Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 236 Princess Moonlight (Part 1)

When facing the enemy, Long Haochen faced the most powerful enemy. When commanding, he was able to plan ahead and be far-sighted, and brought the entire team out of a certain death situation without any casualties. Whether it was strength, determination, wisdom, or leadership, he showed Lu Xi a true leader.

Under the command of Long Haochen, the combat effectiveness of the No. 21 Demon Hunting Group was maximized while effectively preserving its strength. And how much contribution did their No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group make? Long Haochen alone is enough to rival what their entire team has done.

At the same time, Lu Xi also deeply realized the difficulty of commanding a team to fight as a priest. Although the priest also has a certain degree of combat effectiveness, more importantly, he is dedicated to healing the team. In terms of on-the-spot command, it is far inferior to the judgment that the knights charging on the front line can make.

The reason why the knight is called the mainstay of the demon hunting group is because his ability can radiate to the entire field.

Seeing the sincerity in Lu Xi's eyes, Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Brother Lu, you don't have to belittle yourself. Nothing we said will change. We will definitely do what we have promised. We ourselves Just take 70% of the profits, so naturally I have to do more.”

Captain Long,... Lu Xi wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Long Haochen raising his hand.

Long Haochen's face became serious, Now is not the time to discuss this issue. I just want to say two points. First, I would like to emphasize again that during battle, everyone must obey the orders and prohibitions. Because even if you If only one person makes a mistake, it is likely that the entire team will be wiped out. Yes, the demons are our mortal enemies, and each of us wants to kill the demons as much as possible. However, for the sake of longer-term considerations, impulsiveness can only lead to We become devils. If we want to kill more demons to avenge our compatriots, then the first thing we must do is to protect ourselves as much as possible. If you have any opinions on my command, you can put it forward outside of combat. Let's discuss it together. If my ability is not enough to command the entire team, I will step down and give way to others. However, once we enter the battle, I hope that the previous situation will not happen again. If anyone has problems in the battle again, it will affect the entire team. Life or death, don’t blame me for ruthlessly kicking him out of the team.”

Yes! Twelve people agreed at the same time, including Dian Yan, who was filled with grief.

Long Haochen said: The second thing is our next action. When I was on the road just now, I kept adjusting the direction by checking the map. We have no retreat, and behind us is the Demon Narik Province. .Since the demons there dare to snatch all the supplies of the Yueye Caravan, they will naturally kill people and silence them. So we can only keep moving forward. Now we have penetrated into the demons for more than 400 miles. The terrain of Narik Province is long and narrow, and the overall area is It's not big. In about three hours, we can break out of this province. However, as long as we are in the demon territory for a day, the word safety will not exist. So, please stay vigilant at all times. Now let’s talk about everyone’s thoughts on the follow-up. After we pass through Narik Province, should we continue to go straight to the mission goal, or should we take a detour back to the Alliance?”

After the battle just now, everyone deeply felt the danger of being in the demon territory. Of course, the chance of being besieged by the demon army is slim, but this is the demon clan after all, and without the protection of the caravan, their next journey will never be smooth.

Through the previous battle, Long Haochen has undoubtedly established enough prestige in the team. However, he did not decide the future direction of the team arbitrarily, but allowed everyone to express their opinions. This alone made Lu Xi even more admire. He asked himself that he couldn't do it in the same situation.

Let's move on. Encountering a siege by a demon army must be a small probability event. As long as we don't encounter demons exceeding the seventh level, there is no problem in self-protection. There are only a dozen of us, and the target is not too big. Within the territory of the demons Although it is dangerous, risks and opportunities also coexist. The growth of the demon hunting group has always been carried out in the process of hunting demons. Lu Xi expressed his thoughts.

His words were also agreed by most people.

Although the battle with the demon army in Narik Province was thrilling, these demon hunters are the leaders of the younger generation of the Temple Alliance. Each of them has undergone strict inspection by the alliance, their loyalty to the alliance and their fight against the demons. Their belief is extremely firm, not to mention that under the command of Long Haochen, they still maintain complete combat effectiveness, how could they retreat just like this.

Seeing that everyone's opinions were basically unanimous, Long Haochen nodded and said: Okay, in that case, what we have to solve immediately is the problem at hand. As he spoke, he glanced at the carriage.

Yue Ye has woken up after two hours of rest. Although her face is still pale, there is a bit of sparkle in her eyes. She has taken some pills and is sitting on the shaft of the car with Leng Xiao talking about something.

The one-hour rest time passed quickly. The demon hunters of the two demon hunting groups got on the carriage together with the magicians, but Leng Xiao and Yue Ye were still sitting on the shaft outside the carriage.

Li Xin no longer followed Long Haochen in front and got on the carriage. Only Long Haochen led Cai'er towards Yue Ye and Leng Xiao.

Seeing the two of them walking over, Yue Ye smiled lightly and said, I think you want to talk to me, right? But before that, can I know the name of my savior? I'll first tell myself Let me introduce you, my name is Yue Ye, I am the current leader of Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce, and she is Leng Xiao, my friend.

There was a hint of surprise in Long Haochen's eyes, but he quickly returned to normal, Hello, President Yue Ye, my name is Long Haochen.

Long Haochen. Yue Ye seemed to be chewing the name in her mouth, looking at Long Haochen's handsome face, she smiled and said, I really want to know your age, is that okay?

Long Haochen shook his head and said, Sorry, I'm afraid this won't work.

Yue Ye sighed softly and said: If there really was an outstanding young strongman like you in my chamber of commerce, I wouldn't have to be so tired. Unfortunately, you don't belong to my caravan. You don't exist in my memory. There is no knight with a name like Long Haochen who owns the Holy Spirit Furnace. You saved us, so what do you want to get?

Long Haochen frowned slightly, sighed, and said: This decision is actually very difficult, President Yue Ye. At this moment, his eyes were full of inexplicable meaning. There is also a looming murderous intent.

What do you want to do? Leng Xiao moved her body sideways and stood in front of Yue Ye. After an hour of rest, her physical condition had recovered a lot.

Cai'er slowly took a step forward, and a fierce murderous intention instantly locked onto Leng Xiao.

At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared for Long Haochen.


A white palm was cut from behind at the intersection of Leng Xiao's neck and shoulders. Leng Xiao's body softened and she fell into Yue Ye's arms with disbelief in her eyes.

Yue Ye gently laid Leng Xiao down next to her and let her lean against the carriage. Then she raised her head and said calmly to Long Haochen and Cai'er, I think we can have a good talk now.

Long Haochen held Cai'er's hand and signaled her not to be impulsive. He smiled calmly and said, President Yue Ye must have guessed what I am going to do.

Yue Ye sighed softly and said: You're not just like those bastards in Narik Province, killing people and silencing them, right? Your Excellency, the young leader of the Demon Hunting Group.

Long Haochen's pupils shrank slightly, President Yue Ye is very smart.

Yue Ye smiled bitterly and said: If I were really smart enough, I shouldn't take the caravan out to take risks this time. Although I took over the Chamber of Commerce not long ago, I have been on this trade road more than a dozen times. Young and strong people like you Or, apart from the Demon Hunting Group of the Temple Alliance, I can't think of any other possibility. If I'm not wrong, all I need is an order from you, and all my men in the carriage will die. Unfortunately, even though I guessed Given your status, I didn’t expect you to take action so quickly. With the overall strength of your two demon hunting groups, we are not enough to pose a threat, right?

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: People don't tell secrets. If I guess correctly, President Yue Ye should have reinforcements. And the strength of this reinforcements is probably quite strong.

Yue Ye was stunned, but she didn't try to hide it. She just said extremely curiously: How did you guess it?

Long Haochen said: Although President Yue Ye is not too strong, you can take out the Moon Demon Clan's ninth-level forbidden spell scroll to summon the Moon Demon God. I'm afraid your status in the Moon Demon Clan is not low. The Moon Demon God is The second most powerful being among the seventy-two pillars of demons, the demons of Narik Province dare to offend you. I don’t believe you are not prepared at all. With your identity, the strong men of the Moon Demon Clan should arrive soon. , am I right? The strong men of the Moon Demon Clan are not something that our small demon hunting group can contend with. Therefore, in order to conceal the secret of our identity, we have to take action against you. Even if I guess wrong, I will Can't put my friends at risk.

Yue Ye looked at Long Haochen quietly, and she suddenly smiled. It must be said that her appearance was extremely beautiful, on the same level as Cai'er, and her purple eyes were even more charming and luxurious. You are the best knight I have ever seen, bar none. If I were the leader of the demon clan and knew that there was an outstanding young knight like you, I would definitely use all means to kill you. Otherwise, you in the future will very It may become a huge threat to the demons.

Long Haochen looked at her in surprise, Are you not a demon? The color of your eyes has given you away, you are a lady from the moon demon clan.


The second update breaks out. There will be another update later, it’s a new week, I beg everyone for your precious recommendation votes. At the same time, the enhancement conference has begun. Everyone is welcome to speak in the book review area. Thanks.

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