Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 227 Car Roof! Long Haochen's Stage (Part 1)

There are only 500 real guards of the Moon Night Caravan, but these 500 people are all powerful men with magic equipment cultivation level above the fourth level, and some of them have the cultivation level above the fifth level. Most of them are humans, but there are also a small number of demons. For example, there are ten green double-sword demons among the guards.

The demon army came with an overwhelming crushing attack, but it was blocked by non-combatants such as the five hundred guards, caravan attendants, and coachmen.

After hundreds of carriages surrounded the area, the area was not small, but the straight-line distance was not very far. At the same time as the demons rushed over, Long Haochen had already led his companions to get close to fifty meters away from the carriage where Yue Ye and Leng Xiao were. within the range. At this time, they had to stop.

Enemies from all directions were unable to penetrate the vehicle formation immediately, but there were still enemies falling from the sky.

The fiery red light shield lit up, and the fire element shield released by Lin Xin protected him and Chen Yinger. Fireballs in the sky and dark magic bullets with dark attributes continued to spit out from the mouth of the two-headed demon vulture. At the same time, The bird demon, which had been waiting for a long time, also launched a dive.

Behind Long Haochen, Cai'er's figure suddenly flashed out of the darkness, tapping her toes. The next moment, she was standing on Long Haochen's shoulder with the independence of a golden rooster. The beautiful black eyes shone with a faint chill, and in his right hand, the green bamboo stick that had been put away for a long time appeared again.

The green bamboo staff was waved in the air, turning into dots of green light. Every magic bullet that fell, whether it was fire or dark, would be instantly annihilated under Cai'er's slender green bamboo staff. It was the assassin's secret skill, the thorn.

With a green bamboo staff, Cai'er took care of the area that protected all seven members of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group. None of the magic bullets sprayed by the double-headed magic vulture could fall within this range.

On the other side, the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group responded equally skillfully. Six people quickly gathered together, including three legal professions and three melee professions outside. A layer of silver light gathered in a circle above the heads of the six of them. With a small halo, magic bullets falling from the air will be bounced away but will not explode when they enter the halo. It was the space wizard Yi Jun who showed his power.

The two demon hunting groups did not stop there. While resisting the magic attacks falling from the sky, they still moved closer to the direction of Yue Ye's carriage.

At this time, whatever ideas Lu Xi and Dian Yan had before had been completely put away. Surrounded by tens of thousands of demonic troops, they are already in a desperate situation. We are all smart people. If we don't work together at this time, we may have to stay here forever.

After Long Haochen changed his strategy, Lu Xi figured it out after thinking about it for a while. If the moonlit night on the roof of the carriage was really casting a forbidden spell, the lethality would be conceivable. Only by being closer to her could we be safer. When the forbidden curse ends, it is the best time for them to break out. Lu Xi also had to admire Long Haochen's decision-making. He was able to make the right choice in such a short period of time, which was worthy of his status as the leader.

It was obviously not that easy to get completely close to him. The bird demon followed closely behind the magic bullet.

Although the number of bird demons is not as large as that of mad demons, the total number of bird demons that fell from the sky is as high as two thousand, which is close to the total number of people in the Moon Night Caravan.

The direction where dozens of bird demons pounced was exactly where Long Haochen and the others were, and the demons would also cooperate. Seeing the bird demons entering into close combat, the two-headed demon eagles in the air immediately turned their attacks towards the guards on the outer perimeter of the vehicle array. .

Kill! Long Haochen shouted. In his hands, the Holy Spirit Sword shone with golden light. With a clang, he blocked the attack of a bird demon. The Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his other hand instantly bloomed with countless rays. The brilliance is the lightning sting.

The light revenge brought by Holy Spirit Sword God's block is instantly output by the lightning stab. This instant conversion alone is difficult for other disciplinary knights of the same level to achieve.

The bird demon descended from the sky and pounced with all its strength. It was blocked by Long Haochen's divine guard. The counterattack force caused by the momentum immediately made its body stagnate. The lightning thorns released by Lan Yu and Light Hibiscus were again Is it something he can resist? Dozens of blood mist spurted out from the back of the bird demon, and its body was already flying away under the huge impact.

Long Haochen is now around level 5 and level 6. Among the entire team, if you don't consider Cai'er's artifact-level sword of reincarnation, he is the strongest. With the fifth level versus the fourth level, coupled with powerful weapons and skills, how could a bird demon be his opponent.

Li Xin, who is also a knight, also showed great strength. A pair of flaming heavy swords suddenly penetrated into the ground. The Ascension Formation instantly erupted and forcibly intercepted a bird demon. This was followed by the combination of lightning stabs and cross slashes. , also chopped down a bird demon under the sword.

When the close combat broke out, the combat effectiveness of the two demon hunting groups was fully demonstrated.

On the side of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, the shield warrior Dian Yan is responsible for guarding Lu Xi and Yi Jun. A large number of thorns and vines have grown around Bai Xiaomo's body, which also plays a protective role, with sharp thorns constantly shooting into the air. Jet out to block the enemy. The assassin Han Daosi was wandering around the periphery, his figure looming in the dark night. His attacks were clever, specifically looking for those injured bird demons to attack, often directly targeting their vital points and killing them with one blow. Li Xin, while protecting the outside, charged forward, fully unleashing her disciplinary knight's combat power. But he didn't summon his own rose unicorn.

Being in the car formation will limit the combat effectiveness of the Rose Unicorn. At the same time, leaving the Rose Unicorn as a new force can also play a greater role in the breakout later, just like Long Haochen did not summon Haoyue. .

In the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group, the two most lethal legal professions are Bai Xiaomo and Yi Jun. Bai Xiaomo's plant summoning not only has great lethality, but can also restrain the enemy. A large cloud of yellow mist was continuously sprayed into the air from a special plant, causing the bird demon that jumped down to suffer a sharp decrease in both speed and attack power. Even Long Haochen and the others received a lot of benefits.

The attack of Yi Jun, a space magician, is very unique. Strange silver lights often appear in the sky. The moment the silver light flashes, the flight path of the bird demon passing nearby will be immediately disturbed, as if it is being pulled. If there is a body When it comes into contact with the silver light, a strong tearing effect will occur instantly. Occasionally when Yi Jun bursts out with a large silver light, he can see several bird demons within the range flying with flesh and blood, leaving no bones left.

An air-to-ground attack is always the most effective in a war. The Holy Light Spiritual Array was broken, and the Moonlight Caravan Array fell into the most passive situation almost instantly. The attack from the crazy demons outside can still be withstood, but the bird demons falling from the sky are not so easy to deal with under the cover of the two-headed demon vultures.

Long Haochen and the others dealt with it quite calmly, but the same could not be said for the other members of the caravan. Most of the coachmen and clerks were just ordinary people who took up arms. Facing a fourth-level demon like the bird demon, they would be completely slaughtered. If it weren't for the impressive fighting power of the dozens of magicians in the core area, I'm afraid that the interior of the vehicle array would have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a matter of seconds.

Charge! Long Haochen shouted, taking the lead and charging directly forward. Cai'er stood firmly on his shoulder. No matter whether it was the attack of the two-headed demon vulture or the bird demon, no one could fall from the sky. Threaten Long Haochen.

The vehicle array was obviously unable to hold under the attacks of the bird demons. Only by concentrating as much as possible on the central position to defend a small area could it sustain it for a longer period of time.

Circles of golden halo spread out from Han Yu behind him. His position happened to be in the center of the two demon hunting groups. These enhanced light magic not only took care of the general level 21 demon hunting group, but also took care of them. Members of the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group. After all, there are no guardian knights on the fourth level.

This is the first time that the two demon hunting groups have cooperated closely on the battlefield. Bai Xiaomo's restrictions on surrounding enemies and Han Yu's halo skills have made the two groups closer to each other.

As a priest, Lu Xi's healing magic is ready. As long as there is a problem there, his treatment will follow immediately. But the battle has just begun, and his partners are still in their prime. At this time, he is naturally the most relaxed, and has time to observe the situation on the battlefield.

Lu Xi's eyes almost always followed Long Haochen at the front. Seeing the performance of the General-level Demon Hunting Group 21, he couldn't help but admire secretly in his heart. As expected, he is a worthy scholar despite his great reputation! The fighting power that Long Haochen and the others unleashed from the front was definitely unmatched by their No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group.

At this time, Cai'er had fallen down and disappeared behind Long Haochen. Long Haochen charged at the front. Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian were on the left and right. The shield of the giant spirit god and the thick staff helped Long Haochen defend it perfectly. The two wings allow Long Haochen, who is in the punishment knight state, to fully unleash his attack power.

With Lu Xi's eyesight, he could only see that the two swords in Long Haochen's hands were stabbing out like rain of light, while the demon birds falling in front were flying with flesh and blood, and none of them could stop his progress. The speed towards the carriage is always maintained.

The air defense fell on Lin Xin, and layers of fire element shields mixed with resistance fire rings continued to explode into the air, and all the falling bird demons were bounced away one by one. Han Yu in the rear calmly released and maintained his halo skills. The entire team was like a sharp sword, rushing forward in both offense and defense. Although their cooperation cannot be said to be a perfect tacit understanding, at least there were no mistakes. The only one who didn't do anything was Chen Yinger, who had a cute little pig in her arms.


The second simplified version of Seal of the Gods has been published, and The Good Death will also be republished in about a month or two. If you like it, you can buy it for collection. The Kind Death is the book I have always wanted to re-publish. When I was deceived by an unscrupulous bookseller, I shed tears...

Remember Dumb?

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