Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 220 We are the champions! (Four)

After pondering for a moment, Li Xin nodded gently under the gaze of his friends.

Three days later, the mission tower of the Demon Hunting Group, the second floor.

Each floor of the Demon Hunting Mission Tower is the same size and similarly laid out. The 300-square-meter hall is surrounded by six tall counters. The six counters represent six different tasks.

In order, they are: killing missions, object-finding missions, exploration missions, intelligence missions, war missions and comprehensive missions.

This is the mission tower of the Demon Hunting Group. Therefore, almost all missions are aimed at the demons, and there are only a few special missions that have nothing to do with the demons.

With the bronze general-level demon hunting group token they had just exchanged for, which was doped with 5% mithril, Long Haochen and his friends arrived at the second floor of the mission tower.

There is almost no difference between this place and the first floor of the mission tower, and the layout is exactly the same. And just yesterday, after they were upgraded to a general-level demon hunting group, they immediately went to the second floor of the demon hunting group's trading center to visit. There, they only lasted ten minutes before they were beaten and ran out.

There are so many good things, my mouth is watering. And they are probably the poorest among all the general-level demon hunting groups and even the sergeant-level demon hunting groups. The total meritorious service of the seven people combined is barely double digits...

Deeply stimulated, after Wang Yuanyuan, Han Yu and Sima Xian had selected the required secret skills, the seven of them came to the mission center early this morning to select missions.

Merit means promotion! On the second floor of the Demon Hunting Group's trading center, they even saw a super powerful potion called Holy Spirit Pill. Any career can only be taken once in a lifetime and cannot be used to break through bottlenecks. Its function is to increase a full thousand points of spiritual power by absorbing the potency of the elixir. That's a thousand points...

Of course, the merit points required for this thing are currently astronomical to Long Haochen and the others, with one merit worth 10,000. This is because it cannot be taken repeatedly.

Lin Xin's eyes turned blue when he saw this elixir. He was almost self-taught in potions. He had seen the broken formula of this Holy Spirit elixir before, and vaguely remembered that one of the ingredients needed to make the Holy Spirit elixir was of some kind. An eighth-level monster. The key is that the formula is still incomplete.

If each of seven people had a Holy Spirit Pill, the required merit points would be as high as 70,000!

Not to mention, there are countless pieces of equipment that make them covetous. Moreover, money has no role in the Demon Hunting Group Trading Center. Both the other Demon Hunting Groups setting up stalls there and the trading center itself only accept merit transactions.

Everyone spread out and see if there is any mission suitable for us. The difficulty can be slightly higher. After all, we have to share it with the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group.

Under Long Haochen's guidance, the seven people were divided into six groups and went to different counters to take a closer look.

Behind each counter, there is a huge magic crystal board with a task list on it. Of course, the list will only display the task name and reward merit value. The specific content needs to be inquired. To query once, you need to pay the merit value once. When the sergeant-level demon hunting group inquires, they pay a little merit. When you reach the general level, you will have to pay ten points of merit for one inquiry.

Long Haochen and the others now only have twenty merit points in total, which means they can only check the mission twice.

Merit is hard to earn but consumed very quickly. Therefore, not all demon hunting groups can grow. There are no longer a few people being eliminated.

Long Haochen took Cai'er's little hand, walked to the counter of the exploration mission, and looked at the mission name recorded on the magic crystal tablet.

Cai'er no longer has the green bamboo staff in her hand, and the completion of the practice of the reincarnation spiritual furnace means that she truly has the ability to use this spiritual furnace. Although I still have to lose my senses all the time, I can now control it on my own. For example, what she is now causing herself to lose is her sense of smell.

Long Haochen was there carefully checking the tasks, but Cai'er secretly glanced at him from time to time. Ever since she regained her sight, Cai'er would make such actions from time to time. It seems like you can’t get enough of it.

He has changed a lot from when he was a child. The child back then became a teenager, but his handsomeness has only increased. As his cultivation level improved, his bright and handsome face became full of affinity and attraction. Even the pure and harmonious aura emanating from him has the effect of cleansing the soul. This is the Son of Light!

Huh. Long Haochen suddenly let out a soft cry, which woke Cai'er up from her sluggish state and followed his gaze.

With just one glance, Cai'er knew the reason for Long Haochen's suspicion.

The missions that general-level demon hunting groups can take on are indeed different. In the missions of the lower sergeant-level demon hunting group, most of the rewards are from one thousand to three thousand, and there are even hundreds of rewards.

At the general level, there are no mission rewards below 3,000.

Among the many exploration missions, Long Haochen saw a mission with particularly generous rewards almost at a glance. The name of the mission is: Exploring the Howling Cave of Fear. The mission reward is 20,000 meritorious deeds. Risk: unknown.

What a high reward. Long Haochen was a little moved. Although he was considered calm among his peers, after all, he was only a teenager, so he was somewhat like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Gao Yingjie once told him that generally speaking, tasks with unknown dangers would be quickly chosen because such tasks are likely to encounter low-risk situations. It's just that the rewards for missions with unknown dangers are not too high.

However, the reward for this mission is the largest among exploration missions, a full 20,000 yuan! Even if 30% is given to the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group, they will still receive a reward of 14,000, which will be of great benefit to the improvement of the team. Moreover, everything obtained during the mission belongs to their demon hunting group itself.

He quickly called his friends to his side and pointed out the task to them.

Sima Xian said without hesitation: Boss, why are you hesitating? Just check the location of this mission. Anyway, we have twenty merit points and can check two missions. Such a high reward has an unknown degree of danger. I guess, It’s most likely because this place requires going deep into the Demon Clan.”

After hearing Sima Xian's words, everyone's eyes lit up. If you need to go deep into the demon clan, it is normal for the rewards to be high.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Okay, let's take a look at the location of this mission.

Came to the counter, handed in ten merit points, and chose to view.

Soon, the entire mission appeared in front of everyone in the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group.

The Howling Cave of Fear is located on the north side of the central area of ​​the Demon Clan. It needs to go deep into the Demon Clan for 2,300 miles and pass through four Demon Clan provinces. According to the information, the Howling Cave of Fear is famous for often emitting strange howling sounds. It suddenly appeared after a geological change a few months ago. The interior is intricate, but it is very likely to produce some special gems. If you can bring it back during the exploration mission, you will be able to exchange it for additional merit points based on the value of the gems. The current danger level of the Howling Cave of Fear is unknown, but you need to go deep into the demon clan, and you are likely to encounter demon explorers. The team that accepts the task should be careful.

Next is the detailed map location of the Howling Cave of Fear.

After reading these introductions, everyone in the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 frowned and fell silent.

General No. 21 is their latest number, which also means that there are twenty-one generals in the demon hunting group.

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: We need to go deep into the demon clan for 2,300 miles. This is really difficult. What do you think?

Wang Yuanyuan said: Although this mission is difficult, it is conceivable that as long as we can complete it, the benefits should be considerable. Just now I saw that there is a mission over there that also rewards 20,000 meritorious deeds. On the killing mission, how about we Compare?

In fact, Long Haochen and the others didn't feel it themselves, because they were a little uneasy due to the stimulation they received on the second floor of the Demon Hunting Mission Center, and their desire for merit was too strong.

Soon, their remaining ten points of merit were checked for that killing mission. The mission goal is to kill ten seventh-level intermediate demons. Long Haochen and the others decisively gave up without even looking at the name.

It was luck among luck that they were able to kill the Bloodthirsty Beta. Haoyue succeeded in a sneak attack and greatly reduced the strength of the Bloodthirsty Beta. The same good luck cannot always accompany them. What's more, the number is ten...

With their current strength, they can only die, and more importantly, they need to find such a powerful demon.

At this point, they had no other choice, because they couldn't show their merits before checking. A demon hunting group with zero total merit was thus born.

The seven members of the newly minted General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 looked at each other in confusion, and finally, they all made up their minds.


If nothing can be done, then the worst case scenario is giving up on the task. Anyway, if you give up the task after accepting it, the merit points will not be deducted. When the time comes, just borrow some merit to take over the mission again. Moreover, this mission is for a demon hunting group. They share it with the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, which is equivalent to all thirteen people completing the task. There is still a chance.

So, Long Haochen, surrounded by his friends, came to the counter where the exploration mission was released again...


This is an extremely kind chapter for everyone. You can read 3,000 words for the price of 2,000. This chapter is superfluous.

It's the third update, can the third child ask for a monthly ticket? At the same time, in the new week, please also vote for our divine seal with your recommendation votes.

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