Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 218 We are the champions! (two)

At the same time, the military chief of the Holy Spirit Heart who used the Soul Returning Stove was rescued. For these two things alone, he should have received a large number of meritorious awards. However, because the military did not notify us team leaders about this mission, in the end it was just Long Haochen who made up for it without any additional rewards. Just get the part of killing enemies on the battlefield.

Secondly, in the mission that the ten newly promoted demon hunting groups of you carried out together. You should still remember the final blow between Long Haochen and Cai'er. I'm afraid you didn't see clearly who their opponent was at that time. Long Haochen As the commander of that mission, Chen led his No. 1 sergeant-level demon hunting group to face the toughest opponent. Four green double-sword demons and six eight-eyed magic eye warlocks. With the help of his team The force destroyed it. However, in the carriage guarded by these mid-level demons, an accident occurred. In the carriage, there was a seventh-level demon bloodthirsty beta of the Marcosias tribe hidden. That is what you later The true guardians of the light elemental elves they saw. Long Haochen and Cai'er, the chief and deputy leaders of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group, with the help of their partners, jumped up the ranks and activated their special abilities. In the end, the seventh-level demon hunting group was Killed by Bloodthirsty Beta. But they themselves also suffered considerable damage.

After this mission, their team received a total of 700 meritorious service awards from the military. The meritorious value of killing a seventh-level bloodthirsty beta is 1,000. This is the main source of the more than 2,000 meritorious services they received. . At the same time, it was also one of the reasons why they did not participate in the mission later. As the team leader, I think Long Haochen’s performance in that mission was perfect. He undertook the most dangerous mission and handed over the light element elves to the exorcists. Moguan Military. As the team leader, I am proud of him and his partners.

Gao Yingjie's voice was loud and clear. Listening to his words, everyone in the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group involuntarily puffed up their chests. Yes, they have a clear conscience. Those more than 2,000 meritorious deeds were earned by them with all their efforts. They deserve no one.

Listening to Gao Yingjie's story, Lu Xi's expression gradually calmed down. Recalling some memories of that day, the nine demon hunting groups who were still a little unconvinced fell silent. In the battle that day, they did not encounter any strong opponents, but they did not expect that the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group at the sergeant level would actually face so many powerful enemies.

Gao Yingjie's eyes swept over the members of the Demon Hunting Group below, As for Commander Lu Xi's second question, I will only explain one thing. The merits of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group are evenly distributed. The merits of each of them now They are all three hundred and sixty, including Han Yu, who mainly treats and assists. Therefore, if Han Yu’s merit points are calculated, the total number of their team is two thousand five hundred and twenty.

After saying this, he turned around again and saluted the six deputy hall masters before returning to his seat.

After hearing his explanation of Lu Xi's second question, even the six deputy palace masters on the stage couldn't help but be moved by it. The team's merits are equally divided. They would not be surprised if this happened to a senior demon hunting group, but the No. 1 non-commissioned demon hunting group is just a new demon hunting group. Including the retinue of knights, all the merits are shared equally. What else is there to say?

Yes, it is very dangerous for the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group to win the final championship, but it is definitely worthy of the title and there is no doubt about it.

Lu Xi's expression had changed greatly at this time. He stood up slowly, bowed slightly, and said: Thank you, Leader Gao, for your explanation. We are heartily convinced that we lost. On behalf of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, I congratulate the No. 1 Soldier-level Hunter. The Demonic Group wins the final championship.”

Long Haochen stood up quickly. He could remain calm despite all the doubts, but it was obviously not suitable to remain calm at this time. Thank you, Captain Lu Xi, and thank you to every new demon hunting team present. We are the same. Everyone who joins the big family of the Demon Hunting Group is a hero and a partner. I hope that I will have the opportunity to perform missions with you in the future.

Next came the award ceremony. Except for Han Yu, everyone in the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group received a full thousand points of merit. However, after returning to the team, Long Haochen didn't need to say anything. Everyone took the initiative to give Han Yu 142 points of merit, which was still military merit. At this point, the total merit of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group at the rank of sergeant has reached 8,520, which is only a little over 1,000 short of the 10,000 merit for promotion.

It must be said that on the way back, Chen Ying'er finally succeeded in breaking through the fifth level with the excellent talent of the Chaos Body. Now the only thing that separates the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group from becoming a general is meritorious service.

There are many forbidden areas in the Holy City, among which there is a large area near the mission tower of the Demon Hunting Group.

This is an area surrounded by green trees and shrubs. Even leaders of the Holy Alliance cannot easily enter as long as they no longer belong here.

This is the home of the Demon Hunting Group.

Among the green trees and shrubs, there are two-story buildings. The small buildings all look similar, white and plain. Each small building has its own house number. Other than that, there is no difference.

The two-story building is surrounded by a courtyard. This courtyard is not small, at least more than 500 square meters. It is planted with various types of vegetation, and there are paths paved with bluestone slabs. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers are particularly lingering.

Every small building belongs to a demon hunting group. Unless the demon hunting group cancels its registration, this will be their forever home. For example, the small building belonging to Demon God's Fall in the central area has been used by them for more than three hundred years.

The ten new demon hunting groups that successfully passed the trial are naturally eligible to have a small building of their own here.

At this time, the seven members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group of Soldiers gathered in the hall on the first floor.

The small building has two floors. On the first floor, there is an open rotunda with a ceiling of six meters, a kitchen with an area of ​​nearly 30 square meters, and three bedrooms. On the second floor are five bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. There is also a large terrace of 30 square meters on the second floor.

In addition to the two floors above ground, the small building also has a large basement, which contains a wine cellar dedicated to their team. The service staff responsible for serving the demon hunting group will fill the wine cellar with drinks while cleaning it. Dropped wine.

Her whole body sank into the soft and thick white leather sofa, and Chen Yinger said with satisfaction: It's so comfortable here.

Lin Xin said with heartache: It's comfortable to be comfortable, but merit is also expensive! One thousand merit in the first year, and one thousand each year thereafter. Why doesn't the alliance grab it?

Gao Yingjie smiled slightly and said: This merit is not rent, but the necessary expenses for you to maintain the qualifications of the demon hunting group. It is also a means to promote all demon hunting groups to complete their tasks. Otherwise, if any demon hunting group is immersed in With the comfort here, why should the Alliance tilt its resources towards you?

Next to Gao Yingjie sat Shi Xiaoxue. She was sitting with Chen Ying'er, looking at everything in the hall with envy. She was specially allowed to stay here. In this Demon Hunting Group villa area, there is a special area It belongs to the residential area for orphans whose parents died fighting for the Demon Hunting Group.

Sima Xian sighed: I originally thought that more than eight thousand meritorious deeds were a lot, but now it seems that it is still far from enough!

Gao Yingjie said: This is my last meeting for you. My mission has been completed. From today on, I will no longer be your team leader. After leaving this time, I will not be qualified to enter this area again. Tell me about you Think about it. Haochen.

After Gao Yingjie called his name, Long Haochen stood up and said, Team leader, can't you lead us for a while longer? After getting along with each other these days, everyone admired Gao Yingjie very much. Gao Yingjie's guidance to them can be said to be No effort was spared. With him here, the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group at the sergeant level would have taken many detours.

Gao Yingjie smiled slightly and said: There is always a banquet in the world. If I always follow you, it will restrict your development. Tell me what you think. I won't stay here for too long.

Long Haochen nodded and said: Team leader, for us, there are two paths to choose from now. At present, we have all broken through the fifth level, and the merits are only a little over a thousand to reach ten thousand. The rent here next year We need to pay it in. Therefore, our first choice is to collect more than a thousand meritorious deeds as much as possible, and then be promoted to general level first.

Lin Xin said with a bitter face: Just like this, we will become paupers. To upgrade the demon hunting group, 10,000 merit points will be spent, and it is not just for the mission center to see. We even have to sell some. Pills or something.

Long Haochen said: As for the second method, it is to receive the mission directly, and improve our current strength through the merits we have already obtained. We can earn merit points by completing the missions, and there is no rush to be promoted to the general level.

Gao Yingjie nodded and said: Very good, your thinking is very clear. So which one do you prefer?

Long Haochen smiled and said: Then it depends on the final advice you give us. What I want to know is, what can we gain if we advance to a general-level demon hunting group?

Hearing his question, Gao Yingjie suddenly laughed, I didn't expect that this kid like you also has a cunning side. However, you asked this question very well. It's not a violation of the rules to tell you.

Compared with the sergeant-level demon hunting group, the advantages of the general-level demon hunting group mainly lie in the following aspects. The first is the difficulty of accepting tasks. The more difficult the task, the higher the corresponding merits. Secondly, With the authority of the trading center, general-level demon hunting groups can climb to the second floor of the trading center, where you may even see legendary equipment. You can also communicate with demon hunting groups of the same level. Third, promoted to generals After the first-level demon hunting group, if you cooperate with a lower-level demon hunting group to carry out missions, you will receive a higher proportion of the merit share. Of course, this premise is that you are willing to share the tasks you accept with the lower-level demon hunting group. The last point, and the most important point, is that after you are promoted to general level, the Alliance will not collect your 10,000 meritorious service in vain. Each of you will be given a chance to choose a secret skill. This does not include the retinue knight. This opportunity can be transferred as a gift. For example, if All of you transfer the opportunity to Haochen, then he will have six opportunities to choose secret skills. Of course, there are restrictions on the secret skills you can choose, and some particularly rare secret skills and secret skills that exceed your level are not included in this category.


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