Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 234 Forbidden Curse! The Moon Demon God Arrives (Part 2)

The Moon Demon God came, and the terrifying forbidden curse had an extremely powerful momentum, but strangely, no sound came out.

The huge cluster of purple moonlight came and went quickly. In just a short while, all the brilliance had converged, leaving only large patches of residual light and shadow.

The moonlight enveloped an area of ​​nearly one kilometer in diameter, and there was no one alive within this area, whether in the sky or on the ground.

Of the 50,000 demon army, only a few thousand survived the bombardment of this forbidden curse. Looking at the purple light and shadow in front of them, they no longer had the courage to attack.

Xiaoxiao, you drive the car, all the magicians get on the car, follow the carriage in close combat, and rush out. Yue Ye's figure reappeared on the roof of the car, her face was white with no blood, and her body was shaking violently uncontrollably. , with a snow-white face and bleeding from all her orifices, no matter how beautiful she originally looked, she looked as miserable as a female ghost at this moment.

However, even at this time, her body was in pain as if it was almost collapsing, but she was still able to calmly make arrangements immediately.

Just as Long Haochen had judged, the moment when the forbidden curse had just ended was the best time to break out. The demon army is in panic, and a large amount of goods are left here. They want the best chance to escape.

Long Haochen winked at his friends, and they immediately got into the car without hesitation. The interior of this carriage is extremely spacious and can accommodate twenty people without any problem. The cart was not pulled by an ordinary strong horse, but by a second-level magical beast iron-maned horse. This kind of monster has no offensive ability, but it has excellent endurance. It is especially good at adapting to various terrains. If it is in the desert, it is even more useful than a camel. Its majestic body is at least one foot taller than an average horse.

The carriage on the moonlit night was pulled by sixteen iron-maned horses. Although the previous battle was brutal, these iron-maned horses were well protected by the magicians. This was also the death order given to them by Yue Ye. These iron-maned horses are the hope for the final breakout!

No one was fighting with the two demon hunting groups. Lu Xi, Yi Jun, Bai Xiaomo, Lin Xin and Chen Ying'er were the first to get on the bus. It can be said that if it weren't for the strong performance of Long Haochen and the two demon hunting groups, the magicians who belonged to the caravan would not have been able to survive this moment. Especially the strength and self-sacrifice shown by Long Haochen made these magicians sincerely admire him.

The melee class did not get on the car, but gathered around the carriage. Long Haochen said to Li Xin who was not far away: Sister, we are in front, rush out. All other melee fighters get on the roof. Protect the carriage.

All the remaining melee fighters here now belong to the two demon hunting groups, so naturally they will not give any discount to Long Haochen's orders.

Among Haoyue's three heads and six eyes, her eyes looked a little dim. Before being teleported here, Long Haochen had already asked Haoyue to prepare the Chaos Element Stripping through the spiritual connection between the two. Otherwise, how could it have exploded with powerful skills the moment it was teleported?

Although the skills used beyond the level and the fusion with Long Haochen were well treated, it still consumed a lot of money. Fortunately, Haoyue also evolved to a certain extent, and the overall strength improved a lot, so it still maintains A certain amount of combat effectiveness.

Leng Xiao helped Yue Ye jump to the shaft of the carriage. She was not very skilled at driving a carriage, but she couldn't resist the powerful wild aura she possessed! With a wave of the whip, the iron-maned horse immediately ran out in one direction very obediently. In this bloody dark night, I couldn't care less about identifying the direction. The most important thing was to escape from here first.

Yue Ye leaned on Leng Xiao, but her eyes always fell on Long Haochen, who was riding on the back of the three-headed Haoyue.

Cai'er didn't get on the roof of the car, she stood quietly beside Yue Ye. Once Long Haochen encountered an enemy, she would definitely take action immediately.

Lu Xi's upper body came out of the car window. He said nothing, but the staff in his hand continued to shine with milky white light, shrouding Long Haochen and Haoyue in front.

This was the first time that Long Haochen enjoyed the full treatment of a fifth-level priest. He didn't know what skills Lu Xi was using, but under Lu Xi's treatment, his previous huge consumption was being restored at an alarming speed. , even the consumption of one's own potential by sacrificing skills is still recovering.

No matter how many healing skills Han Yu learns, he will still be a guardian knight, not a real priest. The role of a powerful priest in a team is irreplaceable.

Leng Xiao frowned as he watched the healing spells passing by him. He whispered to Yue Ye in disgust, Are they the guards you invited?

Yue Ye shook her head, but there was a strange look in her eyes.

It has to be said that the remaining demon army has been frightened by the forbidden curse that was just like the power of heaven. However, after all, the demon army still has more than ten thousand, and it is encircling them. With Long Haochen and the others in their current state, With the number of people, it is still not easy to rush out. Confrontation is inevitable.

Ying'er. Seeing that he was only a hundred meters away from the panicked demon army in front, Long Haochen, who was riding on Haoyue's back, suddenly shouted.

Received. Chen Ying'er responded sweetly. Hearing her voice, Yue Ye, Leng Xiao and the caravan magicians didn't have any special feelings. But the two demon hunting groups looked at the female summoner who had leaned towards the window of the carriage with some surprise.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Chen Yinger has been staying by Lin Xin's side. Even though the battle was so fierce, she never took action.

The No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group knew something about her, and knew that the girl’s summons was unreliable, so they didn’t pay much attention to it. However, the Demon Hunters of the No. 21 General-level Demon Hunting Group themselves were very concerned about her. Clearly, Chen Yinger, who has the mirror image of her natal summoned beast, the Divine Pig, is not that fragile. And they all still remember what Long Haochen whispered to Chen Ying'er before the battle started. They originally thought that she should take as few shots as possible to reduce the consumption of magic crystals, but now it seems that it is not that simple! Otherwise, how could Long Haochen call her immediately at such a critical moment as breaking out of the siege?

Chen Ying'er moved quickly and stuffed a piece of magic crystal from a level 5 monster into the Mirror Treasure Pig's mouth. A layer of strange silver light suddenly appeared on her and the Mirror Treasure Pig.

This silver light is different from the silver released by the space mage. The magic color released by the space magician is pure silver, while the bodies of Chen Ying'er and her mirrored treasure pig are dots of silver starlight. It looks more like a fantasy.

McDull, the mirror image treasure god pig, was originally nestled lazily in Chen Ying'er's arms. After eating the magic crystal, he suddenly became energetic. Against the backdrop of the silver light spots, his body actually floated in the carriage.

Chen Ying'er was murmuring something in a low voice, but the silver light star always connected her with the mirrored treasure god pig. Chen Ying'er's eyes were like two bright stars, dazzling. Everyone around her could feel the powerful mental fluctuations surging around her body at this time.

Although the demon army was in panic, it was still large in number, and the fear in their hearts was gradually decreasing with the disappearance of the forbidden curse. At this time, as long as they receive the bloody stimulation of close combat, their combat effectiveness is likely to recover quickly. It is obviously not that easy for Long Haochen and the others who are already exhausted to break out.

Leng Xiao and Yue Ye frowned. They had tried their best. At this time, Yue Ye couldn't use even a little bit of strength. The huge overdraft of her mental power made her likely to faint at any time. Lu Xi's treatment did not take care of her. Even if he was willing to treat her, she would not dare to ask for it! Whether it is Yue Ye or Leng Xiao, their own attributes are mainly dark. If they are healed by a light priest, isn't that looking for death?

While Leng Xiao was driving the iron-maned horse, his spirit was already tense. The caravan magicians in the carriage were also desperately squeezing out their remaining spiritual power, ready to release their magic power to attack at any time.

Seeing it, Long Haochen and Li Xin at the front were about to come into contact with the demons on the opposite side. Suddenly, a loud dragon roar sounded without warning.

In the dark night, the black figure was not obvious, but the sudden roar of the dragon attracted the attention of all the demon army.

Thick scales, two huge spiral-shaped twisted horns on the top of the head, terrifying wings that are like clouds blocking the sun, and dark red eyes that exude a terrifying aura. He breathed, and it turned out to be a black dragon. Its huge wings suddenly flapped, and its majestic body like a mountain rushed straight to the front of the demon army and pounced on it.

Demons have always been the law of the jungle, the cruelest class in the food chain. And at the top of this food chain is undoubtedly the Demon God Emperor.

The Demon God Emperor has his own bloodline tribe, which is the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan, so he himself is also called the Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon Emperor. The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon is the title of the demons themselves, while the title given to them by humans is simply two words: Black Dragon.

The reason why the Demon Dragon Emperor is able to rule the entire demon clan stably is not only because of his own strength, but the strength of his tribe also plays an extremely important role.

The number of members of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan was not large, and at its peak, it did not exceed two thousand. However, even the newborn black dragons were innately powerful beings of the seventh level, and the adult Heaven-defying Demonic Dragons were even more terrifying at the eighth level. There is no need for any growth process at all. Among them, those who can grow to the ninth level are the bodyguards of the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu, collectively known as the Black Dragon Bodyguards.


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