Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 20 The Holy Mountain of Knights (4)

Feeling the most familiar scent on Xingyu's body, Long Haochen cried, tears flowing down uncontrollably. He suddenly let go of his mouth, looked at the bloody place bitten on Xingyu's arm, and shouted in a hissing voice: Why? Why don't you kill me.

Because I'm your daddy.

This simple sentence made Long Haochen's face filled with sadness and anger instantly solidify, and his whole body maintained the same movements as before, looking straight at Xingyu.

W-what did you say? The dullness in Long Haochen's eyes gradually turned into disbelief.

Long Xingyu sighed softly, stepped forward, pulled him into his arms, and hugged him tightly, I said, I am your father, the father you have never seen. Xingyu is mine. Name, your surname is mine, our surname is Long. As he said that, a white light shot out from his hand, unlocking the restrictions on Bai Yue's body.

Bai Yue rushed forward quickly, pulled Long Haochen from Long Xingyu's arms into her own, and glared at him, Are you crazy? You scared me to death just now.

Long Xingyu smiled bitterly and said: I just want to test whether Haochen can stay calm at all times during the battle, but it seems that you are his biggest weakness.

Mom, is he, is he really? Long Haochen had already reacted. All his negative emotions turned into shock, and he stared at his mother with big green eyes.

Bai Yue nodded gently, I'm sorry, Chenchen. Mom has never told you that your father found us a year ago. He hoped that you could become a powerful knight like him, so he let me hide him with him. News of your return.”

Long Xingyu shook his head helplessly, I didn't expect that even though God is not as good as man, he still found out. I was afraid that after you knew that I was your father, you wouldn't work so hard, and I was also afraid that I would be cruel to you. I don’t have the heart to train you.”

Long Haochen looked blankly at his parents in front of him. The word father was really too unfamiliar in his life. As long as he can remember, he has only had his mother by his side.

Bai Yue gently stroked her son's head and couldn't help but shed tears, I'm sorry, Chenchen. My mother never told you before. Ten years ago, my mother encountered a particularly painful thing. I didn't know How should I face your dad, so I left my hometown and came here alone. At that time, I realized that I already had you. Don’t blame your dad, it’s all my fault. He spent nine years searching hard before he found us. Mother and son. If you want to hate, just hate mom.

Long Xingyu came to their mother and son with complicated eyes, and said softly: Yue, everything has passed. All the pain has gone away from us. Don't think about those painful memories anymore, okay?

Bai Yue nodded gently with tears in her eyes and choked with sobs: I promised you a year ago. For you and for Haochen, I will break free from that unbearable memory. From now on, there will be only one in my life. You guys. Over the years, Haochen and I have suffered a lot. Frankly speaking, I really don’t want him to become a knight like you. I just want him to live his life in peace.

Long Xingyu frowned suddenly, a very complicated look flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fists subconsciously, as if he was struggling in his heart.

Long Haochen gradually woke up at this time. He looked at his mother and then his father, and his eyes gradually revealed fiery emotions.

No, mother, I want to be a knight. A strong knight.

Long Xingyu was startled. At that moment, he really hesitated, wondering whether it was right to do this. He knew very well that living a peaceful life was obviously the best choice for both Bai Yue and Long Haochen.

Long Xingyu smiled bitterly and said, Are you willing to recognize me as an irresponsible father?

No, it's not that you are irresponsible, it's all my fault. It's my fault. The tears that Bai Yue had just stopped flowed out again.

Dad. Long Haochen broke free from his mother's arms and threw himself into Long Xingyu's arms. At this moment, he only felt a huge happiness rushing towards him.

He was just a kid, a ten-year-old kid. Although he never told Bai Yue, how could he not be envious every time he looked at the friends in Odin Town with their father?

At this moment, his father is back, and the separation for so many years is not due to his father. His father is stronger than all his friends and is a powerful knight. Long Haochen has no resistance in his heart. All the anger before turned into joy.

Hearing this call, Long Xingyu didn't show much excitement. He stood there looking a little dull. Then he used his firm arms to slowly put his wife and son into his arms. Neither Bai Yue nor Long Haochen noticed that at this time, he still seemed to be suppressing some emotions.

After a day of running around and feeling overjoyed and sad after returning home, Long Haochen went to rest early. This was the first time in a year that he spent the night without meditating and fell into a real deep sleep.

Long Xingyu hugged Bai Yue and sat next to his son, Yue.

Bai Yue nodded gently and closed her eyes, You don't need to say anything. Chenchen, like you, is not destined to be a calm person. You are born to do big things. Since he has chosen, I just I can support him. I only have one request, that he should live well. No matter what you teach him, it must be based on protecting his own ability, okay?

Yes, I promise you. Long Xingyu nodded gently and stroked Bai Yue's long hair.

Early the next morning, Long Xingyu took Bai Yue and Long Haochen back to the wooden house on the top of the mountain. The identity has been exposed and there is no need to hide anything anymore.

Bai Yue went to clean up Long Haochen's room, and Long Xingyu called his son to him.

Haochen, although you already know about our relationship, you have also made the choice to continue to practice with me. In this case, my requirements for you will only be stricter than before. You still have the last chance. A chance to choose.”

Long Haochen said without hesitation: Dad, I understand that your strictness with me is for my own good. This time I went to Haoyue City and I had a particularly clear feeling. Dad, are you more serious than the Glory Knight? A high-level knight?

Long Xingyu was stunned for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded to Long Haochen.

Wow, that's great. Long Haochen jumped up excitedly, Dad, I must be a great knight like you in the future.

Long Xingyu smiled and said, How do you know dad is a great knight?

Long Haochen said stubbornly: It must be.

Long Xingyu said: Okay, you will know later whether dad is great or not. But if you want to become a great knight, you can't slack off. From today on, you don't have to go to the ant crypt anymore. .Cultivation methods will all change.

No need to go? Even though he had been there for a year, Long Haochen still had a lot of shadows about the world full of darkness.

Long Xingyu nodded and said: In the past year, your practice has mainly been to exercise your reaction ability, stimulate your own spiritual growth and improve your body. The hot spring liquid you soak in every day mainly has this function. Now your body's external spirit My strength has increased to over one hundred, and it’s time to start cultivating my inner spiritual power.”

Inner spiritual power? Long Haochen looked at his father in confusion. In the past year, what Long Xingyu told him was almost all about history, knight skills and various other knowledge. He did not say anything about spiritual power. question.

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