue it. Okay. Get lost.

While he was saying these words, his right hand behind his back was quickly gesturing to his companions.

This place is at the foot of the mountain, no different from other places of the demon clan. Before these big demon cavalry appeared, it can be said that no living creatures existed.

If the demon commander was granted amnesty, he once again bowed to Long Haochen and quickly returned to his nightmare horse. With a wave of his hand, he led the fifty great demon knights he led forward. There is a relatively flat terrain over there, and with the ability of the Nightmare Demon Horse, it can be climbed easily.

Since they were moving forward, they naturally had to pass by Long Haochen and others. Just when the great demon knights passed about a third of the way through the crowd, Long Haochen suddenly shouted, Do it.

A huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him without warning. Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen light points fell on the two members of the demon hunting group. The terrifying energy composed of three-color light pillars exploded in the next moment. Come.

The gestures Long Haochen made before had two meanings, preparing to fight and leaving no one behind! ——

A big chapter of 4,000 words is given to everyone. I cry! Tears flow! Our poor recommendation votes! We had three updates yesterday! Thank you for your hard work, please move your fingers and vote for our recommendation vote. It breaks out the day after tomorrow.

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